of December 24, 2014 No. 41
About measures for implementation of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 23, 2014 No. 1227
Based on the paragraph of the fifth of part two of subitem 11.1 of Item 11, 13, parts two of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 23, 2014 No. 1227, the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: Item parts two
1. Establish:
1.1. the list of consumer goods according to appendix 1;
1.2. the application form about inclusion of data in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on the retail shopping facility (except for portable means of delivery and peddling trade) according to appendix 2;
1.3. the application form about modification and (or) amendments in the data included in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on the retail shopping facility (except for portable means of delivery and peddling trade) according to appendix 3;
1.4. the application form about inclusion of data in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on portable means of delivery, peddling trade according to appendix 4;
1.5. the application form about modification and (or) amendments in the data included in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on portable means of delivery, peddling trade according to appendix 5;
1.6. the application form about inclusion of information in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus about the subject of trade performing retail trade without (out of) shopping facilities according to appendix 6;
1.7. the application form about modification and (or) amendments in the data included in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus about the subject of trade performing retail trade without (out of) shopping facilities according to appendix 7;
1.8. the application form about inclusion of data in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on online store according to appendix 8;
1.9. the application form about modification and (or) amendments in the data included in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on online store according to appendix 9;
1.10. the application form about inclusion of data in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on the wholesale shopping facility according to appendix 10;
1.11. the application form about modification and (or) amendments in the data included in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on the wholesale shopping facility according to appendix 11;
1.12. the application form about inclusion of information in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus about the subject of trade performing wholesale trade without shopping facilities according to appendix 12;
1.13. the application form about modification and (or) amendments in the data included in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus about the subject of trade performing wholesale trade without shopping facilities according to appendix 13;
1.14. the application form about inclusion of data in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on object of public catering according to appendix 14;
1.15. the application form about modification and (or) amendments in the data included in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on object of public catering according to appendix 15;
1.16. the application form about inclusion of data in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on shopping center according to appendix 16;
1.17. the application form about modification and (or) amendments in the data included in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on shopping center according to appendix 17;
1.18. the application form about inclusion of data in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on the market according to appendix 18;
1.19. the application form about modification and (or) amendments in the data included in the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus on the market according to appendix 19;
1.20. the application form about exception of data of the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix 20;
1.21. the application form about approval of operating mode of the shopping facility, object of public catering, shopping center, the market, the subject of trade performing retail trade without (out of) shopping facilities, including online store according to appendix 21;
1.22. the document form about establishment of operating mode according to appendix 22;
