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The document ceased to be valid since  November 24, 2020 according to the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 12, 2020 No. 50

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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On March 5, 2015 No. 2657


of January 30, 2015 No. 6

About approval of the Instruction about procedure for the organization of pension payment, benefits and other payments by the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(as amended on 12-07-2017)

According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the state provision of pensions of citizens", the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 30, 2009 No. UP-4161 "About Measures for Further Enhancement of System of Provision of Pensions of Citizens" and the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 30, 2009 "About measures for forming of organizational structure of the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan" I order to No. PP-1252:

1. Approve the Instruction about procedure for the organization of pension payment, benefits and other payments by the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix.

2. This Order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.


R. Azimov


to the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 30, 2015 No. 6

The instruction about procedure for the organization of pension payment, benefits and other payments by the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

This Instruction according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the state provision of pensions of citizens" and the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 30, 2009 No. UP-4161 "About Measures for Further Enhancement of System of Provision of Pensions of Citizens" determines procedure for the organization, accounting and carrying out monitoring of pension payment, benefits and other payments (further - pensions and benefits) the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Pension fund).

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. In this Instruction the following basic concepts are applied:

front card - the electronic document in which data on the pension granted to person and benefits based on the decision of the commission to destination of pensions of district (city) department of the Pension fund are registered (further - the commission);

the sheet - the document submitted to branch of Joint-stock and commercial "People's Bank" (further - branch of People's Bank) and commercial bank for pension payment and benefits, containing data on surname, name and middle names, the residence, passport data, terms and payment amounts of pensions and benefits of the pensioner and receiver of benefit;

the detachable coupon of the sheet - part of the sheet returned to district (city) department of the Pension fund (further - department of the Pension fund) after payment of pension or benefit through branch of People's Bank;

person - the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also the foreign citizen or the person without citizenship who is constantly living in the Republic of Uzbekistan and received the residence permit having the right to pension and/or benefit.

2. Pensions and benefits are paid proceeding from the sizes and terms specified by the decision of the commission.

Chapter 2. Opening and maintaining front cards

3. After adoption by the commission of the decision on award of pension and/or benefit case of the pensioner and receiver of benefit (further - pension case), necessary for implementation of pension payment and benefits, is reflected to the inspector of group of monitoring of pension payment and benefits (further - group of monitoring) by the inspector of group of purpose of pensions and benefits by registration in the Book of registration of the transferred documents group of monitoring of pensions and benefits.

4. The inspector of group of monitoring based on the data which are available in pension case draws up front card in information system.

5. The front card opens in cases:

appointments to person of pension or benefit;

recalculation to person of pension or benefit in connection with its arrival for the permanent (temporary) place residence from other region of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

6. In front card the following data shall be specified:

the sequence number specified in pension case;

surname, name and middle name of person (guardian or custodian);

birth date, series and passport number, residence of person;

information on disabled family members, in case of award of pension or benefit on the occasion of loss of the supporter;

the name of the department of the Pension fund which granted and paying pension and allowances;

the name and number of branch of the People's Bank performing delivery of pension and benefit;

the term and the amount of the granted pension and benefits, and also number and date of the decision of the commission;

group and term of disability, in case of award of pension or disability benefit;

payment method of pensions and benefits;

the name of the organization, identification taxpayer number, number and date of the order F-25 for the working pensioners;

the period (term) and the amount (percent) of pension payment and benefits, and also privileges on pension payments in complete size for the working pensioners;

the term and benefits amount for last time.

7. Ceased to be valid according to the Order registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 04.04.2017 No. 2657-2

8. The front card is checked by the head of group of monitoring and the head of department of the Pension fund, and after the certificate of completeness and correctness of the entered data affirms as information system, and affirms seal of department of the Pension fund.

9. Ceased to be valid according to the Order registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 04.04.2017 No. 2657-2

10. The inspector of group of monitoring based on data of pension case enters the data specified in Item 6 of this Instruction in front card.

