Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 11, 2014 No. 1300

About implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the republican budget for 2015 - 2017"

(as amended on 07-12-2015)

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Accept to execution the republican budget for 2015 - 2017, including for 2015 in the following amounts:

1) the income - 5 806 766 099 thousand tenges, including on:

to tax revenues - 3 012 966 049 thousand tenges;

to non-tax receipts - 151 440 677 thousand tenges;

to sales proceeds of fixed capital - 9 758 247 thousand tenges;

to receipts of transfers - 2 632 601 126 thousand tenges;

2) costs - 6 805 804 245 thousand tenges;

3) net budget crediting - 77 386 247 thousand tenges, including:

budget credits - 190 765 812 thousand tenges;

repayment of budget credits - 113 379 565 thousand tenges;

4) balance on transactions with financial assets - 181 292 385 thousand tenges, including:

acquisition of financial assets - 182 652 385 thousand tenges;

sales proceeds of financial assets of the state - 1 360 000 thousand tenges;

5) deficit--1 257 716 778 thousand tenges or 3 percent to country gross domestic product;

6) budget deficit financing - 1 257 716 778 thousand tenges.

2. Approve:

1) the list of the priority republican budget investments financed from the republican budget according to appendix 1 to this resolution;

2) the list of the priority republican budget investments directed to realization of especially important and requiring operational realization tasks included in the draft of the republican budget with conditions suspensive according to appendix 2 to this resolution;

3) the list of priority republican budget investments of the Ministries of the Interior and Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 3 to this resolution (for office use);

4) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on conducting exercises on actions in case of threat and emergence of crisis situation according to appendix 4 to this resolution;

5) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on support of subjects of agro-industrial complex in regions within the Program for development of agro-industrial complex in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013 - 2020 "Agrobusiness - 2020" according to appendix 5 to this resolution;

5-1) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on content of divisions of local executive bodies of agro-industrial complex according to appendix 5-1) to this resolution;

6) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on payment of the monthly allowance for special working conditions to official pay rates of the employees of public institutions who are not government employees and also employees of the state state companies financed from local budgets according to appendix 6 to this resolution;

6-1) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on content of the number of staff of departments of civil registration according to appendix 6-1 to this resolution;

7)  No. 139 is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 13.03.2015

8) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on implementation of the state educational order in the preschool organizations of education according to appendix 8 to this resolution;

9)  No. 139 is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 13.03.2015

10) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on work pay increase to the teachers who underwent advanced training on three-level system according to appendix 10 to this resolution;

11) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on increase in the state educational order at training of specialists in the organizations of technical and professional education according to appendix 11 to this resolution;

12) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on approbation of per capita financing of primary, main secondary and general secondary education according to appendix 12 to this resolution;

13) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on increase in the size of grants by the student in the organizations of technical and professional education according to appendix 13 to this resolution;

14) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on increase in the size of grants by the student in the organizations of technical and professional, postsecondary education based on the state educational order of local executive bodies according to appendix 14 to this resolution;

15) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on providing and expansion of the guaranteed amount of free medical care according to appendix 15 to this resolution;

16)  No. 139 is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 13.03.2015

17) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on payment of the government address public assistance according to appendix 17 to this resolution;

18) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on payment of public welfare payments for children up to 18 years according to appendix 18 to this resolution;

19) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on rendering social protection and the help to the population according to appendix 19 to this resolution;

20) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on holding the actions devoted to the seventieth anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War according to appendix 20 to this resolution;

21) No. 971 is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 07.12.2015

22) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on financing of priority projects of transport infrastructure according to appendix 22 to this resolution;

23) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on seizure of land for the state needs according to appendix 23 to this resolution;

23-1) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on content of the number of staff of the local executive bodies exercising control of safe operation of dangerous technical devices of objects of housing and communal services according to appendix 23-1 to this resolution;

23-2) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on the organization and carrying out exploration on underground waters for economic and drinking water supply of settlements according to appendix 23-2 to this resolution;

24) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on ensuring immunoprevention of the population according to appendix 24 to this resolution;

25) distribution of the amounts of budget credits to local executive bodies for implementation of measures of social support of specialists according to appendix 25 to this resolution;

26) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on subsidizing of cost of services in supply of drinking water from especially important group and local water supply systems which are uncontested sources of drinking water supply according to appendix 26 to this resolution;

27) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on support of private entrepreneurship in regions within the Road Map of Business of 2020 Program according to appendix 27 to this resolution;

28) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on carrying out preventive disinsection and deratization (except for disinsections and deratization in the territory of the natural centers of infectious and parasitic diseases, and also in the centers of infectious and parasitic diseases) according to appendix 28 to this resolution;

28-1) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on acquisition of housing of municipal housing stock according to appendix 28-1 to this resolution;

28-2) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on content of the number of staff of authorized body on control of use and protection of lands according to appendix 28-2 to this resolution;

28-3) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on content of the number of staff of local executive bodies for architecture, town planning, construction and the state architectural construction supervision according to appendix 28-3 to this resolution;

28-4) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on acquisition of engineering and communication infrastructure according to appendix 28-4 to this resolution;

29) distribution of the amounts of reserve of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 29 to this resolution;

30) distribution of the amounts of receipts of transfers from regional budgets in connection with, transfer of expenses on the republican budget according to appendix 30 to this resolution.

