of March 9, 2015 No. 179
About approval of the Regulations on procedure, the amounts and terms of return unused citizens of means of the family capital in the republican budget
Based on Item 5 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 9, 2014 No. 572 "About additional measures of the state support of the families raising children" (further – the Decree No. 572) and item 4 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of September 18, 2019 No. 345 "About the family capital" (further – the Decree No. 345) the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure, the amounts and terms of return of the means of the family capital which are not used by citizens to the republican budget it (is applied).
2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
A. Kobyakov
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 9, 2015 No. 179
1. This Provision determines procedure for return to the republican budget of the means of the family capital established by the Decree No. 572 and the Decree No. 345 which are not used by citizens.
2. No. 16 is excluded according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 11.01.2024
3. In case of approach of the cases specified in part one of Item 18 of the Regulations on one-time provision to families of non-cash in case of the birth (adoption, adoption) in 2015-2019 third or the subsequent children approved by the Decree No. 572 (further – the Provision approved by the Decree No. 572), local executive and administrative organ at the destination of the family capital within five calendar days after the term specified in part one of Item 18 of the Regulations on one-time provision to families of non-cash in case of the birth (adoption, adoption) in 2015-2019 third or the subsequent children, approved by the Decree No. 572 (further – the Provision approved by the Decree No. 572):
in writing notifies on it division of open joint stock company "Belarusbank savings bank (further – JSC ASB Belarusbank), performing transactions on bank deposits (deposits) "Family capital" of physical persons (further – contribution (deposit) "Family capital");
informs on need of return of unclaimed means of the family capital (including the added percent) in the income of the republican budget.
JSC ASB Belarusbank provides from "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company of necessary means and no later than the 10th following after month of receipt of the notification provided in the paragraph the second part one of this Item, and (or) month in which the term established for use of means of the family capital, specified in part two of Item 18 of the Provision approved by the Decree No. 572, expired performs return:
means of the family capital (including the unused means of the family capital returned in deposits (deposits) "Family capital");
the amounts added according to Item 14 of the Provision approved by the Decree No. 572, in the income of the republican budget.
In case of return to deposits (deposits) "Family capital" of unused means of the family capital after the term specified in part two of Item 18 of the Provision approved by the Decree No. 572, JSC ASB Belarusbank performs return of means no later than the 10th following after month of return of means.
4. In case of approach of the cases specified in part one of Item 17 of the Regulations on provision of the family capital approved by the Decree No. 345 (further - the Provision approved by the Decree No. 345), local executive and administrative organ at the destination of the family capital within five calendar days after the term specified in part one of Item 17 of the Provision approved by the Decree No. 345:
in writing notifies on it the division of JSC ASB Belarusbank performing transactions on deposits (deposits) "Family capital";
informs on need of return of unclaimed means of the family capital (including the added percent) in the income of the republican budget.
JSC ASB Belarusbank no later than the 10th following after month of receipt of the notification provided in the paragraph the second part one of this Item, and (or) month in which the term established for use of means of the family capital, specified in part two of Item 17 of the Provision approved by the Decree No. 345, expired performs return:
means of the family capital (including the unused means of the family capital returned in deposits (deposits) "Family capital");
the amounts added according to Item 12 of the Provision approved by the Decree No. 345, in the income of the republican budget.
In case of return to deposits (deposits) "Family capital" of unused means of the family capital after the term specified in part two of Item 17 of the Provision approved by the Decree No. 345, JSC ASB Belarusbank performs return of means no later than the 10th following after month of return of means.
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