It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On February 12, 2015 No. 35989
of December 30, 2014 No. 454-P
About disclosure of information by issuers of issued securities
This Provision according to item 4 of Article 22, Items 9 and 26 of Article 30, Items 4, the 12 and 13 article 42 of the Federal Law of April 22, 1996 No. 39-FZ "About the security market" (The Russian Federation Code, 1996, No. 17, Art. 1918; 2001, No. 33, Art. 3424; 2002, No. 52, Art. 5141; 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711; No. 31, Art. 3225; 2005, No. 11, Art. 900; No. 25, Art. 2426; 2006, No. 1, Art. 5; No. 2, Art. 172; No. 17, Art. 1780; No. 31, Art. 3437; No. 43, Art. 4412; 2007, No. 1, Art. 45; No. 18, Art. 2117; No. 22, Art. 2563; No. 41, Art. 4845; No. 50, Art. 6247, Art. 6249; 2008, No. 52, Art. 6221; 2009, No. 1, Art. 28; No. 18, Art. 2154; No. 23, Art. 2770; No. 29, Art. 3642; No. 48, Art. 5731; No. 52, Art. 6428; 2010, No. 17, Art. 1988; No. 31, Art. 4193; No. 41, Art. 5193; 2011, No. 7, Art. 905; No. 23, Art. 3262; No. 27, Art. 3880; No. 29, Art. 4291; No. 48, Art. 6728; No. 49, Art. 7040; No. 50, Art. 7357; 2012, No. 25, Art. 3269; No. 31, Art. 4334; No. 53, Art. 7607; 2013, No. 26, Art. 3207; No. 30, Art. 4043, Art. 4082, Art. 4084; No. 51, Art. 6699; No. 52, Art. 6985; 2014, No. 30, the Art. 4219) (further - the Federal Law "About the Security Market"), Item 2 of article 92 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ "About joint-stock companies" (The Russian Federation Code, 1996, No. 1, Art. 1; No. 25, Art. 2956; 1999, No. 22, Art. 2672; 2001, No. 33, Art. 3423; 2002, No. 12, Art. 1093; No. 45, Art. 4436; 2003, No. 9, Art. 805; 2004, No. 11, Art. 913; No. 15, Art. 1343; No. 49, Art. 4852; 2005, No. 1, Art. 18; 2006, No. 1, Art. 5, Art. 19; No. 2, Art. 172; No. 31, Art. 3437, Art. 3445, Art. 3454; No. 52, Art. 5497; 2007, No. 7, Art. 834; No. 31, Art. 4016; No. 49, Art. 6079; 2008, No. 18, Art. 1941; 2009, No. 1, Art. 23; No. 19, Art. 2279; No. 23, Art. 2770; No. 29, Art. 3642; No. 52, Art. 6428; 2010, No. 41, Art. 5193; No. 45, Art. 5757; 2011, Art. 2770; No. 29, Art. 3642; No. 52, Art. 6428; 2010, No. 41, Art. 5193; No. 45, Art. 5757; 2011, No. 1, Art. 13, Art. 21; No. 30, Art. 4576; No. 48, Art. 6728; No. 49, Art. 7024, Art. 7040; No. 50, Art. 7357; 2012, No. 25, Art. 3267; No. 31, Art. 4334; No. 53, Art. 7607; 2013, No. 14, Art. 1655; No. 30, Art. 4043, Art. 4084; No. 45, Art. 5797; No. 51, Art. 6699; No. 52, Art. 6975; 2014, No. 19, Art. 2304; No. 30, Art. 4219; "The official Internet portal of legal information" (, on December 23, 2014) (further - the Federal Law "About Joint-stock Companies"), part 1 of Article 40 and part 1 of article 41 of the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 No. 152-FZ "About mortgage securities" (The Russian Federation Code, 2003, No. 46, Art. 4448; 2005, No. 1, Art. 19; 2006, No. 31, Art. 3440; 2010, No. 11, Art. 1171; 2011, No. 48, Art. 6728; No. 49, Art. 7040; 2012, No. 26, Art. 3436; No. 53, Art. 7606; 2013, No. 30, Art. 4084; No. 51, of the Art. 6699) (further - the Federal Law "About Mortgage Securities") determines structure, procedure and terms of disclosure of information by issuers of issued securities.
1.1. This Provision regulates structure, procedure and terms of obligatory disclosure of information by joint-stock company, disclosures of information on release (additional release) of issued securities (further - securities), disclosures of information in the form of the securities prospectus, consolidated financial statements of the issuer of securities, the quarterly report of the issuer of securities (further - the quarterly report) and messages on essential facts of the issuer of securities (further - messages on essential facts), and also establishes requirements to procedure for disclosure by issuers of other information on obligation fulfillment of the issuer and implementation of the rights on the placed (placed) securities.
1.2. Action of this provision extends to all issuers, including foreign issuers, including international financial institutions, placement and (or) security circulation of which is performed in the Russian Federation.
Action of this provision does not extend to the Central bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), and also to issuers Russian state and municipal securities.