1.23. form of the notification on entering of data into the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix 23;
1.24. form of the notification on refusal in entering of data into the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix 24.
2. Declare invalid the resolution of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus of June 20, 2005 No. 27 "About approval of the Regulations on the Trade register of the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005, No. 106, 8/12801).
3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.
V. S. Chekanov
to the Resolution of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus of December 24, 2014 No. 41
Group of goods |
Subgroup of goods |
Type of goods |
Dairy products |
Milk and products from milk |
Milk: drinking pasteurized, ultra heat-treated, sterilized, proteinaceous, vitaminized, iodated, melted, with fillers, etc. The drinking cream pasteurized, sterilized with fillers, whipped cream, creamy drinks. Milk drinks and cocktails. Milk and cream powder. Cow's milk oil: creamy, sweet cream and kisloslivochny unsalted, salty, dietary and other types of butter, melted, oil with fillers, chocolate, etc. Frozen: dairy, creamy, ice cream, with fillers, other ice cream. Cakes, cakes and other products from ice cream. Soft drinks and cocktails with ice cream, creams, whipped cream with ice cream. Dry mixes for ice cream. Milk canned food: condensed milk and cream with sugar, coffee, cocoa and other fillers and without them, the milk concentrated and sterilized other types of milk canned food. Liquid and pasty dairy products for baby food: infant milk the pasteurized and sterilized, baby food cream, liquid mixes, porridges for baby food on dairy basis, milk drinks for baby food. Dry dairy mixes, porridges for baby food: dry dairy mixes for baby food, including medical mixes, the dry milk enriched porridges, porridges instant, drinks dry dairy, mixes on krupyany broths, products with flour, rice, buckwheat, oats, children's milk and other dry dairy products for baby food. Liquid, pasty and other dairy products with krupyany and other additives. Dairy concentrates. Dairy products for dietary food |
Fermented milk products |
Sour-milk products (with fillers and without them): kefir (biokefir), curdled milk, fermented baked milk, acidophilic products, koumiss, ayran, tayran, yogurt, dairy drinks (the bioeagle owl, aktivit, etc.), buttermilk and drinks from buttermilk, serum (including enriched) and drinks from serum; sour-milk products for dietary food and other. Yogurt and yogurt products (with fillers and without them), including bioyoghurts, drinking yogurts, yogurt desserts and drinks. Sour cream and smetanny products (with fillers and without them), including biosour cream. Cottage cheese and cottage cheese products: cottage cheese, curds, cream cheese, product cottage cheese, cake cheeses and syrkovy weight (with fillers and without them), the cake cheeses glazed, other. Cottage cheese semifinished products and culinary products from cottage cheese (vareniki, cheesecakes, baked puddings, pancakes, cakes, creams, pastes, puddings, desserts and others), pastes proteinaceous. Liquid and pasty dairy products for baby food: kefir for baby food, cottage cheese, curd cakes cottage cheese and cottage cheese products for baby food, bifidin, bifidobakt, yogurt, bioyoghurt for baby food, etc. Dry dairy mixes, porridges for baby food: dry acidified milk formulas for baby food. Dry fermented milk products |
Cheese products |
Processed cheeses: lomtevy, sausage, smoked, pasty, with fillers and spices, delicious, snack and other. Cheeses soft. Cheeses firm, including cheeses semisolid. Cheeses brine and other young cheeses (sheep cheese, suluguni). Cheeses sour-milk, snack and other grades. Grated cheeses, cheeses in powder, blue and other cheeses. Cheese products and products (cheese sticks, cheese straws, etc.). Products are dry cheese |
Meat products |
Meat and products from meat |
