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of December 10, 2014 No. 1001

About approval of the Concept of the information system "Register of Soils of the Republic of Moldova"

(as amended on 06-12-2023)

For the purpose of creation of the Information system "Register of Soils of the Republic of Moldova", according to the Order of the Government No. 626 of August 20, 2011. "About approval of the Program of preserving and increase in fertility of soils for 2011-2020" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2011, Art. No. 139-145, 696) and to the Law No. 71-XVI of March 22, 2007 on registers (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, Art. No. 70-73, 314), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve the Concept of the information system "Register of Soils of the Republic of Moldova" it (is applied).

2. To provide to the Ministry of Agriculture and the food industry realization of provisions of the Concept of the information system "Register of Soils of the Republic of Moldova".

3. Accomplishment of provisions of this resolution will be performed at the expense of the means which are annually provided in the government budget and also from other sources, according to the current legislation.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Agriculture and the food industry.

Prime Minister

Iurie Leanca


deputy prime minister, Minister of Economic Affairs


Andrian Kandu

Minister of Finance

Anatol Arapu

Minister of Agriculture and food industry

Vasile Bumakov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 10, 2014 No. 1001

Concept of the Information system "Register of Soils of the Republic of Moldova"


Soils are the main natural wealth of the Republic of Moldova.

On structure and natural fertility of the soil of Moldova belong to the category of the most valuable resources and are characterized by the considerable variety connected with local horizontal and vertical zonality, climatic and geological conditions.

One of the main objectives of the Republic of Moldova is long-term preserving quality of soil cover along with environment protection.

Productivity of crops, development of livestock complex, agricultural export, wellbeing of the people and ecological country situation depend on the quality level of soils, considerably.

Intensive operation of soil resources in the world for the last decades led to their accelerated degradation.

Considering global tendencies, rates of degradation and irretrievable losses of farmlands, and also development of agricultural industry, the problem of preserving quality of soil cover on farmlands becomes strategic priority of homeland security.

Degradation of soils in the Republic of Moldova is one of the most serious problems existing at present stage. The main forms of degradation of soil cover are: water erosion, degumifikation, depletion of soils nutrients, destrukturirovaniye and excessive consolidation, salinization, solontsevatost, etc. Processes of degradation and non-compliance with agricultural technologies caused decrease in production capacity of soils.

The information system "Register of Soils of the Republic of Moldova" resolves the following issues at the advanced level:

streamlining of the data determining condition of soil cover;

creation of the database about the main indicators and parameters of the soil, its assessment and site class;

submission of information to consumers.

Being system of collection, processing and submission of information, the Information system "Register of Soils of the Republic of Moldova" provides:

collection and administration of information on soil resources in common information space;

information support of the real estate market;

provision of information on site class of the soil for the purpose of the taxation;

information base for various geographic information systems;

guarantees for participation of our country in joint projects of economic development and safety of investments.

I. General provisions

1. For the purpose of this this the Concept the following concepts are determined:

the soil – the upper, friable part of lithosphere which is in constant development under the influence of factors of soil formation and representing the upper layer of the earth in which vegetable life develops. The fertile layer of earth contains nutrients and consists of the loess and humus;

soil cover (pedosfer) – the continuous cover on the surface of crust which is consisting of set of soils, that is the hardened layer on the Earth's surface, subject to soil formation process which is the power supply for plants;

structure of soil cover – arrangement of elementary soil areas, genetically connected among themselves and creating certain spatial drawing;


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