2.1. If other is not provided by this Provision, information which is subject to disclosure according to this Provision shall reveal in Russian.
2.2. In cases when according to this Provision the issuer shall publish information in the information resource updated in real time and provided by news agency (further - news feed), such publication shall be performed in news feed at least of one of news agencies which are in accordance with the established procedure authorized on carrying out actions for disclosure of information on securities and about other financial instruments (further - the distributor of information in the security market), no later than the last day of term during which according to this Provision such publication shall be performed.
2.3. In case of publication of information in news feed by the issuer whose securities are admitted to organized trading the issuer or person authorized by it along with publication of such information in news feed shall notify the organizer of trade on contents of such information. Such notification shall go to the organizer of trade in the procedure approved with it.
2.4. The issuer has the right to change (to correct) information containing in the message which is earlier published by him in news feed by publication in news feed of new (other) message which shall contain:
specifying on the fact that it is published according to the procedure of change (adjustment) of information containing in earlier published message;
the reference to earlier published message in which information changes it (is adjusted);
the complete text of the published message taking into account the made changes, and also the short description of the made changes.
2.5. If other is not established by this Provision or other regulations of the Bank of Russia, in case of publication of information on the Internet (further - the Internet), except for publications in news feed, the issuer shall use the page on the Internet provided to one of distributors of information in the security market (further - the page on the Internet). The distributor of information in the security market shall provide free and easy information access of the issuer published on the page provided to them on the Internet.
2.6. The issuer whose securities are admitted to organized trading shall on the main (initial) page on the Internet which e-mail address includes domain name, the rights to which belong to the specified issuer controlling the specified issuer to person or the organization under control to the specified issuer or controlling the specified issuer to person (further - the page of the issuer on the Internet), to place the reference to the page on the Internet given by one of distributors of information in the security market on which is performed publication of information of such issuer or the reference to the specified reference.
In case of publication on the page of the issuer on the Internet of information which is subject to disclosure according to this Provision, the issuer shall provide open and easy entry to such information.
2.7. The issuer and the distributor of information in the security market if publication of information is performed on the page provided to them on the Internet, shall report upon the demand of interested persons the page address on the Internet on which publication of information is performed.
2.8. The issuer shall provide access to any interested person to information containing in each of messages, including in each of messages on the essential facts published by the issuer according to this Provision and also in the registered decision on release (additional release) of securities, the securities prospectus and in changes to them, the report (notification) on release results (additional release) of securities, the quarterly report, consolidated financial statements, other documents which obligatory disclosure is provided by Sections II, VII and VIII of this provision in the way of the room of their copies to the address (in the location) permanent executive body of the issuer (in case of absence of permanent executive body of the issuer - other body or person having the right to act on behalf of the issuer without power of attorney) on which communication with the issuer is performed, specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and before the termination of term of securities placement - also in the places specified in the advertizing messages of the issuer containing information on securities placement.
2.9. The issuer shall provide the copy of each message, including the copy of each Material Fact Statement published by the issuer according to this Provision and also the copy of the registered decision on release (additional release) of securities, the securities prospectus and changes to them, the report on release results (additional release) of securities, the copy of the notification on release results (additional release) of securities, the copy of the quarterly report, the copy of consolidated financial statements, the copy of other documents which obligatory disclosure is provided by Sections II, VII and VIII of this provision, to owners of securities of the issuer and other interested persons according to their requirement for a fee, not exceeding expenses on production of such copy, in time no more than seven days from the date of receipt (presentation) of the relevant requirement.
The messages on essential facts published by the issuer according to this Provision, and also other messages which copies are provided by the issuer to owners of securities of the issuer and other interested persons according to their requirement shall be constituted in form according to appendix 1 to this Provision.
Bank details of the settlement account (accounts) of the issuer for payment of expenses on production of copies of the documents specified in this Item, and the size (procedure for determination of the size) of such expenses shall be published by the issuer who shall perform disclosure of information according to this Provision, on the page on the Internet.
Copies of documents which storage duration the issuer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is not permanent shall be provided by the issuer upon the demand of interested persons during identified for such documents of storage durations.
The copy provided by the issuer is certified by the authorized person of the issuer and his seal (in the presence of seal).
2.10. In case when according to this Provision information shall be opened by publication in news feed, disclosure of such information by different ways, including according to requirements of this provision, until its publication in news feed it is not allowed. Such information is not public, and its use attracts responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The disclosure of information performed by the third parties does not exempt the issuer from obligations on its disclosure according to requirements of this provision.
If workers or officials of the issuer, including board members (supervisory board) of the issuer, before publication in news feed of the corresponding message comment in mass media, including in the form of interview, on the decisions made by governing bodies of the issuer and which are subject according to this Provision to disclosure by publication of the message, including the Material Fact Statement in news feed, the issuer in time no later than the next day shall publish in news feed the message on the decision made by governing body irrespective of approach of the term provided by this Provision for publication of such message in news feed.