11. Additional data in front card are entered in cases:

a) the transfer from one type of pension to other type;

b) changes of group of disability;

c) changes of the amounts or term of the granted pension and benefit (date and the period for which change was made);

d) identifications of excessive benefits amounts of pensions and benefits and their deduction, and also repayment;

e) receipts of executive documents;

e) changes of payment method of pension and benefit;

g) changes of surname, name and middle name (in case of appointment of a guardian or the custodian, change of surname, name and middle name of the guardian or the custodian);

h) changes of passport data of person;

i) the terminations or suspensions of payment to the granted pension and benefits;

j) recoveries of the suspended pension payment and benefit;

k) nondeliveries (not delivery) of pension and benefit through special cash desk of branch of People's Bank for the reason:

1 - death of the pensioner or receiver of benefit;

2 - moving of the pensioner or the receiver of benefit for the permanent residence out of limits of the area (city);

3 - temporary absence of the pensioner or the receiver of benefit at the place of residence;

4 - employments of the pensioner or receiver of benefit;

5 - other causes.

12. Ceased to be valid according to the Order registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 04.04.2017 No. 2657-2

13. Ceased to be valid according to the Order registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 04.04.2017 No. 2657-2

14. Ceased to be valid according to the Order registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 04.04.2017 No. 2657-2

15. The front card is subject to closing in cases:

death of person;

moving of person on the permanent place residence to other region;

the terminations of payment to the granted pension and benefits (establishment of III group of disability or removal of disability, transition to complete state providing);

non receipt by person at the place of residence of pension through special cash desk of branch of People's Bank within more than 3 months in a row;

terminations of term of award of pension and benefit.

16. The front card is closed by entering into information system of data on the closing reason, and transferred for approval to the head of group of monitoring.

The head of group of monitoring makes check of correctness of data on closing of front card and approves closing of front card. In cases of identification of mistake returns to the inspector of group of monitoring for its elimination.

17. In case of recovery of pension payment and benefit the previous front card is also subject to recovery.

18. Ceased to be valid according to the Order registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 04.04.2017 No. 2657-2

19. After approval (closing) of pension payment and benefits, pension case is subject to return to the inspector of group of purpose of pensions and benefits by registration in the Book of registration of the transferred documents to group of monitoring of pension payment and benefits.

Chapter 3. Payment methods of pensions and benefits

20. Pension payment and benefits is performed in the following forms:

a) to unemployed persons - in the place of their residence through special cash desk of branch of People's Bank, or at will through branch of commercial bank by non-cash money transfer into deposit accounts of citizens;

b) to the working pensioners in the place of the main work.

21. The payment method of pension and benefit to unemployed person is determined based on its Statement by form according to appendix 3 to this Instruction.

Pensions and benefits are paid to unemployed persons in the place of their permanent registration. In the presence at person only of temporary registration (accounting in the place of stay in the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region) pension and benefit is paid during effective period of temporary registration (accounting in the place of stay in the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region). To the foreign citizen or the person without citizenship who is constantly living in the Republic of Uzbekistan, pension and benefit is paid during effective period of the residence permit.

In case of break availability between the termination of effective period of temporary registration (accounting in the place of stay in the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region) or the residence permit and following date of temporary registration (accounting in the place of stay in the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region) or the residence permit pension payment continues department of the Pension fund from new date of temporary registration (accounting in the place of stay in the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region) or the residence permit. At the same time pension payment continues since then from which it was suspended, but no more than in twelve months.

22. Shall be attached to the statement of person receiving pension or benefit through the bank plastic card or supplementary accounts of physical persons the certificate of opening of the account on the bank plastic card or the supplementary account of physical persons and the copy of the agreement signed between branch of commercial bank and the client.

At the same time pension payment and benefits is performed during the term specified in the statement of person. Upon termination of the term specified in the statement of person, pension payment and benefits stops, and is recovered only based on the statement of the pensioner or the receiver of benefit.

