of March 24, 2015 No. 66
About measures for further development of production of heavy-load MAN vehicles
For the purpose of further cooperation increase with the leading world companies on production of heavy-load vehicles, the Cabinet of Ministers decides implementations in automotive industry of the republic of the current technologies on production of cabins for heavy-load vehicles:
1. Take into consideration that JSC Uzavtosanoat together with the MAN Truck — Bus AG company is implemented the project on development of production of cabins for heavy-load MAN vehicles based on JV JV MAN Auto-Uzbekistan LLC.
2. Determine by the project of development of production of cabins for heavy-load MAN vehicles:
the customer - JV JV MAN Auto-Uzbekistan LLC;
general developer preproject and design estimates - JSC Uzogirsanoatloyikha;
the general contract construction organization - DP "Toshieskurilish" of JSC Uzbekgidroenergokurilish;
the organization exercising technical advice behind quality of construction - O LLC ZAVTOSANOAT-INJINIRING".
3. Considering that the MAN Truck — Bus AG company is the owner of technology and "know-how" on production of cabins for heavy-load MAN vehicles and the structure and structure of production equipment are determined, to permit according to the procedure of exception:
development of the preproject documentation on the project of development of production of cabins for heavy-load MAN vehicles, in single-stage procedure without preliminary feasibility statement;
acquisition of the equipment and equipment, necessary for project implementation on development of production of cabins for heavy-load MAN vehicles, without holding tenders, by the conclusion of contracts with the producers recommended by the MAN Truck — Bus AG company.
4. JSC Uzavtosanoat together with JSC Uzogirsanoatloyikha in three-months time to develop and approve with authorized bodies of examination of the feasibility study for the project on development of production of cabins for heavy-load MAN vehicles and to submit it for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5. To provide to Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducting state examination preproject and the design estimates and to establish the state architectural and construction production inspection of accomplishment of installation and construction works.
7. Exempt from customs payments (except for the value added tax and charges for customs clearance) the goods which are not made in the Republic of Uzbekistan and imported by JV JV MAN Auto-Uzbekistan LLC and DP "Toshieskurilish" of JSC Uzbekgidroenergokurilish for project implementation on development of production of cabins for heavy-load MAN vehicles according to the lists created in accordance with the established procedure.
8. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoev.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
I. Karimov
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