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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

March 4, 2015

No. 251/26696


of March 2, 2015 No. 295/5

About approval of the Execution order by archive organizations of requests of legal entities and physical persons based on archive documents and execution of archive helps (copies, statements)

(as amended on 15-08-2023)

According to article 18 of the Law of Ukraine "About National Archive Fund and archive organizations" (with changes) I order:

1. Approve the Execution order by archive organizations of requests of legal entities and physical persons based on archive documents and execution of archive helps (copies, statements) which is applied.

2. To department of interaction with authorities (Kozlovskaya N. A.) submit this order on state registration according to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of October 3, 1992 to No. 493 "About state registration of regulatory legal acts of the ministries and other executive bodies".

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Minister Sevostyanov N. I.


P. Petrenko


Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of March 2, 2015, No. 295/5

Execution order archive organizations of requests of legal entities and physical persons based on archive documents and execution of archive helps (copies, statements)

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure establishes the main requirements to accomplishment of social and legal requests of legal entities and physical persons, other types of the requests determined by subitem 4.2 of item 4 of the Section VI of Rules of work of the archive organizations of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of April 8, 2013 No. 656/5, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 10, 2013 in case of No. 584/23116, based on archive documents and execution of archive helps, copies or statements from documents.

2. Action of this Procedure extends to the central Public Records Offices, the industry Public Records Offices, the Public Records Office in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local public archive institutions, archive organizations of local government bodies, archive divisions of the public scientific institutions, the museums and libraries, archive divisions of state bodies, local government bodies, the state and utility companies, organizations and the organizations (further - archives).

3. The request of physical person of social and legal nature, property can concern the applicant (declarant), persons which are in his (her) dependence under guardianship or custody, his (her) dead (it) of the spouse (spouse), close relatives (parents, children, sisters, brothers, the grandmother, the grandfather, etc.).

4. Provision of document information on requests of legal entities and physical persons is performed by creation and sending documents which types are determined by subitem 4.3 of item 4 of the Section VI of Rules of work of the archive organizations of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of April 8, 2013 No. 656/5, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 10, 2013 in case of No. 584/23116.

Documents go to physical persons or legal entities together with the cover letter in electronic or paper form to the e-mail address or the postal address specified in request.

5. The schedule of personal reception of citizens is brought to the attention of citizens by placement at information stands in lobby of archive, on the official website of archive, promulgation different way.

In case of the temporary termination of conducting personal reception of citizens by archive (anti-epidemic restrictions, emergency situation and so forth) acceptance of requests of physical persons for this period is performed by mail service and e-mail. Archive helps (copies, statements), other documents processed on the form of archive and certified official by seal archive go to the postal address specified in request of the applicant (declarant), in the scanned copy - on his (her) e-mail address.

At information stands in lobby of archive, on the official website of archive or in a different way the notification on term and the reason of the termination of conducting personal reception of citizens by archive is placed. In case of need and with technical capabilities into this period the archive enters acceptance of physical persons on preliminary record / electronic registration.

II. Execution order of requests

1. Accomplishment of requests of legal entities and physical persons (further - requests) is performed in the terms established by the legislation and controlled by management of archive.

In archive accomplishment of requests of legal entities and physical persons in which are specified the name of the organization, its location (the actual postal address), contact phone number, the e-mail address (for the legal entity), surname, own name, birth date and birth place (if information is necessary for accomplishment of request), the place of the actual accommodation, the postal index of the national operator of mail service or number of postal department of the operator of mail service, in the presence the e-mail address and contact phone number (for physical person), subject (question), chronological framework of the queried information will organize. For preparation of archive helps about confirmation of working life and about the salary the copy of the service record is attached to request (in the presence and the consent of physical person).

The request of physical person, whenever possible, is drawn up by typographical method.

2. Requests are reviewed by management of archive, go for execution in the relevant structural division or directly to the contractor and are carried out based on the archive documents and printing editions (including from fund of use or insurance fund, which documents are considered according to the legislation) which are stored in archive.

3. During execution of archive of repeated requests compliance of contents of earlier issued archive help to data is checked that is in documents, and in case of detection of additional data the archive includes them to contents of the archive help that will be repeatedly issued.

III. Execution of archive helps, copies and statements

1. Archive helps about confirmation of working life are drawn up only for that period of work, data on which are in documents of archive. At the same time are specified the exact job title which was occupied by physical person, and the work period on this position. The information on work in different organizations is provided in one help.


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