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The document ceased to be valid since  April 27, 2023 according to Item 1 of the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 27, 2023 No. 135


of November 27, 2014 No. 151

About approval of Rules of maintaining the state register of sites of pollution

(as amended of the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 18.04.2017 No. 141)

According to the subitem 29) of article 17 of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007 I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of maintaining the state register of sites of pollution.

2. To provide to committee of ecological regulation, control and state inspection in oil and gas complex of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) the direction on official publication of this order within ten calendar days after its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in mass media and in information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this order on official Internet resource of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after its first official publication.


B. School student

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 27, 2014 No. 151

Rules of maintaining the state register of sites of pollution

1. Rules of maintaining the state register of sites of pollution (further - Rules) are developed according to the subitem 29) of article 17 of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007 and determine procedure for maintaining the state register of sites of pollution.

2. The state register of sites of pollution (further - the register) is databank in which data on types and origin of sites of pollution, amounts and concentration of pollutants on them, accessory of sites of pollution and measures for their liquidation are collected.

3. The organization of maintaining the register is performed by authorized body in the field of environmental protection (further - authorized body) at the expense of budgetary funds. The register consists from central and territorial registers.

4. The register is kept based on the register passport of the site of pollution (further - the register passport).

5. On each site of pollution by the user of nature the register passport is constituted, in form according to appendix 1 to these rules and it is submitted in the relevant territorial authority of environmental protection.

6. The register passport of the site of pollution is constituted by the user of nature within three months after its identification.

7. The registered register passports are entered in the register, in form according to appendix 2 to these rules.

8. The copy of the registered register passport is issued to the user of nature.

9. Maintaining the central register is performed by authorized body.

10. Maintaining the central register includes:

1) centralized information collection about sites of pollution;

2) updating (updating) of the central register;

3) information support of state bodies and other interested persons.

11. Changes and amendments in the central register are made by authorized body based on written information, arrived from territorial authorities of environmental protection.

12. Maintaining the territorial register includes:

1) registration of sites of pollution by entering of the corresponding record into the territorial register;

2) completing on areas and storage of register passports;

3) information support of state bodies and other interested persons;

4) updating (updating) of the territorial register, including exception of the site of pollution of the register with indication of date and the bases for exception.

13. Registration number is assigned to each site of pollution. The registration number excluded from the territorial register is not appropriated to new sites of pollution.

14. The exception of sites of pollution of the territorial register is carried out based on submission by the user of nature of the project on liquidation of pollution and the act of the performed works on this site coordinated with territorial authority of environmental protection.

15. Territorial authorities of environmental protection represent the territorial register on the electronic medium to authorized body no later than May 10 annually, in case of identification of new sites of pollution information is provided no later than ten calendar days after modification and amendments of the territorial register.

16. Control of timely entering of register passports into the register, accuracy of the information, and also the analysis, accounting, systematization, storage of register passports of sites of pollution and creation of the automated system of their processing are performed by territorial authorities of environmental protection.

Appendix 1

to Rules of maintaining the state register of sites of pollution

The form intended for collection of administrative data

Register passport of sites of pollution

The accounting period for "___" ____________ 20 ___ years.

Form index: RPUZ

Frequency of information collection: annually.

The group of people providing information: users of nature, on the territories which sites of pollution are located.

Where the form is represented: territorial subdivisions of authorized body in the field of environmental protection.

Term of representation of form: annually, till May 10 after the accounting period;

within three months in case of identification of the site of pollution.

1) registration номер_______________________________________

2) schematic card of location of the site of pollution:



City, settlement

Territory code according to the Qualifier of Administrative-territorial Objects (QATO), filled by specialists of territorial subdivisions

Geographical coordinates







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