Approved by the Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 344
Rules of ensuring industrial safety for hazardous production facilities on storage and conversion of vegetable raw materials
1. These rules of ensuring industrial safety on storage and conversion of vegetable raw materials (further - Rules) are developed for hazardous production facilities according to subitem 94-6) of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 23, 2020 No. 701 and determine procedure for the organization and ensuring industrial safety on hazardous production facilities by storage and conversion of vegetable raw materials in industry of the food industry.
2. These rules extend to the hazardous production facilities on storage and conversion of vegetable raw materials identified according to the Rules of identification of hazardous production facilities approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 353 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 10310).
3. Coverings of drives, walking paths, platforms before warehouses are carried out asphalt concrete, concrete.
4. For transition through ditches and trenches the bridges width of at least 0,8 of meter protected with handrail at least 1 meter high with continuous sewing below on meter 0,2 height are established.
5. Approaches to bridges contain free, in night-time bridges and approaches to them are lit.
6. Color finishing (coloring) of surfaces of production rooms and the equipment it is carried out mainly in light tones.
7. To accept identification coloring of pipelines and digital designation of the enlarged groups of the substances transported on them according to GOST 14202-69.
8. The waste which is formed in case of covering of grain forms polymeric materials is warehoused in reservoir for further utilization or neutralization.
Storm drains before dumping into the sewerage are exposed to cleaning.
9. Content of dust in air of the working area is determined according to Appendix 1 to these rules.
In case of simultaneous content in air of the working area of several hazardous substances of the unidirectional action the amount of the relations of the actual concentration of each of them (With 1, C2,..., Cn) in air to their threshold limit value (further - maximum allowable concentration) (PDK1, PDK2,..., PDKN) shall not exceed units:
C1/PDK1 + C2/PDK2 +... + Sn/PDKN <1.
In case of simultaneous content in air of the working area of several hazardous substances which do not have the unidirectional action, maximum allowable concentrations remain such, as well as in case of the isolated impact.
During the designing, production, installation and operation of processing equipment measures for the prevention or reduction to minimum of harmful allocations are provided in air of working rooms.
No. 335 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 26.12.2022
No. 335 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 26.12.2022
37. On the territory of bakeries and macaroni factories it is provided at least two entrances (departures), one of which is reserve.
For productions capacity to 10 tons per day allows one entrance.
38. Gate for entrance (departure) are mechanized, have the locking devices eliminating possibility of their spontaneous opening and closing, are equipped with the sound alarm system warning about traffic circulation.
Width of gate of automobile entrances on the territory of the organizations is accepted on the greatest width of cars plus 1,5 of meter, but there is at least meter 4,5, and width of gate for railway entrances - meter 4,9 suffices.
39. For journey of road transport on the territory of the company roads with hard surface are arranged. Width of drives in case of one-way traffic is at least meter 3,5, in case of bilateral - 6 meters.
In places of crossing of highways and ways the continuous floorings laid at the level of head of rails are arranged. Width of walking paths is at least 1 meter.
40. In case of entrance on the territory the traffic pattern of motor transport is hung out.
In all places constituting danger warning (alarm) labels and signs of safety according to GOST 12.4.026-2015 "Occupational safety standards system are established. Colors are alarm, signs of safety and marking alarm. Appointment and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. test methods".
41. Width of the covered drives of automobile scales and 3,5 intakes of meter, height of no more 3,5 of meter. At exit gate of automobile scales the directing columns at distance of 1 meter from gate are established.
42. Motor transport motion speed in the territory is limited no more than 5 kilometers per hour, in workshops - no more than 3 kilometers per hour.
43. The turnaround area or circular driving through the territory which sizes are expected use of heavy-load cars is provided.
Platforms for unloading of tare loads are arranged according to overall dimensions of the applied transport.
The stage device for unloading of raw materials is provided in container by meter 1,2 height flush with floor of storage facilities.
44. Reception branch pipes for acceptance of liquid auxiliary raw materials (treacle, vegetable oil, serum) on warehouse are closed and located under canopy.
45. Expedition stage height in case of tray leave of products is established by equal 0,65 of meter, and in case of container - meter 1,2.
