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The document ceased to be valid since February 16, 2016 according to Item 2 of the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 31, 2015 No. 717


of January 20, 2015 No. 20

About approval of Rules of catering services of students in the organizations of secondary education

According to Item 4-1 of article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2007 "About education" I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of catering services of students in the organizations of secondary education.

2. To committee on protection of the rights of children (Orazaliyeva Z. Zh.):

To provide 1) in accordance with the established procedure state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) after passing of state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide official publication of this order in periodic printing editions and in it is information - system of law of Ad_let;

3) to place this order on official Internet resource of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-Minister of Education and Science Imangaliyev E. N.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of the first official publication.


A. Sarinzhipov

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 20, 2015 No. 20

Rules of catering services of students in the organizations of secondary education

1. General provisions

1. These rules of catering services of students in the organizations of secondary education (further - Rules) establish procedure for catering services in the organizations of education realizing general education programs of the primary, main secondary and general secondary education (further - the organizations of secondary education) provided to students on paid and free basis.

2. Catering services of students are creation of necessary conditions for rendering to students service in provision of food during their stay in the organization of education.

3. Tasks of catering services are:

providing students with balanced diet;

guaranteeing quality and safety of foodstuff,

the dishes used in preparation;

observance of the sanitary and epidemiologic requirements directed to the prevention and prevention of food poisonings among students.

4. Catering services of students in the organizations of secondary education are performed by suppliers of service, being the legal entities or physical persons specializing in rendering services of public catering.

5. In Rules the following concepts are used:

1) the potential supplier - the physical person performing business activity or the legal entity applying for the conclusion of the service provision agreement;

2) Internet resource - Internet resource of the organizer of tender or educational body, in case of absence at the organizer of tender of own Internet resource;

3) the bid - the documents submitted by the potential supplier, constituted according to the tender documentation, confirming possession material, financial and manpower for rendering service;

4) tender committee - the temporary collegiate organ created by the organizer of tender for carrying out tender;

5) the tender documentation - documents, bids submitted by the organizer of tender to the potential supplier for preparation, and the containing conditions and procedure for carrying out tender;

6) the organizer of tender - the organization of secondary education or educational body in case the organization of secondary education does not keep independently financial accounting;

7) criteria of the choice of the supplier of service - signs based on which assessment of opportunities and conditions on rendering service by the potential supplier is made;

8) balanced diet - the balanced food, taking into account physiological and age regulations of food;

9) the supplier - the physical person performing business activity or the legal entity who signed the service provision agreement;

10) qualification requirements of the potential supplier - the list of the documents confirming possession material, financial and the manpower sufficient for obligation fulfillment according to the service provision agreement.

2. Requirements to catering services of students in the organizations of secondary education

6. In the organizations of secondary education food of students will be organized according to Chapter 3 of these rules.

7. The administration of the organization of secondary education provides acceptance of the organizational management decisions aimed at providing students with balanced diet, the principles and sanitary and hygienic bases of healthy food, conducting consulting and explanatory work with parents (legal representatives) of students.

8. Food of students is performed in dining rooms and buffets of the organizations of secondary education according to the approved menu.

9. Methods of catering services of students in the organization of education are:

catering services of students in the dining room using food staples taking into account storage, processing of foodstuff on catering department and realization of ready dishes and culinary products in the place of its production;

catering services of students in the buffets enabling the realization of ready dishes culinary and confectionery, except for cream confectionery;

the industrial catering services of students providing industrial production of the cooled or refrigerated culinary semifinished products of high degree of readiness, finished goods by the basic organizations of school food (plants of school food).

10. The supplier of service in the course of rendering food service of students performs the specification to the tender documentation at the choice of the supplier of food service of students in the organization of secondary education.

11. The dishes and culinary products made for students, including raw materials and foodstuff, used in food of students, conditions of their delivery, the production technology meet the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population and hygienic standard rates.

12. In case of delivery of dishes from the basic organization of school food, to dining rooms and buffets of the organizations of education specialized reservoirs (thermal containers) providing preserving the corresponding temperature are used.

13. The diet of students affirms the head of the organization of secondary education.

Reception hours of food are established according to the established sanitary standards. One change lasting 30 minutes or two changes 20 minutes is provided in the mode of school day on food.

14. Responsible for food in the organization of secondary education provides escort of students by class teachers, teachers to the room of the dining room.

15. Realization of finished culinary products and foodstuff is performed during all operating time of the dining room and (or) buffet and will come to the end not later than hour before the end of educational process.

Procurement of food is conducted according to food allowance of students and taking into account terms of their storage (validity).

16. Bodies and the organizations of secondary education create the heading "School Food" on Internet resource and provide systematic placement of information on catering services of students.

17. The supplier of service monthly provides to the head of the organization of secondary education the information on the used list of food for the students with application of documents certifying quality and safety of products.

In case of absence of the supplier of service, the employee of the organization of education, responsible for food of students, provides to the head of the organization of secondary education the information on the used list of food for the students with application of documents certifying quality and safety of products.


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