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Approved by the Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 359

Rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of heavy lift gears

(as amended on 14-07-2023)

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of heavy lift gears (further - Rules) are developed according to subitem 94-17) of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 23, 2020 No. 701 and determine procedure for ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of heavy lift gears by the physical persons and legal entities performing repair, reconstruction, upgrade and operation of heavy lift gears, cargo transfer and people.

2. These rules extend to the following types of heavy lift gears:

Hoisting cranes:

hoisting cranes of all types, including, cranes manipulators;

the load electric trolleys moving on elevated railway lines together with cabin of management;

the cranes excavators intended for work only with the hook suspended on rope or electromagnet;

electric waists;

winches for load lifting and (or) people;

replaceable load gripping bodies (hook, grab, load-lifting electromagnet);

removable load gripping devices (hoisting slings, captures, traverses);

the bearing container, except for the special container applied in metallurgical production (ladles, troughs, molds), in sea and river ports, requirements to which are established by industry rules or regulations.

Elevators electric and hydraulic with a loading capacity of 40 kilograms and more (further - kg).

Elevators (towers) for movement of people with the tool and materials on height of the following types:

self-propelled - automobile; on the special chassis; pneumowheel; caterpillar; railway;



3. Heavy lift gears of special purpose of military department, established in the mine, on ocean, river crafts and other floating constructions, on platforms for investigation and drilling at the sea, by airplanes and other aircraft also conform to special requirements of the specified industries.

4. In these rules the following terms and determinations are used:

1) heavy lift gear - the lifting device of cycling action with back and forth motion of load gripping body intended for movement of load in space;

2) the hoisting crane - the technical device equipped with stationary established heavy lift gears;

3) boot - the device providing provision of nodes of the elevator concerning guides;

4) the block rejecting (by-pass, directing) - the device rejecting rope in the required direction;

5) the block room - the certain room for installation of blocks;

6) the buffer - the device for depreciation and stop of moving cabin (counterbalance) upon transition of extreme working provisions;

7) commissioning - the event fixing readiness of heavy lift gear for proper use and which is documentary drawn up in accordance with the established procedure;

8) the introduction device - the electrotechnical device which basic purpose consists in giving and removal of tension from the feeding lines on input in heavy lift gear;

9) type of management - set of methods of submission of commands, managements when using the elevator to destination;

10) internal management - type of management in case of which commands of management for launch of the elevator are sent only from cabin;

11) flexible traction element - element (rope, chain, belt) on which the cabin (counterbalance) and intended for transfer of traction effort is suspended;

12) team of management - the command in management system sent by the passenger using the elevator, or service personnel, or created by the management system;

13) the winch - the electromechanical device with the electric motor intended for creation of the traction effort providing movement of cabin of the elevator;

14) the winch drum - the winch at which the traction effort is created due to tough fixture of traction elements to drum and their tensions with drum;

15) the winch with pulley or drum of friction - the winch at which the traction effort is created due to friction of traction elements with pulley or drum;

16) the winch with asterisk - the winch at which the traction effort is created due to gearing of asterisk with traction chain;

17) the elevator - stationary heavy lift gear of periodic action, intended for rise and descent of people and (or) loads in the cabin moving on tough rectilinear guides which have tilt angle to vertical no more than 15 °;

18) the lift equipment - the separate nodes, mechanisms and devices which are part of the elevator;

19) lovitel - the safety control intended for stop and deduction of cabin (counterbalance) on guides in case of exceeding of working speed or break of traction elements;

20) lovitel of smooth braking are the lovitel containing elastic element (spring) which deformation determines the size of the effort operating on brake body (wedge, block);

21) the machine room - the certain room for placement of the equipment of elevators;

22) laminated glass - packet from two and more layers of glass fastened by means of polymeric film;

23) the assembly drawing - the drawing according to which the elevator equipment is installed and mounted;

24) outside management - type of management in case of which launch of the elevator is made only from floor platforms;

25) nominal load-carrying capacity - the largest mass of load for which transportation the heavy lift gear is intended;

26) rated speed - the motion speed of cabin which the elevator equipment is expected;

27) the usable space of cab floor - the area of cab floor limited to internal surfaces of walls and door (doors) of cabin (less the area blocked by one of shutters of oar doors and hand-rail);

28) priyamok - the part of the elevator shaft located lower than the level of the extreme lower floor platform;

29) working speed - the actual motion speed of cabin of the elevator which is excellent from nominal within 15%;

30) working light of cabin - the electric stationary lighting providing the normalized illumination of cabin;

31) control modes - set of the functionality of operation of the elevator provided with management system;

32) management system - set of the control units ensuring functioning of the elevator;

33) the mixed management - type of management in case of which launch of the elevator is made both from cabin, and from floor platforms;

34) collective management - the mixed management under which after registration of one team of control of the elevator also subsequent can be registered at the same time accomplishment of teams of management happens according to the set program;

35) the certified expert organization - the organization having the certificate, having technical means and qualified specialists for implementation of the corresponding type of activity;

36) maintenance - complex of transactions (works) which are carried out on maintenance of operability and operability of heavy lift gear;

37) the cabin stop accuracy (stop accuracy) - distance down between the level of cab floor and level of the floor platform after automatic stop of cabin;

38) the safety control - the technical device for ensuring safe use of the elevator;

39) safety chain - the elektichesky chain containing electric safety controls;

