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of March 25, 2015 No. 161

About approval of the Charter of military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and introduction of amendments to some acts of the President of the Russian Federation

(as amended on 24-10-2018)

According to article 4 of the Federal Law of May 31, 1996 "About defense" I decide No. 61-FZ:

1. Approve the enclosed Charter of military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2. Make to acts of the President of the Russian Federation changes according to the list according to appendix.

3. To the government of the Russian Federation:

a) perform the actions directed to implementation of this Decree;

b) bring the acts into accord with this Decree.

4. To the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation:

a) perform the actions directed to implementation of this Decree;

b) provide within the established competence of the offer on reduction of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation to compliance with this Decree;

c) bring the acts into accord with this Decree.

5. Recognize invalid:

paragraphs the fourteenth - the seventeenth the subitem "v" of Item 24 appendices to the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2011 No. 38 "Questions of activities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 4, the Art. 572);

paragraphs the fourth and fifth Item 3, paragraphs of the fourth and sixth of Item 4, Items 53 - 56, 69, 70, the 103 and 105 appendices to the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2011 No. 1039 "About modification of the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 No. 1495 and in the charters approved by this Decree" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 31, the Art. 4714).

6. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.

President of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Approved by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2015, No. 161

Charter of military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

1. This Charter determines the main activities, functions, powers and the organization of service of military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (further - military police), application of some measures of the state coercion by military police, the rights and obligations of officials of military police, procedure for participation of bodies of military management, connections, military units (ships) in office activities of military police and procedure for accomplishment by military police of number of tasks of garrison service, and also cases and procedure for application by the military personnel of military police of physical force, special means and firearms.

2. Obligations of the officials of military police who are not specified in this Charter are determined by relevant provisions, manuals, instructions and managements.

3. Operation of this Charter extends to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens undergoing military charges in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (further - the military personnel), and faces of civil personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in connection with execution of the service duties by them or being in arrangement of military unit, connection, organization, garrison (further - faces of civil personnel).

4. Operation of this Charter does not extend to the military personnel of other troops, military forming and bodies, and also to the citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens who are not passing military service, and persons without citizenship (further - other persons, persons), except as specified, when it is directly provided by this Charter.

5. The military personnel of military units (ships), military personnel of military police and face of civil personnel replacing military positions in military police are guided by this Charter.

Chapter 1. General provisions

6. The military police is part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (further - Armed Forces).

7. The military police is intended for protection of life, health, the rights and freedoms of the military personnel, faces of civil personnel, providing in Armed Forces of legality, law and order, military discipline, traffic safety, protection of objects of Armed Forces, and also within the competence for counteraction of crime and protection of other legal relationship protected by the law in defense.

8. Management of military police is performed by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation. The chief of the central body of military police exercises control of bodies, military units and divisions of military police according to the list approved by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation.

9. The military police in the activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the conventional principles and rules of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws, this Charter and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

10. Activities of military police are performed on the basis of the principles of legality, publicity, observance of rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

11. The military police performs the activities in the interaction with federal bodies of the government, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations and the organizations, other bodies and citizens of the Russian Federation according to the procedure determined by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, the specified bodies and this Charter.

12. The military personnel shall render assistance to military police in case of accomplishment of the functions assigned to it.

13. For the purposes of this Charter and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation concerning activities of military police the following concepts are used:

1) "military automobile inspection of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (further - VAI) are the bodies and divisions of military police intended for planning, construction, development of system of safety of traffic and realization of state policy in this area in Armed Forces, other troops and military forming and exercising federal state supervision in the field of traffic safety in Armed Forces, organizing according to the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation accomplishment of special allowing functions in the field of safety of traffic and performing them it is direct, and also the organizing and performing special control, supervising and allowing functions in the field of safety of traffic in Armed Forces;

1. 1) "military commandant's office" - the territorial authority of military police intended for accomplishment of tasks on law enforcement, law and order, military discipline, protection of the military personnel containing on guardroom, protection of service premises of bodies of military prosecutor's office and military investigating bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (further - military investigating bodies), accomplishment of the tasks of garrison service carried to competence of military police, and also other tasks in the territory of the fixed region of responsibility;

2) "traffic police" (further - DOS) - the activities of officials of military automobile inspection including complex of actions for safety of traffic on control post of traffic police of VAI or route of patrol and also to ensuring movement of troops (forces) on public roads and the territories by regulation of traffic and (or) escort of vehicles of Armed Forces;

3) "the inspector of traffic police of VAI" - the official of military police passing military service under the contract in division of VAI or appointed for execution of traffic police on control post of traffic police of VAI, performing patrol of the section of the road, regulation of traffic or escort of vehicles of Armed Forces;