In case of pension payment on the bank plastic card or the supplementary account of physical persons the pensioner needs to confirm each 6 months the right to pension amounts by appearance in department of the Pension fund.

In case of absence at the scheduled time of person in department of the Pension fund employees of department of the Pension fund within 10 days perform departure on the residence of the pensioner for clarification of the facts:

stays in live;


changes of the residence or departure out of limits of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

stays in organization of execution of the punishment;

accommodation in houses boarding schools (boarding houses) for aged and disabled people.

In case of confirmation of the rights of person to the received pension payment continues the next 6 months.

In case of non-confirmation of the rights of the pensioner pension payment stops based on the act confirming the circumstances influencing justification of payment and the size of paid pension, the department of the Pension fund constituted by workers with participation of representatives of relevant organ of self-government of citizens and his neighbors.

Based on this act within 3 days the commission makes the relevant decision on suspension (termination) of payment or change of the size of pension.

23. Pension payment and benefits can be made by proxy, drawn up according to the legislation.

The power of attorney which is drawn up outside the Republic of Uzbekistan is subject to putting down of apostille by competent authority of the state in which this document was made, except for of state members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, participants of the Convention on legal assistance and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases (Minsk, on January 22, 1993).

The principal shall confirm the rights to the granted pension or benefit by appearance once a year in one of departments of the Pension fund by submission of the statement also the document confirming the personality suffices. In case of receipt by department of the Pension fund of data on lack of possibility of appearance of the pensioner (including for health reasons, stays on hospitalization in medical institutions, including for mentally sick), employees of departments of the Pension fund can perform departure in the location of the pensioner for confirmation of the right to the granted pension or benefit.

In cases when the pensioner is in foreign state, and has no opportunity to arrive to the Republic of Uzbekistan for health reasons, the pensioner can address to diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad and to confirm lack of the fact of permanent residence, and also receipt of pension or social benefit for the territories of foreign state.

The attorney shall report in department of the Pension fund about all facts which became to it known which can influence pension payment and benefits.

The power of attorney is subject to storage in the relevant branch of People's Bank.

24. Money transfer on pension payment and benefits by means of bank plastic cards is performed based on the payment order and the sheet provided by departments of the Pension fund in electronic form by means of information system.

Actually financed means, in time no later than the next working day from the date of representation of provision of the payment order and the sheet in electronic form, are enlisted by the serving branch of commercial bank into account 22617 - "Obligations according to plastic cards of pensioners", open for the pensioner or the receiver of benefit.

25. At the choice of person payment of the pension amount which is due to it or benefit can be performed with use at the same time of several payment methods of pensions and benefits.

26. For change of payment method of pension and benefit person submits the application addressed to the head of department of the Pension fund.

27. In case of revenues to work of the pensioner the head of this organization shall report in five-day time in the relevant department of the Pension fund which granted pension about employment of the pensioner (about the conclusion of the civil agreement), and also to provide the statement from the order on transfer for work (the copy of the civil agreement).

Based on the statement from the order on transfer for work (the copy of the civil agreement) of the pensioner the inspector of group of monitoring makes change to payment method of pension of this pensioner, draws up the order F-25, enters the relevant information into front card.

The order F-25 is signed by the head of group of monitoring and the head of department of the Pension fund, certified by seal of department. The approved order F-25 is registered in the book of registration of the orders F-25, issued to the working pensioners and is handed out to the pensioner or the confided person.

28. The payment method changes or recovered from the first following after month in which person filed the corresponding petition or provided the statement of the order on termination of the employment contract (the act of the performed works).

29. The statement for change of payment method and for prolongation of pension payment and benefits, and also documents attached to it (the statement from the order on transfer for work (the copy of the civil agreement) and termination of the employment contract (the act of the performed works), and also the copy of the power of attorney) is registered the inspector of group of monitoring and is transferred for filing to pension case to the corresponding inspector of group of purpose of pensions and benefits.

Chapter 4. Calculation of payment amount of pensions and benefits

30. Depending on the period for which are added pension payment and benefits are established payment for current month and last time.