40) chain of the main current of the electric motor - the electric chain containing the elements intended for transfer of electrical energy to the electric motor;

41) chain power - the electric chain containing elements which functional purpose consists in production or transfer of part of electrical energy, its distribution, transformation to electrical energy with other parameter values;

42) chain of management - the electric chain containing elements which functional purpose consists in actuating of electric equipment and (or) separate electric devices, or in change of their parameters;

43) the mine - space in which the cabin, counterbalance and (or) the counterbalancing cabin device moves;

44) the electric safety control - the electric device for ensuring safe use of the elevator;

45) the elevator - heavy lift gear of preryvny action, intended for movement of people (load) from one level on another;

46) tower - heavy lift gear of preryvny action, intended for movement of people (load) from one level on another in the vertical direction;

47) dynamic load - the loading arising when moving cradle with load and elevator elements;

48) wind loading - the loading created by wind pressure, accepted, but to the direction it is horizontal;

49) wind loading of the working condition of the elevator - maximum wind load in case of which operation of the elevator is allowed;

50) stability - capability of the elevator to counteract the moments overturning it;

51) stability coefficient - the relation of the recovering moment to the overturning moment;

52) dynamic testing - testing by dynamic load on existing rules;

53) cycle - set of actions: entrance to cradle, rise on the maximum height and lowering in the provision "landing" and exit from cradle;

54) height of raising of the crane N - the greatest distance down from the basis on which there is hoisting crane, to the center of pharynx of the hook which is in the upper (limiting) working provision;

55) height of raising of H1 - the greatest distance down from the basis on which there is elevator, to floor of cradle (platform) which is in the upper provision plus 1,5 of meter;

56) departure of the jib boom of the hoisting crane L - distance from axis of rotation of the crane to vertical axis of load gripping body in case of installation of the crane on the horizontal platform;

57) departure of L - the greatest distance across from vertical axis of turn of the elevator to outside barrier of cradle;

58) depth of lowering of h - the greatest distance down from the basis on which there is elevator, to floor of the cradle which is in the lower provision;

59) safety lock of additional support from spontaneous promotion during promotion of the elevator - the device intended for locking of additional support in transport provision;

60) the index of inclination - the device specifying tilt angle the elevator;

61) the anemometer - the device determining wind speed;

62) the winch for raising of people - the heavy lift gear with the manual or electric drive used for raising of people in cradles or on platforms;

63) the servicing zone limiter - the safety devices intended for automatic shutdown of the mechanism of the elevator and prevention of exit of cradle servicing zone limits;

64) blocking of rise and turn of arrow in case of not exposed support - the device intended for shutdown of the mechanism of rise and turn of arrow in case of not exposed support;

65) blocking of raising of support in case of working provision of knees (arrow) - the device intended for shutdown of the mechanism of raising of support in case of working provision of knees;

66) emergency lowering of cradle (platform) - the device intended for emergency lowering of cradle (platform) in case of refusal of hydraulic system or the engine;

67) the stabilizer of side stability - the device intended for equalization of deformations of elastic suspension brackets of running gear of the elevator in case of movement on turn;

68) load gripping body - the device for suspension of load;

69) the safety device - the device intended for safety and trouble-free operation of the elevator;

70) the limiter, limiting load - the safety device which automatically is turning off management of rise or signaling in case of exceeding of load-carrying capacity of cradle (platform);

71) the switch trailer - the safety device intended for automatic shutdown of the mechanism of the elevator upon transition by its moving parts of the established provisions;

72) orientation of cradle in vertical position - the safety device intended for orientation of cradle in vertical position in case of any interposition of knees;

73) cradle - the platform intended for movement of people with load not rotary (rotary);

74) additional support (outrigers) - the sliding support intended for increase in stability of the elevator in working order;

75) the elevator electrohydraulic - the elevator with the hydraulic and electric drive of its mechanisms;

76) the elevator rotary - the elevator having possibility of rotation (in the plan) rotary part together with cradle (platform) of rather basic part of the elevator;

77) load-carrying capacity - the largest allowed mass of load which rise the heavy lift gear is expected;

78) production schedules – the internal regulating document of the company (organization) establishing the sequence and methods of conducting works, requirements and measures for safety of the carried-out work types.

Paragraph 1. Reconstruction, repair, installation of heavy lift gears

5. Heavy lift gears and their elements are made, mounted, modernized and repaired by the organizations having technical means and qualified specialists.

6. When completing heavy lift gears from the nodes and details made by several organizations, quality of production in general compliance to these rules and state standards, execution of technical documentation are performed by the organization completing heavy lift gear. The passport of heavy lift gear is constituted by the manufacturer according to documents of manufacturers of separate nodes. Documents of these organizations are stored in the organization completing heavy lift gear.

7. Everyone heavy lift gear is supplied with the manufacturer:


technical description;

operation manual;

the installation guide (if installation is required);

other documentation provided by the corresponding interstate or national standard on production.

In case of production of separate metalwork, mechanisms, devices of safety of heavy lift gears they are supplied with the passport.

8. The heavy lift gear is equipped with the plate with indication of the name of the manufacturer or his trademark, load-carrying capacity, date of issue, serial (identification) number, other data according to regulating technical documentation. The plate with texts remains during all service life of the crane.

At cranes with portable load trolley of the plate fasten both on the crane, and on the cart, and at jib mobile, tower and portal cranes, in addition to the plate on each of sections of tower and arrow the brand of the manufacturer is put.

