Approved by the Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354
Rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of bulk distribution lines
1. These rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of bulk distribution lines (further - Rules) are developed according to subitem 94-20) of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 23, 2020 No. 701 and determine procedure for ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of bulk distribution lines (further - MT).
2. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:
1) defect - the event concluding not entailed change of the technology mode in short-term violation of operating state of the equipment, object, constructions;
2) gas distribution station (further - GRS) - the component of trunk gas pipeline including: buildings, constructions with the equipment, means and systems for regulation of pressure, cleaning, odorization and accounting of amount of gas before giving to his consumer;
3) liquidation - complex of actions for dismantle and (or) reshaping of the bulk distribution line and to reduction of the environment in condition, safe for life and health of the person and suitable for further use;
4) repair - complex of actions (transactions) for recovery of operability or operability of complete or partial operational resource of linear part of the bulk distribution line and (or) its objects;
5) odorization - giving of smell to gas for the purpose of detection and elimination of leakage of the gas supplied to the consumer;
6) compressor station (further - KS) - the component of trunk gas pipeline including: buildings, constructions, technical devices, means and systems for creation and maintenance of pressure providing transportation of gaseous hydrocarbons by linear part of the bulk distribution line;
7) in-line inspection - the complex of works providing information on defects of the pipeline using intra pipe inspection devices (shells) in which different types of nondestructive control are implemented;
8) defects of the pipeline - the variations of geometrical or design data of the pipeline, thickness of wall or indicator of quality of metal of pipe (welded seam) which are beyond requirements of the existing normative and technical documents, arose in case of construction or operation of the pipeline;
9) withdrawal (branch) of the pipeline - the pipeline intended for giving of the transported product from the bulk distribution line to delivery and acceptance points, gas distribution stations, settlements, certain consumers;
10) objects of the bulk distribution line - the devices connected in single engineering procedure, the equipment, structures, buildings and constructions with the parcels of land occupied by them, the structure of objects and technical parameters of the bulk distribution line are determined by the project documentation;
11) the bulk distribution line - the single production and technology complex consisting of the linear part and objects providing safe transportation of products, conforming to requirements of technical regulations and national standards;
12) incident – the refusal or damage of the technical devices used on hazardous production facility, variation from the parameters ensuring safety of conducting engineering procedure, which did not lead to accident;
13) operation of the bulk distribution line - the activities necessary for continued, proper and effective functioning of the bulk distribution line including including maintenance, repair, technical diagnosing and supervisory control;
14) linear part of the bulk distribution line (further - LCh MT) - underground, underwater, surface, above-ground pipelines on which direct transportation of products is performed;
15) the conservation zone of the bulk distribution line - the territory (on the land and (or) water) with special conditions of protection and use, adjacent to objects of the bulk distribution line and intended for safety of the population and creation of necessary conditions for safe and uninterrupted operation of objects of the pipeline within which the types of activity incompatible with the purposes of its establishment are limited or prohibited;
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