Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  March 4, 2022 according to the Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 8, 2022 No. 12/02-22-00142, 7 of February, 2022 No. 2

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On December 10, 1996 No. 290

Approved by the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 11, 1996, Uzavtotrans State joint-stock corporation of October 16, 1996

(as amended on 19-01-2018)

Regulations on procedure for application of the Customs convention on international delivery of loads using MDP-Karnet TIR'S book (The convention MDP, 1975)

1. General provisions

1.1 The convention MDP concerns the transportation of goods performed without their intermediate overload in road vehicles, structures of vehicles or containers with crossing of one or several borders from customs of departure of one Contracting Party to customs of appointment of other Contracting party provided that certain part of transaction of MDP between its beginning and the end is made by road transport.

1.2. The goods transported with observance of the MDP procedure are exempted from payment or the deposit of import or export duties and taxes in intermediate customs. Charges for customs clearance of books of MDP in this customs are not levied.

1.3. The goods transported with observance of the MDP procedure in the sealed-up road vehicles the sealed-up structures of vehicles or the sealed-up containers, as a rule, are exempted from customs examination in intermediate customs.

Customs examination in this customs can be made in exceptional cases if good reasons to believe are had that in the sealed-up departments of vehicles or containers there are objects which are not specified in the freight manifest of the book of MDP.

Provisions of the Convention MDP do not serve as obstacle for application of the restrictions following from reasons of public morality, public safety, health care or hygiene, and also veterinary or phytosanitary control.

1.4. In this Provision the following basic concepts are used:

The contracting party - the State Party of the Convention MDP, 1975;

transportation of MDP - cargo hauling from customs of departure to customs of appointment with observance of the MDP procedure;

transaction of MDP - the part of transportation of MDP made in the Contracting party from customs of departure or entrance (intermediate customs) to customs of appointment or departure (intermediate customs);

road and transport means - the mechanical road and transport means (RTM), and also any trail car or semitrailer truck intended for its towage by such vehicle;

structure of vehicles - the linked road and transport means which participate in traffic as single whole;

container - the transport equipment (cage, the removable tank, demountable bodies or other similar adaptation);

customs of departure - any customs of the Contracting party where for all load or its part transportation of MDP begins;

customs of appointment - any customs of the Contracting party where for all load or its part transportation of MDP comes to an end;

intermediate customs - any customs of the Contracting party through which road and transport means, the structure of vehicles or container drives in the Contracting party or leaves it in MDP course of carriage;

person - physical persons and legal entities;

the holder of the book of MDP - person to whom according to the Convention MDP, 1975, the book of MDP was issued and on behalf of whom in customs of departure the customs declaration in the form of the book of MDP with intention to place load under the MDP procedure was submitted. He bears responsibility for presentation of road and transport means, structure of vehicles or container together with load and the book of MDP relating to them in customs of departure, intermediate customs both in customs of appointment and for proper observance of other relevant provisions of the Convention MDP;

heavy or bulky goods - any heavy or bulky subject which because of the weight, the sizes or nature usually are not transported in the closed road and transport means or in closed container;

warranty consolidation - the consolidation recognized according to the Convention MDP and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan as the guarantor for persons using books of MDP;

the book of MDP - the international customs paper applied by bodies of the State Customs Service according to the Convention MDP which accompanies load from the place of departure to the destination.

goods - the loads transported with observance of the MDP procedure.

2. Conditions of application of the MDP procedure

2.1. The MDP procedure is applied provided that goods:

- are followed by the book of the MDP filled and which are drawn up according to the Convention MDP and this Provision;

- are provided with guarantee of warranty consolidation;

- are transported in road and transport means, structures of the vehicles or containers which are previously allowed for transportation under customs seals and seals (except for transportations of heavyweight or bulky goods).

2.2. On vehicles rectangular plates with text of "TIR" shall be attached. One plate is located in front, and other same plate behind road and transport means or structure of vehicles so that they were well visible. These plates shall be removable.

2.3. Transportation of MDP can be made through several customs of departure and appointment, however total number of customs of departure and appointment shall not exceed four. The book of MDP can be shown to customs of appointment only if the mark about its acceptance was made by all customs of departure.

2.4. Customs of import and customs of departure of the Republic of Uzbekistan can establish delivery date of goods respectively to customs of appointment or customs of export of the Republic of Uzbekistan and to determine traffic route of road and transport means.