9. Passports of heavy lift gears are constituted in the forms specified in appendices 1-3 "Form of the passport of the crane", "Form of the passport of the elevator", "Form of the passport of the elevator" of these rules, the passport of electric waists - in appendix 4 "Form of the passport of waist" of these rules.

10. The passport, the instruction and other operational documentation delivered with heavy lift gear is submitted on state and Russian.

11. The operation manual on heavy lift gear is developed by the manufacturer.

In management it is specified:

frequency of maintenance and repair of nodes and mechanisms;

possible damages of metalwork and methods of their elimination;

frequency and methods of check of devices of safety;

methods of adjustment of brakes;

the list of high-wear parts and admissions on their depreciation;

procedure for carrying out engineering certification;

conditions of use of the grab and magnet for grab and magnetic cranes;

device and requirements for operation of railway crane line;

instructions for reduction of the crane about safe provision in non-working condition;

instructions for maintenance and operation of the crane taking into account specifics of its design.

12. The organization owning heavy lift gear, having found shortcomings of its design or production, discrepancy of the mechanism to requirements of these rules in the course of installation or operation, sends to the manufacturer the claim which copy goes to the certified center which issued the certificate, and authorized body in the field of industrial safety.

On heavy lift gears, foreign production, the claim goes directly to the manufacturer and the certified center which issued the certificate.

13. The manufacturer, having received the claim, eliminates the revealed defects allowed in case of production of departure from these rules.

14. Reconstruction and repair of the crane is made on the project developed expert the organizations, certified on the right of technical diagnosing, maintenance and engineering certification of heavy lift gears (hoisting cranes, elevators (towers), elevators, escalators) (further - the expert organization).

In case of project development results of inspection actual condition load-lifting mechanisms (depreciation degree, availability of damages) are considered.

Shortening of tower or arrow if the possibility of such changes is not provided by the passport of the crane or management on its operation, is allowed to be made without project according to the conclusion of the expert organization.

Transfer of machines of special purpose (the excavator, the pipe layer) in hoisting cranes is made on condition of their reduction in compliance with requirements of these rules.

The possibility of use of machines of special purpose as cranes is confirmed by the expert organization.

15. The organization making installation, repair and (or) reconstruction of heavy lift gears develops the production schedules containing instructions about the applied metals and welding materials, welding quality control methods about regulations of rejection of welded connections and procedure for acceptance of separate nodes and finished products, about procedure for execution of documentation.

16. The organization making installation repair and (or) reconstruction of heavy lift gears reflects nature of the performed work in the passport, enters in it data on the applied materials with indication of certificate numbers, about replacement of assembly units, devices of safety, instrumentations with indication of identification number of the manufacturer.

In case of modification of schematic electric, kinematic, hydraulic diagrams and of management system chains heavy lift gear, the passport of the crane is supplemented with new schematic diagrams with the specified made changes.

The documents confirming quality of the applied material and welding are stored by the organization performing welding works.

17. The repair, installation or other work connected with change of design or passport data of the crane is made in coordination with the manufacturer or with the expert organization.

18. Quality of the applied material in case of installation, reconstruction and repair of settlement elements and details of heavy lift gears is confirmed by the certificate.

In the absence of the certificate material is allowed to be applied after carrying out its testing according to regulating technical documentation. The choice of materials is made taking into account the lower extreme values of ambient temperatures for working and non-working conditions of heavy lift gear, degree of loading of elements and aggression of the environment. Data on brand of the applied material and the lower extreme values of temperature for working and non-working conditions of the crane are specified in its passport.

19. The iron casting on quality is not lower than the SCh 15 brand in accordance with GOST 1412 "Cast iron with lamellar graphite for castings. Brands" are allowed to be applied to production:

gear, worm and tradable wheels of heavy lift gears with the manual drive;

M5, is not higher than worm wheels of the heavy lift gears with the machine drive intended for group of classification (mode) of the mechanism at district speed of wheel of no more 1,5 of meter/second (further - m/s);

worm wheels with rim from bronze irrespective of sort of the drive and group of classification (mode) of the mechanism of heavy lift gear;

drums, body of reducers and blocks, except for blocks of jib and tower cranes;

blocks of brakes, brackets of drums and body of bearings.

For brake pulleys of mechanisms of movement and turn of heavy lift gears application of castings on quality not below the SCh 20 brand in accordance with GOST 1412 "Cast iron with lamellar graphite for castings is allowed. Brands". For production of counterbalances and not power details the brand of castings is not regulated.

20. The materials which were earlier not applied to installation, reconstruction and repair of heavy lift gears are allowed to be applied according to the recommendation of the certified organization.

21. Welders whose welded connections on control samples passed mechanical tests and having personal brand are allowed to welding and tack of responsible elements of metalwork, welding of platforms, handrail and ladders load-lifting mechanisms.

22. The welding materials applied to welding of steel structures of heavy lift gears provides mechanical properties of metal of seam and welded connection (strength, flowability limit, relative lengthening, bend corner, impact strength) not of the lower limiting indicator of the listed below properties of the main metal of design established for this brand became the national standard or the technical regulation. This requirement extends to welding of handrail, ladders and platforms.

In case of application in one connection staly different brands mechanical properties of the built-up metal corresponds to properties of metal, with big strength.

Brands of additive materials, gumboils and protective gases are specified in production schedules installation, repair or reconstruction, upgrade of heavy lift gear.

