of December 30, 2014 No. 175
About veterinary science
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on November 27, 2014
This Law determines legal, social, organizational, financial and economic basis in the field of veterinary science and is directed to protection of the population from diseases, general for the person and animals, ensuring epizootic wellbeing and veterinary and sanitary safety in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Veterinary science - set of the scientific knowledge and practical activities directed to the prevention, diagnostics, treatment of diseases of animals, protection of people from diseases, general for the person and animals and also the solution of questions of environment protection;
the veterinarian - the person having the higher veterinary education and performing veterinary practice according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
the paraveterinary specialist - the veterinary assistant surgeon or the certified specialist in the field of livestock production performing veterinary practice under control and responsibility of the veterinarian according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
veterinary activities are the activities of physical persons and legal entities directed to the solution of tasks of veterinary science;
the veterinary and sanitary conclusion - the document certifying compliance or discrepancy of objects of examination to mandatory veterinary requirements;
veterinary medicine - the means representing substance or containing the substance or combinations of substances coming into contact with organism of animal and intended for treatment, prevention of diseases of animals, rehabilitation, correction or change of physiological functions of organism of animal, preserving, prevention or termination of pregnancy, euthanasia, and also diagnosis of diseases of animals (except for substances or their combinations which are not contacting to animal organism). Active ingredients, including pharmaceutical substances, and also veterinary medicines belong to veterinary medicines;
veterinary and sanitary monitoring - implementation of the planned and consecutive observations or the analysis for the purpose of identification of changes of the state of health of animals, and also determinations of general idea about safety of controlled goods (products) and their compliance to veterinary health requirements;
veterinary (veterinary and sanitary) requirements - the requirements approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic imposed to objects of veterinary control and supervision directed to non-admission of import and distribution in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic of causative agents of infectious diseases of animals, including general for the person and animals, and the goods of animal origin dangerous in the veterinary and sanitary relation;
active ingredient - substance of biological, biotechnology, mineral or chemical origin as a part of veterinary medicine which efficiency is connected with its action on animal organism;
veterinary and sanitary measures - system of the actions directed to prevention of origin and spread of infectious and mass noncontagious diseases of animals, protection of people against diseases, general for the person and animals, the prevention of damage caused by diseases of animals;
veterinary supervision - procedure for ensuring accomplishment of veterinary health requirements;
veterinary and sanitary services - the services rendered by the veterinarians and other persons having the right to it for the solution of veterinary tasks;
veterinary practice - activities for rendering services in prevention, diagnostics and treatment of animals, training, consultation, research in the veterinary sphere, and also on certification, introduction of hypodermic implants, delivery, realization and distribution of veterinary medicines;
veterinary and sanitary examination - complex of special researches of products of animal and plant origin for determination of their safety;
animals are any mammals, birds, bees, and also representatives of water fauna;
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