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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On February 6, 2015 No. 2653


of January 7, 2015 No. 1

About approval of Rules of registration and maintaining acts of survey in medical labor commissions of experts

(as amended on 25-12-2024)

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 1, 2011 "About approval of the regulatory legal acts directed to further enhancement of procedure for survey of citizens of establishment of disability and extent of loss of professional working capacity by medical labor commissions of experts" I order to No. 195:

1. Approve Rules of registration and maintaining acts of survey in medical labor commissions of experts according to appendix.

2. This Order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.


R. Azimov


to the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 7, 2015 No. 1

Rules of registration and maintaining acts of survey in medical labor commissions of experts

These rules according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 1, 2011 No. 195 "About approval of the regulatory legal acts directed to further enhancement of procedure for survey of citizens establishments of disability and extent of loss of professional working capacity by medical labor commissions of experts" determine procedure for registration and maintaining acts of survey in the main, district (city), interdistrict, ad medical labor commissions of experts of the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Economics and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - VTEK).

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. The act of survey in VTEK (further - the act of survey) - the document intended for record of the main medical data and social factors which are the basis for pronouncement of the conclusion about results of survey in VTEK (further - the conclusion of VTEK).

2. Registration and maintaining acts of survey is performed by VTEK according to these rules.

On the faces directed to survey in VTEK (further - osvidetelstvuyemy) the act of survey in form according to appendix 1 to these rules is drawn up.

3. Each medical expert of VTEK within the competence bears responsibility for timely and high-quality execution of acts of survey.

General control of timely and high-quality execution of acts of survey is performed by the chairman of VTEK.

Chapter 2. Documents acceptance, provided to VTEK

4. The accepted medical and other documents for survey (further - documents) are submitted to VTEK by the chairman or the responsible person of the medical and advisory commission of treatment and prevention facility (further - VKK).

Documents acceptance from osvidetelstvuyemy and other persons is not allowed.

5. The documents submitted to VTEK for survey are considered by medical experts of VTEK jointly. Medical experts of VTEK shall pay attention on:

quality of physical examination, timeliness and justification of the direction in VTEK, and also authenticity of the submitted documents;

correctness and completeness of registration of the direction in VTEK (further - form 088/at);

availability of signatures and round stamp in statements from the clinical record and the out-patient card;

terms and dates of issue of leaves of temporary disability, the established diagnosis and mark about acceptance of leaf of temporary disability by the employer.

In case of passing of monthly term of the form 088/at which is drawn up by treatment and prevention facility, VTEK is not accepted.

6. In need of carrying out exit survey at home or in hospital, in the left upper corner of the title page of form 088/at osvidetelstvuyemy the written recommendation of VKK with reasons for carrying out survey at home or in hospital is specified.

7. If VTEK, osvidetelstvuyemy in the period of passing, temporarily lives in other region of the republic (except for persons which are in houses Sakhovat and Muruvvat and also on forced treatment) and because of weight of the state of health transportation is contraindicated, based on the statement of osvidetelstvuyemy (legal representative) with the permission of the chairman of the main VTEK in the location of the off-budget Pension fund, osvidetelstvuyemy in coordination with Republican inspection of medico-social examination, under the Ministry of Economics and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Inspection) survey is carried out by the relevant VTEK.

At the same time documents are processed by treatment and prevention facility in the location of osvidetelstvuyemy and are represented to the relevant VTEK. The act of survey is drawn up by VTEK which was carrying out survey and signed by the chairman and medical experts of VTEK, certified by seal and transferred to the relevant VTEK in the place of permanent registration osvidetelstvuyemy no later than 7 days (in some cases, in connection with remoteness of areas - no later than 10 days). In case of establishment of the disability based on the act of survey of the transferred VTEK which was carrying out survey, the relevant VTEK in the place of permanent registration of osvidetelstvuyemy draws up the certificate of disability in form according to appendix 1 to the Regulations on procedure for survey of citizens in medical labor commissions of experts approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 1, 2011 No. 195, in case of establishment of extent of loss of professional working capacity draws up the statement from the act of survey in form according to appendix 2 to this Provision.

Bears responsibility of VTEK for correctness of the conclusion of VTEK, carrying out survey. If VTEK in the place of permanent registration of osvidetelstvuyemy changes the conclusion of VTEK which was carrying out survey, responsibility is conferred on VTEK in the place of permanent registration of osvidetelstvuyemy.

Persons which are in houses Sakhovat and Muruvvat and also on forced treatment will be examined by the relevant VTEK. Documents of the specified osvidetelstvuyemy are processed by VKK in the location of these organizations and are provided in the relevant VTEK.

8. For establishment of the reason of disability the following additional documents can be submitted:


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