31. The payment amount of pension and benefit for incomplete days of month is determined in the following procedure:

the amount of the granted pension and benefit is divided into the number of calendar days of the corresponding month and the payment amount in one day is determined;

the payment amount in one day is multiplied for calendar days of month for which the corresponding pension payment and benefits shall be made.

32. The payment amount is determined proceeding from the size of the granted pension and benefit for the calculated period.

Calculation of pension payment and benefits for the last period is performed taking into account payment for the working and non-working periods.

33. The added pension amounts and benefits which were not demanded by the pensioner or the receiver of benefit timely are paid for last time taking into account increase in the sizes of pensions and benefits according to presidential decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan one-timely, but no more than in twelve months before the request for receipt of pension or benefit.

The pension amounts or benefits which are not received timely because of department of the Pension fund are paid for last time taking into account increase in the sizes of pensions and benefits according to presidential decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan one-timely, without restriction of term.

Chapter 5. Pension payment and benefits when moving person

34. When moving person on the permanent place residence within one area (city), and also to other area (city) within the Republic of Uzbekistan pension and benefit are paid at the previous place of residence until the end of month on which person was written out.

35. When moving person on the permanent residence to other area (city) within the Republic of Uzbekistan the inspector of group of monitoring based on request of department of the Pension fund at the new place of residence about issues of pension case, the passport copy with mark of Department of Internal Affairs about removal from accounting still to the residence and registration at the new place of residence makes closing of front card and pension case (including in information system).

36. When moving person on the permanent residence to the states with which the Republic of Uzbekistan signed the international pension provision agreements the inspector of group of monitoring based on its statement for the termination of pension payment and issue of pension case in connection with moving, passport copies with mark of Department of Internal Affairs about removal from accounting at the place of residence makes closing of front card, and also pension case (including in information system).

37. In the presence of debt of person who moved to the permanent place residence to the states with which the Republic of Uzbekistan signed the international pension provision agreements, and in the presence at person of debt owing to excessive pension payment because of abuses (as a result of submission of documents with obviously false information, non-presentations of data on changes in the list of family members on which appointments pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter) pension case is issued after full recovery of damage.

38. When closing pension case on the reason of moving of person to other region the Certificate in form according to appendix 5 to this Instruction is drawn up.

39. Pension case and the certificate are sent by mail or handed out to person (confided) after entering by the head of group of monitoring of the corresponding record into the Book of registration of removal from accounting of pension cases in connection with change of the residence of the pensioner (the receiver of benefit).

40. When moving person on the permanent residence to the states with which the international contracts on social (pension) security are not signed the inspector of group of monitoring based on the statement of person for the termination of pension payment, the passport copy with mark of Department of Internal Affairs about removal from accounting at the place of residence makes closing of front card and pension case (including in information system), and transfers documents to archive of department of the Pension fund.

41. Person is arrived to the new place residence in the following cases:

arrival in the Republic of Uzbekistan on the permanent place residence from other state;

moving on the permanent place residence from other area (city) within the Republic of Uzbekistan;

moving on the permanent place residence within one area (city).

42. Pension payment and benefits is made at the new place of residence in the amount of and the terms established based on the decision of the commission.

Chapter 6. Deduction from pensions and benefits

43. Deduction from pensions (benefits) can be made:

a) based on judgments, determinations, resolutions and sentences (regarding property penalties), executive texts, notary offices and other decisions in the resolution which execution according to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan is made according to the procedure, established for execution of judgments;

b) based on decisions of department of the Pension fund in case of excessive payment of pension amounts (benefits) to the pensioner (the receiver of benefits) owing to abuses from its party (as a result of submission of documents with obviously wrong data, non-presentations of data on changes in the list of family members on which pension or benefit on the occasion of loss of the supporter is granted) or owing to calculating or other technical mistake.

No other deduction from pensions (benefits), except stated above, are allowed.

The amount of deduction from pension (benefit) is estimated from the amount which is due to the pensioner (the receiver of benefits) to payment.