2.11. If in messages, including in messages on the essential facts published by the issuer according to this Provision it is required to specify identification signs of the corresponding securities of the issuer, under such signs if other is not provided by this Provision, the type, category (type), series of securities, the state registration number of release (additional release) of securities and date of its state registration (identification number of release (additional release) of securities and date of its assignment) and the international code (number) of identification of securities (ISIN) are understood (in the presence).
2.12. The Russian issuers whose securities circulate outside the Russian Federation including by means of placement and (or) addresses according to foreign law of securities of the foreign issuers certifying the rights concerning securities of the Russian issuers shall open information sent (represented) by them to the relevant organ (organization) regulating (regulating) the market of foreign securities to the foreign organizer of trade and (or) other organizations according to foreign law for the purposes of its disclosure among foreign investors.
The specified information shall reveal the Russian issuers according to the procedure, in terms and the methods provided by this Provision. At the same time such information shall be opened by method for which this Provision establishes the smallest term of disclosure and if disclosure methods for such information are not provided by this Provision, - by publication on the page on the Internet of the text of the document containing such information, in time no later than date of disclosure of such information among foreign investors.
In case of publication on the page in the Internet of the text of the document containing information provided by this Item of the Provision, the text of such document it shall be available on the page on the Internet within at least 12 months from expiry date, established by this Provision for its publication on the Internet and if it is published on the Internet after the expiration of such term - from the date of its publication on the Internet.
2.13. If the issuer does not open any information which disclosure is required in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Provision, including does not specify such information in messages which publication is obligatory according to this Provision, and (or) in the securities prospectus, in the report (notification) on release results (additional release) of securities, in the quarterly report, the issuer shall specify the basis owing to which such information the issuer does not reveal. Lack of information which is subject to disclosure according to this Provision without the bases, sufficient on that, is the basis for involvement of the issuer to responsibility, and also for establishment of restrictions for security circulation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.14. In cases when issuers of securities according to requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Bank of Russia shall open during issue of the securities placed by open subscription and (or) the followed registration of the securities prospectus, any information which is not provided by this Provision including in cases when issuers specify procedure for disclosure of such information in the decision on release (additional release) of securities and the securities prospectus, the procedure for disclosure of such information shall provide publication in news feed within five days from the date of emergence of the corresponding event attracting emergence of the obligation on disclosure of information if other term of disclosure of information is not established by regulations of the Bank of Russia.
2.15. Consolidated financial statements of the issuer for the purpose of this provision are the consolidated financial statements of group of the organizations which the issuer shall constitute as person controlling the organizations entering into the specified group or for other bases and according to the procedure which are provided by the Federal Laws.
2.16. If other is not established by this Provision finished by the accounting period for the purpose of this provision the accounting period consisting from 3, 6, 9 or 12 months concerning which fixed term of submission of accounting (financial) records expired is or the accounting (financial) records for which are constituted before the expiration of fixed term of its representation.
2.17. In case when the last day of term in which according to this Provision the issuer shall open information or should be provided the copy of the document containing information which is subject to disclosure on output or non-working holiday, the next working day following it is considered day of the termination of such term.
3.1. Issuers of securities shall perform disclosure of information on release (additional release) of securities according to the procedure established by this Section of the Provision in cases when securities are placed by open subscription and (or) state registration of release (additional release) of securities is followed by registration of the securities prospectus.
3.2. This Section of the Provision establishes procedure for disclosure of information on release (additional release) of securities at the following stages of the procedure of issue of securities:
at stage of state registration of the program of bonds or assignments to the program of exchange bonds of identification number (in case of implementation of bond emission, the bonds placed within the program);
at stage of state registration of release (additional release) of securities or assignments to release (additional release) of securities of identification number;
at stage of securities placement;
at stage of state registration of the report (submission of the notification) on release results (additional release) of securities.
3.3. In case of securities placement of the Russian issuer by open subscription with possibility of their acquisition outside the Russian Federation, including by means of acquisition of the securities of the foreign issuer placed according to foreign law certifying the rights concerning the placed securities of the Russian issuer (further for the purpose of this provision - also depositary securities), information directed (represented) to the relevant organ (organization) regulating (regulating) the market of foreign securities, to the foreign organizer of trade and (or) other organizations according to foreign law for the purposes of its disclosure among foreign investors shall reveal according to Chapter 7 of this Section of the Provision.
3.4. If according to this Section of the Provision of the message, the procedures of issue of securities opened at stages, are subject to disclosure by their publication by the issuer on the page on the Internet, texts of these messages shall be available on the page on the Internet within at least 12 months from expiry date, established by this Provision for their publication on the Internet and if they are published on the Internet after the expiration of such term - from the date of their publication on the Internet.
3.5. If the issuer shall open information in the form of messages on essential facts, information on decision making on securities placement, including decisions on approval of the program of bonds, and also information on approval of the decision on release (additional release) of securities, including on approval of the document containing conditions of separate bond issue within the program of bonds (further - release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds), reveals such issuer according to requirements of the Section V of this provision.
