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of November 26, 2014 No. 206

About approval of the Method of calculation of total amount of the wholesale turnover and indexes of physical amount of the wholesale turnover

(as amended on 15-12-2023)

Based on subitem 8.10 of Item 8 of the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445, National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the Method of calculation of total amount of the wholesale turnover and indexes of physical amount of the wholesale turnover it (is applied) and to enact it since calculation of total amount of the wholesale turnover and indexes of physical amount of the wholesale turnover for January, 2015.

2. Declare invalid the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of January 15, 2014 No. 4 "About approval of the Method of calculation of total amount of the wholesale turnover and indexes of physical amount of the wholesale turnover" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 25.01.2014, 7/2687).

3. This resolution becomes effective since January 15, 2015.


V. I. Zinovsky

Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 26, 2014 No. 206

Method of calculation of total amount of the wholesale turnover and indexes of physical amount of the wholesale turnover

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Technique establishes procedure of payments of total amount of the wholesale turnover and indexes of physical amount of the wholesale turnover.

Calculation of total amount of the wholesale turnover is perfromed by National Statistical Committee (further – Belstat) on the republic, areas and the city of Minsk monthly and annually. The total amount of the wholesale turnover on the republic turns out summing of total amounts of the wholesale turnover on areas and the city of Minsk.

Indexes of physical amount of the wholesale turnover are calculated Belstat on the republic, areas and the city of Minsk monthly for the accounting period by the basic period and annually for accounting year to basis year.

2. For the purposes of this Technique the following main terms and their determinations are used:

the accounting period (year) – the period (year) for which comparison is made;

the basic period (year) – the period (year) accepted for base of comparison;

current prices – the prices of the accounting period (year);

stable prices – the prices of the basic period (year);

index of physical amount of the wholesale turnover – the relative statistics of dynamics expressed as a percentage, characterizing change of cost statistics in time provided that the prices in the accounting period did not change in comparison with the basic period;

the large and average organizations – the organizations which are not small business entities;

amount of the wholesale turnover – the cost of the goods acquired on the party for the purpose of resale and actually shipped without their modification to third parties and individual entrepreneurs for use in business activity or for own use (conversion) irrespective of calculation for these goods is made or not;

the consolidated index of the prices of wholesales of goods (products) – the ratio of price levels on set of various goods representatives estimated on formula of modular index.

3. The total amount of the wholesale turnover consists of amount of the wholesale turnover of the subjects of managing performing wholesale trade (subclasses 45111, 45191, 45310, 45401 Section 45 "Wholesale and Retail Trade by Cars, Motorcycles and Their Repair", the Section 46 "Wholesale Trade, Except for Trade in Cars and Motorcycles" of the nation-wide qualifier of the Republic of Belarus of OKRB 005-2011 "Types of economic activity" approved by the resolution of the State committee on standardization of the Republic of Belarus of December 5, 2011 No. 85):

legal entities, separate divisions of legal entities for whom wholesale trade is main type of economic activity (further – the organizations with main type of economic activity wholesale trade);

legal entities, separate divisions of legal entities for whom wholesale trade is minor type of economic activity (further – the organizations for which wholesale trade is minor type of economic activity);

the individual entrepreneurs performing wholesale trade (further – individual entrepreneurs).

4. Information basis for calculation of total amount of the wholesale turnover are:

4.1. primary statistical data in the following forms of the state statistical reporting:

12 bidding (wholesale) "The report on amount of the wholesale turnover" (further - form 12 the bidding (wholesale));

1 bidding (wholesale) "The activities report of the organization of wholesale trade" (further - form 1 the bidding (wholesale));

The 1-megapixel "Report on financial and economic activities of the small organization" (further - form 1-megapixel);

The 1-megapixel (micro) "Report on financial and economic activities of the microorganization" (further - form 1-megapixel (micro));

4.2. the administrative data on proceeds from sales of goods individual entrepreneurs by the form economic activity wholesale trade represented quarterly by the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection.

Chapter 2. Calculation of amount of the wholesale turnover of the organizations with main type of economic activity wholesale trade

5. The amount of the wholesale turnover of the organizations wholesale trade (preliminary data) is calculated monthly accruing result since the beginning of accounting year with main type of economic activity. The amount of the wholesale turnover of the organizations wholesale trade in month is calculated with main type of economic activity as difference between aggregative primary statistical data of the reporting and previous periods.

6. Components of amount of the wholesale turnover of the organizations with main type of economic activity wholesale trade are:

amount of the wholesale turnover of the large, average and small organizations with main type of economic activity wholesale trade;

amount of the wholesale turnover of the microorganizations with main type of economic activity wholesale trade.

7. Monthly the amount of the wholesale turnover of the large, average and small organizations wholesale trade (preliminary data) is calculated with main type of economic activity based on primary statistical data in form 12 the bidding (wholesale).

8. Monthly the amount of the wholesale turnover of the microorganizations wholesale trade (preliminary data) is calculated with main type of economic activity based on extrapolated value of the wholesale turnover of the microorganizations included in sample in form 12 in the bidding (wholesale).


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