of December 8, 2010 No. 429
About approval of the regulation in the field of industrial safety
According to subitem 17-1) of article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About industrial safety on hazardous production facilities", PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed All-industry requirements of industrial safety of the enrichment equipment.
2. To impose control of execution of this order on the Chairman of Committee on the state control of emergency situations and industrial safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akhmetov S. B.
3. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of their first official publication.
V. Bozhko
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 8, 2010 No. 429
1. These requirements of industrial safety extend to designing, construction, operation, reconstruction of enrichment productions.
2. Are developed for enrichment productions:
1) regulations on production supervision;
2) production schedules;
3) the liquidation plan of accidents approved by the technical lead of the organization.
Production schedules - the internal regulating document of the company establishing production methods, technology standard rates, technical means, conditions and the procedure for carrying out engineering procedure providing finished goods with the quality indicators meeting the requirements of standards, and also establishing safety of conducting works and achievement of optimum technical and economic indicators of production.
3. The territory is kept clean and systematically cleared of production wastes. In summertime of the road, sidewalks and drives pour down water, and in winter time are cleared of snow and ice. In case of ice of the road and sidewalks fall down sand, inert materials for prevention of sliding.
4. Availability of the opened and not protected holes, ditches, trenches, wells is not allowed. Holes, ditches, trenches, hatches, wells arranged for the technology purposes or in connection with carrying out construction, repair work if they under the terms of work are open, have barrier height of at least 1,0 of m, and in night-time the warning signs "Danger area" are lit, hung out.
In places of transition through ditches, trenches and holes the transitional bridges protected with handrail are arranged.
5. The pools which do not have obvalovaniye are protected with handrail height of at least 1,0 of m.
6. Earthwork is performed according to the work permit. The vykopirovka from the executive drawing with indication of on it production sites of works is put to the work permit.
7. Storage, transportation and destruction of waste of hazardous or toxic agents is made according to the project.
8. Floors are carried out:
1) in rooms where in engineering procedures liquids are used, - water-proof with nonslipping covering and with bias to the ladder or sump providing their drain;
2) in rooms where aggressive substances are applied, - steady against their impact;
3) in workshops of electrolysis - not electrowire, water-proof and heatresistant;
4) on working platforms of metallurgical aggregates and in razlivochny flights of workshops - from strong wearproof materials with nonslipping surface, without hollows and ledges;
5) in explosive and fire hazardous zones of rooms - sparkless.
9. All building constructions of buildings and constructions which are under the influence of hostile environment are protected from corrosion.
10. Apertures (gate) of production rooms and warehouses for entrance of railroad trains and heavy-load cars are equipped with the light alarm system for permission or prohibition of entrance and departure of vehicles, and also the sound alarm system also hangs out the warning signs "Danger area" for the notification about it the people working in rooms.
The mechanism of opening and closing of gate is blocked with the entrance (exit) alarm system.
11. Borders of drives and passes in factory buildings (rooms) are protected or designated by visible lines.
12. In buildings of workshops and warehouses in which bridge cranes work doors for passes of people to crane flight and entrance gate are equipped with the light alarm system warning about operation of cranes irrespective of their location from doors and entrance gate. In places of employment of bridge cranes the warning signs "Danger area" are hung out.
13. The procedure for cleaning of floors and other building constructions, the equipment of working platforms, ladders, passes and drives is established.
Blocking up of workplaces, passes, exits from rooms, accesses to the fire-fighting equipment, fire extinguishing means and communication is not allowed.
Details of the equipment and the materials necessary for production are in the places allocated for this purpose, in assigned amount, with observance of rules of their storage.
14. In rooms in which flammable powder materials and their mixes are made and used in engineering procedures cleaning of dust is made according to production schedules.
15. Roofs of buildings are cleared of dust, ice and snow. Works on cleaning of roofs are performed according to production schedules.
16. Protection of buildings, constructions and outside installations against direct strokes of lightning and its secondary manifestations is carried out according to requirements to designing and the structure of lightning protection of buildings and constructions. Results of check are drawn up by the act in any form. The found defects are eliminated.
17. Repairs of factory buildings and constructions are made according to the schedule of scheduled preventive maintenance of buildings and constructions approved by the technical lead of the organization.