3.6. If during the share issues and (or) securities converted into shares, placed by open subscription, information containing in the notification on possibility of implementation of the privilege of acquisition of such securities reveals the issuer according to requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation about securities, the specified information shall reveal according to the procedure, provided by the Section V of this provision for disclosure of data in the form of messages on essential facts.
3.1.1. Information on release (additional release) of the bonds placed within the program of bonds at stage of state registration of the program of bonds or assignments to the program of exchange bonds of identification number reveals the issuer in the form of the message by publication in news feed and on the page on the Internet, and also in the form of the program of bonds by publication on the page on the Internet and if along with state registration of the program of bonds registration of the prospectus of bonds which can be placed within the program of bonds is performed, or for assignment the exchange the prospectus of exchange bonds which can be placed within the program of exchange bonds is submitted to the program of exchange bonds of identification number, - also in the form of the prospectus of the corresponding bonds by publication on the page on the Internet.
3.1.2. The message on state registration of the program of bonds shall be published by the issuer in the following terms from the date of publication of information on state registration of the program of bonds of the issuer on the page of registering body in the Internet or receipts of registering body by the issuer of the written notice of state registration of the program of bonds by means of mail, fax, electronic communication, delivery under the signature depending on what of the specified dates will come earlier:
in news feed - no later than one day;
on the page on the Internet - no later than two days.
3.1.3. The message on assignment to the program of exchange bonds of identification number shall be published by the issuer in the following terms from the date of publication of information on assignment to the program of exchange bonds of identification number on the page of the exchange which performed its assignment, in the Internet or obtaining by the issuer of the written notice of the exchange which performed assignment to the program of exchange bonds of identification number about its assignment by means of mail, fax, electronic communication, delivery under the signature depending on what of the specified dates will come earlier:
in news feed - no later than one day;
on the page on the Internet - no later than two days.
3.1.4. Contents of the message on state registration of the program of bonds shall conform to requirements of Item 26.5.3 of this provision.
Contents of the message on assignment the program of exchange bonds of identification number shall conform to requirements of Item 26.5.5 of this provision.
3.1.5. To the program of exchange bonds of identification number the issuer can provide additional methods of acquaintance of all interested persons with information containing in the program of bonds and (or) in the prospectus of bonds which can be placed within the program of bonds in the message on state registration of the program of bonds or assignment including:
publication of the text registered (the provided exchange) programs of bonds and (or) the prospectus of bonds which can be placed within the program of bonds, in the periodic printing edition (editions) chosen (chosen) as the issuer;
mailing or provision in other form of the text registered (the provided exchange) of the program of bonds and (or) the prospectus of bonds which can be placed within the program of bonds, to interested persons.
3.1.6. The issuer shall publish the text registered (the provided exchange) programs of bonds on the page on the Internet no later than start date of placement of bonds of the first release within the program of bonds in time.
In case of publication of the text of the registered program of bonds on the page on the Internet the state registration turn of the programme of bonds, date of its state registration and the name of the registering body which performed state registration of the program of bonds shall be specified.
In case of the publication of the text shall be specified to the provided exchange of the program of exchange bonds on the page on the Internet the identification number assigned to the program of exchange bonds, date of its assignment and the name of the exchange which performed assignment to the program of exchange bonds of identification number.
The text registered (the provided exchange) programs of bonds shall be available on the Internet from expiry date, established by this Provision for its publication on the Internet and if it is published on the Internet after the expiration of such term - from the date of its publication on the Internet and before repayment of all bonds placed within the program of bonds (before expiration of the program of bonds if any bond within the program of bonds was not placed).
3.1.7. The issuer shall publish the text registered (provided to the exchange) the prospectus of bonds which can be placed within the program of bonds, on the page on the Internet no later than start date of placement of bonds of the first release within the program of bonds in time.
In case of publication of the text of the registered prospectus of bonds on the page on the Internet the state registration turn of the programme of bonds, registration date of the prospectus of bonds which can be placed within the program of bonds, and the name of the registering body which performed registration of the prospectus of the specified bonds shall be specified.
In case of the publication of the text of the prospectus of exchange bonds provided to the exchange on the page on the Internet the identification turn of the programme of exchange bonds, date of its assignment and the name of the exchange which performed assignment to the program of exchange bonds of identification number shall be specified.
The text registered (provided to the exchange) the prospectus of bonds which can be placed within the program of bonds shall be available on the Internet from expiry date, established by this Provision for its publication on the Internet and if it is published on the Internet after the expiration of such term - from the date of its publication on the Internet, and before repayment of all bonds placed within the program of bonds (before expiration of the program of bonds if any bond within the program of bonds was not placed).
3.1.8. Placement of bonds within the program of bonds before date with which the issuer provides access to the program of bonds is forbidden.
3.1.9. If the issuer shall open information in the form of messages on essential facts, information on state registration of the program of bonds or assignment to the program of exchange bonds of identification number reveals such issuer in the form of the Material Fact Statement according to requirements of the Section V of this provision.