23. For procurement of elements of design from sheets, profile hire, pipes application of all methods of cutting providing high-quality receipt of forms and the sizes of these elements according to working drawings is allowed.

Cutting of materials and semifinished products from steel is made on the technology excluding possibility of formation of cracks or quality degradation of metal on edges in zone of thermal influence.

24. Welding of metalwork of heavy lift gears is made in the rooms excluding influence of adverse atmospheric conditions on quality of welded connections.

Accomplishment of welding works is allowed on condition of use of the corresponding devices for protection of places of welding against atmospheric precipitation and wind in the open air. 25. Opportunity and procedure for production of welding works in case of air temperature below than 0 ° C are established by regulating technical documentation.

26. Production of welded elements using in the same node of different methods of welding is allowed if it is stipulated in production schedules.

27. The tacks executed in the course of assembly of design can not be removed if when welding they are completely melted. Before welding of tack are cleared of slag.

28. Welded connections have brand or another symbols, allowing to establish surname of the welder making welding. The marking method applied to welded connections does not worsen quality of the marked products. Marking is carried out by the methods ensuring its safety in use load-lifting the mechanism. The method and the place of marking is specified on drawings.

29. The type of heat treatment of welded connections of the bearing elements of designs is established by regulating technical documentation on production, repair or reconstruction of cranes.

30. The quality control of welded connections which is carried out in case of installation, reconstruction upgrade and repair of heavy lift gear is performed by the external survey and measurement, mechanical testing and methods of nondestructive control provided by regulating technical documentation.

31. Quality control of welded connections is made after carrying out heat treatment (if it is carried out for this welded connection).

Results of control of welded connections are fixed in the relevant documents (magazines, maps, forms).

32. All welded connections with the identification the purpose in them, possible outside defects are subject to external survey and measurement:

break or not perpendicularity of axes of the connected elements;

shifts of edges of the connected elements;

departures of the sizes and form of seams from drawings (on height, leg and width of seam, on uniformity of strengthening);

cracks of all types and directions;

flows, undercuts, burn-throughs, not made craters, neprovar, porosity and other technology defects.

Before external survey the surface of welded seam and sites of surface of the main metal at least 20 millimeters wide adjoining to it (further - mm) in both parties from seam are cleared of slag, splashes, natek of metal and other pollution.

Survey and measurement of joint welding connections is performed from two parties on all extent of connection. In case of unavailability to survey of internal surface of welded connection survey and measurement are made only from the outer side.

33. Control of welded connections of settlement elements of metalwork is made after elimination of the defects revealed by external survey. At the same time subject to mandatory control the beginning and the termination of welded seams of joint connections of belts and walls of box-shaped metalwork of beams, columns, arrows, gusk.

Total length of controlled sites of welded connections is established at least:

1) 50% of joint length - on each joint of the stretched belt of box-shaped or trellised metal construction;

2) 25% of length of joint or the compressed site of wall - on each joint of the compressed belt or at the compressed sites of walls;

3) 75% of joint length - on each joint of designs of arrows, gusk and rack boxes of portal cranes;

4) 25% of joint length - for all other joint connections which are not specified in subitems 1), 2) and 3) of these rules;

5) 25% of seam length - for other welded connections controlled by ultrasonic method.

Before carrying out rentgeno-or gamma control the respective sites of welded connection are marked so that they could be found easily on control rentgeno-or scale pictures.

34. The quality evaluation of welded connections by results of external survey and nondestructive control is made according to production schedules on production, installation, repair, reconstruction or upgrade of heavy lift gear which contain the regulations of quality evaluation of welded connections excluding availability in product of the defects reducing their durability and operational reliability.

35. In welded connections defects are not allowed:

the cracks of all types and the directions located in seam metal through alloyage and in near sutural zone of the main metal, including the microcracks revealed in case of microscopic research;

neprovara (lack of fusion) located on surface on the section of welded connection;

neprovara in top (root) of the angular and tavrovy welded connections executed without cutting of edges;

the time located in the form of continuous grid;

undercuts and flows (accumulate);

not made craters;


not made burn-throughs in seam metal;

burn-throughs and submelting of the main metal (in case of joint contact welding of pipes);

shift of edges is higher than the regulations provided by drawings.

36. In case of identification by nondestructive control methods of unacceptable defects in welded connections, all connection is exposed to control. The defective sites of welded seams revealed in case of control are removed mechanically and are digested.

37. Mechanical testing are carried out for the purpose of check of compliance to strength and plastic characteristics of welded connection on the control samples welded in the conditions which are completely answering to conditions of production of elements of metalwork (the same main and additive materials, the same welding modes, the same provision of welding).

38. The organizations specializing in work on production, repair reconstruction and upgrades of heavy lift gears carry out mechanical testing periodically according to production schedules.

In case of accomplishment of the specified works by other physical persons or legal entities, mechanical testing it is carried out on the control samples welded by each welder who was taking part in welding of metal construction of heavy lift gear in number of at least two for each type testing (stretching, bend).

39. Assessment of mechanical properties, welded connection on control samples is made regardless of type of welded connection, by testing for stretching and for bend of the samples welded end-to-end.

Results of mechanical testing are considered satisfactory if:

temporary resistance is not lower than the lower limiting indicator of temporary resistance of the metal established for this brand became state standards or specifications;

the bend angle for carbonaceous staly - is at least 120o, for low-alloyed at thickness of element up to 20 mm - there is at least 80o, more than 20 mm - at least 60 lakes.