4) "control post of traffic police of VAI" - the place determined by the plan of the traffic police organization on the section of the road on which inspectors of traffic police of VAI carry out the obligations assigned to them;

5) "route of patrol of traffic police squad of VAI" - determined by the plan of the traffic police organization and approved with divisions of State Inspection for Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (further - the State traffic inspectorate) the direction of movement of traffic police squad;

6) "route of patrol of patrol of military police" - the patrol transit determined by the plan of providing law and order and military discipline around responsibility of military commandant's office and approved with law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation in the territory of garrison, around responsibility of military commandant's office, in the territories of the central bodies of military management, managements of military districts (operational and strategic commands), managements of associations, managements of connections, military units, organizations and the organizations of Armed Forces (further - military units) with the adjacent territory in visibility limits and audibility;

7) ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of 16.05.2017 No. 210

7. 1) "the job specification of military commandant's office" - the officials of military commandant's office designated in accordance with the established procedure for accomplishment of obligations on providing law and order, military discipline and counteraction of crime among the military personnel on bodyguard, protection of the dwelling and property of persons which are subject to the state protection and also for protection of the military personnel containing on guardroom and protection of service premises of bodies of military prosecutor's office and military investigating bodies;

8) "traffic police squad of VAI" - two and more inspectors of traffic police appointed in accordance with the established procedure for accomplishment of obligations on safety of traffic of vehicles of Armed Forces on control post of traffic police of VAI or route of patrol and also for ensuring movement of troops (forces) on public roads and the territories by regulation of traffic and (or) escort of vehicles of Armed Forces;

9) "the job specification of patrol service" - the patrols of military police and military units appointed in accordance with the established procedure for accomplishment of obligations on providing law and order, military discipline and counteraction of crime among the military personnel in the territory of the region of responsibility of military commandant's office and in military units;

10) "protection of objects of Armed Forces" - implementation of complex of the organization-legal, regime, technical, security and other actions directed to protection of objects against illegal encroachments and on preserving their steady functioning;

11) "patrol of traffic police squad of VAI" - systematic inspection of the certain (appointed) sections of roads and traffic routes of vehicles of Armed Forces by regular movement of traffic police squad of VAI on them on the VAI patrol vehicles or in pedestrian procedure for the purpose of observation and control of observance by transport drivers of Armed Forces of Traffic regulations of the Russian Federation (further - traffic regulations) and accomplishment of the regulatory legal acts regulating procedure for use of vehicles of Armed Forces;

12) "patrol service" - the activities of officials of military police and military units including complex of actions for providing law and order, military discipline and to counteraction of crime among the military personnel, and in the cases provided by this Charter - among faces of civil personnel and other persons;

13) "VAI patrol vehicle" (further - patrol TS of VAI) - the motorized vehicle with the special tsvetografichesky scheme put on outside surface according to requirements of GOST equipped with special light and sound signals, means of communication and other special equipment for traffic safety (further - BDD), identifications and fixings of violations of traffic regulations by transport drivers of Armed Forces;

14) "the patrol vehicle of military police" - the motorized vehicle with the special tsvetografichesky scheme put on outside surface according to requirements of GOST equipped with special light and sound signals, means of communication and other special equipment for ensuring accomplishment of tasks of patrol service, transportation of the detained military personnel;

15) "the region of responsibility of territorial authority of military police" (further - the region of responsibility) - the territory in borders of one or several subjects to administrative-territorial division within which military units and the organizations of Armed Forces are deployed. The region of responsibility can include several garrisons in which the territorial authority of military police is not provided by the state. At the same time availability around responsibility of the subjects to administrative-territorial division which are in different military districts is not allowed. Borders of regions of responsibility affirm top military commanders of the respective military districts in coordination with the chief of the central body of military police;

16) "stationary post of traffic police of VAI" - the building, the construction intended for service by traffic police squads of VAI, equipped with special service premises, equipped with special means and accessories to execution of traffic police, equipped with engineering and other constructions.

Chapter 2. Bases of the organization and activities of military police

Organization of military police

14. Bodies, military units and divisions of military police which are created for implementation of functions and realization of the powers assigned to military police treat military police.

15. The central body of military police, regional and territorial authorities of military police treat bodies of military police.

The disciplinary military units and other military units created for implementation of functions and realization of the powers assigned to military police treat military units of military police.

The structure, organizational structure and the number of staff of bodies, military units and divisions of military police are determined by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation within the established number of staff of the military personnel and civil personnel of Armed Forces taking into account conditions of dislocation, amount and nature of the carried-out tasks.

