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of October 10, 2014 No. 3-3/517

About approval of instructions on appraisal of quality

(as amended on 28-07-2023)

According to the subitem 4) article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About breeding livestock production" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed instructions on appraisal of quality:

cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity according to appendix 1 to this order;

cattle of the meat direction of productivity according to appendix 2 to this order;

fine-fleece breeds of sheep according to appendix 3 to this order;

semi-fine-fleece breeds of sheep according to appendix 4 to this order;

sheep meat - the grease direction of productivity according to appendix 5 to this order;

the Karakul sheep according to appendix 6 to this order;

down, dairy and wool goats according to appendix 7 to this order;

pigs according to appendix 8 to this order;

horses of the productive direction according to appendix 9 to this order;

factory breeds of horses according to appendix 9-1 to this order;

camels according to appendix 10 to this order;

birds according to appendix 11 to this order;

ostriches according to appendix 12 to this order;

house-national breeds of dog (Tazy, tobt) according to appendix 13 to this order;

marals and dappled deers according to appendix 14 to this order;

bees according to appendix 15 to this order;

fur animals of cellular cultivation according to appendix 16 to this order;

rabbits according to appendix 17 to this order.

2. To provide to department of production and conversion of animal production of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its official publication.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the Responsible secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Evniyev A. K.).

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after its first official publication.


A. Mamytbekov

Appendix 1

to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 10, 2014 No. 3-3/517

Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity (further – the Instruction) is developed according to the subitem 4) of article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About breeding livestock production" (further – the Law) and determines procedure for carrying out bonitation of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity.

2. Appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity is carried out by boniter (qualifiers).

Chapter 2. Procedure for carrying out bonitation of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

3. Cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity (further – KRS) is bonitirut within year:

1) bulls once a year;

2) cows upon termination of lactation;

3) telok and breeding bull-calves from six-months age.

By results of bonitation as of November 1 the report is constituted.

4. In case of appraisal of quality of KRS assessment of animals on complex hozyaystvenno of useful signs (breed, productive qualities, eksteryerno-constitutional features) with assignment of the corresponding class is carried out.

Appraisal of quality is preceded:

1) check, refining and recovery of individual numbers of animals;

2) weighing of animals (in the morning before feeding);

3) refining of records of breeding accounting.

5. Bonitery-klassifikatory enter data on appraisal of quality of animals in the database of information base of selection and breeding work (further – IBSPR).

Paragraph 1. Breed determination

6. Breed of KRS is determined based on documents of zootechnical and breeding accounting, with survey of animals and determination of expressiveness like breed. On breed allocate groups of thoroughbred and local animals.

7. Carry to thoroughbred KRS:

1) animals, occurring from parents of the same breed whose chistoporodnost is confirmed by the relevant documents;

2) the animals received as a result of pairing of thoroughbred parents related (relatives on genotype) breeds, according to the list related (relatives on genotype) milk and milkly meat breeds of cattle according to appendix 1 to this Instruction. In the presence in breed of share of krovnost of the father more than 75 percent are appropriated to him breed of the father, in other cases – breed of mother;

3) the animals received as a result of crossing of unrelated breeds in the presence of share of blood of one breed is at least percent 93,75;

4) animals typical for the created breed, two and more unrelated breeds received as a result of porodoobrazovatelny process with participation.

8. KRS which is not specified in Item 7 of this Instruction belongs to hybrids.

9. Degree of breed of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity is determined by determination of degree of breed of animals when crossing according to appendix 2 to this Instruction.

Paragraph 2. Measure definition of milk productivity of cows

10. Assessment of cows on milk productivity is carried out by amount of milk fat (kilograms (further – kg)) on the basis of accounting of yield of milk (kg), fat contents in milk (percent (further – %)) in 305 (three hundred five) days of lactation or for shortened (at least 240 (two hundred forty) days) the finished lactation.

11. The beginning of lactation the first day after otel, and the termination – the last day of milking or the first day of one-time milking is considered.

12. Control milking of cows is carried out monthly in economy within a day at the same time at all animals containing in one room, except for dry cows and newly-calved cows till evening of the 4th day after otel.

13. Date of morning session of their milking is considered date of control milking of cows.

14. In case of the omission of planned control milking of cows for calculation of level of their productivity the arithmetic indicator for the previous and subsequent control milking is used so-so.

