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of November 7, 2014 No. 917

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for calculation and payment of lifelong benefit to high-class athletes

(as amended on 30-08-2023)

Based on article 34 of the Law on physical culture and sport No. 330-XIV of March 25, 1999 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 1999, Art. No. 83-86, 399), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for calculation and payment of lifelong benefit to high-class athletes it (is applied).

2. Recognize to invalid:

The order of the Government No. 1322 of November 29, 2007. "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for appointment and payment of lifelong benefit to high-class athletes" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, Art. No. 188-191, 1372);

The order of the Government No. 1313 of November 24, 2008. "About modification of the Regulations on procedure for appointment and payment of lifelong benefit to high-class athletes approved by the Order of the Government No. 1322 of November 29, 2007" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, Art. No. 211-212, 1324).

Prime Minister

Iurie Leanca


minister of youth and sport


Octavian Bodishtyanu

Minister of Finance

Anatol Arapu

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 7, 2014 No. 917

Regulations on procedure for calculation and payment of lifelong benefit to high-class athletes

I. General provisions

1. This Provision determines procedure for calculation and payment of lifelong benefit to high-class athletes who completed vigorous sports activity.

2. The athletes who are citizens and residents of the Republic of Moldova who won for the Republic of Moldova gold, silver or bronze medal in individual or team sports at the Olympic Games or at the Paralympic Games or in the world or European championships for adults on the Olympic sports or on Paralympic sports have the right to lifelong benefit (including athletes are members of national teams of the former USSR).

II. Procedure for purpose of lifelong benefit

3. Beneficiaries of lifelong benefit according to Item 2 this provision are persons who conform to the following requirements:

a) reached age of 35 years;

b) at least 8 years were members of the national teams.

4. The lifelong benefit is established based on the statement according to the sample specified in appendix No. 1, and the certificate confirming lack of the sanctions on dope, issued by the National anti-doping agency submitted person requesting lifelong benefit with application of documents, the conditions certifying observance provided in Items 3 and 25.

4-1. Allowance payment is performed by means of the payment method chosen by the receiver and available within government service of electronic payments (MPay). Accounting of allowance payment is performed by National cash desk of social insurance.

5. The Ministry of Education and Research directs the application constituted by the applicant to national sports federation which within 7 calendar days confirms date of completion by the athlete of vigorous sports activity and its achievement on the basis of which the applicant requests lifelong benefit.

6. The application to which confirmation of profile national sports federation is enclosed is submitted to National Olympic and sports committee of the Republic of Moldova or Paralympic committee of the Republic of Moldova which within 7 calendar days confirms the fact of achievement of results at the Olympic Games or at the Paralympic Games, in the world or European championships for adults on the Olympic or Paralympic sports. After that documents to which information note of National Olympic and sports committee of the Republic of Moldova or Paralympic committee of the Republic of Moldova is applied, are transferred to the Ministry of Education and Research.

7. The Ministry of Education and Research considers the provided document package within 10 calendar days. After consideration the Ministry of Education and Research issues the order confirming the right to lifelong benefit and establishes the benefit size. The order is constituted separately for each athlete and within 5 calendar days goes in the original, including verified copies of documents based on which the order, National cash desk of social insurance for allowance payment was constituted. Originals of documents are stored in the Ministry of Education and Research.

8. Payment of lifelong benefit to high-class athletes is performed monthly.

III. Procedure for calculation of lifelong benefit

9. The size of lifelong benefit is established by the Ministry of Education and Research according to legislation provisions. The benefit is issued since January 1 of the next year in which the athlete declared the termination of sports activities.

10. The lifelong benefit represents equivalent of two average monthly salaries on economy and is paid monthly in lei. In case of establishment of lifelong benefit the data on the average monthly salary on economy provided to National bureaus of statistics in the year preceding year in which the corresponding payments are performed are used.

11. Annually after the message National bureau of statistics of data on the average monthly salary on economy for previous year the Ministry of Education and Research within 7 days issues the order on recalculation of benefit the current year separately for each beneficiary and sends it within 5 days to National cash desk of social insurance for payment.

IV. Payment of lifelong benefit

12. Payment of the counted lifelong benefit is performed monthly within year based on the order on recalculation of benefit for the corresponding year in which the size of benefit and date of establishment of this size are specified.

13. In case of absence at the beginning of year of data on the average monthly salary on economy for previous year the lifelong benefit is paid in the amount of, established for previous year.

14. After submission of orders on recalculation of lifelong benefit the National cash desk of social insurance recalculates the size of lifelong benefit and includes for payment the amount of the counted benefit, including difference in payment for months of the current year in which the benefit was paid in the amount of previous year.

15. If as a result of recalculation of lifelong benefit the current year the size of benefit decreases, the National cash desk of social insurance holds from the benefit size the next month excessively paid amounts for months of the current year in which the benefit was listed in the amount of, established for previous year.


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