16. Territorial authorities of military police are deployed, as a rule, in close proximity to places of dislocation of military units which have the largest number, or in the territory of the military units located around responsibility of territorial authorities of military police.

The number of territorial authorities of military police is determined depending on the number of the troops (vehicles of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming) which are deployed in their region of responsibility, the size, quantity of army polygons and places of their dislocation, and also from the extent of road net.

In case of need divisions of military police are created as a part of connections and military units.

16.1. In the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg military commandants of garrisons at the same time are military commandants of these cities. Under the organization of service they are guided by requirements of this Charter, all-army regulations of Armed Forces and regulations on military commandant's offices of the cities which commandants are.

17. Requirements for placement and the equipment of military commandant's office and VAI (territorial) are stated in annex No. 1 to this Charter.

17.1. Placement of division of military police which is part of connection (military unit) and the equipment of places for its placement are performed according to the requirements provided by paragraphs the first and second Article 169 and article 170 of the Charter of internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The room of division of military police for the detained military personnel shall be equipped according to appendix No. 4 to this Charter.

18. Standard regulations on regional and territorial bodies of military police, and also regulations on military commandant's offices of the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg affirm the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation.

Main activities of military police

19. The main activities of military police are:

1) providing law and order and military discipline, participation in law enforcement, and also implementation within the competence of counteraction of crime;

2) implementation of powers of body of inquiry in Armed Forces;

3) production according to competence on cases on administrative offenses and conducting trials on minor offenses;

4) the organization in Armed Forces of search and detention of the military personnel avoiding the military service; assistance within the powers to law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation in search of the military personnel and faces of civil personnel which committed crime and also military property of Armed Forces;

5) execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation criminal penalties, disciplinary arrest, detention of suspects or the crimes accused of making, defendants and the detained military personnel, including the military personnel of other troops and military forming;

6) protection and convoy of the military personnel, including military personnel of other troops and military forming;

7) ensuring protection of objects of Armed Forces which list is determined by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, service premises of bodies of military prosecutor's office and military investigating bodies;

8) providing within the competence of the state protection of the victims, witnesses and other participants of criminal trial from among the military personnel, judges of public vessels, public prosecutor's employees of bodies of military prosecutor's office, heads and investigators of military investigating bodies, and also other protected persons;

9) safety of traffic in Armed Forces, coordination of activities of other troops and military forming concerning traffic safety;

10) accomplishment of tasks of garrison service.

19.1. Tasks and operations procedure of the divisions of military police which are in structure of connections and military units are determined by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation.

Functions of military police

20. Functions of military police are:

1) the organization of patrol service, providing law and order and military discipline among the military personnel on streets, squares, stadiums, in squares, parks, on thoroughfares, stations, at the airports, sea (river) ports and other public places, in military units, in areas of conducting exercises and mitigation of consequences of accidents, catastrophic crashes of natural and technogenic nature, and also in other cases provided by this Charter;

2) participation in interaction with law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation in actions for providing law and order and military discipline, and also for providing BDD during preparation and holding garrison actions with participation of troops (forces) and military forming;

3) the prevention and control of offenses, the administrative offenses and minor offenses made by the military personnel;

4) the prevention and control of offenses and the administrative offenses made by faces of civil personnel and other persons in the territories of military units and also faces of civil personnel in connection with execution of service duties by them;

5) protection of the scene, ensuring safety of traces of crime, administrative offense within the powers established by the Federal Laws and this Charter;

6) identification of the military personnel having intention to make offense, and carrying out with them individual scheduled maintenance, participation in legal training of the military personnel;

7) acceptance, registration and verification of messages on crimes, acceptance within the competence established by the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation according to them decisions, production of urgent investigative actions for criminal cases about crimes on which production of pretrial investigation is obligatory;

8) acceptance, registration, implementation of verification of statements and messages on administrative offenses, production on cases on the administrative offenses carried by the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses to competence of military police;

9) acceptance and registration of messages on minor offenses, conducting trials on minor offenses which are referred by this Charter to competence of military police, and the direction in military court of materials about gross minor offenses for application to the military personnel of disciplinary arrest; verification of the messages on the incidents which happened in the territories of military units arrived in bodies of military police or members of whom the military personnel is;

10) identification of the reasons and conditions promoting making by the military personnel of crimes, administrative offenses and minor offenses, taking measures to their elimination;