46. The distance between the vehicles standing one after another is allowed at least 1 meter, and between standing nearby - meter 1,5 suffices. Between the building and board of the vehicle the distance of at least 0,8 of meter is observed, the otboyny bar is established.
47. The territory of the company is kept clean. Drives and passes are free for movement, are leveled, have no ruts, holes, are lit at night.
48. In summer dry time the drives and passes adjoining production, administration and sanitary and household rooms pour down.
In winter time drives, paths, platforms, platforms and outside ladders are cleared of snow and ice, and in case of ice accretion fall down sand.
49. Drains (ditches) for removal of atmospheric waters are cleared and contain in good repair.
50. Bridges, drives, transitions, platforms contain in good repair, are equipped with indexes, at night are lit.
51. Underground storage tanks, wells, fire reservoirs are closed and protected from all directions.
52. Fire reservoirs are designated by the light index at night.
53. Chaotic storage of materials, details, the equipment is not allowed in the territory. Materials, products, the equipment, metal scrap are placed in the allocated place.
54. Storage in the territory of object of grain waste, pod and dust is not allowed by open method.
55. In case of unpacked loading, unloading of products and waste devices, the warning zapyleny territories are provided.
56. Similar devices are provided in case of acceptance and leave of grain, flour, compound feeds and other types of mealy raw materials and finished goods from rail and road transport.
57. The distance from dustbins to factory buildings makes at least 25 meters.
58. Cleaning of dustbins is made with the subsequent disinfection in warm season 20 percentage solution of svezhegasheny lime or 10 percentage solution of chloric lime (1 kilograms on 10 liters of water).
59. Waste disposal and garbage is made by transport which use for transportation of raw materials and finished goods is not allowed, according to the schedule approved by the technical lead.
60. Height of rooms from floor to bottom of speakers of designs of overlapping (covering) is at least 2,2 of meters.
61. No. 335 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 26.12.2022
62. The internal surface of walls, ceilings, the bearing structures, doors, floors of production rooms, internal surfaces of walls of the silos and bunkers which are built in factory buildings without ledges and hollows, allows to make their cleaning easily.
63. In rooms with natural lighting everyone is provided in windows at least two opening (for floors is higher than the first - in the building) shutters or window leaves with square manual opening at least 1 meter.
64. The total area of shutters or window leaves is at least floor area percent 0,2, for nadsilosny floors - percent 0,3. Filling of apertures with glass blocks is not allowed.
65. The device of window covers provides possibility of rubbing and repair of outside surface of windows directly from rooms.
66. The windows located at the height less than 1 meter from floor have barriers on all width. Barrier height from floor 1 meter.
67. Rooms for packaging of finished goods are isolated from other production and storage facilities.
68. Auxiliary rooms for service personnel are placed in separate buildings.
It is allowed to have auxiliary rooms in extensions in end face of factory buildings except for of zernoochistitelny departments.
69. In factory buildings it is allowed to have: dispatching office, the room for heating of workers, valtserezny workshop, utility rooms without permanent stay of people.
70. The container which was in the use is processed in certain rooms for sorting, cleaning, repair and disinfection.
71. Rooms are heated and have supply and exhaust ventilation. Rooms for disinfection of container are isolated from the room where processing of container before disinfection is made.
72. The Valtserezny workshop is located in the isolated room located on the floor of valtsovy machines. Movement of rollers is mechanized.
73. The places intended for storage of microelements, vitamins, enzymes and other additives are isolated from the main production rooms.
74. Rooms where constitute enrichment mixes, are equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, walls become covered with waterproof material.
75. Rooms for preparation of suspensions for protravlivaniye of seeds of corn are isolated from other rooms and have supply and exhaust ventilation.
76. Chemicals for protravlivaniye of seeds are stored in the certain isolated room.
77. The barriers located in factory buildings, platforms, mezzanines, priyamk on which processing equipment is placed are designed steel, trellised, by 1,0 height meter, barriers continuous - on height of 150 millimeters from floor.
78. On roof trellised barriers by height of at least 0,6 of meter from fireproof materials, installation of the equipment on roof are provided, height of barriers - is at least meter 1,0.
