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of January 14, 2015 No. 15

About Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory

(as amended on 04-12-2019)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve Regulations on Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory which is applied.

2. Make change to appendix 1 to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 5, 2014 No. 85 "Some questions of limiting approval of number of workers of the device and territorial authorities of the central executive bodies, other state bodies" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2014, No. 29, of the Art. 814), having replaced line item






such line item:

"State geoinventory




10300 ".

Prime Minister of Ukraine

A. P. Yatsenyuk

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 14, 2015 No. 15

Regulations on Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory

1. Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory (Gosgeokadastr) is the central executive body which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of development of economy, trade and agricultural industry and realizing state policy in the sphere of land and cartographic activities, land relations, land management, in the sphere of the State land cadastre, the state supervision (control) in agro-industrial complex regarding observance of the land legislation, use and protection of lands of all categories and patterns of ownership, fertility of soils.

2. The state geoinventory in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other acts of the legislation.

3. The main objectives of Gosgeokadastr are:

1) realization of state policy in the sphere of land and cartographic activities, land relations, land management, in the sphere of the State land cadastre, the state supervision (control) in agro-industrial complex regarding observance of the land legislation, use and protection of lands of all categories and patterns of ownership, fertility of soils;

2) provision of administrative services according to the law in the respective sphere;

3) submitting for examination of the Minister of development of economy, trade and agricultural industry of offers on ensuring forming of state policy in the sphere of land and cartographic activities, land relations, land management, in the sphere of the State land cadastre, the state supervision (control) in agro-industrial complex regarding observance of the land legislation, use and protection of lands of all categories and patterns of ownership, fertility of soils.

4. The state geoinventory according to the tasks assigned to it:

1) generalizes practice of application of the legislation on the questions which are within its competence develops suggestions for improvement of legal acts, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, regulatory legal acts of the ministries and in accordance with the established procedure represents them to the Minister of development of economy, trade and agricultural industry;

2) international cooperation in the field of geodetic and cartographic activities and concerning establishment performs, normalization, storages, accounting, registration of place names, and also creation and maintaining the State register of place names, including participates in preparation of international treaties of Ukraine, according to the legislation signs the international contracts of Ukraine of interdepartmental nature;

3) is provided by implementation of adaptation of the national legal system to the legislation of the EU on the questions which are within its competence; performs within the powers provided by the law, measures for implementation in the national legal system of provisions of international treaties which party is Ukraine;

Develops 4):

normative and technical documents, state standards, regulations and rules in the sphere of land relations in the procedure established by the legislation;

standards and technical regulations in the sphere of the State land cadastre according to the law, and also procedure for creation and updating of cartographic materials, cadastral qualifiers, reference books and databases;

normative and technical documents concerning geodesy, cartography, geographic information systems;

5) exercises the state geodetic supervision of land and cartographic activities;

6) performs measures for enhancement of procedure for accounting and preparation of the reporting under regulation of land relations, use and protection of lands;

7) coordinates land and cartographic activities and performs methodical management of land and cartographical works;

8) performs in accordance with the established procedure registration of the equipment of satellite radio navigational systems which is applied during land, cartographical, project, research works and researches and cadastral surveys;

9) is approved by performance of works in conservation zones of geodetic Items and demolition and relaying of geodetic Items;

10) is performed by monitoring of geodetic Items;

11) is performed by inspection and recovery of Items of the state geodetic and leveling networks, analyzes their condition and develops offers on their enhancement;

12) is carried out by cartographical monitoring of the territory of Ukraine, including shelf zone and settlements;

13) is performed by conducting the state accounting of land and cartographical works, will organize storage of the materials received by results of their accomplishment;

14) is provided by accomplishment of astronomo-geodetic, gravimetric, engineering and geodetic, topographical, cartographical, kartoizdatelsky works, carrying out satellite radio navigational observations, aerial photograph and space shootings for remote sensing of Earth;

15) is provided by functioning and development of the state geodetic network;

16) is provided by creation, development and functioning of national infrastructure of geospatial data, systems of standardization in the sphere of geodesy and cartography;

Will organize 17) and coordinates accomplishment of nation-wide land and cartographical works;


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