40. Quality of welded connections is considered unsatisfactory if in them in case of any kind of control the internal or outside defects which are going beyond the regulations established by these rules and regulating technical documentation on production, installation, repair, reconstruction and upgrade of heavy lift gear are found.

41. The choice of material is made taking into account the lower extreme values of ambient temperatures for working and non-working condition of heavy lift gear, degree of load of elements and aggression of the environment.

Data on brand of the applied material with indication of the certificate, the lower extreme temperature for working and non-working condition of heavy lift gear are specified by the manufacturer in the passport.

42. Need of heat treatment of welded connections of responsible elements of designs is established by specifications on production and repair of elevators. The type of heat treatment and its mode are established by production schedules of welding.

43. All are subject to visual survey and measurements welded connections with the identification the purpose in them, the following possible outside defects:

cracks of all sizes and directions;

local flows with a total length more than 100 mm on the site of seam of 1000 mm;

undercuts mm 0,5 depth on metal up to 20 mm thick, but no more than 3% of metal thickness;

time with a diameter more than 1 mm at thickness of metal up to 20 mm and more 1,5 of mm at thickness of metal over 20 mm in number of more than 4 pieces on length of step of 100 mm with distance between adjacent defects less than 50 mm.

44. Control of welded connections by raying it is necessary to exercise according to GOST 7512-82 "Control nondestructive. Connections welded. Radio graphic approach".

At least 25% of length of joint seam of controlled connection are exposed to nondestructive control. Obligatory places of control are established by the regulating documentation, and additional - technical inspection department.

In case of detection of unacceptable defects in welded connections all controlled connection shall be subjected to raying. The defective sites of welded seams revealed in case of control are cut down and digested.

45. The ultrasonic control method of seams of welded connections is applied to check:

100% of responsible joint seams for the purpose of identification of defective places;

seams of metalwork in case of unsatisfactory results of mechanical testing of control samples.

46. Quality of welded connections is considered unsatisfactory if in them in case of any kind of control the internal or outside defects which are going beyond the regulations established by these rules, specifications on production and repair of the elevator are found.

47. Protection of metal construction of heavy lift gears, assembly units and details against corrosion is performed drawing on their surface of paint and varnish or metal and nonmetallic (inorganic) coverings.

The specified protection is not required by mechanically processed details working in oil bathtub or the circle of jellied lubricants.

48. Paint and varnish coverings conform to requirements of GOST 9.032-74 "The unified system of corrosion and aging protection. Coverings paint and varnish. Groups, technical requirements and designations", GOST 9.104-79 "Unified system of corrosion and aging protection. Coverings paint and varnish. Groups of service conditions".

Paragraph 2. Procedure for registration (registration) for heavy lift gears

49. Registration of heavy lift gears is performed according to Rules of registration and removal from accounting of the dangerous technical devices approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 29, 2021 No. 485 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 24574).

After registration (registration) the heavy lift gear is equipped with the plate with the following information:

load-carrying capacity;

serial (identification) number;

accounting (registration) number;

types of engineering certifications and terms of their carrying out.

50. No. 43 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27.01.2023

51. No. 43 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27.01.2023

52. Are subject to registration before start-up in work:

cranes of all types except for specified in Item 53 of these rules;

the excavators intended for works with hook or electromagnet;

the load electric trolleys with cabin of management moving on elevated railway lines.

53. Are not subject to registration:

cranes of all types with the manual drive of mechanisms, cranes at which in case of the manual drive of mechanisms of movement as the mechanism of rise the pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder is used;

the cranes of bridge type and portable or rotary console cranes with a loading capacity up to 10 tons inclusive managed from floor by means of the push-button device suspended on the crane or from the stationary panel;

mobile cranes of boom type with a loading capacity up to 20 tons inclusive;

cranes of boom type with permanent departure or not supplied with the turn mechanism;

the perestavny cranes for installation of masts, towers, pipes established on the mounted construction;

cranes of bridge type and tower, established on polygons of technical training colleges and technical rates for the educational purposes;

the cranes established on excavators, crushing and reloading aggregates and other technological machines, used for repair of these machines;

cranes manipulators with a loading capacity up to 10 tons;

electric waists and winches for load lifting and (or) people.

54. No. 43 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27.01.2023

55. If plates of counterbalance and ballast for tower and portal cranes are made by the owner of the crane, then the act of acceptance of plates with indication of their actual weight is submitted.

56. For the cranes established on moorings information on admissibility of installation on the mooring of cranes is provided.

57. No. 43 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27.01.2023

58. No. 43 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27.01.2023

59. Registration of the hoisting crane which does not have the passport of the manufacturer can be made based on the passport constituted by the specialized expert organization.

The constituted passport of heavy lift gear contains the following additional data:

the conclusion constituted based on calculation of compliance of load-carrying capacity of the crane and its separate elements of cargo payload (confirmation of cargo payload can be this also based on comparison of the basic settlement elements of heavy lift gear with the same elements of other heavy lift gear of the same model);

the certificate of laboratory on the chemical analysis and mechanical properties of material of metalwork of the hoisting crane with determination of the next analog of domestic brand of steel;

calculation of hook if its sizes do not conform to state standard or it is not supplied with brand of the manufacturer;

inspection statement of metalwork and quality of welded connections of the expert organization.