79. Placement of the main productions in basement and semibasement rooms is not allowed.
80. Treat the main production: raw materials preparation, batch, molding, rasstoyka of the test, baking of products, drying of semifinished products, packing and packaging of finished products, conversion of technology waste, sink and storage of matrixes, ostyvochny department and expedition.
81. Floors have equal, strong covering, in rooms with dusty productions cleaning of covering is provided.
82. Floors of production rooms with wet processes shall be waterproof.
83. Floors in rooms where acids, alkalis or other aggressive liquids are applied or contain (barmy department, rooms for sink of container, matrixes, preparations of the washing solutions, the charging station and others), are made of the material steady against impact of these substances and have bias for drain.
84. In rooms where aggressive liquids are applied and stored, floors are made of nonflammable materials.
85. In the isolated rooms sites are located: proseivatelny, cleanings of sacks and their storage, preparation of icing sugar, preparation of breading flour, preparation of liquid yeast, rye ferments and the concentrated lactic ferments, preparations of raw materials for production, furnace departments of the furnaces using solid fuel, rooms for account tanks of liquid fuel, washing departments (container, matrixes, stock), rooms where there are water tanks for reserve water, mechanical workshops, razmolny department.
Rooms in which turbo-blowers, compressors are placed are isolated, and the equipment is installed on the anti-vibration basis.
86. Ways of evacuation provide bystry exit of people from rooms. Schemes of evacuation are hung out on each floor. At least two emergency exits are provided. The doors intended for evacuation open in the direction of exit from the room and the building.
87. Height of loading of warehouses grain is specified on warehouse walls firm line on all perimeter of warehouse with warning labels.
88. The finished goods warehouses located above the first floor are provided with descents and vehicles for cargo transfer.
89. In storage building of tare loads on the first floor at end face it is allowed to have the charging station for accumulator lift trucks. The number of at the same time charged batteries no more than five. The charging station separates from other storage facilities walls with overlappings and has the isolated exit.
90. The device of windows in outside walls and intake of outside air for ventilation over premises of the charging station is not allowed.
91. In the mechanized grain warehouses with flat floors including equipped with aero trenches over outlets on the conveyor on their center the vertical columns protecting working from tightening in funnel are established.
For warehouses with chanceless gallery installation of pyramidal lattices is allowed. Height of lattices is established on meter 0,5 above the maximum height of embankment of grain. Distance between cross levels of no more 0,25 of meters. The axis of lattice matches with the center of the outlet.
92. Operation of the grain mechanized warehouses without vertical columns or pyramidal lattices is not allowed.
93. In case of floor storage of compound feeds, bran, pod, muchka, meal and other not grain components of compound feeds in the mechanized warehouses with flat floors and lower (through passage or chanceless) gallery self-flowing production on the lower conveyor is not allowed. When loading warehouse are left free at least one final device and the free area for investment of funds of portable mechanization. Other hatches or final devices which are under embankment are closed.
Movement of embankment to the final device is performed by funds of mechanization from the area of warehouses, free from product, at the same time workers are in the place, free from product.
In process of release of warehouse removal of covers from the subsequent outlets is made.
Galleries of warehouses through passage are equipped with exhaust forced or natural ventilation.
94. In each mechanized warehouse with self-flowing release of grain at least two feet buttons outside of warehouse, by one button from each party for emergency stop of the conveyor of the lower gallery are established. The "start-up" and "stop" buttons are also at the conveyor electric motor.
95. In rooms of the bulk warehouses of flour relating to explosion-fire-hazardous the easily dumped designs (windows, lamps) are provided by total area 0,03 square suffices meter on 1 cubic meter of the room.
96. In warehouses for raising (lowering) of load on height of more 1,5 of meter ladders, gravitational descents, elevators and other devices for descent and load lifting are established. Floors of storage facilities correspond PK 2.02-05-2009 Construction Norms and Regulations.
97. Doors of storage facilities open outside. Doors of explosion-fire-hazardous storage facilities have fixing in open provision and correspond PK 2.02-05-2009 Construction Norms and Regulations.
98. Doorways for cargo flows in warehouses for tare loads are allowed by width of at least 1,95 of meter and height of at least 2,4 of meter.
