of March 25, 2015 No. 272
About approval of requirements to anti-terrorist security of places of mass stay of people and objects (territories) which are subject to obligatory protection by troops of national guard of the Russian Federation, and forms of material safety data sheets of such places and objects (territories)
According to item 4 of part 2 of article 5 of the Federal law "About Counteraction to Terrorism" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
requirements to anti-terrorist security of places of mass stay of people;
form of the material safety data sheet of places of mass stay of people;
2. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 14.10.2016 No. 1040
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2015 No. 272
1. These requirements establish procedure for the organization and work in the field of ensuring anti-terrorist security of places of mass stay of people.
2. The list of places of mass stay of people within the territories of subjects of the Russian Federation or municipalities is determined respectively by executive bodies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation or local government bodies in coordination with territorial authorities of safety, territorial authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, to emergency situations and natural disaster response.
Places of mass stay of people which owners or persons using places of mass stay of people on other legal cause (further - owners of places of mass stay of people), are not federal executive bodies ", State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" and the State corporation on space activities Roskosmos or which do not belong to the sphere of their activities assuming use of the place of mass stay of people are included in the list of places of mass stay of people and also are not subject to obligatory protection by troops of national guard of the Russian Federation.
3. Organizational actions for ensuring anti-terrorist security of places of mass stay of people, including actions for protection of office information of limited distribution, are performed by executive bodies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies within the territories of subjects of the Russian Federation or municipalities in which appropriate places of mass stay of people are located.
4. These requirements have general character concerning questions of equipping of places of mass stay of people means of engineering protection and technical means of protection. Equipment of the place of mass stay of people specific models of means of protection is determined in the specification on designing and at stage of accomplishment of installation and construction works, reconstruction and capital repairs.
The equipment of the projectible (reconstructed) places of mass stay of people is performed by means of engineering protection and technical means of protection in case of construction (capital repairs) of such place of mass stay of people in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about technical regulation.
5. Anti-terrorist security of places of mass stay of people shall correspond to nature of threats, operational situation, provide the most effective and economical use of forces and means involved in safety of places of mass stay of people.
6. Categorization of places of mass stay of people is carried out for the purpose of establishment of the differentiated requirements to ensuring their safety taking into account degree of potential danger and threat of making in places of mass stay of people of acts of terrorism and their possible effects.
7. The degree of threat to making of act of terrorism is determined based on data on the conducted and prevented terrorist attacks in the subject the Russian Federation (municipality) in the territory of which the place of mass stay of people is located. Possible effects of making of act of terrorism in the place of mass stay of people are determined based on forecast indicators about the number of people who can die or receive harm to health.
8. For carrying out categorization of the place of mass stay of people and assessment of condition of its anti-terrorist security the decision of the head of executive body of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the municipality) in the territory of which the place of mass stay of people is located creates the interdepartmental commission on inspection of the place of mass stay of people (further - the commission).
The commission is created within 30 days from the date of inclusion of the place of mass stay of people in the corresponding list of places of mass stay of people.
9. The commission is headed by the head of executive body of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the municipality) in the territory of whom the place of mass stay of people, or the official authorized by it is located.
The commissions are included the owner of the place of mass stay of people, representatives of territorial authority of safety, territorial authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (under approval), territorial authority of the Federal Service of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation or division of private security of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and territorial authority of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, to emergency situations and natural disaster response. In need of the commission representatives of owners of objects which are located in borders of the place of mass stay of people or in close proximity to it are involved.
Inspection of the place of mass stay of people is performed in time, not exceeding 30 days from the date of creation of the commission.
10. Depending on possible effects of making of act of terrorism in places of mass stay of people the following categories of places of mass stay of people are established:
a) the place of mass stay of people of 1 category - the place of mass stay of people in which under certain conditions there can be at the same time more than 1000 people;
b) the place of mass stay of people 2 categories - the place of mass stay of people in which under certain conditions there can be at the same time from 200 to 1000 people;
c) the place of mass stay of people 3 categories - the place of mass stay of people in which under certain conditions there can be at the same time from 50 to 200 people.
11. Calculation of number of people is carried out by carrying out monitoring of simultaneous stay and (or) movement of people in the territory of the place of mass stay of people within 3 days, including working and output (festive) days.