15. The test laboratory accepts models of tests of milk and carries out chemical analysis.

16. Results of control milkings and chemical composition of milk are brought in IBSPR through the automated working place laboratory.

17. The amount of the milk received from cow for control days is determined by addition of all consistently received yields of milk, to within kg 0,1.

18. Amount of milk fat (kg) for lactation are determined by division of indicator of milk, one-percentage on fat, on 100.

19. Standards of breeds on milk productivity of cows affirm republican chamber according to the subitem 41) of article 1 of the Law.

Paragraph 3. Assessment of animals on eksterno-constitutional features

20. Assessment of exterior and the constitution of bulls is carried out annually to five-year summer age, cows – on the second or third month of the first and third lactation. If the animal on exterior and the constitution was not evaluated at the specified age, it is estimated when carrying out the next bonitation.

21. In case of assessment of animals on exterior and the constitution special attention is paid on compliance of individual clauses to desirable type of the milk or milk and meat directions of productivity of cattle, at cows – at udder size, its form and suitability to mechanical milking, at bulls – on expressiveness of sexual dimorphism, fortress of waist and hind limbs. Assessment of constitution of bulls is carried out on 30-ball scale, cows – on 10-ball scale. Assessment of exterior and the constitution of animals is supplemented with indication of shortcomings of constitution of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity for which the numerical score on exterior and the constitution according to appendix 3 to this Instruction decreases.

22. Young growth assessment on exterior and the constitution is carried out on 20-mark scale. Assessment of 20 points is given to animal in case of excellent expressiveness of signs of breed and floor, normal development and growth, excellent development of breast (wide, deep), straight line of back, waist, sacrum, well developed basin, the correct base and strong frame, without redevelopment and roughness.

Paragraph 4. Determination of class of animals on complex hozyaystvenno useful signs

23. Determination of class of animals in case of appraisal of quality is carried out on the following signs:

bulls – on development (live weight), exterior and the constitution, genotype (origin and quality of posterity);

cows – on milk productivity (amount of milk fat), development (to live weight – determine on the second or third month of lactation), exterior and the constitution, genotype (origin);

young growth – on genotype (origin), exterior and development (live weight).

As a result of assessment on complex of signs of KRS appropriate the following classes:

1) to bulls and breeding bull-calves – elite record, elite and the first class;

2) to cows and telka – elite record, elite, the first and second class.

The animals who are not answering to signs of the specified classes are carried to not cool.

Paragraph 5. Determination of class of bulls on complex of signs

24. The class of bull on complex of signs is established on rating scale of bulls on complex of signs it agrees with appendix 4 to this Instruction at the same time standards of breeds on the live mass of breeding bull-calves and bulls affirm republican chamber according to the subitem 41) of article 1 of the Law.

25. According to the amount of the got points, appropriate to bulls complex class:

85-100 – elite record;

75-84 – elite;

65-74 – first class.

26. The complex class is appropriated to the bulls having normal sexual activity, and on quality of seed (ejaculate amount, the concentration, survival, suitability to freezing impregnating capability), the meeting requirements of the state standard specification 26030 interstate standard "By means of reproduction. Sperm of bulls refrigerated. Specifications".

27. The class of bull can be raised in the years ahead in case of change of class of parents and results of its assessment on quality of posterity.

Paragraph 6. Determination of class of cows on complex of signs

28. The cow class on complex of signs is established on 100 (hundred) mark scale according to the amount of the got points, including:

1) milk productivity – only no more than 65 (sixty five) points, according to rating scale of cows on complex of signs, the milk productivity specified in appendix 5 to this Instruction;

2) exterior and the constitution – only no more than 10 (ten) points according to rating scale of cows on complex of signs, exterior and the constitution specified in appendix 6 to this Instruction;

3) development (live weight) – only no more than 5 (five) points according to rating scale of cows on complex of signs, development and the live weight specified in appendix 7 to this Instruction, at the same time the standard of breed on live weight breeding telok, heifers and cows affirm republican chamber according to the subitem 41) of article 1 of the Law.

4) exceeding of fat content of milk in % of the standard of breed only no more than 10 (ten) points according to rating scale of cows on complex of signs, exceeding of fat percentage of the standard of the breed specified in appendix 8 to this Instruction.