99. Width of drives in warehouses on which transport moves (carts, electric lift trucks) is allowed at least width of transport plus 0,8 of meter, but meter 2,1 in case of one-way traffic suffices at least the double maximum width of loaded transport plus 1,5 of meter - in case of the passer.
100. Bulk warehouses of flour of open or partially open type are equipped with easy canopies. For servicing of the upper part of bunkers of warehouses of open and partially open types the general platform of servicing with ladders of mid-flight type is provided. Platforms and ladders have the barriers at least 1 meter high which are sewn up low on meter 0,15 height. Floorings of platforms and steps are made of corrugated or prosechny steel.
101. For acceptance and transportation of tare loads means of small-scale mechanization are provided.
102. Stacking of sacks with flour is made on racks or pallets with observance of procedure for coordination of sacks and vertical position of stack.
103. Boxes keep within "bandaging" in stacks. Barrels keep within stacks in the form of the truncated pyramid with laying of boards between each row. In order to avoid stack raskatyvaniye extreme barrels are got jammed.
The stacking height when stacking of the packaged loads shall not exceed the sizes specified in Appendix 2 to these rules.
104. In case of storage of products passes between stacks width of at least 1,25 of meters are provided in container, the distance from stacks to walls - is at least 0,7 of meters.
The distance from stack top before overlapping or bottom of speakers of parts of stationary designs is at least meter 0,5.
105. In the storage facilities intended for storage of acids, alkalis and other aggressive substances warning labels with indication of the stored substances are hung out. In warehouse the inventory of means for neutralization of the spilled acids and alkalis contains.
106. Silos and the bunker for grain, flour, grain, compound feeds, bran irrespective of the place of their arrangement are closed by continuous overlapping with the device in them densely closed loading and lazovy hatches with safety lattices. Receptions of the bunker have stationary lattices for prevention of hit in the bunker of people.
107. Internal surfaces of walls of silos and bunkers, their bottoms are made smooth (without ledges, edges, belts, hollows, roughnesses), providing complete exit of product from them. Finishing of internal surfaces of silos promotes the best expiration of bulk.
108. All silos and the bunker are equipped with aspiration. Aspiration of reservoirs for collection and storage of dust and operational reservoirs is not allowed to be combined in one aspiration installation with the processing and transport equipment.
Reservoirs for collection and storage of dust aspirirut separate installation, aspiration of operational reservoirs is allowed to be combined in one aspiration installation with the equipment in which there are no rotating details.
109. Check of temperature of the grain which is stored in silos and bunkers and other products is performed by stationary or figurative installations. Lowering in silos and the bunker of people for these purposes is not allowed.
110. Silos and the bunker for storage of grain, flour, bran, compound feeds, pod and other loose products are equipped with the devices providing complete effluence of product.
111. Passes between the built-in bunkers for bulk storage and walls of the building at least 0,7 of meters is allowed.
112. All hatches of silos, bunkers in overlappings are closed by covers level with floor.
113. All lazovy and loading hatches of silos, bunkers and other devices, irrespective of places of their arrangement, in addition to covers, have metal lattices with cells no more than 250 by 75 millimeters in size. More than 60 millimeters from surface of half of the room are not recommended to deepen lattices of hatches.
114. All lattices of hatches fasten on loops or bolts.
115. Lazovy hatches of rectangular section are allowed at least 500x600 millimeters in size.
116. The arrangement of certain rooms in constructions for unloading of grain and raw materials below planning mark, the opened priyamk in the first floor of factory buildings is allowed; at the same time burying of all underground rooms minimum, taking into account opportunities of engineering procedure.
117. The device of basement stores of buildings and adits excludes penetration into them of ground waters.
118. The production rooms located in basement and semibasement stores and transport tunnels are provided with ventilation, and have at least two exits located at the beginning and the end of the basement or tunnel. In short tunnels 15-20 meters long it is allowed to have one exit. With length of tunnel more than 120 meters intermediate exits at least through 100 meters, height of 1,5 of meter and width of 0,7 of meter which are coming to an end out of the building of grain store with well with the hatch equipped with metal ladder or brackets for exit are provided.
