of January 21, 2015 No. 40
About approval of Rules of assignment, increase, confirmation, decrease and removal of cool qualification to employees and military personnel of law-enforcement bodies
According to the subitem 25) of article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 23, 2014 "About law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and Item 153 of Rules of passing of military service in the Armed Forces, other troops and military forming of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 25, 2006 No. 124, I ORDER:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of assignment, increase, confirmation, decrease and removal of cool qualification to employees and the military personnel of law-enforcement bodies (further - Rules).
2. To the commander-in-chief of National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chairmen of committees, chiefs of departments and independent managements of Central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the Ministry of Internal Affairs), to chiefs of departments of internal affairs, departments on emergency situations, criminal executive system, the organizations of formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to organize studying and ensuring strict execution of requirements of these rules with staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the military personnel of National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - National guard).
3. To the commander-in-chief of National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chairmen of committees on emergency situations, criminal executive system, to the head of the department of personnel work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, chiefs of departments of internal affairs, departments of emergency situations, criminal executive system, the organizations of formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the military personnel of National guard with the corresponding breastplates and certificates of the cool specialist.
4. To provide to department of personnel work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order its direction on official publication in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;
3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. Declare invalid the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 20, 2013 No. 559 "About approval of the Instruction for determination of cool qualification of staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (No. registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts 8877, No. 319 published in the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper of November 20, 2013 (27593).
6. To impose control of execution of this order on Department of personnel work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Abdigaliyev A. U.).
7. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister police lieutenant general
K. Kasymov
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 21, 2015 No. 40
1. These rules of assignment, increase, confirmation, decrease and removal of cool qualification to employees and the military personnel of law-enforcement bodies (further - Rules) determine procedure for assignment, increase, confirmation, decrease and removal of cool qualification to police officers, criminal executive system and to the military personnel of military and investigative divisions of law-enforcement bodies, National guard and Committee on emergency situations (further - KChS) the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the Ministry of Internal Affairs).
2. Determination of cool qualification is carried out for the purpose of check of level of professional knowledge, skills on post, increases in professional skill of police officers, criminal executive system and the military personnel of military and investigative divisions of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - employees) taking into account specifics and profile of operational and service activity, fixing of personnel in services of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - Department of Internal Affairs) and creations of steady professional kernel in collectives.
3. Taking into account the professional training level, years of service (experience) of occupational work the following cool qualifications are consistently appropriated to employees:
"The specialist of the II class" - to the employees having years of service (experience) of occupational work in law-enforcement service at least four years, who sustained threshold results on all types of professional, office and physical training according to criteria, stipulated in Item 32 these rules;
"The specialist І class" - to the employees having cool qualification "The specialist of the II class" and years of service (experience) of occupational work in law-enforcement service at least six years, who sustained threshold results on all types of professional, office and physical training according to criteria, stipulated in Item 32 these rules;
The specialist of the I class – the mentor (master)" - to the employees having cool qualification "The specialist of the I class" and years of service (experience) of occupational work in law-enforcement service at least eight years performing mentorship for employees from among the young specialists reappointed and also the sustained threshold results on all types of professional, office and physical training according to criteria, stipulated in Item 32 these rules.
4. Assignment and confirmation of cool qualification is performed in case of uninterrupted length of service (experience) of occupational work and determined from the moment of appointment to the corresponding positions according to the List of positions on blocks determining specialties in Department of Internal Affairs according to appendix 1 to these rules (further - the List).
5. When moving employees on one specialty (appointment to higher, equivalent, subordinate position), according to the List of positions of Department of Internal Affairs on related specialties according to appendix 2 to these rules, cool qualification does not prove to be true.
6. When changing specialty (appointment to higher, equivalent, subordinate position, in case of transfer in other division) according to the List, except for appointments to executive positions, cool qualification proves to be true.
7. In case of appointment to higher executive positions, according to the procedure of job development of employees taking into account their professional, business and personal qualities, cool qualification proves to be true, at the same time, the years of service on the having cool qualification are considered in case of assignment of higher cool qualification and it is considered continuous.
8. To persons which arrived to service to Department of Internal Affairs according to the procedure of transfer (sending out on business) from other law enforcement and special state bodies, the available cool qualification proves to be true following the results of academic year.
At the same time the length of service in the specialty for assignment of higher cool qualification is estimated from the moment of confirmation of earlier having cool qualification.
9. Cool qualification to persons recovered on service by a court decision proves to be true, in other cases assignment of cool qualification is made according to Item 3 of these rules.
10. Cool qualification proves to be true to the persons dismissed from Department of Internal Affairs on long service pension and employed again.
11. To the employees who are at the disposal of Department of Internal Affairs and also in child care leave cool qualification proves to be true during the entire period of stay on hand and child care leaves.
12. To the employees studying on full-time in the departmental organizations of formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also in foreign countries within the arrangement, cool qualification proves to be true during the entire period of training.
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The document ceased to be valid since April 28, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2018 No. 208