Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


On March 9, 2004 No. 602-IIG

About the digital signature and the electronic document

(as amended on 05-12-2023)

This Law establishes organizational and legal bases of use of the digital signature and electronic document, their application in electronic document management and the rights of appropriate subjects, governs the relations arising between them.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

1.1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1.1.1. Data - information suitable for processing by means of information technologies;

1.1.2. The carrier of data - the material object intended for storage and use of data;

1.1.3. The information message - data recording form on the carrier of data;

1.1.4. The digital signature - the added to other data or logically related data allowing to identify the owner of the signature;

1.1.5. The strengthened digital signature (further - the strengthened signature) - the digital signature created by means of the digital signature facilities controlled by the owner of the signature, and belonging only to the owner of the signature, identifying him, allowing to determine integrity, invariance, not distortion and authenticity of the connected c to it the information message;

1.1.6. The owner of the digital signature (further - the owner of the signature) the physical person acting on its own behalf or on behalf of person which authorized it according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation;

1.1.7. Digital signature facilities (further - means of the signature) the program and technical means used for creation and verification of the digital signature and also for preparation of information on creation and verification of the signature;

1.1.8. Information for creation of the digital signature not repeating data consisting of code or cryptographic key used for creation of the digital signature and known only to the owner;

1.1.9. Information for verification of the digital signature - not repeating data used for check of authenticity of the digital signature consisting of code or cryptographic key and the corresponding information for verification of the digital signature;

1.1.10. Authenticity of the digital signature - confirmation of accessory of the digital signature checked by means of information for verification of the digital signature, to the owner of the signature, integrity, stability and not distortion of the related information message;

1.1.11. The certificate - the document on paper or in electronic form about accessory to the owner of the signature of information for verification of the digital signature, intended for identification of the owner of the signature and issued by the center for certified service;

1.1.12. The complete certificate - the certificate according to information for verification of the strengthened digital signature issued by the accredited center for certified service;

1.1.13. The center for certified service - (further - the center) the legal entity, or the physical person who is engaged in business activity without formation of legal entity, issuing the certificate and rendering other services in use of signatures provided by this Law;

1.1.14. The accredited center for certified service - (further the accredited center) - the center for certified service which rights of issue of the complete certificate are confirmed with the certificate granted by relevant organ of the executive authority;

1.1.15. The electronic document – the content which is stored electronically including the text, sound, the image or audiovisual form;

1.1.16. Electronic document management - the information processes connected with the ordered movement of the electronic document in information system;

1.1.17. Means of electronic document management - the program, technical means and technologies used in electronic document management;

1.1.18. The certified digital signature facilities - digital signature facilities which compliance to the established requirements is confirmed on the basis of rules of certification;

1.1.19. The certified means of electronic document management - means of electronic document management which compliance to the established requirements is confirmed on the basis of rules of certification;

1.1.20. The sender of the electronic document (further - the sender) - the physical person or legal entity which is personally sending the electronic document or on behalf of which the electronic document, except for the intermediary of electronic document management goes;

1.1.21. The receiver of the electronic document (further - the receiver) physical person or legal entity to which the electronic document, except for the intermediary of electronic document management is addressed;


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