Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of January 19, 2015 No. 18

About the general designer on creation of arms, the military and special equipment

(as amended on 08-07-2024)

For the purpose of realization of single military and technical policy in the field of creation and enhancement of arms, the military and special equipment I decide:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on the general designer on creation of arms, the military and special equipment.

2. Determine that the general designers in the most important directions of creation of types of systems and complexes of arms and military equipment appointed before entry into force of this Decree continue to perform the activities before decision making about investment of general designers on creation of arms, the military and special equipment with powers according to the Provision approved by this Decree.

3. Declare invalid the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of June 19, 1996 No. 944 "About general designers in the most important directions of creation of types of systems and complexes of arms and military equipment" (The Russian Federation Code, 1996, No. 26, the Art. 3097).

4. To the government of the Russian Federation in 3-month time:

a) provide offers on reduction of acts of the President of the Russian Federation to compliance with this Decree;

b) bring the acts into accord with this Decree.

5. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.

President of the Russian Federation

V. V. Putin

Approved by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2015 No. 18

Regulations on the general designer on creation of arms, the military and special equipment

1. This Provision determines the rights, obligations and responsibility of the general designer by creation of arms, the military and special equipment (further - the general designer), and also other questions connected with its activities are regulated.

2. The general designer is project manager on creation new (perspective), technically difficult (resource-intensive) samples (complexes, systems) of arms, the military and special equipment (further - samples of arms and military equipment) having strategic importance for ensuring defense of the country and safety of the state (further - the project).

3. The general designer in the activities is guided by the Federal Laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation and its board, and also this Provision.

4. Candidacies for granting of power to the general designer are considered by board of the Military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation.

5. The highly qualified specialist having the higher technical education, academic degree of the doctor of science (as a rule), length of service at least ten years on engineering and design positions in the corresponding direction of works in the organizations of defense industry complex (further - the organizations), experience of participation in implementation of the state, federal and other programs, and also scientific achievements can be the candidate for granting of power to the general designer.

6. Decisions on investment of the candidate with powers of the general designer and on the termination of such powers are accepted by the Military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation on representation of the Military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation to board.

7. After adoption by the Military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation of the decision on investment of the candidate with powers of the general designer he in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation is appointed to position of the head or deputy manager of the organization performing accomplishment of research and development works, coordination of these works (their components) within project implementation and is included boards of the Military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation.

8. The general designer appointed to position of the deputy manager of the organization can be given decision-making power concerning resource providing the project realized under its management including on financial questions, the act of the head of the organization.

9. In case of appointment of the general designer to position of the deputy manager of the organization the procedure for its interaction with the head of the organization and heads of its divisions is determined by the charter and other internal documents of the organization, and also the employment contract signed with the general designer in accordance with the established procedure.

10. The general designer cannot be appointed to position in the organization which is the collaborator of the works performed within the project (further - the organization collaborator), and also to hold shares of the joint-stock companies connected with project implementation.

11. Release of the general designer from position of the head or the deputy manager of the organization is performed in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation after adoption by the Military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation of the decision on the termination of powers of the general designer.

12. The rights, obligations and responsibility of the general designer are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, this Provision and the employment contract signed with it in accordance with the established procedure.

12.1. The employment contract signed with the general designer can contain the additional terms connected with features of project implementation and also performance indicators of its activities in the respective area.

13. The general designer has the right:

a) approve drafts of public contracts (contracts) for creation of samples of arms and military equipment and their components, and also acceptance acts of the works performed within such public contracts (contracts);

b) approve specifications on development of components of samples of arms and military equipment or approve them when they affirm the state customer of arms, the military and special equipment;

c) coordinate work of the organizations collaborators, and also perform acceptance of results (components) of the research and development works which are carried out according to the specification approved by it;

d) approve in accordance with the established procedure programs and techniques of preliminary testing of samples of arms and military equipment;

e) approve drafts of programs and techniques of the state testing of samples of arms and military equipment, to perform technical guidance of testing, to be part of state commission on carrying out testing of the created samples of arms and military equipment as the vice-chairman of this commission;

e) control performance of works on upgrade of the samples of arms and military equipment created under its management;

g) represent in accordance with the established procedure offers on allocation of financial resources on modernization, reconstruction and expansion of scientific and experimental base, on acquisition of materials, components, the laboratory and test equipment, and also on encouragement of the caused most a stir employees of the organization;


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