60. Hoisting cranes are subject to re-registration after:


capital repairs if on the crane, the new passport was constituted;

transfers of the crane to other owner;

shifts of the crane of bridge type on the new place.

61. In case of registration of the hoisting crane after reconstruction, the new passport constituted by the organization which was carrying out reconstruction, or the old passport of the manufacturer to whom are put the following documentation is submitted:

the certificate of nature of reconstruction signed by the expert organization which constituted the project of reconstruction;

the new characteristic of the crane and general views of the crane with the main overall dimensions if they changed;

basic electric and hydraulic schemes in case of their change;

kinematic schemes of mechanisms and the scheme of zapasovka of ropes in case of their change;

copies of certificates (the statement from certificates) on the metal applied in case of reconstruction of heavy lift gear;

data on additive material (results of testing of the built-up metal or the copy of certificates on electrodes);

data on results of quality control of welding of metalwork.

62. Hoisting cranes is subject to removal from accounting in case:

write-offs with demontazhy;

transfers of the crane to other legal entity or physical person;

in case of transfer of the crane in the category of not registered.

63. The hoisting cranes which are not subject to registration in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety removable load gripping devices are put by legal, physical person or the organization operating the hoisting crane on internal accounting.

Accounting number is assigned to them and at this number register in register of not registered heavy lift gear and removable load gripping devices.

64. Again established elevator or the elevator after reconstruction (upgrade), except cargo small, before commissioning is registered (is registered) in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety.

The goods small elevator is put on internal accounting.

65. The organization which mounted the elevator or executed its reconstruction (upgrade) together with the general contract construction organization, will organize and carries out: survey of the elevator shaft, the elevator, its check in operation, static and dynamic testing of the elevator according to Items 823, 839, 840, 842 these rules, and at the elevator with the electric drive of direct current and with Item 843 of these rules.

The state supervision inspector in the field of industrial safety participates in job of the commission on acceptance of construction part of the elevator shaft and in carrying out complete technical survey of the elevator after installation.

In case of positive results of the specified work types and testing, the specified organizations draw up the statement of technical readiness of the elevator in the form given in appendix 5 "The act of technical readiness of the elevator" of these rules.

In the absence of the general contract construction organization the specified its functions are performed by the owner of the elevator (the owner - the physical, legal entity (organization) on whose balance there is elevator or to fixed assets of which the elevator will be transferred to the moment of commissioning).

Together with the specified act the mounting organization to the owner transfers the following documents:

protocol of survey and measurement of size of resistance of elements of grounding (zeroing) of the equipment;

protocol of measurements of size of resistance of isolation of power electric equipment, chains of management and alarm system, power and lighting electrical wiring.

66. On again established or reconstructed elevator the general contract construction organization transfers to the owner (customer) of the elevator the act to the hidden works and the protocol of measurement of size of complete resistance of loop phase - zero (in networks with glukhozazemlenny neutral).

In case the construction organization does not take part in reconstruction (upgrade) of the elevator, the specified documents are transferred to the owner (customer) of the elevator by the organization which executed reconstruction (upgrade).

67. On the elevator after upgrade during which complete replacement of metal construction of cabin of the elevator by new cabin was made the new passport is constituted.

68. By the owner (the customer, the prime contractor, the head of the organization) of the elevator in the presence of the list of the documents listed in Items 65 and 66 of these rules it is created the commission on acceptance of the elevator after installation, in structure:

the representative of administration of the company (organization) - the owner of the elevator - the commission chairman;

customer representative;

the representative of the organization which mounted the elevator or executed its reconstruction;

person responsible for the organization of works on maintenance and repair of the elevator;

the representative of the construction organization which executed construction part of the elevator;

the state state supervision inspector in the field of industrial safety.

69. The owner (the customer, the general contractor) at least in 5 days notifies on date of work of the commission of the organization which representatives are included in structure of the commission.

70. The owner represents the commissions on acceptance of the elevator:

documentation according to Item 442 of these rules;

the documents listed in Items 64 and 65 of these rules;

the document confirming availability at the owner or the organization operating the elevator of the trained and certified personnel (the electrician, on elevators, the assembler of electric elevators (elevators), the elevator operator), or the agreement with the expert organization certified on the work right for maintenance, engineering certification of the lift equipment according to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of industrial safety;

order (order) on appointment and fixing of person responsible for the organization of works on maintenance and repair of the elevator;

order (order) on appointment of person responsible for the organization of operation of the elevator;

order (order) on appointment and fixing of the electrician responsible for serviceable condition of the elevator.

71. The commission on acceptance of the elevator performs inspection and check of the elevator, in amount, the these rules provided by Items 838 and 839.

By results of consideration of the submitted documents, survey and check of the lift equipment the commission draws up the acceptance act of the elevator in operation (appendix 6 "The acceptance act of the elevator" of these rules) of which together with the act of technical readiness of the elevator are put to the passport of the elevator. In case of detection of the violations listed in Item 75 of these rules, members of the commission constitute the document with indication of the reasons interfering input of the elevator in operation and transfers him to the owner of the elevator or the head of the operating organization.

72. No. 43 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27.01.2023

73. Based on acts of technical readiness and acceptance of the goods small elevator its owner puts again established on internal accounting of the organization or to re-register the reconstructed (upgraded) elevator, and person responsible for the organization of works on maintenance and repair of the elevator draws up in the passport allowing record about input of the elevator in operation.