Meat: beef, veal, pork, mutton, horse-flesh, meat of other domestic and wild animals (pair, cooled down, cooled, frozen). Offal: offal food (fresh, cooled down, cooled, frozen, etc.): liver, languages, kidneys, brains, heart, diaphragm, meat-and-bone tail, the heads, udder beef, hem with grid beef, kaltyk, lungs, legs pork, putovy structure beef, ears beef and pork, lips beef, trimmings meat, jowl pork, intermamillar part pork, skin pork, testicles, other processed food offal, sets of offal, sets for the first and second courses with use of food bone; bone food. Meat semifinished products: semifinished products are meat boneless lump, melkokuskovy, portion, chopped formed, including breaded, in test cover, marinades, sauces, fillings, stuffed (cutting natural, steak, beefsteak, steak, beef Stroganoff, azu, goulash, subfrying, cutlet, schnitzel, meat for shish kebabs and pilaf, zrazas, beef for roasting and other); meat-and-bone lump and melkokuskovy semifinished products (beef for suppression, breast cut, soup kits and ragout from different types of meat and other); cutlets meat, meat and cereal and with other additives, quenelles, mincemeat with additives and without them, other semifinished products from chopped meat, the fast-frozen semifinished products and meat dishes with garnishes and without them, sausage (sausage) crude, porridges in cover, products in sauces, other semifinished products. Pelmeni, ravioli meat, meat and cereal. Sausages from beef, pork, mutton, horse-flesh and other types of meat and offal, with meat and cereal and other additives: boiled – sausages (sausage), sausage, sausage, pork sausages, bread meat, cooked smoked, half-smoked, raw smoked, dry-cured sausages (including salami), the sausages stuffed, liverny, blood, pastes, jelly, jellies, zelets, saltisona and other types of sausages. Smoked products: products from beef, pork, veal, mutton, horse-flesh, offal, meat of other domestic and wild animals: boiled, smoked and boiled, raw smoked, dry-cured, smoked baked, baked and fried – gammons, shovels, rolls, ham and ham products, balyks, bacon, breast cut, brisket, fillet, boiled pork, carbonate, neck, languages, products the pork ribs formed, in shape, smoked, the pressed meat of the pork heads and other. Meat products in jelly. Canned meat: stewed (beef and veal, pork, mutton, horse-flesh, meat of rabbits and other animals); farshevy (the tourist's breakfast, forcemeat sausage, sausage, meat chopped in jelly, etc.); meat pastes and offal with additives and without them; pasteurized (ham, from meat of beef, pork, mutton and other animals in own juice, in white sauce, etc.); from offal (languages in jelly, kidneys in tomato sauce, chopped liver, etc.), canned food meat and cereal: from bean, rice and other grain, pasta and vegetables with meat, tinned lunch dishes with meat, etc.; canned food salobobovy: peas, haricot with fat, smalets, with addition of vegetables and in tomato, others, including specialized (for food of the expectant mothers, athletes sick with diabetes, etc.). Canned food for baby food: meat, meat and cereal, homogenized, thinly crushed, pyureobrazny (meat, meat and cereal, vegetable meat mashes). Products from meat for dietary food. Products from pork salted pork fat: salted pork fat unsalted, salty, smoked, smoked baked, snack, puff, in cover, fat salted pork fat salty, smoked, snack, etc. Culinary products from meat and offal; meat boiled, fried, stuffed, aspics, salads meat, liver fried, heart, udder boiled, etc. Stuffed cabbage and other meat and meat and cereal dishes. Meat-flour products: pies and other dough products with meat stuffing. Fat animal melted |
Bird and products from fowl |
Fowl (is fresher, cooled, frozen, etc.): hens, chickens, including broilers, ducks, ducklings, geese, gooses, turkeys, turkey poults, guinea fowls, tsesarit, other poultry. Offal of poultry (fresh, cooled, frozen, etc.): heart, liver, stomachs, necks, wings, heads, pads, sets of offal of bird. Semifinished products from fowl: natural breaded, without breading, with spices, in marinades, sauces, fillings, chopped, including in test cover, sets, fillet of fowl and offal, sausages (sausage) crude and others. Pelmeni, ravioli from fowl. Sausages from fowl: boiled, cooked smoked, half-smoked, raw smoked, dry-cured and other. Smoked products: products and other finished products from fowl raw smoked, smoked and boiled, smoked baked, boiled, baked, fried and other. Canned food from meat and offal of bird: in own juice, in sauce, pastes from fowl and offal of bird and other. Canned food for baby food: meat, meat and cereal, homogenized, thinly crushed, pyureobrazny (meat, meat and cereal, vegetable meat mashes). Culinary products from bird; bird boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, salads, etc. Products from fowl for dietary food. Fat bird's melted |
Fish products |
Fish and products from fish |
