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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan 

 On March 6, 2015 No. 192


of February 28, 2015 No. 127

About National coordinating committee on fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria in the Republic of Tajikistan

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of 31.07.2018 No. 363)

According to Article 12 of the Constitutional law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan" and for the purpose of prevention of threat of spread of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria, coordination of activities of the ministries, departments, local executive bodies of the government, religious and public associations, other companies and the organizations irrespective of patterns of ownership, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan DECIDES:

1. Approve the Provision and structure of National coordinating committee on fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria in the Republic of Tajikistan (are applied).

2. Declare invalid the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of October 4, 2005, No. 381.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

Emomalii Rahmon

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of February 28, 2015 No. 127

Regulations on National coordinating committee on fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria in the Republic of Tajikistan

1. General provisions

1. This Provision determines the rights, procedure for the organization and activities of National coordinating committee for fight against the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria in the Republic of Tajikistan (further - National committee) which is permanent advisory body in the Republic of Tajikistan.

2. The national committee is created for the purpose of coordination of activities of the ministries and departments, local executive bodies of the government, the international organizations accredited in the Republic of Tajikistan, civil society, religious and public organizations according to the prevention and holding the preventive and anti-epidemic actions directed to fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria.

3. The national committee in the activities is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the laws of the Republic of Tajikistan, orders and presidential decrees of the Republic of Tajikistan, the orders of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and other regulatory legal acts, and also this Provision.

2. Main objectives and tasks of National committee

4. Main objectives and tasks of National committee:

- coordination of work of the ministries, departments, state, public organizations and companies, local executive bodies of the government and international organizations for prevention and fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria;

- enhancement of national strategy in connection with on epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria;

- implementation of regular control of accomplishment of national and strategic programs for prevention and fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria by the ministries, departments, local executive bodies of the government of areas, cities and areas of the republic;

- implementation of interaction in various fields of activity between government, international and public organizations;

- mobilization of financial and technical resources for effective implementation of programs for prevention and fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria, including the donor help;

- recognition of three key principles of the UN in fight against epidemic in activities of National committee:

a) single coordinated policy;

b) single national coordinating body;

c) the single approved monitoring system and estimates;

- change of the relation of society to epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria.

5. According to the assigned tasks the National committee performs functions:

- development of national programs and strategic plans on fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria;

- introduction of offers to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan about amendments and changes in regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan concerning prevention and fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, tuberculosis and malaria;

- the organization of carrying out studying of the developed epidemiological situation with the purpose of identification of real situation of epidemic in the country;

- participation in work of meetings, conferences, meetings of structures of state bodies and international and republican non-governmental organizations;

- attraction in accordance with the established procedure representatives of the organizations and the companies, specialists and scientists for accomplishment of certain works;

- organization and ensuring interactions and coordination of activities of all partners.

3. Rights of National committee

6. For the purpose of execution of the functions, the National committee has the right:

- develop and approve regulations, programs and plans of the work;

- accept and make the corresponding recommendations and offers on further enhancement of the course of program implementation and actions for fight against epidemics;

- for the purpose of ensuring transparency and knowledge of activities to request information connected with directed fight against the specified diseases from the government, public and international organizations;

- coordinate preparation and submission of national requests in Global fund;

- according to the work plan of the Commission on supervision under National committee to exercise supervision of use of grants of Global fund and other structures;

- hear reports of the main receivers of grants of Global fund and other structures on the course of realization of grants;

- recommend to Global fund about replacement of the main receivers of grants;

- provide mutual coordination of activities of all partners;

- according to the purposes and tasks from among members of National committee, the staff of public institutions and representatives of the organizations and organizations who are not members of the committee to create the commissions and working groups. The management of the commissions and working groups is assigned to one of members of National committee.

4. Structure and procedure for activities of National committee

7. The national committee is headed by the Chairman - the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Tajikistan whom it conducts committee meetings and approves the agenda.


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