18. Change of load of building constructions of buildings is allowed only after check of calculations and approval of project changes of the designer or of the organization having the right to such type of activity.
19. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings and constructions conforms to requirements Construction Norms and Regulations "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", GOST 12.4.021-75. SSBT. Systems ventilating. General requirements, and to these Requirements.
20. In rooms where substances which in case of contact with water or water vapor decay with explosion are made, applied or stored or ignite, the device of water supply systems, the sewerage and heating exclude possibility of hit of water on technology product.
21. In production process continuous functioning of all main forced-air and exhaust and aspiration ventilating installations provided by the project is ensured. In case of defective systems of ventilation operation of processing equipment which operation is followed by release of toxic, explosion-fire-hazardous or flammable substances is not allowed.
22. In rooms in which production is performed storage or perhaps emergence of explosive, hazardous substances control of condition of the air circle by means of the automatic gas analyzers with the device of the light and sound alarm system working in case of emergence in air of concentration of explosive gases or vapors of LVZh which is not exceeding 20% of the lower concentration limit of ignition, and for harmful explosive gases, vapors and aerosols, gases of ostronapravlenny action - is exercised in case of approach of their concentration to maximum permissible in accordance with GOST 12.1.005 - 88. SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements to air of the working area.
The number of alarm devices, their arrangement and reservation provides fault-free operation of the alarm system.
In the absence of automatic gas analyzers control of content in air of the working area of hazardous and explosive substances is performed by carrying out the laboratory analysis of the air circle in the terms established by the schedules approved by the technical lead of the organization.
23. Tool check of overall performance of ventilating systems is made at least once a year, after each capital repairs and their reconstruction. Inspection statements affirm the technical lead of the organization.
24. On ventilating installations passports, the corresponding GOST 2.601-2006 are constituted. ESKD. Operational documents.
All data on repairs of ventilating installations are entered in their passports.
25. Changes of schemes of ventilating systems and parameters their works are performed on the project.
26. Control devices of ventilating installations are available to servicing or have remote control.
27. In each organization normal and smooth functioning of ventilating systems, repair and control of their operation is ensured.
28. The faces which are not tied with servicing of ventilating systems are not allowed to enter ventilating rooms, to switch on and off fans, to open and close armature of ventilating systems.
29. Plumbing and sanitary conform to requirements Construction Norms and Regulations "Internal plumbing and sanitary of buildings".
30. Connection of economic and drinking water supply systems with the water supply systems pumping technical water is not allowed.
31. In production rooms where ignition of clothes or chemical burns are possible, fountainlets, cranes, sinks of self-help and bathtub, emergency souls are established. These devices are located in easily accessible places and are connected to economic drinking water supply system.
It is not allowed to have the specified devices in rooms where apply or store substances which in case of contact with water decay with explosion or ignite.
32. Sewer plums at technology devices have on pipelines hydraulic locks and flange connections for installation of caps during stop of devices on repair. Hydraulic locks are also established on releases of the sewerage of the contaminated drains before struts. The location of locks and their design provides convenient and safe cleaning and their repair.
33. Survey and cleaning of sewer networks and wells is made according to production schedules according to the schedule approved by the technical lead of the organization.
34. Descent of sewage in reservoirs without cleaning is not allowed. The organization provides control of efficiency of purification of production and household sewage according to the schedule approved by the technical lead of the organization.
35. In production rooms working and emergency light is provided.
36. Illumination of the territory, auxiliary rooms and separate workplaces meets the established standards.
37. In case of change of engineering procedure, replacement or shift of the equipment on the certain site, illumination of this site is brought into accord with regulations.
38. Lamps of working and emergency light are located so that reliability of their fixture, safety and convenience of servicing was provided.
39. For prevention of shading of workplaces bridge cranes provide additional subcrane lighting by the lamps suspended to farms of cranes.
40 Servicing of general lighting is made by electrotechnical personnel.
41. To use lamps not higher than 42 V to figurative electric lighting. During the work in technical devices tension in lighting network does not exceed 12 V. V places where air contains explosive gases, vapors and dust, lamps in explosion-proof execution not higher than 12 V are used to figurative lighting.
42. All opening stvorny and lantern covers are equipped with the mechanized devices for their opening and installation managed from floor or platforms in required position.