Fish live, cooled, frozen: sea and fresh-water, including pond, all species of fish (kambaloobrazny, kefalevy, skumbriyevy, stavridovy, treskovy, okunevy, tuntsovy, chastikovy, sturgeon, salmon, seldevy, anchousovy, fish trifle and other types of sea and fresh-water fishes). Fillet fish, other meat of fish is fresher, cooled, the ice cream made of sea and fresh-water fish. Fish salty and (or) spicy salting, marinated, cold and smoke-cured, dried and dried, made of sea and fresh-water fish. Fillet fish, other meat of fish dried, dried, salty and (or) spicy salting, smoked, made of sea and fresh-water fish. Fish canned food: natural of salmon, herring, mackerel, jack mackerel and other breeds of fishes; from liver of fishes (treskovy, pollock, etc.); oils, natural with addition (mackerel, jack mackerel, carp, etc.); in oil (sprats, sprats, sardines, saury, jack mackerel, tuna, herring, mackerel, salmon, anchovies and other types blanched, the dried, smoked, fried ocean and fresh-water fishes); in jelly; in tomato sauce (salmon, chastikovy, from seldevy, treskovy, tuntsovy, skumbriyevy, anchousovy, Karpov and other breeds, in the form of carcasses, pieces, forcemeat); canned food in marinade (canned food from the fried fish of all types in marinade); ryborastitelny canned food (the canned food made of fish, the stuffed vegetables and products from fish forcemeat with addition or without addition of garnish in broth, fillings, marinade and different sauces; canned food pastes, other canned food. Canned food for baby food: fish, ryborastitelny, homogenized, thinly crushed, pyureobrazny (fish, ryborastitelny purees). Fish preserved food: not cut beheaded fish of spicy or special salting; fillet pieces, slices, rolls with oil and other fillings and sauces, with addition or without addition of garnishes, other preserved food. Caviar: caviar sturgeon, salmons; caviar salty screened treskovy, kambalovy, seldevy, skumbriyevy, etc.; caviar salty delicious pollock, herring, cod, halibut, etc. with addition of vegetable oil or creamy cow, spices and other flavoring additives; caviar unfiltered salty, the caviar substitutes made of berries of chastikovy and other fresh-water and oceanic species of fish (pollock, cod, herring, nototeniye, mullet, etc.). Semifinished products from fish: frozen fish of special cutting (carcasses and pieces), stakes, fish soup sets and other fish dishes, forcemeat fish, molded articles from forcemeat, the cutlets made of sea and fresh-water fish, rybomuchny products, sury, portion fillet including breaded, in marinades, sauces, fillings, etc. Fast-frozen fish semifinished products and fish dishes. Culinary products from fish: natural – fish entirely, in pieces, molded articles, fish rolls, jellied fish, under marinade, stuffed, in batter, zelets and jellies, products from fish forcemeat, fish cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, quenelles, rybomuchny products (pelmeni, pies, rasstegais and other), fish oils, oil caviar, pastes, pastes, salads, etc. Other food fish products: liver, calves and milts fresh, cooled, frozen, dried, smoked, salty or in brine; liquid waste from valuable rybotovar (the head, prigolovka, outgrowths, fins, milts, fat, heart, liver, vyaziga, cartilages, etc. of sturgeon, salmon, chastikovy, balychny products, etc.). Other fish products |
Seafood |
Crustacea: crabs, shrimps, lobsters, spiny lobsters, crawfishes, etc. Mollusks: mussels, oysters, combs, trumpeters, coastal snails, squids, octopuses, trepangs, cuttlefishes, Cucumariae , etc. Seaweed: red seaweed, brown seaweed, including laminaria (sea cabbage), green seaweed. Canned food, preserved food from seafood: crabs, mussels, squids, shrimps, sea cabbage, trepang, trumpeter and other. Semifinished products from seafood: meat of squid, forcemeat, molded articles from forcemeat, sury, etc. Culinary products from seafood: products from forcemeat sury like crabsticks and imitation of crab meat, product from sea cabbage, paste, pastes, salads, etc. Meat of marine animals food and products from it. Other food seafood |
Egg |
Egg chicken, quail and other bird food. Products of conversion of eggs (melange, egg powder) |
Fat-and-oil products |
