It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Tajikistan
On April 13, 2015 No. 288
of April 2, 2015 No. 188
About the National program of safety of civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2015-2020
According to article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the state forecasts, concepts, strategy and programs of social and economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan" and for the purpose of safety of civil aviation, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:
1. Approve the National program of safety of civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2015-2020 it (is applied).
2. To the relevant ministries and departments to take necessary measures for implementation of this Program.
3. To the ministry of transport of the Republic of Tajikistan to develop the actions plan on implementation of this Program.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan
Emomalii Rahmon
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 2, 2015 No. 188
This Program determines policy in the field of protection of civil aviation against acts of illegal intervention and organizational measures of its realization.
1. The purpose of this national program of safety of civil aviation (NPSCA) consists in safety, regularity and efficiency of flights of international civil aviation in the Republic of Tajikistan, by implementation of measures for protection against acts of illegal intervention according to national regulations, rules, practice and procedures. The national program of safety of civil aviation (further - NPBGA) is aimed at providing aviation safety of national and foreign operators who render services of airborne transportations from the Republic of Tajikistan, and also the civil airports in the Republic of Tajikistan.
2. Taking into account international agreements, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Tajikistan, this Program is applied to national and foreign operators of aircrafts, operators of the airports, other physical persons and legal entities performing activities in the field of civil aviation in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan.
3. Provisions of this Program are obligatory for the ministries, departments, departments, the companies, organizations and the officials of the organizations of civil aviation and other organizations connected with ensuring aviation safety irrespective of patterns of ownership. Failure to carry out or violation of the state regulations, rules and procedures for aviation safety involves the criminal and administrative responsibility according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.
4. This program is developed according to the International standards and Recommended practicians containing in Appendix 17 to the Convention on international civil aviation, the Convention on the offenses and some other actions made onboard the aircraft, the Convention on fight against illegal hijacking of aircrafts, the Convention on fight against the illegal acts directed against safety of civil aviation, the Convention on marking of plastic explosives for the purpose of their detection and the additional protocol on fight against the illegal acts of violence at the airports serving international civil aviation, the Air code of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of February 17, 1999, No. 87 "About approval of regulations on ensuring aviation safety on objects of civil aviation". Implementation of this Program promotes accomplishment of the obligations by the Republic of Tajikistan within the Convention on international civil aviation in the part concerning ensuring aviation safety.
5. Information on measures for program implementation is information of limited distribution. All officials who obtained information on measures for implementation of this Program shall not disclose the received data.
6. In this Program it is used the following main witnesses:
- aviation safety - package of measures, and also the human and material resources intended for protection of civil aviation against acts of illegal intervention;
- the air enterprise - the legal entity, irrespective of it organizationally legal form and pattern of ownership, the implementation of airborne transportations of passengers, baggage, freights having main objectives of the activities, mails and accomplishment of aviation works for a fee;
- acts of illegal intervention are the acts or attempts of making of acts creating safety hazard of civil aviation and air transport, namely illegal hijacking of aircrafts in flight and on the earth, taking of hostages onboard aircrafts or in airfields, violent penetration aboard the aircraft in the airport or in arrangement of aeronautical means and services, the room onboard the aircraft or at the airport of weapon, the dangerous device or material intended for criminal objectives, the message of the false information threatening safety of the aircraft, passengers, crew members, land personnel or the public at the airport or in arrangement of means and services of civil aviation in flight and on the earth, placement or attempt of placement on the aircraft which is in operation, devices or substances which can destroy or lead it to the damage menacing to safety of the aircraft;
- the principles of human factor - the principles which it is applied to designing of aeronautical equipment, certification, training, operational activities and maintenance and which aimed at providing safe interaction between the person and other components of system by means of proper accounting of opportunities of the person;
- the airport - any zone in the State Party which is open for commercial air transportations;
- airport of origin - the airport from which, according to the agreement of the international airborne transportation, transportation of the passenger, baggage or freight begins;
- airport of destination - the airport to which the passenger, baggage or freight, according to the agreement of the international airborne transportation shall be brought;
