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of February 18, 2015 No. PP-2302

About the State program "Year of attention and care of the senior generation"

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 16.10.2017 No. UP-5204)

For the purpose of implementation of wide package of measures for further improvement of level and quality of life of elderly people, to increase in scales of their material and moral support, enhancement of social, pension and medical attendance of people of old age, especially veterans of war and the labor front 1941 - 1945, to strengthening of role of the senior generation in family and society, in education of youth according to centuries-old values and traditions of the people of Uzbekistan, and also in connection with declaration of 2015 for "Year of attention and care of the senior generation":

1. Determine priority tasks and the directions of implementation of the State program "Year of attention and care of the senior generation":

further enhancement legislative and the regulatory framework directed to creation of favorable organization-legal conditions for strengthening of care and attention to representatives of the senior generation, increase in level and quality of their life, enhancement of system of provision of pensions and social support, forming of the system of rendering the state services, most convenient for elderly people, to them including different receipt of references and supporting documents;

strengthening of address social protection and support of elderly people, first of all, veterans of war and the labor front 1941 - 1945 which made worthy contribution to the Victory over fascism and recovery of our Homeland, extension of the list of the provided to elderly people, first of all lonely aged and to disabled people, social and household services, increase in scales of their material and moral support from makhally, Nurony Fund, other non-state organizations and social structures for ensuring their wellbeing and worthy living conditions;

increase in level and quality of medical and social attendance of veterans and people of old age, the organization of their system improvement, expansion of preventive actions, scope and availability of modern methods of treatment of diseases of organs of vision and hearing, musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular diseases, increase in security of elderly people and disabled people with supportive and technical means of rehabilitation, including on preferential basis, further strengthening of material and technical resources of the sanatorium and improving organizations and organizations of social servicing specializing in servicing of elderly people;

implementation on system basis of wide package of measures for rendering due attention, full support to the people of the senior generation who made invaluable contribution to increase in defense capability, economic, cultural and intellectual potential of the country, forming in the society of the atmosphere of the world, consent and stability, actively participating in education of the healthy, harmoniously developed younger generation, realization of specific actions for increase in role and authority of people of respectable age on family and society, to education at children and youth of feeling of deep respect, honoring and care of parents, each elderly person;

strengthening and increase in efficiency of the carried-out work on rendering comprehensive attention to each elderly person, raising on qualitatively new level of system of the organization of activity and leisure of elderly people, having paid special attention on creation in areas and makhallyakh for them the centers of communication, clubs for interests, creation of conditions for occupation by elderly people physical culture and sport, increase in amount of broadcasting and creation of the people of the senior generation of new special subject programs, performances and movies who are equitable to interests on television and in mass media, at movie theaters, theaters and other cultural and educational organizations;

strengthening in organizational structure makhally and self-government institutions of citizens of the sector on rendering permanent attention to elderly people and disabled people, meaning implementation of coordination and necessary control of departments and services, first of all services of pension, social and medical support.

2. Approve developed by the Republican commission formed according to the order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 12, 2014 No. P-4393, together with the interested ministries and departments, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent, public and non-governmental organizations and self-government institutions of citizens the State program "Year of attention and care of the senior generation" according to appendix.

3. Assign to the Republican commission (Mirziyoev Sh. M.) the organization and control of full, timely and high-quality implementation of the actions included in the State program "Year of attention and care of the senior generation".

Provide to the republican commission:

in week time - creation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, Tashkent, areas and the cities of the relevant commissions on implementation of the State program headed by the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and hokimama of the corresponding territories, having conferred on them the personal responsibility for unconditional, full-scale and timely realization of the actions provided in the State program;

in two weeks - development and acceptance by the ministries, departments, companies, associations and other economic associations, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent of the industry and territorial programs "Year of Attention and Care of the Senior Generation" for each ministry and department, the territory, the city, area and settlement;

coordination of work at the level of republican bodies of the public and economic board, and also public authorities on places on timely and high-quality accomplishment of the actions included in the approved State program, having established system control of the course of their realization;

representation following the results of every quarter in the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan information on accomplishment of the actions provided by the State program "Year of attention and care of the senior generation".

4. To provide to national news agency of Uzbekistan, National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek agency on seal and information:

regular and extended coverage among the population with involvement of printing and electronic mass media, including Internet resources, purposes and tasks of the State program "Year of attention and care of the senior generation", the main directions and measures for its realization;

permanent informing the general public on the course of implementation of the State program, with reflection of practical participation and specific contribution of bodies of the public and economic board, public authorities on places and self-government institutions of citizens, non-state non-profit organizations in implementation of the actions provided in it.

5. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoev.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Islam Karimov


to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 18, 2015 No. PP-2302

State program "Year of attention and care of the senior generation"

Name of actions

Completion dates

Executives in charge


(one million bags.)



Form of the submitted document, the realization mechanism expected result

I. Further enhancement legislative and the regulatory framework directed to creation of favorable organization-legal conditions for strengthening of care and attention to people of the senior generation, increase in level and quality of their life, enhancement of system of provision of pensions and social support, forming of the system of rendering the state services, most convenient for elderly people, to them


Project development of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About provision of pensions of persons passing military service, service in law-enforcement bodies, customs authorities and members of their families".

I quarter


The Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, SNB, the State Customs Committee, Mininfoky, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Justice interested the ministries and departments



The bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan providing bases and mechanisms of provision of pensions of persons passing military service, service in law-enforcement bodies, customs authorities.

In this sphere the Law of April 28, 1990 is effective now. "About provision of pensions of the military personnel" which many regulations became outdated and do not meet modern conditions and the requirements.


Project development of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About social services for aged, disabled people and other categories of the population".

The II quarter 2015.

Mintrudsotszashchita, Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, Minvuz, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economics, the Federation Council of labor unions interested the ministries and departments, public organizations



The bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan providing:

the basic principles and mechanisms, and also legal, organizational and economic basis of rendering social services for aged, disabled people and other categories of the population;

types and forms of rendering the social services directed to increase in level and quality of life of the population; powers and obligations of public authorities, self-government institutions of citizens and other responsible departments and services in the field of rendering social services to the population.


Project development of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About introduction of amendments to the Criminal code of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

The II quarter 2015.

The Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice interested the ministries and departments



For the purpose of further liberalization of regulations of the penal legislation it is offered to make change to part the fourth article 50 of the Criminal code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on reduction of term of punishment to the men condemned to imprisonment at the age of more than sixty years and to women from three quarters (75%) operating now to two thirds (% 67,7) of the maximum term of deprivation of freedom provided by the relevant article of the Special part of the Criminal code.


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