Vegetable oil: food not refined, refined, deodorized: sunflower, rape, corn, olive, saflorovy, cotton, peanut, salad, surepny, ryzhikovy, mustard, sesame, stone, soy, cedar, hempy, linen, castoric, tung, palm, coconut, palm, babassu oil, jojoba, the blended (mixed) and other types of edible vegetable oils. Margarine products: margarine sandwich-type, table, with flavoring and other additives (chocolate, etc.), dietary, margarine for public catering (nonmilk, confectionery, etc.), spreads, products sandwich-type and other. Mayonnaise, sauces on mayonnaise basis: table (provansal, dairy, amateur), with spices, with flavoring and jellifying additives (mustard, salad, etc.), dietary and other, sauces, creams mayonnaise. Sauces on the basis of vegetable oils. Fats vegetable: culinary, confectionery, baking, margaguselin, fat vegetable, for pilaf and other food fats. Other foodstuff from fats and oils, including liquid margarine |
Bakery products |
Bread: rye, wheat, rye and wheat, wheat and rye all types – hearth and shaped; other grades of bread. Product bakeries from flour of different grades: long loafs, rolls, baguettes, pletenka, kalatches, flat cakes, croissants, rolls and other products. Rich products: fancy bread ordinary, Vyborg, figured, cheese cakes, puffs, pretzels, rolls of the increased caloric content, croissants, buns, rolls, donuts, briosh and other. Sukharny products: rich crackers, simple crackers, snack croutons, toasts, ship's biscuits, crackers and the other fried grain products. Breadcrumbs. Ring-shaped products: steering-wheels, drying, bagels, straws, breadsticks of all types, etc. Small loafs: crackling, grain, extrusion, etc. Pies, pies, donuts and other dough products (except meat pies). Bakery products for diabetic and other clinical and dietary nutrition. National bakery products (unleavened wheat cake, churek, pita, etc.). Other bakery products |
Confectionery |
Sugar confectionery |
Candies: the chocolate, pomadny, milk, jelly, jelly and fruit, marzipan candies which are not glazed and glazed allsorts with different types of the body and stuffings and without them, candy with the combined body (puff), sets of candies (including in boxes), other. Iris: iris, candies like toffee, sets. Dragee: with additives and without additives, liqueur, pomadny, jelly and jelly and fruit, sugar, caramel, yadrovy, marzipan, sbivny, dietary, sets. Caramel: candy, with stuffings, vitaminized, soft, medical, sets. Fruit jelly: fruit and berry, jelly, jelly and fruit, chewing, glazed, diabetic, sets. Pastel products: zephyr – the zephyr including glazed, zefiropodobny products (marshmelloa), fruit candy – glue, scalded, dietary pastel products. Chocolate: natural, dessert, porous, diabetic, in tiles, plates, briquettes, figures and other form (without stuffing, with stuffing, with additives of fruit, nuts, grains of grain cereals, etc.), chocolate bars, white chocolate, chocolate eggs, chocolate flakes, etc.; Chocolate creams, pastes and glazes, dairy and chocolate crumb, sweet tiles; fruit, candied fruits and other products in chocolate; the other chocolate confectionery and products containing cocoa (cocoa paste, cocoa butter and cocoa fat). Halvah sesame, peanut, nut, sunflower, combined, glazed, vanilla, poppy, etc. Sugar oriental sweets (candied roasted nuts, gozinaki, the nut fried, nougat, lukum, water-ice, braids halvahs, etc.). Marzipan and other products (the stalemates, candied fruits candied, the glazed fruit, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, etc.). Chewing gums. The sugar confectionery pressed in tablets. Cotton candy. Dietary and diabetic sugar confectionery |
Flour confectionery |
Cookies: sugar, long, rich, including sand, sbivny, cookies croutons, nut, cracker, oat and other. Wafers: wafers, wafer tubules, wafer sticks, with stuffing, without stuffing, the glazed, not glazed, dietary wafers, wafer sheets and wafer wafers. Gingerbreads, gingerbreads: gingerbreads, gingerbreads without stuffing, with stuffing, glazed, not glazed. Cakes, rum babas, rolls, biscuits. Cakes, cakes: biscuit, sand, wafer, puff, nut, air, scalded, kroshkovy, combined. Oriental flour sweets (biscuit with cinnamon, zemela, kurabie, roll with nut, tubule with nut, shaker-lukum, shaker-churek, NAS, strudel, baklava, etc.). Other flour confectionery. Dietary and diabetic flour confectionery |
Beekeeping products |
Honey bee natural, honey in cells. Honey artificial. Bee perga, obnozhka, uterine milk, bee sting, propolis |
Groceries |
Flour and semifinished products of flour products |
Flour: flour of all types and grades: wheat, rye, rye and wheat and another mixed rolls, corn, barley, buckwheat, pea, oat, soy, flour from other grain and bean, dietary flour (rice, oat and other). Semifinished products of flour products and confectionery, including for baby and dietary food: flour for pancakes, fritters, other semifinished products of flour products, concentrates of flour products for preparation of cakes, cakes, cakes, cookies, rolls, pies, vareniki and other farinaceous dishes, dough for production of bakery and flour confectionery, flour mixes for baby food |