The space occupied by one person in case of determination of the predicted maximum number of people in the place of their mass stay and in the absence of relevant provisions in technical regulations, national standards of the Russian Federation, sets of rules, construction regulations and rules of the Russian Federation is accepted by equal 0,5 of sq.m.
12. Depending on the situation developing around arrangement of the place of mass stay of people, the commission can make the decision on assignment to the place of mass stay of people of category above or below, than it is stipulated in Item 10 these requirements.
In case of acceptance by the commission of the specified decision the number of the terrorist attacks (the made making attempts) conducted in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation within the last 12 months is considered.
13. Results of work of the commission in 10-day time from the date of inspection are drawn up by the statement of inspection and categorization of the place of mass stay of people which is drawn up in any form, contains the data confirming adoption by the commission of the decision on assignment to the place of mass stay of people of the corresponding category, conclusions about efficiency of the existing anti-terrorist security of the place of mass stay of people, and also died recommendations and the list on reduction of its anti-terrorist security in compliance with these requirements.
The general conclusion about sufficiency of anti-terrorist security of the place of mass stay of people is drawn if the established requirements to physical protection, the equipment are executed by means of engineering protection and technical means of protection of the place of mass stay of people according to its category.
The act of inspection and categorization of the place of mass stay of people is constituted in 6 copies, signed by all members of the commission and is integral part of the material safety data sheet of the place of mass stay of people (further - the material safety data sheet).
In the presence of disagreements between members of the commission concerning categorization of the place of mass stay of people the decision is made during the conciliatory meeting by a majority vote of members of the commission with casting vote of the commission chairman. Not settled issues join in the act of inspection and categorization of the place of mass stay of people with indication of special opinions of members of the commission.
13(1). The office information on condition of anti-terrorist security of the place of mass stay of people and the taken measures for its strengthening containing in the act of inspection and categorization of the place of mass stay of people, other documents and other material data carriers is office information of limited distribution and is subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
14. On each place of mass stay of people within 30 days after carrying out its inspection and categorization by the commission the material safety data sheet is constituted.
The material safety data sheet is constituted in 6 copies, approved with heads of territorial authority of safety, territorial authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, territorial authority of the Federal Service of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation or division of private security of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and territorial authority and Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, to emergency situations and natural disaster response and affirms the head of executive body of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the municipality) in the territory of whom the place of mass stay of people is located.
The direction of material safety data sheets on approval is performed with cover letters.
15. Approval of the material safety data sheet is performed within 30 days from the date of its development.
16. The material safety data sheet is the directory document which reflects condition of anti-terrorist security of the place of mass stay of people and contains list of necessary actions for the prevention (suppression) of acts of terrorism in the place of mass stay of people.
17. The material safety data sheet is the document containing office information of limited distribution and has mark "For office use" if the security classification is not appropriated to it.
The decision on assignment to the material safety data sheet of security classification is made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
18. The first copy of the material safety data sheet is stored in executive body of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation (administration of the municipality) in the territory of which the place of mass stay of people is located, other copies are stored in territorial authority of safety, territorial authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, to emergency situations and natural disaster response and the owner has places of mass stay of people.
In case of impossibility of ensuring mass stay of people of safety of material safety data sheet copy with the owner of the place it is given to storage to executive body of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation (administration of the municipality) in the territory of which the place of mass stay of people is located.
19. Updating of the material safety data sheet happens at least once in 3 years, and also in the following cases:
a) change of basic purpose and importance of the place of mass stay of people;
b) change of total area and borders of the place of mass stay of people;
c) change of threats of terrorist nature concerning the place of mass stay of people;
d) construction in borders of the place of mass stay of people or in close proximity to it any objects.
20. When updating the material safety data sheet is approved with heads of territorial authority of safety, territorial authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, territorial authority of the Federal Service of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation or division of private security of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and territorial authority of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, to emergency situations and natural disaster response within 30 days from the date of entering of changes into it.
21. Anti-terrorist security of places of mass stay of people is provided in the way:
a) holding organizational actions for ensuring anti-terrorist security of places of mass stay of people, including categorization of places of mass stay of people, taking into account degree of potential danger and threat of making on them of act of terrorism and its possible effects;
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