4.1. Information on release (additional release) of securities at stage of its state registration or assignment to it identification number reveals the issuer in the form of the message by publication in news feed and on the page on the Internet, and also in the form of the decision on release (additional release) of securities by publication on the page on the Internet and if state registration of release (additional release) of securities is followed by registration of the securities prospectus or for assignment the exchange the securities prospectus - also in the form of the securities prospectus by publication on the page on the Internet is submitted to release (additional release) of securities of identification number.
4.2. The message on state registration of release (additional release) of securities shall be published by the issuer in the following terms from the date of publication of information on state registration of release (additional release) of securities of the issuer on the page of registering body in the Internet or receipts of registering body by the issuer of the written notice of state registration of release (additional release) of securities by means of mail, fax, electronic communication, delivery under the signature depending on what of the specified dates will come earlier:
in news feed - no later than one day;
on the page on the Internet - no later than two days.
4.3. The message on assignment to release (additional release) of securities of identification number shall be published by the issuer in the following terms from the date of publication of information on assignment to release (additional release) of securities of identification number on the page of the exchange which performed its assignment in the Internet or obtaining by the issuer of the written notice of the exchange which performed assignment of identification number about its assignment by means of mail, fax, electronic communication, delivery under the signature depending on what of the specified dates will come earlier:
in news feed - no later than one day;
on the page on the Internet - no later than two days.
4.4. Contents of the message on state registration of release (additional release) of securities shall conform to requirements of Item 26.6 of this provision.
Contents of the message on assignment to release (additional release) of securities of identification number shall conform to requirements of Item 26.8 of this provision.
4.5. To release (additional release) of securities of identification number the issuer can provide additional methods of acquaintance of all interested persons with information containing in the decision on release (additional release) of securities and (or) in the securities prospectus in the message on state registration of release (additional release) of securities or assignment including:
publication of the text registered (provided to the exchange) the decision on release (additional release) of securities and (or) the securities prospectus in the periodic printing edition (editions) chosen (chosen) as the issuer;
mailing or provision in other form of the text registered (provided to the exchange) the decision on release (additional release) of securities and (or) the securities prospectus to interested persons.
4.6. The issuer shall publish the text registered (provided to the exchange) decisions on release (additional release) of securities on the page on the Internet no later than start date of securities placement in time.
In case of publication of the text of the registered decision on release (additional release) of securities on the page on the Internet the state registration number of release (additional release) of securities, date of its state registration and the name of the registering body which performed state registration of release (additional release) of securities shall be specified.
In case of the publication of the text of the decision on release (additional release) of securities provided to the exchange on the page on the Internet shall be specified the identification number assigned to release (additional release) of securities, date of its assignment and the name of the exchange which performed assignment to release (additional release) of securities of identification number.
The text registered (provided to the exchange) decisions on release (additional release) of securities shall be available on the Internet from expiry date, established by this Provision for its publication on the Internet and if it is published on the Internet after the expiration of such term - from the date of its publication on the Internet and before repayment of all securities of this release (additional release).
4.7. The issuer shall publish the text registered (provided to the exchange) the securities prospectus on the page on the Internet no later than start date of securities placement in time.
In case of publication of the text of the registered securities prospectus on the page on the Internet shall be specified the state registration number of release (additional release) of securities concerning which the securities prospectus, date of its registration and the name of the registering body which performed registration of the securities prospectus is registered.
In case of the publication of the text of the securities prospectus provided to the exchange on the page on the Internet shall be specified identification number of release (additional release) of securities concerning which the securities prospectus, date of its assignment and the name of the exchange which performed assignment to release (additional release) of securities of identification number is provided to the exchange.
The text of the registered prospectus of shares shall be available on the Internet from expiry date, established by this Provision for its publication on the Internet and if it is published on the Internet after the expiration of such term - from the date of its publication on the Internet, and before the expiration at least five years from the date of publication on the Internet of the text of the registered report (provided to registering body of the notification) on release results (additional release) of shares.
The text registered (provided to the exchange) the prospectus of other securities (bonds, options of the issuer, the Russian depositary receipts) shall be available on the Internet from expiry date, established by this Provision for its publication on the Internet and if it is published on the Internet after the expiration of such term - from the date of its publication on the Internet, and before repayment of all such securities of the corresponding release concerning which it was registered (it is provided to the exchange) the securities prospectus.
4.8. Placement by subscription of securities of release (additional release) which state registration is followed by registration of the securities prospectus, before date with which the issuer provides access to the securities prospectus is forbidden.
4.9. If the issuer shall open information in the form of messages on essential facts, information on state registration of release (additional release) of securities or assignment to release (additional release) of securities of identification number reveals such issuer in the form of the Material Fact Statement according to requirements of the Section V of this provision.
5.1. Information on release (additional release) of securities at stage of securities placement reveals the issuer in shape:
messages on start date of securities placement;
messages on change of start date of securities placement;
messages on the price (procedure for determination of the price) of securities placement;
Material Fact Statements of "Data on stages of the procedure of issue of issued securities of the issuer" according to requirements of the Section V of this provision;
messages on suspension of securities placement; messages on renewal of securities placement;
the changes made to the decision on release (additional release) of securities and (or) to the securities prospectus.