5) phenotype (origin) – only no more than 10 (ten) points according to the rating scale of cows on complex of signs, genotype specified in appendix 9 to this Instruction.

29. By results of score appropriate to cows the following complex classes:

85-100 – elite record;

75-84 – elite;

65-74 – first class;

55-64 – second class.

30. The cows having assessment on milk protein content in addition receive in case of exceeding of requirements of the standard of breed:

on 0, % and more – 4 points;

on % 0,2 – 3 points;

on % 0,1 – 2 points.

31. In addition got points join in final assessment in case of determination of class on complex of signs (within 100 points).

32. Elite record carry cows with fat content in milk to class not below the standard of breed, with productivity level for the previous lactations (the first three) not below the standard of breed.

33. Firstcalf heifers are evaluated by amount of milk fat for the finished lactation, and and is more senior than cows of the second otel – for that lactation which allows to carry them to higher class. Firstcalf heifers with unfinished lactation are evaluated on young growth bonitation scale.

Paragraph 7. Determination of class of young growth on complex of signs

34. The young growth class on complex of signs is established on 100 (hundred) mark scale according to the young growth rating scale on complex of signs specified in appendix 10 to this Instruction.

35. The amount of the got points determines young growth class by complex of signs according to appendix 11 to this Instruction.

Paragraph 8. Determination of assignment of animals

36. Based on results of assessment of KRS on complex of signs, taking into account specific features of animals, determine their assignment and distribute on the following groups:

1) breeding kernel;

2) selection group.

37. Receive telok for repair of own herd from cows of breeding kernel, from cows of selection group - grow up repair bull-calves. Production group – the cows who are not included in breeding kernel.

38. By results of bonitation determine the animals who are subject to vyranzhirovka or rejection from herd.

Paragraph 9. Analysis of materials of bonitation and action for improvement of breeding work

39. According to bonitation of cattle constitute the summary sheet and the report with the analysis of the following questions:

1) quantity of probonitirovanny cattle and its distribution on breed, classes, assignment and genetic groups;

2) characteristics of herd and separately cows of breeding kernel on the live mass, the constitution and exterior, lactescence, development of young growth;

3) age and live weight telok in case of the first insemination;

4) classiness of the implemented breeding young growth.

By results of bonitation constitute the plan of matching taking into account improvement of breeding and productive qualities of animals. When matching couples consider results of prior pairings and relationship between individuals.

40. Based on materials of bonitation develop plans of completing of herd due to cultivation of repair young growth and purchase of breeder cattle. Develop the plan of evaluating bull-calves for own productivity and bulls on quality of posterity the next year. Constitute the plan of holding veterinary actions.

Appendix 1

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

The list related (relatives on genotype) milk and milkly meat breeds of cattle


Related (close on genotype) breed



Shvedish of edition, the Norwegian red, red Danish


Ala Tau

Brown shvitsky, Kostroma



Black and motley, golshtinsky black and motley color





Red steppe

Anglersky, red Danish, shvedish edition, the Norwegian red


It is red - motley and types

Golshtinskaya it is red - motley color



Monbelyardsky red and motley, golshtinsky red and motley color


It is black - motley and types

Golshtinskaya of black and motley color


Appendix 2

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Determination of degree of breed of animals when crossing


Breed of the father







I generation

I generation

I generation

I generation

I generation

I generation

II generation

II generation

II generation

II generation

II generation

II generation

III generation

III generation

III generation

II generation

III generation

IY generation

IY generation or thoroughbred

IY generation

III generation

IY generation

IY generation



III generation

IY generation




Appendix 3

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Shortcomings of constitution of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity for which the numerical score on exterior and the constitution decreases

Common development and stat

List of shortcomings


General view and development

General underdevelopment: frame rough or pererazvito-gentle, muscles friable or underdeveloped, constitution disproportionate also does not correspond to breed type


Stati of exterior:

Head, neck

The head disproportionate to trunk, heavy or redeveloped: "bull" for cow and "cow" for bull, neck skin, short, rough with thick folds, or cut, poorly obmuskulenny


The breast is narrow, superficial, interception and zapadina behind blades, edges are located closely to each other, edge bone narrow, short, skin on the last edge thick, inelastic

