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The document ceased to be valid since April 18, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 3, 2015 No. 196


of December 8, 2010 No. 1319

About approval of the Technique of calculations of standard rates and amounts of combustion of associated and (or) natural gas when carrying out oil operations

According to the subitem 38) of article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 24, 2010 "About subsoil and subsurface use" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Technique of calculations of standard rates and amounts of combustion of associated and (or) natural gas when carrying out oil operations.

2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of the first official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Masimov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 8, 2010 No. 1319

Technique of calculations of standard rates and amounts of combustion of associated and (or) natural gas when carrying out oil operations

1. General provisions

1. This Technique is developed according to Item 3 of article 85 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 24, 2010 "About subsoil and subsurface use" (further - the Law) and determines technique of calculations of standard rates and amounts of combustion of associated and (or) natural gas when carrying out oil operations:

1) when testing objects of wells;

2) in case of test operation of the field;

3) in case of technology inevitable combustion of gas in case of: to commissioning of processing equipment; operation of processing equipment; maintenance and repair work of processing equipment.

2. For the purposes of this Technique the following concepts are used: standard rates of combustion of gas - the size determined in the settlement way based on the formulas established in this Technique taking into account amounts of the extracted gas and gas factor;

test operation of the field - the operations performed on fields of hydrocarbonic raw materials for the purpose of aimed and receipts of the additional information about geological field characteristics of layers and deposits, complex geologic-geophysical and hydrodynamic well survey for creation of the technology scheme and the project of industrial development. Test operation provides temporary operation of exploratory wells;

and also other concepts of the values determined by the Law.

3. Determination of amounts of production and combustion of gas is performed by the subsoil user with use of system of accounting of measurements of amounts of gas, by means of instrumentations according to the project documentation and the applied technology:

on group zamerny installations;

on the central Item of preparation of oil;

at metering station of amount of gas on entrance and exit of the complex gas processing unit or gas processing plant;

on entrance: gas turbine installation, furnaces, boiler rooms, gas-piston installation, the compressor for downloading back in layer, and other equipment using gas;

on entrance on torch installations.

4. The settlement standard rates and amounts of the burned gas determined by this Technique are confirmed by data of devices of accounting of gas.

5. The actual amounts of combustion of gas shall not exceed the amounts calculated according to this Technique.

2. Calculation of amounts of the extracted and burned gas

6. Calculation of total amount of the extracted gas is perfromed on formula:

Формула 1 к ПП РК от 08.12.2010 №1319


VI - amount of the extracted gas;

QH - annual, monthly or daily production of oil in tons;

Gf - gas factor (the attitude of received quantity of gas towards amount of the extracted m3/m oil 3, m3/tn.).

7. The total amount of the extracted gas is determined for the purposes of establishment of admissible amounts of the burned gas and (or) amounts of the gas used for own production needs and performed:

1) the subsoil user independently with use of system of accounting of measurements of amounts of gas by means of instrumentations with the subsequent check of the declared amounts by department of authorized body in the field of the oil and gas made in the settlement way;

2) authorized body in the field of oil and gas - settlement way.

8. In amounts of the gas used for own production needs calculated based on this Technique, and also amounts of the gas used by subsoil users in other engineering procedures in case of development of fields of hydrocarbonic raw materials and not directed to the purposes providing income acquisition.

9. The settlement amount of the burned gas is determined as difference between the total amount of the extracted gas and amount of the utilized, including processed gas, by the following formula:

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VII - settlement amount of the burned gas:

VI - the amount of the extracted gas calculated according to Item 6 of this Technique;

V1 - the gas amount used for own technology needs (the gas amount used on estuarial heaters, heating furnaces, in boiler rooms and other equipment, consuming gas). The settlement amount of gas for own technology needs is determined proceeding from technical characteristics of the equipment and duration of its operation;

V2 - gas amount on technology losses (losses in case of engineering procedures of collection, preparation and gas transportation) are determined by technical characteristics of the used equipment and project decisions;

V3 - the gas amount used for power generation is determined proceeding from quantity of the developed electric power and specific consumption of gas per unit of the electric power, according to passport data of the used equipment;

V4 - amount of the return downloading in layer, is determined proceeding from technical characteristics of the equipment and duration of operation of the equipment;

V5 - conversion amount on gas-processing installation or the plant for production of the commodity and liquefied gas, are determined proceeding from amounts of the implemented commodity gas and losses in case of conversion, transportations to trunk gas pipeline.

3. Calculation of amounts of burning when testing objects of wells

10. Amounts of combustion of gas when testing each object of well are determined according to the plan of testing of well approved by the subsoil user.

11. Calculation of amounts of burning when testing objects of wells is made on the following formula:


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