2.5. If the amount of customs duties and charges which is subject to payment for the transported goods is more than the amount of guarantee or if reasons to believe are had that the carrier cannot guarantee observance of provisions of the customs legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, customs escort of vehicles with goods by officials of customs authorities can be applied.

2.6. When part of transportation using the book of MDP passes across the territory of the country which is not the Contracting Party of the Convention MDP, or the MDP procedure is interrupted in connection with more preferential transport systems, transaction of MDP on this part of way stops.

Further, transportation with observance of the MDP procedure is resumed provided that customs seals and seals or other means of customs identification are not damaged.

3. The book of MDP - Karnet TIR

3.1. The paragraph of 1 Item 3.1 is excluded, paragraphs two and third are considered as paragraphs as Resolutions of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek agency of road and river transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the first and second according to the Resolution, of 10.12.2013 No. No. 01-02/12-32, 17.

The book of MDP consists of 4 pages of cover of yellow color, continuous leaf of yellow color (VOLET) No. 1\T 2 and root (SOUCHE) No. 1\№2, of detachable sheets (VOLET) No. 1 and roots (SOUCHE) No. 1 (white color), detachable sheets (VOLET) No. 2 and roots (SOUCHE) No. 2 (green color), and also the protocol on the road accidents (penultimate leaf of yellow color which to remain in the book of MDP).

Combination of detachable sheets (VOLET) and roots (SOUCHE) (No. 1 and No. 2) of white and green colors intends, as a rule, for use in each state (departure, transit and appointment). The detachable leaf (VOLET) No. 1 and the root (SOUCHE) No. 1 of white color remaining in the book MDP, are intended for use in customs of departure and in customs of import, and detachable leaf (VOLET) No. 2 and the root (SOUCHE) No. 2 of green color remaining in the book MDP, are held for use in customs of export and in customs of appointment.

3.2. The special sheet intended for the multimodal (mixed) transportations can be attached to the book of MDP (when transport transaction is made with use of several modes of transport). The specified sheet is intended only for needs of carriers, is not filled in and not controlled by customs authorities, but can be used by the last for the purpose of receipt of the additional information (Appendix No. 1). it (is not brought)

3.3. Has the right to transport with observance of the MDP procedure only the holder of the book of MDP. Concerning the companies - carriers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, holder of the book of MDP is person who got permission to use of the book of MDP according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 12, 2017 No. 489 "About approval of the Regulations on approval procedure for use of the book of MDP".

In case of the international delivery made with use of structure of the vehicles including the cargo vehicle or the car tractor registered in one state and the trail car or semitrailer truck registered in other state, the book of MDP for all structure of vehicles shall be received in warranty merging of the state in which the cargo vehicle or the car tractor is registered.

In case of following of road and transport means in goods quality the book of MDP shall be received in warranty merging of the state of the sender or receiver of goods.

3.4. Books of MDP are issued by warranty associations of Contracting parties.

Such books are printed in French, except for continuous leaf of yellow color (VOLET) No. 1\No. 2 and its root (SOUCHE) No. 1\№2, which can be printed in any other necessary language.

3.5. The book of MDP is filled in according to the rules given in Appendix No. 2 not provided) to this Provision.

Models of filling of cover of the book of MDP, continuous leaf of yellow color No. 1\№2, of detachable sheets No. 1 of white color and No. 2 of green color and roots No. 1 and No. 2 to them are given in Appendices No. 3-6 (a) (are not given) to this Provision.

In the book of MDP erasures and blots are not allowed. All corrections shall be made by elimination of wrong data. The correct data are inscribed from above and respectively certified or the holder of the book of MDP (to its customs clearance) or customs (during customs clearance).

3.6. Warranty consolidation establishes effective period of the book of MDP which is specified in column 1 (front) page of cover (Appendix 3) (is not given). After term the book of MDP is not accepted by customs of departure for registration.

If the book of MDP was accepted for registration of departure by customs in the last day of term of its action or before this date, the book of MDP is valid before the end of transportation with observance of the MDP procedure.

The validity of the book of MDP can be extended only by warranty associations issuing books of MDP to customs clearance. Data on prolongation are specified in column 1 of the book of MDP and are certified by seal of warranty consolidation.

3.7. Books of MDP can be drawn up with clauses or without clauses. Clauses shall belong to violations on delivery and transit of goods with observance of the MDP procedure.


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