43. Purification of glasses of windows and lamps of dust and dirt is made according to the schedule approved by the technical lead of the organization. The devices and devices providing convenient and safe accomplishment of the specified works are used to cleaning and repair of glasses of windows and lamps and servicing of lamps.
44. Encumber light apertures of rooms with materials, products, the tool and other objects do not allow.
45. Processing equipment conforms to requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91. SSBT. Production equipment. General requirements of safety:
1) in case of equipment arrangement on installations, platforms the possibility of safe servicing and repair is provided, in case of this distance between separate mechanisms and walls constitutes at least 1 m;
2) width of working passes constitutes at least 0,75 of m height at least 2 m.
In case of construction works width of passes and workplaces constitutes at least 0,6 of m, height is at least m 1,8;
3) the design of barrier, ladders, platforms is determined depending on purpose of service conditions, exception of danger of contact of workers or fall from height and to maintain loading at least 200 kg.
46. Processing equipment has the automated or mechanized management, ensures trouble-free and safe operation, control and regulation of engineering procedure.
47. At the locations of service personnel technology schemes are hung out. Locking devices are numbered and have indexes of extreme provisions (openly - it is closed). Number of the locking device and other designations in the scheme correspond to numbers and designations put on the technical device.
48. Operation and technical maintenance of the equipment are performed according to production schedules.
49. Put aggregates, machines and mechanisms into operation, to manage them it is allowed to persons allowed to their operation.
50. Before start-up in operation of the equipment in the course of work of moving, sound and light signals lasting at least 10 pages are given.
Launch of the equipment located out of visibility range from the control panel under the mixed management (manual and automatic), is made after receipt of response signals on bilateral system of the alarm system from the workers confirming safety of its start-up on the sites assigned to them. Thus after the first signal the endurance at least 30 pages is provided. Before launch of the equipment the second signal lasting 30 pages is given. Starting arrangements are blocked so that respect for the specified endurance was provided.
Electric motors of mechanisms which self-start is inadmissible are supplied with devices for their automatic shutdown in case of interruption in supply of the electric power or in case of mechanism stop for any other reason.
The plates explaining value of the applied signals are located on workplaces.
51. In case of start-up in work or stop of the equipment of devices, sites of pipelines security measures on prevention of education in technology system of explosive mixes with purge by inert gas, hydrate formations or freezing of liquids are carried out.
52. When servicing machines and mechanisms it is not allowed:
perform cleaning and repair work on the run;
grease manually nodes and details without special devices;
work without barriers, and also establish barriers and fix them on the run;
come for barriers into operating time of mechanisms;
work without shelter and with idle ventilation.
53. The tools and devices used in rooms with explosion-fire-hazardous productions do not give spark during the work with them.
54. On workplaces tools and devices are stored in the places allocated for this purpose.
55. In case of use of the mechanized tools and devices the requirements specified in operational documentation of the manufacturer are observed.
56. Work on the defective equipment, and also use of defective devices and tools is not allowed.
57. Accession of sleeves to tools and unions of pipelines of air, gas, liquid and their separation is made only in case of the turned-off supply of the specified substances.
Fixing of sleeves on unions of pipelines and tools is made by the special clips excluding their failure. Apply wire to fixture of sleeves it is not allowed.
The sleeves applied to giving under pressure of gas of air, liquids, saturated steam and bulk solids conform to requirements of GOST 18698-79. Sleeves rubber pressure head with textile framework. Specifications.
58. Temperature of heated surfaces on workplaces does not exceed 45 °C. In case of impossibility for technical reasons to reach the specified temperature near sources of heat measures for protection working from possible overheating are taken (shielding, air-and-water dushirovaniye and another).
59. The noise levels and vibrations initiated by operation of the equipment on permanent workplaces and in working areas do not exceed the values specified in GOST 12.1.003-83. SSBT. Noise. General requirements of safety and GOST 12.1.012-2004. SSBT. Vibration safety. General requirements.
60. Conducting explosive works conforms to Requirements of industrial safety during the explosive works approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 19, 2007 No. 141.
61. Maximum permissible values of intensity and density of the electromagnetic field (further - EMP) on workplace of the personnel servicing the installations radiating energy of EMP, and the affected EMP control methods, methods and remedies from impact of EMP conform to requirements of GOST 12.1.006-84. SSBT. Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies. Admissible levels on workplaces and requirements to monitoring procedure.