The amount of monthly deduction cannot exceed 50 percent of pensions (benefits).

In cases of the termination of pension payment (benefit) (for example, owing to recovery of working capacity or other cases) before complete debt repayment on excessively paid amounts of pensions (benefits), the remained debt is collected judicially.

44. The head and each inspector of group of monitoring keeps monthly account on the revealed amounts of excessive (illegal) pension payments and benefits, monthly deduction amounts and the collected means, and also to their remaining balance on each debt.

45. The executive documents on deduction which arrived in department of the Pension fund from pension and benefit of person are registered in the Book of registration of the arrived documents of department of the Pension fund, and based on the order of the head of department of the Pension fund is transferred to the head of group of monitoring.

The head of group of monitoring registers the executive document in the Book of registration of writs of execution on deduction from pension (benefit) and transfers to the responsible inspector of group of monitoring serving the site where this person lives.

Responsibility behind correctness and timeliness of deduction based on the executive document is assigned to the corresponding inspector of group of monitoring, and control - to the head of group of monitoring.

46. The performed executive documents are subject to return by the cover letter in the relevant department of Bureau of forced execution of the area (city).

47. According to the subitem "b" of Item 43 of this Instruction the commission makes the decision on deduction from pensions (benefits) of excessive payment of pension amounts (benefits) which is drawn up by the protocol in form according to appendix 6 to this Instruction.

In the order F-25 of the working pensioner the pension size taking into account deduction and the term of complete repayment of excessive paid amount of pension is specified.

The decision of the commission on deduction is registered in the Book of registration of decisions of the commission of department of the Pension fund on deduction, according to appendix 7 to this Instruction.

48. When moving person on the permanent place residence to other area (city) within the Republic of Uzbekistan by the department of the Pension fund still to the residence of the pensioner or receiver of benefit in pension case and the certificate enters data on excessive pension payment (benefits). Deduction of remaining balance of excessively paid amount of pension (benefit) continues department of the Pension fund of the new residence of person.

49. In case of purpose of the amount of the half-received pension (benefit) in connection with the death of the pensioner (the receiver of benefit) behind which debt on excessively paid amount of pension (benefit) is had the amount of excessive payment is subject to deduction at the expense of the amounts of the half-received pension (benefit).

50. Write-off of excessive paid amount of pensions (benefits) in connection with death or moving of the pensioner (the receiver of benefit) for the permanent place residence out of limits of the Republic of Uzbekistan is made based on the decision of the commission.

Write-off of excessive paid amount of pensions (benefits) can be also made based on the judgments.

51. The revealed excessive payment of pension amounts (benefits) can be collected in cash or non-cash cash form by introduction of the corresponding payments on treasurer personal account of the Pension fund. At the same time number, the amount and date of the payment document are introduced in front card.

General control of the course of monthly deduction of excessive payment of pension amounts (benefits) is exercised by the assistant department head of the Pension fund.

52. The decision of the commission on deduction and the copy of payment documents about the made repayments of excessive payments for pensions (benefits) is reflected by the inspector of group of monitoring to the corresponding inspector of group of purpose of pensions and benefits by registration in the Book of registration of the transferred documents group of purpose of pensions and benefits for filing in pension case.

Chapter 7. Termination or temporary suspension of pension payment and benefits

53. Payment to the granted pension and benefits stops in cases:

death of the pensioner and receiver of benefit;

losses of the rights to the granted pension or benefit;

factual determinations of receipt of pension (social benefit) during stay in foreign state;

moving on the permanent place residence out of limits of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

54. Payment stops in cases:

terminations of payment due date of pension and benefit;

non receipt of pension or benefit through special cash desk of branch of People's Bank within more than 3 months in a row;

deprivations by the court verdict of freedom of the pensioner and receiver of benefit;

accommodation of the pensioner in houses boarding schools for mentally sick;

announcements in search of persons disappearing from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court evading from criminal penalty, missing;

absences of the principal at the scheduled time behind confirmation of the right to the granted pension or benefit;

filing of application about suspension of pension payment and benefit from the pensioner or the receiver of benefit.