Withers, back and


The withers doubled or sharp, back narrow, short, pro-hanging or humpbacked, waist narrow, pro-hanging or krysheobrazny

Middle part


At cows and bulls it is poorly developed, at bulls belly loose-hanging


Short, svisly, krysheobrazny, shilozadost


Udder and sexual organs

The udder is small the loose-hanging, grown fat with unevenly developed shares which are pulled together abnormally developed and additional nipples, mammary veins are badly looked through, udder skin thick, udder inventory small, at bulls seed plants are badly developed and reduced



Lobbies are pulled together in wrists or unrolled in the parties, statement back elephant, au-shaped, x-shaped, sablisty



Narrow, face, flat, hoofed horn friable


Appendix 4

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Rating scale of bulls on complex of signs



Chapter 1. Exterior and constitution, all no more including:


Paragraph 1. General view of all no more from them:


1) proportionality of constitution

1 - 3

2) muscles

1 - 3

3) frame

1 - 3

Paragraph 2. Stati of exterior, only no more


1) head and neck

1 - 3

2) breast

1 - 3

3) withers, back, waist

1 - 3

4) middle part of trunk

1 - 3

5) back

1 - 3

6) extremities

1 - 3

7) hoofs

1 - 3

Chapter 2. Development (live weight), only no more


standard of breed


95-99% of the standard of breed


Chapter 3. Genotype, only no more


1) mother's class

elite record




I class


2) fat content (in percent) in milk of mother is higher than the standard of breed

on 0,3 and more


on 0,2


on 0,1


3) father's class:

elite record







Appendix 5

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Rating scale of cows on complex of signs, milk productivity

Productivity level (quantity of milk

fat) percentage of the standard of breed


60 - 69

70 - 79

80 - 89

90 - 99

100 - 109

110 - 119

120 - 129

130 - 139

140 - 149

150 - 159

160 and more













Appendix 6

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Rating scale of cows on complex of signs, exterior and the constitution



1. General view and development (proportionality of constitution, constitution fortress, expressiveness of type, breast depth, development of basin and sacrum)


2. Udder (amount, zhelezistost, development of lobby and back side of udder, its attachment to trunk, arrangement and the size of nipples, udder arrangement on height)


3. Legs front and back (fortress and base - front and back, the fortress and shape of hoofs)



Appendix 7

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Rating scale of cows on complex of signs, development and live weight



1. Standard of breed above


2. 95 - 99% of the standard of breed



Appendix 8

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle milk and it is milk - meat the directions of productivity

Rating scale of cows on complex of signs, exceeding of fat percentage of the standard of breed

Exceeding of fat percentage of the standard of breed









Appendix 9

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Rating scale of cows on complex of signs, genotype



1. Mother's class

elite record




I class


II class


2. Father's class

elite record




I class


Total on (and + + in + + d) score



Appendix 10

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Young growth rating scale on complex of signs





Chapter 1. Genotype (origin) - all

no more than 50 points


1) mother's class

elite record


I class

II class

2) fat content percent in milk

swear above the standard of breed:

on 0,3 and more

on 0,2

on 0,1

3) father's class:

elite record


I class

Chapter 2. Exterior (in total no more than 20 points)




Chapter 3. Development (live weight) - all not

more than 30 points

standard of breed

95 - 99% of the standard of breed

90 - 94% of the standard of breed





































Appendix 11

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the milk and milk and meat directions of productivity

Determination of class of young growth on complex of signs




elite record


I class

II class

85 - 100

75 - 84

65 - 74


85 - 100

75 - 84

65 - 74

55 - 64


Appendix 2

to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 10, 2014 No. 3-3/517

Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the meat direction of productivity

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the meat direction of productivity (further – the Instruction) is developed compliance with the subitem 4) of article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About breeding livestock production" (further – the Law) and determines procedure for carrying out bonitation of cattle of the meat direction of productivity.

2. Appraisal of quality of cattle of the meat direction is carried out by boniter (qualifiers).

Chapter 2. Procedure for carrying out bonitation of cattle of the meat direction of productivity

3. Appraisal of quality (assessment) of cattle of the meat direction of productivity is carried out annually in all farms, irrespective of forms of their property and managing, from August to October months (depending on zone and condition of fatness of animals). Cattle of the meat direction of productivity having the status of breeding animal is subject to appraisal of quality.