62. When using radioactive materials job requirements and to the treatment of radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation are observed.
On work, connected using radioactive materials, the production schedules are developed and affirms.
63. All types of radioactive radiation from places of laying of radioactive medicines are controlled by dosimetric devices.
64. Radiation level on workplaces does not exceed maximum permissible sanitary standards.
Stay and storage of radioactive isotopes on workplaces is not allowed.
65. The reservoirs, processing equipment, pipelines, slivonalivny devices and other equipment connected with acceptance, conversion and movement of the liquids, vapors, gases and loose substances which are dielectrics it is protected from static electricity.
66. Technology reservoirs are equipped with stationary level gages, the alarm system about overflow and overflow devices. Measurements of level of liquid in reservoirs are made remotely.
67. In places of the increased danger precautionary posters are hung out or the sound (light) alarm system is arranged.
68. Signal-alarm coloring of elements of building constructions of buildings, the equipment, signs of safety conform to requirements of ST of RK state standard specification P 12.4.026-2002. Colors are alarm, signs of safety and marking alarm. General specifications and procedure for application.
69. All cranes and throttles have the designated provisions of stopper of the crane, the throttle blade in the form of the line which is sawn through at end face of shaft and painted by white paint.
On flywheels of shutoff valves, pulleys and drives to them, on casings of barriers the arrows designating the direction of their closing are put. In case of lack of arrows on armature opening provisions "About" and the closings "Z" are put.
Automatic splitters have indexes of extreme provisions (openly - it is closed).
For automatically the regulating gates, valves, the directing devices indexes are not required.
70. For explosion-fire-hazardous engineering procedures the automatic systems of regulation, shutdown, antiemergency protection preventing formation of the explosive environment and emergency in case of variation from the maximum-permissible parameter values provided by regulations are provided and the concentration of hazardous substances in case of all operating modes and providing safe stop or transfer of process, object, the equipment in safe condition.
71. On metal parts of the equipment, elements for connection of protective grounding and the corresponding designation are specified.
72. Shutoff valves, the regulating and safety devices are provided with indexes and controls, according to the project, documentation of the manufacturer, designations according to the technology scheme, safety controls for collection of liquid and removal of gas in case of repair.
In case of placement the remote drive for management ensuring safety of personnel is provided in wells, cameras, trenches.
73. Workplaces correspond to GOST 12.2.061-81. SSBT. Production equipment.
74. Designing, the organization and carrying out engineering procedures correspond to GOST 12.3.002-75. SSBT. Production processes.
75. Engineering procedures are performed according to production schedules.
76. Moisture availability on working platforms of melting aggregates and other places of possible hit of the melted metal and slag, and also in priyamka of converters, shteynovy and slag trenches is not allowed.
77. Operation of melting aggregates in the presence of water leakage from cooling systems of these aggregates is not allowed.
78. Behind condition of the capacity technology equipment and the pipelines working in the conditions causing corrosion control according to production schedules is established.
79. The technology devices intended for work with explosion-fire-hazardous and harmful vapors, gases and dust hermetic, and in case of impossibility of complete sealing, the place where are possible harmful allocations, are equipped with local suctions. The pressurizing devices systematically are inspected. Sealing violation immediately is eliminated.
80. The device of pilot plants and carrying out pilot works on the operating processing equipment is allowed only on the project.
81. Control panels have the means of communication provided by the project.
82. The posts, panels and control panels provided directly at the equipment are located in the places convenient and safe for servicing, with the good sector of the overview, accurate visibility of the serviced equipment and sites adjoining to it.
83. The panels, posts and control panels located in zone of high temperatures are protected from impact of radiant heat. Windows are glazed by glasses with the heatreflecting coverings.
84. In rooms of panels and posts of management as fire extinguishing means carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers are used.
85. Posts, panels and control panels have the devices providing safe conducting engineering procedures, the light-sound alarm system for the notification on start-up and stop of the equipment and on cases of violation of their normal operating mode.
86. Governing bodies of production equipment correspond to GOST 12.4.040-78. SSBT. Symbols of governing bodies of production equipment.
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The document is cancelled since December 4, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2015 No. 993