11) the organization in Armed Forces and acceptance according to regulations of all-army regulations and this Charter of measures for search and detention of the military personnel avoiding the military service; rendering according to the procedure, the determined Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, assistance to law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation in search and detention of the military personnel who self-willedally left military units (duty stations), the suspects and accused of making of crimes, the convicts who disappeared from bodies of preliminary inquiry or court; taking measures to search of the stolen (lost) military property of Armed Forces;

12) assistance according to the procedure, determined by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, to law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation in search and detention of the hijacked vehicles of Armed Forces, and also the military personnel and faces of civil personnel which fled the place of the road accident and which made other violations of traffic regulations and service regulations of vehicles of Armed Forces;

13) execution within the powers of the judgments (judge), written orders of the investigator, head of investigating body, the investigator, body of inquiry about production of separate investigative actions, about execution of resolutions on detention, the drive, detention of the military personnel, suspects and the crimes accused of making, about production of other legal proceedings, rendering assistance in their implementation;

14) execution concerning the military personnel, including the military personnel of other troops, military forming and bodies, criminal penalties in the form of content in disciplinary military unit and arrest, authority punishment in the form of disciplinary arrest;

15) content on guardroom of the military personnel, including military personnel of other troops and military forming detained on suspicion of making of crimes, administrative offenses or gross minor offenses; the suspects accused of making of crimes and defendants concerning whom the measure of restraint in the form of detention is chosen; condemned by military court and being held in custody concerning which the sentence did not take legal effect;

16) protection and convoy in the cases of the military personnel, including military personnel of other troops and military forming detained on suspicion of making of the crimes, suspects accused of making of the crimes and defendants concerning whom the measure of restraint in the form of detention is chosen condemned by military court and who are held in custody concerning which the sentence did not take legal effect, court, to production sites of investigative and other legal proceedings established by this Charter;

17) providing law and order and legality in disciplinary military units and on guardrooms, safety of the military personnel containing in the them, the military personnel and employees of military police and also who are in their territories of official and other persons;

18) implementation within competence of measures for counteraction to drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and their precursors in Armed Forces; prevention within competence of illegal consumption of drugs and psychotropic substances of Armed Forces; interaction implementation according to the procedure, determined by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, with its territorial authorities concerning information support of activities in the field of control of drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and their precursors, strong substances and counteraction to their illicit trafficking in Armed Forces;

19) ensuring protection of objects of Armed Forces which list is determined by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, and also protection of service premises of bodies of military prosecutor's office and military investigating bodies according to the procedure, determined by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation together with the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;

20) acceptance under protection of objects of Armed Forces (in process of reduction of their security to the established requirements) and the organization of their protection; participation in development of tactical and technical and operating-technical requirements to means of protection;

21) interaction with the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation and Federal Bailiff Service concerning convoy of the military personnel who is held in custody, protection and safety of the escorted military personnel;

22) providing within the competence and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation the state protection of the victims, witnesses and other participants of criminal trial from among the military personnel, judges of public vessels, public prosecutor's employees of bodies of military prosecutor's office, heads and investigators of military investigating bodies, other protected persons, on life, health, honor and advantage, and also on property of which criminal encroachments are made;

23) participation in development of federal target programs and development of departmental programs in the established field of activity, and also their realization in Armed Forces;

24) participation together with the interested federal executive bodies in development of offers and control of their realization in the established field of activity;

25) participation in development and implementation of programs of international cooperation, preparation and the conclusion of international treaties of the Russian Federation, including interdepartmental nature, on the questions which are within the competence of military police;

26) development of measures for enhancement of activities of military police;

27) coordination of activities of other troops and military forming concerning providing BDD;

28) promotion of traffic safety in Armed Forces, control of observance of traffic regulations and service regulations by transport drivers of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming on the public roads and the territories which are under authority of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (further - the territories);

29) the organization and execution of traffic police on highways public and traffic routes of vehicles of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming;

30) implementation of verifications of messages or statements of physical persons and legal entities, and also messages in the mass media containing the data specifying availability of event of administrative offense; production within the competence on cases on administrative offenses;

31) in coordination with divisions of the State traffic inspectorate regulation of traffic on public roads when holding special events, in venues of doctrines and classes in combat training, and also providing BDD in case of movement of organized military columns, including with use of technical means and the automated systems; escort of vehicles of Armed Forces (military columns) and other vehicles performing transportation of goods of defense value for the benefit of Armed Forces on public roads and the territories;

32) approval in accordance with the established procedure traffic routes of vehicles of Armed Forces in transit them especially dangerous, bulky and (or) heavy loads;

33) issue of permissions to installation and removal of technical means of the organization of traffic on roads and the territories;