5.2. If method of securities placement is not the opened or closed subscription, disclosure of information in the form of the messages provided by paragraphs the second - the fourth Item 5.1 of this provision, it is not required.
5.3. The message on start date of securities placement shall be published by the issuer in news feed and on the page on the Internet not later than one day before start date of securities placement in time.
If securities are placed by open subscription with provision of the privilege of their acquisition and the price of placement of such securities or procedure for its determination are established by the issuer after the termination of effective period of the specified privilege, the message on start date of securities placement can be published along with the message on the price (procedure for determination of the price) of securities placement. In this case such message shall be published in news feed and on the page on the Internet no later than start date of securities placement in time.
5.4. In the message on start date of securities placement are specified:
type, category (type), series and other identification signs of the placed securities;
repayment period (for bonds and options of the issuer);
the state registration number of release (additional release) of securities and date of its state registration (the identification number assigned to release (additional release) of securities and date of its assignment);
the name of the registering body which performed state registration of release (additional release) of securities (the name of the body (organization) which appropriated (appropriated) to release (additional release) of securities identification number);
the quantity of the placed securities and nominal value (if availability of nominal value is stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation) each placed security;
method of securities placement (the opened or closed subscription), and in case of securities placement by means of the closed subscription - also circle of potential acquirers of securities;
the price of securities placement or procedure for its determination or data that the specified price or procedure for its determination will be established by authorized body of management of the issuer after state registration of release (additional release) of securities (assignment to release (additional release) of securities of identification number) and no later than start date of securities placement;
provision to members (shareholders) of the issuer and (or) other persons of the privilege of acquisition of securities;
start date of securities placement;
specifying on the fact that start date of placement can be changed on condition of publication of information on it in news feed and on the page on the Internet not later than one day to published in the specified message of start date of securities placement;
end date of securities placement or procedure for its determination.
5.5. In case of adoption by the issuer of the decision on transfer (change) of the start date of securities placement opened according to the procedure stipulated in Item 5.3 this provision, the issuer shall publish the message on change of start date of securities placement in news feed and on the page on the Internet no later than one day before such date.
5.6. In the message on change start dates of securities placement are specified:
type, category (type), series and other identification signs of the placed securities;
repayment period (for bonds and options of the issuer);
the state registration number of release (additional release) of securities and date of its state registration (the identification number assigned to release (additional release) of securities and date of its assignment);
the name of the registering body which performed state registration of release (additional release) of securities (the name of the body (organization) which appropriated (appropriated) to release (additional release) of securities identification number);
the quantity of the placed securities and nominal value (if availability of nominal value is stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation) each placed security;
method of securities placement (the opened or closed subscription), and in case of securities placement by means of the closed subscription - also circle of potential acquirers of securities;
the price of securities placement or procedure for its determination or data that the specified price or procedure for its determination will be established by authorized body of management of the issuer after state registration of release (additional release) of securities (assignment to release (additional release) of securities of identification number) and no later than start date of securities placement;
provision to members (shareholders) of the issuer and (or) other persons of the privilege of acquisition of securities;
the start date of securities placement which is originally determined by the issuer;
start date of securities placement according to the decision on change of start date of securities placement made by the issuer;
data that start date of securities placement can be changed on condition of publication of information on it in news feed and on the page on the Internet not later than one day before the start date of securities placement published in this message;
end date of securities placement or procedure for its determination.
5.7. If in the message on state registration of release (additional release) of securities or in the message on start date of securities placement the price of securities placement or procedure for its determination are not specified, the issuer shall publish in news feed and on the page on the Internet the message on the price of securities placement or procedure for its determination (further - the message on the price (procedure for determination of the price) of placement) no later than start date of securities placement in time.
At the same time securities placement by subscription cannot be performed before publication by the issuer of the message on the price (procedure for determination of the price) of placement in news feed and on the page on the Internet.
5.8. In the message on the price (procedure for determination of the price) of securities placement are specified:
type, category (type), series and other identification signs of the placed securities;
repayment period (for bonds and options of the issuer);
the state registration number of release (additional release) of securities and date of its state registration (the identification number assigned to release (additional release) of securities and date of its assignment);
the name of the registering body which performed state registration of release (additional release) of securities (the name of the body (organization) which appropriated (appropriated) to release (additional release) of securities identification number);
the quantity of the placed securities and nominal value (if availability of nominal value is stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation) each placed security;
method of securities placement (the opened or closed subscription), and in case of securities placement by means of the closed subscription - also circle of potential acquirers of securities;
term (start and end dates) of securities placement or procedure for determination of this term;
payment method of the placed securities; price of securities placement or procedure for its determination;
the governing body of the issuer which made the decision on price fixation of securities placement or procedure for its determination, acceptance date of such decision, date of creation and number of the protocol of meeting (meeting) of governing body of the issuer on whom such decision if the specified body is the collegiate organ of management of the issuer is made.