Owners of cattle not having the status of breeding animal, have the right to carry out appraisal of quality and voluntarily will invite boniter (qualifiers) for its carrying out.

Young growth to 6-month age, animals on fattening, oxen and eunuchs are not subject to appraisal of quality.

4. Owners of cattle before carrying out bonitation hold the following preparatory activities:

1) check, refining and recovery of the accession numbers lost by animals;

2) reconciliation of these accession numbers of animals with records in individual cards of breeding animal and (or) card of farm animal.

5. Bonitera (qualifiers) are provided by the unrolled sheets and summary reports signed by the digital signature on appraisal of quality (as of November 1) in Republican chambers and in the database information base of selection and breeding work.

Paragraph 1. Breed determination

6. Breed of animals is determined by boniter (qualifier) based on the data specified in individual card of breeding animal and (or) card of the farm animal involved in selection process about pedigree accessory of his parents and their breed.

On breed (krovnost) allocate groups of thoroughbred and local animals.

Animals received from carry to thoroughbred:

1) pairings of thoroughbred parents of one breed;

2) pairings of two animals of breeds, related, close on genotype, in case of content at least 75 percent (further – %) blood on one of two breeds;

3) crossing of unrelated breeds in the presence of share of blood of one breed is at least % 93,75;

4) creations of new breed with participation of two and more unrelated breeds,

Degree of breed of animals when crossing is determined according to appendix of 1 this Instruction.

Paragraph 2. Productivity determination

7. Lactescence of cows is estimated on the live mass of young growth at 6-month age. In case of assessment of lactescence of young cows, the minimum requirements lower under the first hotel by 10%, under the second hotel on – 5%.

8. Lactescence of cows of three otel is also more senior evaluate according to that otel in case of whom the calf with the highest live weight at 6-month age is received.

Paragraph 3. Assessment on eksterno-constitutional features

9. Cows 4 and 5 years, bulls – annually, to 5-year age evaluate under the constitution and exterior aged 3,.

In case of assessment of cows on eksterno-constitutional features special attention on expressiveness like breed and constitution harmony is paid.

10. Assessment of bulls is carried out on rating scale of the constitution and exterior of bulls according to appendix 2 to this Instruction, cows are evaluated on rating scale of the constitution and exterior of cows, according to appendix 3 to this Instruction.

In case of assessment of the constitution and exterior consider shortcomings of the constitution and exterior for which ball assessment according to appendix 4 to this Instruction decreases. Except ball assessment, note outstanding stat, and also the main defects and shortcomings of exterior.

11. The constitution of young growth is evaluated on general view and development, using 5-mark scale: perfectly – 5, well – 4, well – 3, unsatisfactorily – 2. Refining of assessment by addition to floor of points is allowed (4, 5; 3, 5).

12. Assessment is "perfectly" received by animals in case of good expressiveness of breed and floor, good development and growth, excellent addition of breast (wide, deep), straight line of back, waist, sacrum, good development of basin, the correct base and strong frame without redevelopment and roughness.

Paragraph 4. Determination of class of bulls

13. The class of bulls is determined by complex of indicators: to the live weight, the constitution and exterior, estimates on own productivity and quality of posterity, breed and origin (genotype), according to rating scale of bulls on complex of signs, according to appendix 5 to this Instruction.

14. Elite record carry to class bulls with the live weight conforming to requirements of class elite above, breed is not lower than the IV generation, and it is not lower than III generations of newly created breeds. The minimum point for exterior not lower than 90.

15. Elite carry to class bulls with live weight not lower than I class, breed is not lower than the IV generation, and for newly created breeds it is not lower than III generations.

16. Use of bulls is allowed in reproduction after their establishment of reliability of origin on the father and receipt of the breeding status of 1 category, and also after passing of assessment (testing) on own productivity and/or estimates on quality of posterity.

Paragraph 5. Determination of class of cows

17. The class of cows is determined by complex of indicators: to the live weight, the constitution and exterior, lactescence, breed and origin (genotype), according to the rating scale of cows on complex of signs specified in appendix of the 6th this Instruction taking into account reproductive capability (annually brings, does not bring issue).

