Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 26, 1997 No. 541-I

About mass media

(as amended on 07-02-2024)

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in sphere of activity of mass media.

Article 2. Scope of this Law

This Law extends to the mass media created and operating in the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also to mass media of foreign states in the part concerning distribution of their products in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 3. Legislation on mass media

The legislation on mass media consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about mass media then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 4. Mass media

Mass media - the form of periodic distribution of mass information having the permanent name and which is published or aired registered in the procedure established by the legislation (further - release) at least once in six months in printed form (newspapers, magazines, sheets, bulletins and others) and (or) electronic type (TV, radio - video, film chronicle programs, websites on the world information Internet), and other forms of periodic distribution of mass information.

Mass media in the Republic of Uzbekistan perform the activities according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About state language".

Article 5. Freedom of mass media

In the Republic of Uzbekistan mass media are free.

Everyone has the right to act in mass media, to openly express the opinion and beliefs if other is not provided by the law.

The state guarantees freedom of activities and information access, the property right of mass media, protection them against illegal decisions of state bodies, actions (failure to act) of their officials. Hindrance of activities or intervention in activities of mass media is forbidden.

Mass media according to the legislation have the right to look for, receive, research, to extend, use, store information and bear responsibility for objectivity and reliability of the distributed information in accordance with the established procedure.

Article 5-1. State support of mass media

The state can give support to mass media in the way:

provisions of privileges and preferences on taxes and other obligatory payments and rates;

providing financial support through system of government subsidies, state grants and state social orders;

developments and realization of package of measures for strengthening of material and technical resources;

social support of staff of the editorial offices;

organizations of activities of funds for support of mass media;

assistance in preparation, retraining and advanced training of staff of the editorial offices.

The state support of mass media cannot be used for infringement of independence of professional activity of mass media.

Article 6. Inadmissibility of abuse of freedom of mass media

Use of mass media is not allowed for the purpose of:

appeal to violent change of the existing constitutional system, territorial integrity of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

propaganda for war, violence and terrorism, and also ideas of religious extremism, separatism and fundamentalism;

disclosure of the data constituting the state secrets or other secret protected by the law;

distribution of information initiating race, racial, ethnic or religious strife;

promotion of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors if other is not provided by the law;

promotion of pornography;

making of other actions involving criminal and other liability according to the law.

It is forbidden to discredit honor and advantage or goodwill of citizens through mass media, to interfere with their private life.

It is forbidden to publish materials of inquiry or pretrial investigation without written permission of the prosecutor, the investigator or the investigator, to precede results of specific case before adoption of the decision by court or other way to make impact on court to the introduction of its decision in legal force.

Article 7. Inadmissibility of censorship

In the Republic of Uzbekistan censorship of mass media is not allowed. Nobody has the right to require preliminary approval of the published messages or materials, and also change of the text or their complete removal from seal (air).

Chapter 2. Organization of activities of mass media

Article 8. Right to organization of mass media

Legal entities and physical persons of the Republic of Uzbekistan have rights to organization of mass media.

Mass media can be founded also by several founders.

Cannot be the founder of mass media (further - the founder):

person which did not reach eighteen-year age;

the person having the outstanding or not removed criminal record for intentional crime or recognized by court incapacitated;

non-state non-profit organization which activities are prohibited by the law.

The organization of mass media is not allowed by legal entities in whose authorized fund the share of foreign investments constitutes thirty percent and more.

Article 9. Constituent documents

Constituent documents of mass media are the foundation agreement and the charter (provision) of the editorial office of mass media (further - edition) or only the charter (provision) of the editorial office.

Article 10. Foundation agreement

The foundation agreement is signed between several founders.

Are provided in the foundation agreement:

name (surname, name, middle name) and location (postal address) of founders;

type, the name, language, the purpose, specialization and frequency of the established mass media;

form of business of edition;

size and procedure for forming of authorized capital of the editorial office;

financing sources of edition;

the rights and obligations of founders on participation in activities of edition;

procedure for forming of governing bodies of edition;

procedure for profit distribution and indemnification;

procedure for suspension or termination of release of mass media;

other conditions according to the legislation.

Article 11. Charter (provision) of the editorial office

Edition acts on the basis of the Charter (provisions), accepted according to the legislation and approved as the founder.

In the charter (provision) of the editorial office are determined:

type, name, language, purpose, specialization, frequency and amount of mass media;

location (postal address) of edition;

rights and obligations of the founder and edition;

financing sources of edition;


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