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of February 10, 2015 No. 72

About approval of Rules of state registration of motorized vehicles and trail cars to them Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(as amended of the Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 28.08.2023 No. 828)

According to the subitem 5) article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About traffic", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of state registration of motorized vehicles and trail cars to them Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. To the chief of Headquarters of military police of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) in the procedure established by the legislation to send this order to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for state registration;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration to send the order to periodic printed publicity materials and to information system of law of Ad_let of the republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication;

3) after official publication in periodic printed publicity materials the order to post the Ministries of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the website.

3. To impose control of execution of the order on the First Deputy Minister of Defence - the chief of the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Bring the order to service employees in the part concerning them.

5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

I. Tasmagambetov

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 10, 2015 No. 72

Rules of state registration of motorized vehicles and trail cars to them Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. General provisions

1. These rules of state registration of motorized vehicles and trail cars to them Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - Rules) establish single order of registration in bodies of military police of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan of motorized vehicles and trail cars to them military units (organizations) of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - vehicles).

2. In these rules the following concepts are used:

1) change in state registration of vehicles - modification and amendments in accounting data and the registration certificate of the vehicle in the presence of the legal basis established by the legislation;

2) removal from accounting of the vehicle - the activities of bodies of military police of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - OVP) directed to change of check-in location of the vehicle in connection with address modification of its owner or the termination of right of possession;

3) state registration of the vehicle - the procedure of the admission of the vehicle to participation in traffic performed by OVP after check of compliance of documents to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reconciliation of vehicle identification numbers with issue of the registration certificate of the vehicle and assignment of the state registration number board (further - GRNZ);

4) the registration certificate of the vehicle (further - SRTS) - the document confirming the admission of the vehicle to participation in traffic;

5) the vehicle owner - the military unit (organization) of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan owning the vehicle on the property rights, economic maintaining or operational management or on any other legal cause;

6) vehicle identification number - the individual serial number of the vehicle expressed as consecutive alphanumeric symbols, appropriated by the producer of the vehicle, allowing to make vehicle identification;

7) the motorized vehicle – the self-propelled road vehicle set in motion by the engine, except for mopeds, electric scooters, small electric vehicles and rail vehicles. The concept extends also to tractors and self-propelled machines;

8) GRNZ - the product which is property of the state and containing the individual alphanumeric designation appropriated to the vehicle and made according to requirements of the national standard. This concept extends to GRNZ "Transit";

9) the number aggregate - the engine, body, the chassis, frame, cabin of the vehicle;

10) registration actions - actions of OVP within the competence on registration of vehicles, their removal from accounting, modification of state registration of vehicles, reconciliation of numbers of aggregates with the documents confirming acquisition, use, alienation or rejection of vehicles.

3. Vehicles are represented to OVP:

1) for registration - during effective period of GRNZ "Transit" or within five calendar days after receipt of the vehicle;

2) for removal from accounting - within five calendar days after alienation (transfer) of the vehicle;

3) for modification of SRTS - within five calendar days after replacement of number aggregates or emergence of other circumstances requiring modification of SRTS.

4. In the terms specified in the subitem 1) of Item 3 of these rules it is allowed to operate the vehicle only for following in OVP for the purpose of provision it to survey before production of vehicle registration, and also when following for fault recovery, revealed during survey of the vehicle in the presence of the inspection report of the vehicle, in form according to appendix 1 to these rules (further - the inspection report).

2. Procedure for state registration of motorized vehicles and trail cars to them Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

5. In case of registration the vehicle is represented in OVP for survey for the purpose of reconciliation of compliance of number aggregates to accounting documents.

6. In the course of visual survey of the OVP vehicle check is performed:

1) safety of design of the registered vehicle;

2) authenticity of numbers of aggregates and GRNZ (identification of the hidden, false or changed by any different ways number aggregates, and also GRNZ) and their compliance to the data specified in documents the vehicle;

3) vehicles of the field and special services conforming to requirements of drawing tsvetografichesky schemes, identification signs, texts, special luminous and sound signals.

7. Results of survey of the vehicle are reflected in the inspection report and are certified by the signature of the service employee performing inspection with indication of its surname and date. Effective period of the inspection report constitutes twenty calendar days.

8. In the presence of the circumstances interfering representation of the vehicle on survey in OVP for registration submission of the inspection report which is drawn up in the place of the actual finding of the vehicle certified by the sign and seal of the serviceman of OVP is allowed. Effective period of the inspection report constitutes twenty calendar days.

9. For making of registration actions by owners of vehicles the following documents are submitted to OVP:


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