74. The entry in the passport resolving input of the elevator in operation after the repair requiring carrying out complete or partial engineering certification and also upon termination of the term of work established previous technical by survey it is drawn up by person responsible for the organization of works on maintenance and repair of the elevator appointed by the owner or the head the specialized expert organization performing work on repair, maintenance, engineering certification of the lift equipment.

The specified record is drawn up based on positive results of the engineering certification which is carried out according to Section 11 of these rules.

Record about carrying out and results of engineering certification, and also about the term of the next engineering certification is drawn up in the passport of the elevator by person who was carrying out engineering certification. Results of engineering certification are also reflected in the act. The form of the act is given in appendix 7 "The act of periodic engineering certification of the elevator" of these rules.

75. Input of the elevator in operation is not allowed if in case of survey and check, and also in case of engineering certification it is revealed:

availability of the defects influencing safe operation of the elevator which cannot be eliminated in the course of survey, check or survey;

failure to carry out of instructions of the inspector on the state supervision in the field of industrial safety or person to who carrying out engineering certification is assigned;

that, not the nominated person responsible for the organization of works on maintenance and repair of the elevator, and (or) person responsible for the organization of operation of the elevator;

absence of the electrician responsible for serviceable condition of the elevator;

lack of the trained and certified service personnel;

the regulations on production supervision are not developed the owner or the head of the operating organization.

In case of identification in the course of engineering certification of the specified violations in the passport of the elevator and the act entry with indication of the specific reasons and about impossibility of input of the elevator in operation before their elimination is made.

Input of the elevator in operation is allowed if the revealed defects can be eliminated in the course of survey, checks and surveys, and the defects which are not influencing safe operation of the elevator - in case of the next repair on graphics.

76. The owner of the elevator or the operating organization, in writing notifies on elimination of the violations revealed in case of engineering certification or control survey, the organization by which representative these violations were revealed. Then repeated engineering certification, or control survey is carried out and in case of their positive results entry in the passport about input of the elevator in operation is drawn up.

77. All elevators listed in the subitem 3) of Item 2 of Chapter 1 of these rules before commissioning are registered (are registered) in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety.

78. No. 43 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27.01.2023

79. In case of not representation of document package of the these rules determined by Chapter 1 to the applicant in writing motivated refusal in registration of heavy lift gear with reference to the corresponding Items of these rules goes.

Chapter 2. Procedure for creation of system of production supervision and supervision, maintenance

Paragraph 1. Hoisting cranes

80. Owners or heads of the operating organizations contain hoisting cranes, container, removable load gripping devices, crane ways in good repair and provide safe working conditions by the organization of proper survey, survey, repair and servicing.

For this purpose in the organizations events for creation of system of production supervision and supervision are held:

appointment of the engineering employee on supervision of safe operation of hoisting cranes, removable load gripping devices and container, technical the worker, responsible for content of hoisting cranes in good repair, and persons responsible for safe works by cranes on cargo transfer;

creation of repair service and establishment of procedure for the periodic surveys, maintenance and repairs providing content of hoisting cranes, crane ways, removable load gripping devices and container in good repair;

development of management for responsible persons and service personnel, production schedules for works on loading and unloading technology, schemes of strapping, warehousing of loads and other production schedules on safe operation of hoisting cranes;

providing engineering employees with rules, regulations on safe operation of hoisting cranes, personnel – production schedules;

accomplishment by engineering employees of these rules, with service personnel – production schedules is provided.

81. For implementation of production supervision of safe operation of hoisting cranes in the organization the engineering employee is appointed.

The number of service of supervision and its structure is determined by the owner or the head of the organization operating hoisting cranes taking into account their quantity and service conditions.

82. The engineering employee on supervision of safe operation of hoisting cranes:

exercises supervision of technical condition and safe operation of hoisting cranes, removable load gripping devices, container, crane ways and takes measures for the prevention of abuses of regulations of industrial safety;

carries out survey of hoisting cranes and draws up the entries in the passport of the crane resolving their operation in the cases provided by these rules records and carries out engineering certifications of hoisting cranes, not subject to registration in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety, removable load gripping devices if the specified obligations are not assigned to other responsible persons;

controls accomplishment of the acts issued by the state supervision inspector in the field of industrial safety by results of check, observance of schedules of periodic survey and repair of hoisting cranes, crane ways and terms of survey of removable load gripping devices and container;

checks observance of requirements of the admission of workers to control of hoisting cranes and to their servicing, participates in the commissions on recurring inspection of knowledge of the servicing and maintenance force, on examination of the engineering employees responsible for content of hoisting cranes in good repair and persons responsible for safe works by cranes;

controls availability and accomplishment of production schedules service personnel, engineering employees (specialists) responsible for content of heavy lift gears in good repair, and persons, cranes, responsible for safe works;

checks accomplishment of safety rules, production schedules in case of works by hoisting cranes, paying special attention on correctness of the applied methods of strapping of loads, observance of dimensions of warehousing of loads, correctness of installation of jib mobile cranes, observance of system of work permits in case of performance of works near power lines and on crane railway lines of pavements and console portable cranes;

controls observance of the operating organization of procedure for the allocation and the direction of jib mobile cranes established by the owner or the head on objects.

83. In case of detection of defects, violation of these rules during the operation of hoisting cranes and their servicing the engineering employee on supervision of safe operation of hoisting cranes takes measures for their elimination, and in case of need stops the crane.