18. The complex class of cows firstcalf heifers whose issue in the period of bonitation did not reach 6-month age is determined by young growth rating scale on complex of signs according to appendix 7 to this Instruction.

The standard of breed on the live mass of bulls and cows affirms republican chamber according to the subitem 41) of article 1 of the Law.

19. Elite record carry the cows having live weight and lactescence to complex class the elite without explicit defects of constitution is not lower than requirements of class, it is not lower than IV generations, and for newly created breeds it is not lower than III generations, annually breeding.

20. Elite carry the cows having live weight and lactescence to class is not lower than requirements of the I class, without explicit defects of constitution, not lower than III generations, and for newly created breeds it is not lower than II generations, annually breeding.

21. If the cow once did not breed, its assessment on complex of signs decreases on one class.

22. To the cows who did not breed two and more times, the complex class decreases to minimum then they are rejected.

Paragraph 6. Determination of class of young growth

23. The young growth is bonitirut from 6 (six) monthly age. The young growth class on complex of signs is established: on the live weight, the constitution and exterior, breed and origin (genotype), assessment of bull-calves on own productivity.

The standard of breed on complex of signs affirms republican chamber according to the subitem 41) of article 1 of the Law.

24. The elite record and elite carry the young growth having assessment under the constitution and exterior not below according to 4,5 to complex classes (four whole five tenth) and 4 points, and on live weight – not below requirements of the I class.

25. Carry the young growth having assessment under the constitution and exterior not below, respectively, 3,5 to complex I and II class (three whole five tenth) and 3,0 (three whole the zero tenth) points, with live weight – not below requirements of the II class.

26. During creation of new breeds, types or completing of local herds it is allowed to carry to the II class telok, having live weight below requirements of the II class of 10% and the I class – for 5% if they meet for other signs the requirements of the I class above. Telok, received from thoroughbred class elite and elite record of bulls and from not cool cows is not lower than II generations, it is possible to evaluate second class if on the weight and exterior they conform to requirements of the I class above.

Paragraph 7. Determination of class on complex of signs

27. In case of assessment on complex of signs of animals carry to the following classes: elite record, elite, I class, II class, not cool. In the absence of necessary data by which the complex class is determined animal carry to unallotted on classes.

28. The class of bulls, cows and young growth on complex of signs is established on scales according to the amount of the got points: elite record – 81 points and more; elite – 71-80 points; The I class – 81-70 points; The II class – 51-60 points; not cool – 50 points and less.

29. The standard of breed on the live mass of bulls affirms republican chamber according to the subitem 41) of article 1 of the Law.

Paragraph 8. Determination of assignment of animals

30. Based on results of assessment of the cattle on complex of signs, taking into account specific features of animals, determine their assignment and distribute on the following groups:

breeding kernel – the best part of herd, component of 50-60% of general livestock of cows;

the selection group entering breeding kernel – 18-20% of general uterine livestock.

31. Receive telok for repair of own herd from cows of breeding kernel, from cows of selection group – grow up repair bull-calves. Production group – the cows who are not included in breeding kernel.

32. The best breeding young growth from these cows is implemented in economy, and the young growth which does not have breeding value is handed over on meat after fattening.

33. By results of bonitation determine the animals who are subject to vyranzhirovka or rejection from herd.

Paragraph 9. Analysis of materials of bonitation and action for improvement of breeding work

34. According to bonitation of the cattle constitute the summary sheet and the report with the analysis of the following questions:

1) quantity of the probonitirovanny cattle and its distribution on breed, classes, assignment and genetic groups;

2) characteristics of herd and separately cows of breeding kernel on the live mass, the constitution and exterior, lactescence, development of young growth;

3) age and live weight telok in case of the first insemination;

4) classiness of the implemented breeding young growth.

By results of bonitation constitute the plan of matching taking into account improvement of breeding and productive qualities of animals. When matching couples consider results of prior pairings and relationship between individuals.

35. Based on materials of bonitation develop plans of completing of herd due to cultivation of repair young growth and purchase of breeder cattle. Develop the plan of evaluating bull-calves for own productivity and bulls on quality of posterity the next year. Constitute the plan of holding veterinary actions.

Appendix 1

to the Instruction on appraisal of quality of cattle of the meat direction of productivity

Determination of degree of breed of animals when crossing


Breed of the father


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