Pension payment or benefits is recovered after appearance in department of the Pension fund of the pensioner or his guardian and submission of the statement by it, and also submissions of the identity document.

Pension and benefit is not paid by the court verdict in places of detention for the time spent of person. After release of person payment is resumed from the date of filing of application in department of the Pension fund.

55. Renewal of pension payment and benefit is drawn up by the decision of the commission.

Chapter 8. Preparation and forming of sheets

56. The inspector of group of purpose of pensions and benefits to the 25th day of every month submits group of monitoring the pension cases on which the decision of the commission, and subjects to inclusion in sheets the forthcoming payable month is made. At the same time the submitted documents are subject to registration in the Book of registration of the transferred documents group of monitoring of pension payment and benefits.

57. The inspector of group of monitoring performs reconciliation of the amount and the period of payment to the granted pension or benefits specified in the decision of the commission filed in pension case with the relevant data in information system. In case of availability of discrepancies pension case within 2 working days returns to the corresponding inspector of group of purpose of pensions and benefits by registration in the Book of registration of the transferred documents to group of monitoring of pensions and benefits with indication of the revealed discrepancy.

Pension case is also subject to return in case of lack of the signature of the member of the commission in the decision, data on the residence of person, data on place of employment of the working pensioner on the organization and its bank details.

58. The inspector of group of monitoring after reconciliation of the submitted documents enters the corresponding data in front card and sends for approval to the head of group of monitoring.

The head of group of monitoring after verification of documents (correctness and completeness of the entered data in front card justification of the calculated payments lately and correctness of the established deduction) approves pension payment and benefits.

In case of detection of mistakes, shortcomings or ambiguities of documents, documents return to the inspector of group of monitoring for remedial action.

59. Group of monitoring until the end of current month:

enters the corresponding data in front card based on the data which are available in pension case;

makes calculation of excessively paid amounts in connection with recalculation of pensions (benefits) based on the decision of the commission;

submits for consideration of the commission the draft decision about deduction from pensions (benefits);

enters the corresponding data on deduction in front card based on the decision of the commission, executive documents;

makes change of payment methods of pensions and benefits based on the statement of the pensioner or the receiver of benefit, and also the statement from the order on the conclusion (termination) labor or copies of the civil agreement;

quarterly to the 20th following reporting quarter makes corresponding changes on pension payment and benefits based on lists of individual entrepreneurs, and the members of Dehkan economy presented by bodies of the State Tax Service;

makes calculations of the amounts of the half-received pensions and benefits for the last months in connection with temporary absence or the death of person, change of the sizes of pensions and benefits, and also other reasons proceeding from the terms and the amounts specified in the decision of the commission;

recovers payment to the suspended pension or benefits based on the statement of the pensioner or the receiver of benefit;

makes the corresponding calculations or stops pension payment and benefits based on the data specified in detachable coupons of sheets;

stops pension payment and benefits on the died persons based on the data represented by departments of civil registrations;

stops pension payment and benefits to the moved persons;

after its payment due date specified in the statement of person at the choice of payment method of pensions and benefits stops pension payment and benefits on this form of payment;

stops pension payment and benefits after the term of award of pension and benefit;

makes change of payment due dates of pensions and benefits according to the statement of person, and also makes other calculations or changes of payment due dates.

60. Ceased to be valid according to the Order registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 04.04.2017 No. 2657-2

61. Sheets are created in the following procedure:

the main sheets - once for payable month on pension payment and benefits, the half-received pension and the death grant of person, lump-sum allowance in case of the child's birth, indemnification caused to workers by the mutilation, occupational disease or other damage of health connected with execution by them of labor obligations, the alimony and penalties from pensions and benefits, compensations and other payments, stipulated by the legislation;

additional sheets - on the date of purpose of benefit for burial, pension in 6 months ahead before departure out of limits of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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