34) implementation on site the road accident with participation of vehicles of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming of urgent actions for rescuing of people, including taking measures to evacuation of people and rendering first aid to them, and also assistance in evacuation of the damaged vehicles of Armed Forces and protection of military property on site the road accident;

35) carrying out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation state registration and accounting of vehicles of Armed Forces and vehicles of federal executive bodies (except the Federal Service of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation) in coordination with the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, issue of registration documents and the state registration signs on the registered vehicles;

36) issue in accordance with the established procedure permissions to the equipment of vehicles of field services of military units special light and sound signals in the presence of special tsvetografichesky schemes on the outside surfaces of these vehicles;

37) carrying out in accordance with the established procedure technical inspection of vehicles of Armed Forces, including with use of means of technical diagnosing;

38) the organization and control of the admission of drivers and vehicles of Armed Forces to participation in traffic; issue in accordance with the established procedure on vehicles of Armed Forces of certificates on the admission to transportation of dangerous goods;

39) implementation in Armed Forces of control and supervision of observance of regulatory legal acts in the field of providing BDTs which establish requirements:

to operational condition and repair of highways (except for the state supervision in case of their capital repairs), road constructions, railway crossings which are under authority of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and also to installation and operation of technical means of the organization of traffic on them;

to design and technical condition of the automotor-vehicles of Armed Forces, trail cars which are in operation to them and pieces of their additional equipment;

to change of design of the automotor-vehicles and trail cars registered in VAI to them;

to transportations within competence of military traffic police of especially dangerous, heavy and bulky cargoes;

40) participation in actions of territorial defense, in carrying out counter-terrorist operations and providing modes of emergency and warlike situation;

41) safety of stay of foreign inspection teams within implementation of international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation in the field of arms control in the territories of military units, in places of their visit, accommodation, food and on routes;

42) accomplishment of the tasks of garrison service carried to competence of military commandant's offices according to article 20.1 of the Charter of garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (further - the Charter of garrison and guard services of Armed Forces).

Powers of military police

21. For realization of the functions the military police is allocated with the following powers:

1) to demand from the military personnel of respect for military discipline, the termination of the illegal and (or) interfering activities bodies of military police of actions, to take the measures provided by the Federal Laws, this Charter and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for control of offenses, the administrative offenses and minor offenses made by the military personnel;

2) to demand from the faces of civil personnel which are in the territories of military units, the terminations illegal and (or) interfering activities of bodies of military police of actions to take the measures provided by the Federal Laws, this Charter and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for control of offenses and the administrative offenses made by faces of civil personnel in the territory of military unit; detain in the procedure for faces of civil personnel which committed crime in the territory of military unit or concerning the military personnel, including the military personnel of other troops, military forming and bodies, property of Armed Forces established by the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation - before their transfer to the relevant law enforcement agencies;

3) to check identity documents, at the military personnel, and also at the faces of civil personnel which are in the territories of military units if there are bases to suspect them of making of offense or there are bases for their detention in the cases provided by the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;

4) to detain and bring to military police of the military personnel: in connection with making by them of crime, administrative offense or gross minor offense; for suppression of possibility of making of new crimes by them; shown resistance or disobedience to legal requirements of the serviceman of military police; in the absence of identity documents at them; undergoing military service, - in the absence of the documents which are confirming legality of their stay outside military unit, or arrived on discharge notes from other garrison; if there are bases for their detention in other cases provided by this Charter;

5) to perform personal inspection, examination of the things which are in case of the military personnel for the purpose of detection of the documents, tools of making or objects of offense or objects which kept on themselves offense traces and also in the presence of data that the military personnel has in case of themselves weapon, ammunition, cartridges to weapon, explosives, destructive devices, drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors, to withdraw the specified documents, weapon, objects, means and substances in the absence of legal causes for their carrying or storage; ensure protection of the place of offense and safety of the specified documents, weapon, objects, means and substances;

To perform 6) within the powers of the judgment (judge), written orders of the investigator, head of investigating body, the investigator, body of inquiry about production of separate investigative actions, about execution of resolutions on detention, the drive, detention of the military personnel, suspects and the crimes accused of making, about production of other legal proceedings; take measures for ensuring safety of traces of crime, the civil personnel made by military personnel, and also persons in the territory of military unit, and other proofs of making of crime by them;

7) to direct and bring the military personnel to medical examination on state of intoxication in the relevant medical organizations if the result of survey is necessary in connection with crime execution, administrative offense or gross minor offense for objective establishment of circumstances of offense, and also to carry out survey of persons managing vehicles of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming, on state of intoxication according to the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences and according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Russian Federation;


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