The engineering employee on supervision of safe operation of hoisting cranes does not allow operation of the hoisting crane in case of:

detection of defects of brakes, ropes and their fixtures, chains, hooks, winches, tradable wheels, blocking devices and devices of safety, electric circuit of the crane;

availability of cracks and deformations in the bearing metalwork;

detection of defects of the elements and variations of railway line specified in appendices 11 "Limit rates of rejection of basic elements crane railway lines" and 12 "Extreme sizes of variations crane railway lines (in the plan and profile) from project provision" to these rules;

expiration of engineering certification or normative service life of the crane;

servicing of the crane by crane operators, the slingers who did not undergo another examination and in case of not appointment of the engineering employees responsible for content of heavy lift gears in good repair, persons responsible for safe work by cranes;

lack of the passport or data on registration of the hoisting crane in territorial administration on the state supervision in the field of industrial safety;

lack of the moved loads of removable load gripping devices, container or their defect corresponding to the weight and nature;

not accomplishment of the instructions or acts issued to them by results of check of the state inspector on the state supervision in the field of industrial safety;

defects of the grounding devices or the electric equipment of the crane.

84. In good repair the owner or the head of the operating organization assigns maintenance responsibility of hoisting cranes to the engineering employee of the corresponding qualification under whose supervision the personnel (except slingers) servicing the crane after check of knowledge by examination committee it these rules and issue to it of the corresponding certificate and production schedules are.

Number and date of the order on appointment of the responsible person, position, surname, name, middle name (in the presence), number of the certificate and the signature register in the passport of the hoisting crane.

The specified data are entered in the passport every time after appointment of the new responsible person.

For leave, business trip, disease or in other cases of absence of the responsible person accomplishment of its obligations is assigned by the order (order) to the worker who replaced him on position having the corresponding qualification and underwent examination of these rules.

The owner or the head of the operating organization creates conditions for accomplishment by the responsible person of the obligations assigned to it.

85. The engineering employee responsible for content of hoisting cranes in good repair provides:

content in good repair hoisting cranes, removable load gripping devices, container and crane railway lines (if content of the last is in good repair not assigned to other services) by carrying out periodic surveys, maintenance and repairs in the terms established by the schedule, systematic control of the correct maintaining the magazine of periodic surveys and timely elimination of the revealed defects, personal survey of heavy lift gears, crane ways, removable load gripping devices and container at the scheduled time;

servicing and repair of heavy lift gears by the trained and certified personnel having necessary knowledge and sufficient skills for accomplishment of the obligations assigned to it, recurring inspection of knowledge of service personnel;

accomplishment by crane operators and maintenance force production schedules on servicing of hoisting cranes;

timely preparation of the hoisting crane for engineering certification, preparation for special inspection of the crane which fulfilled normative service life;

conclusion in repair of the hoisting crane according to the schedule;

observance of branded system in case of operation of bridge cranes;

accomplishment of established procedure of the admission of service personnel and other workers on the crane ways of pavements and portable console cranes for production of repair and other work;

storage of passports and technical documentation on hoisting cranes and removable load gripping devices, container and crane ways, maintaining magazines of recurring inspection of knowledge of personnel;

accomplishment of the acts issued by the state supervision inspector in the field of industrial safety by results of check and instructions of the engineering employee on supervision of safe operation of hoisting cranes. Content in good repair of removable load gripping devices and container, crane ways is assigned by the order (order) of the owner or head of the operating organization to other specialist of the corresponding qualification.

86. In each workshop, on the building site or other site of operation of hoisting cranes, in each change by the order (order) on the organization it is appointed (-yutsyatsya) person(s) responsible for safe works cranes, from among engineering employees, masters, foremen, chiefs of sites, foremen.

In warehouses of materials as persons responsible for safe works, managers of warehouses are appointed hoisting cranes.

Appointment of workers as persons responsible for safe works by cranes, is made after check of knowledge of appropriate sections of these rules, production schedules by them. The corresponding certificate is issued to persons which underwent examination.

Another examination to persons responsible for safe works is held by cranes at least once in 12 months.

87. Person responsible for safe works by cranes, shall:

organize conducting works as cranes according to requirements of these rules, with the production schedules developed and approved by the first head;

instruct to crane operators and slingers on safe accomplishment of the forthcoming work, paying attention to dangerous factors, special conditions on site of conducting works, non-admission of overload of the crane, to control correctness of strapping and catch of loads, correctness of installation of jib mobile cranes, safety of performance of works when loading and unloading gondola cars, platforms and cars or other vehicles, respect of personal security by slingers;

not allow the untrained and not undergone examination personnel to servicing of cranes, determine necessary number of slingers, appointment of signallers during the operation of the crane;

exclude use not having label, defective or not corresponding on load-carrying capacity and nature of goods of removable load gripping devices and container;

specify to crane operators and slingers the place, procedure and dimensions of warehousing of loads;

it is direct to direct works when loading and unloading gondola cars, when moving load by several cranes, near power line, when moving load over overlappings under which production or service premises where there are people, when moving load on which schemes of strapping, in other cases provided by production schedules are not developed are placed;

specify to crane operators installation site of jib mobile cranes for work near power lines and issue the work permit with entry in the logbook;

control observance of branded system during the operation of bridge cranes;

not allow works without work permit in the cases provided by these rules;

provide workers with necessary stock and means for safe works by cranes;

control behind accomplishment by crane operators and slingers of production schedules.


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