5.9. If after registration of the securities prospectus (the admission of exchange bonds to the organized biddings) and prior to their placement by the issuer the accounting (financial) records for the corresponding accounting period are constituted and (or) there were new circumstances which can have significant effect on decision making about acquisition of the corresponding securities, the changes reflecting the specified circumstances shall be made to the securities prospectus. Such changes are not subject to state registration by registering body, and information containing in them shall be opened prior to securities placement in the same order in which information containing in the securities prospectus reveals.
The provision of this Item regarding entering into the securities prospectus of the changes reflecting creation by the issuer of the corresponding accounting (financial) records is not applied if the issuer performs disclosure of information in the form of the quarterly report and messages on essential facts.
5.10. If during the term of securities placement the issuer makes the decision on modification of the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus, and (or) in case of obtaining by the issuer during the term of securities placement of the written requirement (the instruction, determination) the Bank of Russia, public authority on suspension of securities placement and if according to the Federal Law "About the Security Market" or other Federal Laws release (additional release) of securities of the issuer is not subject to state registration - also other body (organization), the representative (authorized) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to direct such requirement (further - authorized body), the issuer shall suspend securities placement and publish the message on suspension of securities placement in news feed and on the page on the Internet.
The message on suspension of securities placement shall be published by the issuer in the following terms from the date of creation of the protocol (expiry date, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for creation of the protocol) meetings (meeting) of authorized body of management of the issuer at which the decision on modification of the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds is made, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus, and in case of change of the conditions established by the decision on securities placement, - from the date of creation of the protocol (expiry date, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for creation of the protocol) meetings (meeting) of authorized body of management of the issuer at which the decision on change of such conditions, or the dates of receipt by the issuer of the written requirement is made (instructions, determinations) authorized body about suspension of securities placement by means of mail, fax, electronic communication, delivery under the signature depending on what of the specified dates will come earlier:
in news feed - no later than one day;
on the page on the Internet - no later than two days.
5.11. In the message on suspension of securities placement are specified:
type, category (type), series and other identification signs of securities;
repayment period (for bonds and options of the issuer);
the state registration number of release (additional release) of securities and date of its state registration (the identification number assigned to release (additional release) of securities and date of its assignment);
the name of the registering body which performed state registration of release (additional release) of securities (the name of the body (organization) which appropriated to release (additional release) of securities identification number);
the quantity of the placed securities and nominal value (if availability of nominal value is stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation) each placed security;
method of securities placement, and in case of securities placement by means of the closed subscription - also circle of potential acquirers of securities;
start date of securities placement;
end date of securities placement or procedure for its determination;
price of securities placement or procedure for its determination;
payment method of the placed securities;
date with which securities placement is suspended;
bases of suspension of securities placement;
if securities placement is suspended in connection with modification of the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus - date, date of creation and number of the protocol of meeting (meeting) of authorized body of management of the issuer on whom the decision on modification of the decision on release (additional release) of securities is made (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus and if the conditions established by the decision on securities placement - date, date of creation and number of the protocol of meeting (meeting) of authorized body of management of the issuer on whom the decision on change of the conditions established by the decision on securities placement is made change;
if securities placement is suspended in connection with the decision of authorized body - the name of authorized body and the date of receipt by the issuer of the written decision (the instruction, determination, the resolution) authorized body about suspension of securities placement;
the restrictions connected with suspension of securities placement of the issuer.
5.12. If securities placement stops in connection with adoption by registering body of the decision on suspension of issue of securities, information on suspension of securities placement reveals the issuer in the form of the Material Fact Statement according to requirements of the Section V of this provision.
5.13. After registration (approval by the exchange) during the term of securities placement of changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus, decision makings about refusal in registration of such changes (adoption by the exchange of the decision on refusal in approval of such changes) or obtaining during the term of securities placement of the written notice (determination, the decision) authorized body about permission of renewal of securities placement (cancellation of the bases for suspension of securities placement) the issuer shall publish the message on renewal of securities placement in news feed and on the page on the Internet.
The message on renewal of securities placement shall be published by the issuer in the following terms from the date of publication of information on registration (about approval by the exchange) changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus or about refusal in registration (about refusal of the exchange in approval) such changes on the page of registering body (exchange) on the Internet or from the date of receipt by the issuer of the written notice of registering body (exchange) of registration (about approval) changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus or about refusal in registration (about refusal of the exchange in approval) such changes or the written notice (determinations, decisions) authorized body about renewal of securities placement (cancellation of the bases for suspension of securities placement) by means of mail, fax, electronic communication, delivery under the signature depending on what of the specified dates will come earlier:
in news feed - no later than one day;
on the page on the Internet - no later than two days.