Krupyany and bean products |
Grain: grain of all grades, types and numbers: the rice (polished, polished, crushed), semolina, oat, millet, buckwheat (unground buckwheat, passed, etc.), barley (pearl-barley, yachnevy), wheat all types, rye, corn, from other grain; bean: peas of all types of processing, haricot, beans, lentil, chick-pea and other food bean. Flakes are grain, porridges: flakes (wheat, rye, corn, rice, barley and other), oat dietary products (oat flour, oat-flakes, extra, etc.), germs grain in the form of flakes, porridge (grain flakes with additives from dry or sublimated fruit, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, etc.), including for dietary food, etc. Food concentrates of lunch dishes: food concentrates on grain basis (krupyany concentrates), krupo-bean food concentrates of lunch dishes (porridge, krupenik, soups, puddings, etc.). Breakfasts dry: products from corn and others grain (air grains corn, wheat and rice), figured products of extrusion technology (stick, etc.), the muesli and other dry breakfasts (glazed by sugar, salt, caramel, not glazed) |
Pasta |
Pasta from wheat flour of the highest and first grades, egg and on other dressers: macaroni ordinary, amateur, special, straws, feathers, horns, vermicelli, noodles of all types, long and short, figured pasta of different form (cockleshells, ears, asterisks, the alphabet, ringlets, krupka, etc.), pasta with stuffing, pasta for baby and dietary food, pasta from coarse flour, etc. Food concentrates of lunch dishes from pasta: guinea, lapshevnik, etc. Couscous. Semifinished products from pasta, pasta boiled or prepared in a different way |
Flavoring goods |
Tea: tea natural – long leaf black, green red and yellow, the tea pressed (tableted, tiled, brick), instant, granulated, the tea flavored with addition of fruit, herbs, tea drinks, fruit and herbal tea, phyto-tea (tea drink). Extracts, essences, concentrates and products on the basis of tea or mat, tea substitutes. Coffee: coffee natural crude, fried in grains, ground, with chicory and other additives, without additives, with caffeine and without caffeine, instant coffee. The coffee drinks of all types containing natural coffee, chicory and without them, cereal and other substitutes of coffee. Chicory fried, ground, in the form of pastes, extracts, etc. Extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee or substitutes of coffee, ready-made products on their basis or on the basis of coffee. Cocoa, cocoa powder (with addition and without addition of sugar or other sweetening substances), cocoa drinks. Spices, seasonings: spices – bay leaf, pepper black, fragrant and red (peas and ground), anise, anisetree, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, carnation, nutmeg, mace, coriander, caraway seeds, kmin, seeds of fennel, juniper berry, turmeric, thyme, curry, dill and other edible oils, other spices, seasonings, sets of spicy dried vegetables and herbs, sets of spices for fish soup, marinades, soups, etc., dry food seasonings ("khmeli suneli", laurel, dill, etc.), vanilla, vanillin, saffron and other. Vinegar spirit: vinegar of different concentration spirit. Vinegar fruit, wine and other. Acetic acid food (essence). Lemon acid, apple and other food acids. Salt: food table salt of all grades and grindings, weight and packaged (stone, sadochny, boiled down, etc.), iodated and with other additives, salt in briquettes and blocks. Sugar: the granulated sugar refined and not refined refined sugar: pressed chipped, lumpy with properties cast, pressed, instant, in retail packaging (road), with the aromatic or painting additives, maple, vanilla sugar, other types of sugar. Icing sugar. Sugar syrups with the aromatic or painting additives, maple syrup, treacle, browning, other sugar syrups. Glucose and syrup of glucose, fructose and syrup of fructose, maltodextrin and syrup of maltodextrin, sucrose, xylitol, sorbite, slastilin, mash and other substitutes of sugar |
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The document ceased to be valid since July 12, 2018 according to the Resolution of the Ministry of anti-monopoly regulation and trade of the Republic of Belarus of June 5, 2018 No. 46