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The document ceased to be valid since  January 1, 2016 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 29, 2015 No. 498


of January 19, 2015 No. 36

About approval of requirements for equipment of processing lines of production of ethyl alcohol spirtoizmeryayushchy devices, productions of alcoholic products (except wine material and beer) - the survey meters of accounting providing the automated transfer to authorized body in real time of data on development amounts, and also about on control of their functioning and implementation of accounting of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products

According to the subitem 4) Item 2 of article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 16, 1999 "About state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed requirements for equipment of processing lines of production of ethyl alcohol by spirtoizmeryayushchy devices, productions of alcoholic products (except wine material and beer) - the survey meters of accounting providing the automated transfer to authorized body in real time of data on development amounts and also procedure on control of their functioning and implementation of accounting of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products.

2. To committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ergozhin of E.) in the procedure established by the legislation to provide:

1) the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order the direction it on official publication in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

B. Sultanov

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 19, 2015 No. 36

Requirements for equipment of processing lines of production of ethyl alcohol spirtoizmeryayushchy devices, productions of alcoholic products (except wine material and beer) the survey meters of accounting providing the automated transfer to authorized body in real time of data on development amounts and also procedure on control of their functioning and implementation of accounting of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products

1. General provisions

1. These requirements for equipment of processing lines of production of ethyl alcohol spirtoizmeryayushchy devices (further - devices), productions of alcoholic products (except wine material and beer) - the survey meters of accounting providing the automated transfer to authorized body in real time of data on development amounts and also procedure on control of their functioning and implementation of accounting of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products (further - Rules) are developed according to the subitem 4) of Item 2 of article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 16, 1999 "About state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products" for the purpose of ensuring control of production of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products.

2. Requirements for equipment of processing lines of production of ethyl alcohol the spirtoizmeryayushchy devices providing the automated transfer to authorized body in real time of data on development amounts and also procedure on control of their functioning and implementation of accounting of ethyl alcohol

2. Production of alcohol and head fraction of ethyl alcohol (further - alcohol) is equipped with devices which perform continuous measurement and issue on counters of devices of the following data:

1) about amount of the produced alcohol and amount of the anhydrous alcohol received by transformation of volume indicator via the spirtometrichesky mechanism in anhydrous or conclusion to indication of the acquired information of their values;

2) about amount of head fraction of alcohol without use of the spirtometrichesky mechanism.

Unit of measure of alcohol is the decalitre (further - gave) anhydrous alcohol at temperature + 20C °.

3. Devices for accounting of alcohol and head fraction of alcohol are located taking into account possibility of their servicing and monitoring procedure, including for the purpose of alcohol plunder exception.

4. The device is established indoors in which there is bragorektifikatsionny (bragoperegonny) installation or in the room, adjacent to it, on spirtoprovoda after viewing lamp with ensuring free approach to the device from all directions, for the purpose of clear visual viewing of meter readings of volume and anhydrous alcohol.

The device serves for control of the course of bragorektifikation and alcohol distillation for hour, change, days and more. For ensuring the correct operation of spirtoizmeryayushchy devices on spirit productions the system of stabilization of temperature of alcohol at the exit from the refrigerator is mounted. The relative error in accounting of amount of anhydrous alcohol on measuring tank and the device from above +/-is not allowed by % 0,5.

5. Devices meet the following requirements:

1) stability of work in alcohol, aqueous-alcoholic liquids and viscous circles with sugar content;

2) temperature condition of work from 0 to + 40C °;

3) intertesting interval at least 6 months since launch in operation of the device;

4) the parts of the device which are directly adjoining to alcohol-containing liquid are made of the materials permitted to

to application in the food industry;

5) availability of reservoir of memory for accounting with the accruing result;

6) preserving indications in case of failures in work, blocking of the counter with registration of time and renewal of indications from the moment of stop;

7) unavailability to unauthorized intervention (code, key, seal, holographic sticker and other methods);

8) availability of protection against failures and external impacts;

9) duration of autonomous work in case of emergency failures in electric utility service at least 3 (three) days from the moment of approach of emergency failure;

10) vzryvo-and fire safety;

11) possibility of ensuring the automated transfer to authorized body in real time data on alcohol development amounts.

6. Technical data sheet, the instruction in the state and Russian languages, the document on origin of the device and the scheme of work are attached to the device.

7. The device for control accounting of alcohol and head fraction of alcohol is put into operation in the presence of the official of authorized body about what the statement of commissioning in any form is drawn up.

8. Flange connections of selection of alcohol from rectifying column to spirtoizmeryayushchy devices, all places of possible access to nodes and elements of setup, blocking, registration and dumping of information and to other devices influencing indications of devices of control, and also devices are sealed up by the official of authorized body by imposing of seals about what the statement of sealing in any form, with indication of places of imposing and numbers or prints of seals is drawn up.

9. The purpose of control accounting of alcohol is control of the course of bragorektifikation and alcohol distillation, continuous measurement and control accounting of the developed amount of aqueous-alcoholic solution and the alcohol containing in it in terms of anhydrous alcohol.

10. Control accounting of alcohol in case of its production is implemented by equipping and use in the organizations performing alcohol production (further - the manufacturing organization of alcohol) devices and telecommunication transmission media of data (further - transmission media).

11. Measurement and accounting of amount of the produced alcohol is made by results of alcohol measurement by measuring tanks, by transfer of alcohol from department of acceptance of alcohol and spirtoprodukt (further - drain department) in alcohol cellar.

12. Primary data for financial accounting are results of measurement by measuring tank of amount of anhydrous alcohol.

13. Comparison of results of measurement of amount of anhydrous alcohol on measuring tank (Vm) and the device (Va) determines quantitative discrepancy between these sizes in dalla and percent (error).

14. Calculation of error is made on formulas:

Формула 1 к Приказу МФ РК от 19.01.2015 №36

where Sabs. - absolute error, gave;

Sotn. - relative error, %.

15. Absolute and relative errors in case of measurement of anhydrous alcohol are determined by each transfer of alcohol from production in alcohol cellar and fixed in Section 3 of the act of development of alcohol and spirtoprodukt and their transfer to alcohol cellar in form according to appendix 1 to these rules (further - the act of alcohol development), and controlled by the relevant division of the manufacturing organization of alcohol.

16. Depending on capacity of bragorektifikatsionny installations the equipment, one or several devices providing acceptance, accounting and transfer of alcohol, head fraction of alcohol according to appendix 2 to these rules is used.

17. Accounting of number of head fraction is made on the volume counter of alcohol.

18. The omission of fusel oils and non-standard alcohol (tie) via devices is not allowed.

19. Alcohol and head fraction of alcohol are taken to drain department via the refrigerator, the rotameter, viewing lamp and the device. At the same time the viewing lamp is placed in the lit place, at distance at least one meter from the device.

20. For ensuring operation of devices the system is mounted

stabilization of temperature of alcohol.

21. Stabilization of temperature of alcohol is reached due to giving via the alcohol refrigerator in gravitation tank of all cooling water of bragorektifikatsionny (bragoperegonny) installation, required for work. At the same time receipt of cooling water in the alcohol refrigerator directly from the pump is provided, without establishing on the pipeline of shutoff valves. Free exit of water from the refrigerator in gravitation tank, the pool and other reservoirs is provided. The direction of water from the refrigerator in the condenser, dephlegmator and collector is not allowed.

22. In case of use of system of automatic control of temperature of alcohol the sensor is established in deaf sleeve in spirtoprovoda at the exit from the refrigerator.

23. The alcohol arriving in the device has the greatest possible low stable temperature for this season irrespective of system of regulation of temperature of alcohol.


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