5.14. In the message on renewal of securities placement are specified:
type, category (type), series and other identification signs of securities;
repayment period (for bonds and options of the issuer);
the state registration number of release (additional release) of securities and date of its state registration (the identification number assigned to release (additional release) of securities and date of its assignment);
the name of the registering body which performed state registration of release (additional release) of securities (the name of the body (organization) which appropriated (appropriated) to release (additional release) of securities identification number);
the quantity of the placed securities and nominal value (if availability of nominal value is stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation) each placed security;
method of securities placement, and in case of securities placement by means of the closed subscription - also circle of potential acquirers of securities;
start date of securities placement;
end date of securities placement or procedure for its determination;
price of securities placement or procedure for its determination;
payment method of the placed securities;
date with which securities placement was suspended;
bases of suspension of securities placement;
bases of renewal of securities placement;
registration date (approval by the exchange) of changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus or decision makings about refusal in registration (about refusal of the exchange in approval) such changes or the date of receipt by the issuer of the written notice (determination, the decision) authorized body about permission of renewal of securities placement (cancellation of the bases for suspension of securities placement);
date with which securities placement is resumed, or procedure for its determination;
specifying on cancellation of the restrictions connected with suspension of securities placement;
in case of registration (approval by the exchange) of changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus - the summary registered (approved by the exchange) changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus, and also procedure for access to such changes.
5.15. In case of registration (approval by the exchange) of changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus the issuer shall publish the text registered (approved by the exchange) changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) in the securities prospectus on the page on the Internet in time no more than two days from the date of publication of information on registration (about approval by the exchange) the specified changes on the page of registering body (exchange) on the Internet or from the date of receipt by the issuer of the written notice of registering body (exchange) of registration (about approval) the specified changes by means of mail, fax, electronic communication, delivery under the signature, depending on what of the specified dates will come earlier, but not earlier than date of publication on the page on the Internet of the text registered (provided to the exchange) decisions on release (additional release) of securities (the program of bonds, release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) registered (provided to the exchange) the securities prospectus respectively. In case of publication of the text of changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) and (or) the securities prospectus on the page on the Internet shall be specified registration date (approval date by the exchange) the specified changes and the name of the registering body which performed their registration (the name of the exchange which performed their approval).
The text registered (approved by the exchange) changes in the decision on release (additional release) of securities (in the program of bonds, in release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds) shall be available on the Internet from expiry date, established by this Provision for its publication on the Internet and if it is published on the Internet after the expiration of such term - from the date of its publication on the Internet and before the expiration established by this Provision for ensuring access on the Internet to the text registered (provided to the exchange) decisions on release (additional release) of securities (the program of bonds, release conditions (additional release) of bonds within the program of bonds).
The text of the registered changes in the securities prospectus shall be available on the Internet from expiry date, established by this Provision for its publication on the Internet and if it is published on the Internet after the expiration of such term, - from the date of its publication on the Internet and before the expiration established by this Provision for ensuring access on the Internet to the text registered (provided to the exchange) the securities prospectus.
5.16. If securities placement is resumed in connection with adoption by registering body of the decision on renewal of issue of securities, information on renewal of securities placement reveals the issuer in the form of the Material Fact Statement according to requirements of the Section V of this provision.
5.17. Renewal of securities placement before publication of the message on renewal of securities placement in news feed and on the page on the Internet is not allowed.
6.1. Information at stage of state registration of the report (submission of the notification) on release results (additional release) of securities reveals the issuer in the form of the Material Fact Statement according to requirements of the Section V of this provision, and also in report form (notification) on release results (additional release) of securities by publication on the page on the Internet.
6.2. The text of the registered report on release results (additional release) of securities shall be published by the issuer on the page on the Internet no more than two days from the date of publication of information on state registration of the report on release results (additional release) of securities of the issuer on the page of registering body in the Internet or the dates of receipt by the issuer of the written notice of registering body of state registration of the report on release results (additional release) of securities by means of mail, fax, electronic communication, delivery under the signature in time, depending on what of the specified dates will come earlier.
The text of the notification on release results (additional release) of securities provided to registering body shall be published by the issuer on the page on the Internet no more than two days from the date of submission (direction) of the specified notification to registering body in time.
The text of the registered report (provided to registering body of the notification) on release results (additional release) of securities shall be available on the page on the Internet within at least 12 months from expiry date, established by this Provision for its publication on the Internet and if it is published on the Internet after the expiration of such term - from the date of its publication on the Internet.
6.3. If the information access, containing in the decision on release (additional release) of securities and (or) in the securities prospectus, was provided with the issuer by additional methods, the issuer shall provide information access, containing in the report (notification) on release results (additional release) of securities, the same additional methods which provided information access, containing in the decision on release (additional release) of securities and (or) in the securities prospectus.
7.1. In case of securities placement of the Russian issuer by open subscription with possibility of their acquisition outside the Russian Federation, including by means of acquisition of depositary securities, information sent (represented) to the relevant organ (organization) regulating (regulating) the market of foreign securities to the foreign organizer of trade and (or) other organizations according to foreign law for the purposes of its disclosure among foreign investors shall reveal.
7.2. Disclosure of information, stipulated in Item 7.1 this provision, shall be performed by the Russian issuer by publication of the text of the documents containing the specified information on the page on the Internet no later than date of disclosure of such information according to foreign law among foreign investors in time.
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The document ceased to be valid since October 1, 2021 according to Item 81.2 of the Provision of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2020 No. 714-P