Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  December 25, 2017 according to item 4 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of  November 23, 2017 No. 752


of December 18, 2014 No. 820

About change of procedure for forming and storage of required reserves

(as amended on 17-03-2016)

For the purpose of ensuring accomplishment of Items 8 and 10 of the Section I of the Regulations on procedure for the forming and storage of required reserves by banks of Ukraine and branches of foreign banks in Ukraine approved by the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of December 11, 2014 No. 806, Board of the National Bank of Ukraine decides:

1. Establish the next periods of deduction of required reserves:

from January 1 to February 10, 2015 (inclusive);

from February 11 to March 10, 2015 (inclusive);

further the 11th is the first day of the period of deduction, and the 10th day of the next month is the last day of the period of deduction.

2. Establish the next periods of determination of reserve base:

December, 2014 - for the deduction period from January 01 to February 10, 2015 (inclusive);

from January 1 to February 10, 2015 (inclusive) - for the deduction period from February 11 to March 10, 2015 (inclusive);

further the period of determination of reserve base of the deduction of required reserves preceding the period.

3. Determine that banks of Ukraine reserve and store means of required reserves on correspondent account of bank in the National Bank of Ukraine.

4. Establish the following standard rates of obligatory reservation for forming of required reserves by banks:

means of deposits (deposits) of legal entities and physical persons in national and foreign currencies on demand and means on current accounts - 6,5;

urgent means and deposits (deposits) of legal entities and physical persons in national and foreign currencies - 3,0.

5. Determine that the funds raised by banks considered on such accounts of financial accounting are subject to obligatory reservation in the amount of the established standard rates of obligatory reservation:

1600 (passive balance) minus 1500 (active balance) - (passive balance), 1602 minus 1502 - (passive balance), 1610 minus 1510 - (passive balance), (1612 plus 1615/1 minus 1616/1) minus (1512 plus 1515/1 minus 1516/1) - (passive balance), (1613 plus 1615/2 minus 1616/2) minus (1513 plus 1515/2 minus 1516/2) - (passive balance), 1617 minus 1517 - (passive balance), (1621 * plus 1622 *) minus (1521 * plus 1522 *) - (passive balance), (1623 * plus 1625/1 * minus 1626/1 *) minus (1523 * plus 1525/1 * minus 1526/1 *) - (passive balance), (1624 * plus 1625/2 * minus 1626/2 *) minus (1524 * plus 1525/2 * minus 1526/2 *) - (passive balance), 1627 * minus 1527 * - (passive balance), 1919 minus 1819 - (passive balance), 2512, 2513, 2520, 2523, 2525, 2526, 2530, 2531, 2541, 2542, 2544, 2545, 2546, 2550, 2551, 2552, 2553, 2554, 2555, 2556, 2560, 2561, 2562, 2565, 2570, 2571, 2572, 2600 (passive remaining balance), 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605 (passive remaining balance), 2606, 2610 plus 2611 plus 2617/1 minus 2616/1 - (passive balance), 2615 plus 2617/2 minus 2616/2 - (passive balance), 2620 (passive remaining balance), 2622, 2625 (passive remaining balance), 2630 plus 2637/1 minus 2636/1 - (passive balance), 2635 plus 2637/2 minus 2636/2 - (passive balance), 2640, 2641, 2642, 2643, 2644, 2650 (passive remaining balance), 2651 pluses 2653/1 minuses 2656/1 - (passive balance), 2652 plus 2653/2 minus 2656/2 - (passive balance), 2655 (passive remaining balance), 2700 ** plus 2707/1 ** minus 2706/1 ** - (passive balance), 2701 ** plus 2707/2 ** minus 2706/2 ** - (passive balance), 2700 *** plus 2707/1 *** minus 2706/1 *** - (passive balance), 2701 *** plus 2707/2 *** minus 2706/2 *** - (passive balance), (2900 plus 2901 plus 2902 plus 2909) minus (2800 plus 2801 plus 2809) - (passive balance), 2903, 2904, 2920 (passive remaining balance), 2924 (passive remaining balance), 3300 plus 3301 plus 3305 plus 3307 minus 3306 - (passive balance), 3310 plus 3311 plus 3315 plus 3317 minus 3316 - (passive balance), 3320 plus 3327 minus 3326 - (passive balance), 3330 plus 3337 minus 3336 - (passive balance), 3340 plus 3347 minus 3346 - (passive balance), 3631, 3705 (passive remaining balance), 3720 minus 3710 - (passive balance), 3739 (passive remaining balance).

Calculation of borrowings and obligations of bank for groups of balance sheet accounts 151, of 152, of 161, of 162, of 261, of 263, 265 and 270 is performed on the basis of accounting of unamortized discount (award) by analytical accounts separately on short-term (1) and long-term (2) to means.

Calculation of borrowings and obligations of bank for groups of balance sheet accounts 151, 161 is performed by analytical accounts separately on the funds raised from resident banks and the funds raised from nonresident banks.

Calculation of borrowings and obligations of bank for groups of balance sheet accounts 152, 162 is performed by analytical accounts separately on the funds raised from nonresident banks (*).

Calculation of obligations of bank for groups of balance sheet accounts 270 is perfromed by analytical accounts separately on the funds raised from the international and other resident organizations (**) and the funds raised from the international and other nonresident organizations (***).

6. The amount of required reserves which shall be stored daily for the beginning of operational day on correspondent account of bank in the National Bank of Ukraine shall make at least 40% of the reserve base estimated for the corresponding period of deduction.

7. Establish the extreme number of cases of non-compliance with daily remaining balance of required reserves by banks on correspondent account within three periods of abstention in a row - 10 times.

Items 8 - 9 are excluded according to the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of 17.03.2016 No. 170, with respect thereto Items 10 - 14 to consider respectively Items 8 - 12

8. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of September 29, 2009 No. 567 "About some questions of regulation of the monetary market";

the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of December 3, 2012 No. 506 "About some questions of regulation of the monetary market";

the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of September 19, 2013 No. 371 "About some questions of regulation of the monetary market";

Item 1 of the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of February 21, 2014 No. 86 "About some questions of regulation of the monetary market";

the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of May 19, 2014 No. 287 "About modification of the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of September 19, 2013 No. 371 "About some questions of regulation of the monetary market";

the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of August 8, 2014 No. 480 "About introduction of amendments to the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of September 19, 2013 No. 371 (with changes)";


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