- baggage - the personal belongings of passengers or crew transported onboard the aircraft under the agreement with the operator;
- luggage container - reservoir where the baggage for transportation onboard the aircraft is loaded;
- the baggage transported by several carriers - the baggage of passengers which is subject to overload from the aircraft of one operator on the aircraft of other operator during transportation of passengers;
- board supplies for servicing of passengers - all objects, except for food board connected with servicing of passengers in flight on example of the newspaper, magazines, earphones, audio-and video tapes, pillow and blanket, road toilet bags, etc.);
- the aircraft - any device supported in the atmosphere due to interaction with air excepting interaction with the air reflected from the land surface;
- freight - any property transported onboard the aircraft, except for mails, board of supplies and the accompanied or sent baggage;
- cargo warehouse - the building through which there passes freight at stage between airborne and land transportation in which means of load handling are located or in which freight before its airborne or land transportation is stored;
- diversion - the acts or deliberate omission aiming to cause malicious or senseless destruction of property, threatening activities of civil aviation and its services or leading to illegal intervention in these activities;
- examination - application of technical or other means for the purpose of identification and/or detection of weapon, explosives or other dangerous devices which can be used for implementation of the act of illegal intervention;
- examination of the aircraft - examination of internal part of the aircraft to which passengers and examination of cargo section for the purpose of detection of suspicious objects, weapon, or other dangerous devices, objects and substances could have access;
- the hall of departure - space of the controlled area between places of registration and the place of expectation;
- the registered agent - the agent, the freight forwarder of freights or any other legal entity performing business activity with operators and providing control for the purpose of safety which is recognized or required by the relevant authority concerning freight, express and urgent departures or mail;
- the sent baggage - baggage, inadvertently or by carelessness separated from passengers or crew;
- zone of maintenance of aircrafts - all means and the equipment on the earth provided for maintenance of aircrafts: platforms, hangars, buildings and workshops, parking lots of land vehicles and related means of communication. Such zone, as a rule, is the protected zone of limited access;
- the controlled area - the working area of the airport adjoining to it the territory and buildings located close or part them, access to which is controlled;
- control for the purpose of safety - measures by means of which the bringing of weapon, explosive substances or other dangerous objects which can be used for the purpose of making of the act of illegal intervention can be prevented;
- personal inspection - the examination without presence of strangers which is carried out in the special room, directed to inspection of the particular person before its landing to the aircraft for the purpose of detection of explosives, destructive or other dangerous devices which can be used for making of the act of illegal intervention;
- the international airport - the airport performing the international airborne transportations at which customs, border, sanitary and quarantine control is provided;
- the place of expectation - space between the hall of departure and exit from the air terminal building to the controlled area;
- the place of baggage dispensing - the place where the sent baggage for distribution is sorted by flights;
- the parking lot of the aircraft - the allocated site on the platform, held for use as the parking of the aircraft;
- the unclaimed baggage - baggage which arrived to the airport and was not withdrawn or demanded by the passenger;
- uncontrollable zone - zone of the airport, including buildings where passengers, and also persons who are not passengers have unrestricted access;
- unknown baggage - baggage which arrived to the airport with luggage label or without luggage label and was not received or identified by the passenger;
- unaccompanied baggage - baggage which is transported as freight on another or on the same aircraft on which there is person which is its owner;
- dangerous goods - products or the substances capable to create threat for health, safety, property or the environment and which
- are specified in the list of dangerous goods in technical instructions or are classified according to these instructions;
- the protected zones of limited access - sites of the controlled area of the airport which are determined as priority areas of risk where, in addition to access control, other control facilities of safety are applied. Such areas, usually include, in particular, all zones of flying away of passenger commercial aircraft, between Item of examination and the aircraft, stages, baggage zones including where aircrafts are put into operation and where the baggage and freights cargo canopies, the post centers, controlled rooms where there is board food and rooms for cleaning in aircrafts are examined.
- the passenger - any person, except for crew members who is transported or it shall be transported on the aircraft according to the agreement of airborne transportation;
- the passenger area - all land area, and also means and the equipment, intended for processing of passenger flows (platforms, buildings of air terminal, the parking lot of land vehicles and access roads);
- the platform - the square of overland airfield intended for placement of aircrafts for the purpose of landing or disembarkation of passengers, loading or unloading of mail or freights, gas station, the parking or maintenance of aircrafts;
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