119. Separate not continuous overlappings, scaffolds and galleries for servicing of mechanisms, the upper conveyor galleries of warehouses, transitional bridges have barriers at least 1 meter high, with continuous sewing below on meter 0,15.
120. The galleries and platforms having length more than 20 meters and located at the height over 2 meters from the level of the earth or half of the room have at least two exits arranged one in the beginning and the second at the end of gallery or the platform.
121. The main and auxiliary rooms have natural lighting. In auxiliary rooms with permanent workplaces, in rooms of public catering, health centers and cultural servicing natural lighting is provided, and in other auxiliary rooms artificial lighting is allowed.
122. It is not allowed to cover or darken apertures production equipment, to encumber with products, semifinished products as inside, and out of buildings.
123. The glass surface of light apertures is periodically cleared of pollution, at least two times a year.
124. In all production, auxiliary rooms connected with conducting engineering procedure, lamps are provided in the closed execution.
125. Lighting networks get out taking into account their purpose, conditions of the environment, class of vzryvopozharoopasnost of rooms, sites, zones.
The electric lighting mounted in explosion-fire-hazardous zones of production and auxiliary rooms conforms to requirements in the field of power industry.
126. General lighting is applied to lighting of production rooms. In zones of placement of workplaces local lighting is used. Voltage of 380/220 Volts of alternating current in case of the isolated neutral is applied to food of lamps of general lighting.
127. In case of application of the combined lighting lamps of local lighting have tension: with glow lamps in rooms without the increased danger - it is not higher than 220 Volts, in rooms with the increased danger and especially dangerous - 36 Volts.
Lamps with luminescent lamps on voltage of 127-220 Volts are allowed to be used to local lighting on condition of unavailability of their current carrying parts to accidental touch.
Local lighting has individual switches.
Lighting fixtures for local illumination of cases, panels with electrical accessories are connected to the introduction switch.
128. For rooms use of electrolamps of out-of-pocket general purpose of explosion protection, but having the corresponding protection of cover against dust penetration is allowed (1P54, 1P53).
129. For fire-dangerous rooms degree of protection of lamps depending on class of fire hazardous zone and type of lamps is chosen according to Appendix 3 to these rules.
130. Lamps are located at meter 2,5 height. In passes it is allowed to suspend lamps at height of at least 1,7 of meter so that fixture of armature did not hinder normal movement of service personnel. At the same time lamps in which access to lamp and current carrying parts is carried out only by means of the tool are used.
131. In case of establishment of plafonds closely to ceiling they fasten to the socket from insulating material.
132. Glass caps of lighting fixtures are strengthened. Glass caps of the big sizes (diameter more than 350 millimeters) are closed by metal protective gauze.
133. Lamps are periodically cleared.
Terms of cleaning of lamps:
for rooms with insignificant release of dust - 2 times a year;
for rooms with considerable release of dust - from 4 to 12 times a year as necessary.
134. The failed luminescent and other mercury lamps are utilized.
135. Illumination of the companies of the baking and macaroni industry:
1) for illumination of fire chambers and gas flues of production furnaces portable lamps of 12 Volts are used, the glass cap of the lamp is protected by the metal gauze;
2) the emergency lighting providing on the working surfaces requiring lighting in emergency operation, illumination is at least 0,05 from regulation of working light, but at least 2nd luxury in the building and at least 1 luxury for the territory of the company;
3) evacuation lighting provides illumination in rooms of at least 0,5 luxury on half of the line of the main passes;
4) lighting fixtures of emergency and evacuation lighting have distinctive marks.
136. All production and auxiliary rooms irrespective of degree of impurity of air in them have the natural, mechanical or mixed ventilation.
137. Ventilating and aspiration installations, along with implementation of engineering procedures of production, provide normal weather sanitary conditions of production rooms, and elimination of possibility of explosions of dust and the fires.
138. In production rooms with amount on one working less than 20 cubic meters supply of outside air in number of at least 30 cubic meters an hour on everyone working, and in rooms with amount on everyone working more than 20 cubic meters - at least 20 cubic meters an hour on everyone working is provided.
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