3. Allocate from the means provided in the republican budget for 2015 on implementation of actions within the Road map of employment 2020, the amount in the amount of 26 752 512 thousand tenges for transfer:

1) target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty in the amount 10 181 142 thousand tenges for financing of the following events:

To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 100 499 thousand tenges on professional training of personnel;

To the Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan 8 080 643 thousand tenges, including on:

partial subsidizing of the salary - 1 254 021 thousand tenges;

training in entrepreneurship bases - 95 709 thousand tenges;

provision of subsidies for moving - 11 704 thousand tenges;

professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel - 1 154 236 thousand tenges;

youth practice - 1 559 002 thousand tenges;

ensuring activities of employment centers - 3 954 477 thousand tenges;

information work - 51 494 thousand tenges;

2) target transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty in the amount of 2 722 199 thousand tenges to the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for financing of the following events:

construction and (or) acquisition of the office dwelling - 64 000 thousand tenges;

construction and (or) reconstruction of housing and engineering and communication infrastructure for resettlement of inhabitants of settlements Kalatches and Krasnogorsk Akmola area - 1 983 250 thousand tenges;

construction, acquisition, completion of hostels for youth - 394 934 thousand tenges;

development and (or) acquisition of engineering and communication infrastructure - 277 016 thousand tenges;

acquisition of the equipment for the projects realized by participants of the Program within the second direction - 2 999 thousand tenges;

3) target transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on employment through development of infrastructure and housing and communal services in the amount of 13 703 089 thousand tenges for financing of the following events:

To the ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on repair of housing and communal services, engineering and transport infrastructure and welfare objects and improvement of settlements - 12 327 782 thousand tenges;

To the Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan on construction of the medical out-patient clinics and medical and obstetrical centers located in rural settlements - 1 375 307 thousand tenges;

4) to the Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan on implementation of actions on employment of the population in the amount 146 082 thousand tenges, including on:

ensuring information maintenance and information work - 37 856 thousand tenges;

information and methodological maintenance of program implementation "The road map of employment of 2020" - 108 226 thousand tenges.

4. Approve distribution of the amounts:

1) target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty specified in the subitem 1) of Item 3 of this resolution on implementation of actions within the Road map of employment of 2020 according to appendix 31 to this resolution;

2) the target transfers on development to regional budgets specified in the subitem 2) of Item 3 of this resolution on implementation of actions within the Road map of employment of 2020 according to appendix 32 to this resolution;

3) target transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty specified in the subitem 3) of Item 3 of this resolution on implementation of actions within the Road map of employment of 2020 according to appendix 33 to this resolution;

4) target current transfers to regional budgets on realization of the current actions in monotowns within the Development program of regions till 2020 and distribution of the amounts of crediting of regional budgets to assistance to development of entrepreneurship in monotowns according to appendix 34 to this resolution.

4-1. Allocate from the means provided in the republican budget for 2015 on implementation of the country program for strengthening of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the amount in the amount of 694 898 thousand tenges for transfer:

1) to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 23 800 thousand tenges;

2) to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 171 145 thousand tenges;

3) to the Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 133 479 thousand tenges;

4) to the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 20 856 thousand tenges;

5) to the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 73 376 thousand tenges;

6) to the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 272 242 thousand tenges.

4-2. Provide distribution of the loans to projects implementation on assistance to sustainable development and growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan performed together with international financial institutions within the framework agreements on partnership in the amount of 615 783 thousand tenges for:

1) the Ministries of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 612 943 thousand tenges;

2) the Ministries of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2 840 thousand tenges.

4-3. Provide distribution of the grant to the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on project implementation on assistance to sustainable development and growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan performed together with international financial institutions within the framework agreements on partnership in the amount of 288 292 thousand tenges.

5. Approve the list of the state tasks for 2015 according to appendix 35 to this resolution.

6. To the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) till March 1, 2015 to provide results of technical inspection on 1, of 2, to 3 queues of the "Reconstruction of Complex of Hydraulic Engineering Constructions on the Arnasaysky Dike of the Shardarinsky Water Storage Basin in Shardarinsky District of the Southern Kazakhstan Area" project;

To develop 2) and in the procedure established by the legislation to introduce drafts of decisions to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

till February 20, 2015:

about procedure for use of funds for subsidizing of rates of remuneration according to credit and leasing obligations of subjects of agro-industrial complex for financial improvement;

about procedure for use of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on support of subjects of agro-industrial complex in regions within the Program for development of agro-industrial complex in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013 - 2020 "Agrobusiness-2020".

7. To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

till January 15, 2015 together with the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to develop and in the procedure established by the legislation to introduce to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan the draft decision about distribution of the amounts of target transfers to development to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on construction and reconstruction of objects of education and to the regional budget of Almaty region, city budget of Almaty for seismostrengthening of objects of education taking into account new projects, including at the expense of target transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

till April 1, 2015 to develop and in the procedure established by the legislation to introduce drafts of decisions to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) about procedure for use of the target current transfers regional budgets specified in the subitem 12) of Item 2 of this resolution;

2) about distribution of means on basic financing of subjects of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities.

8. To the Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan to develop and in the procedure established by the legislation to introduce drafts of decisions to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) till February 10, 2015:

about procedure for use of target current transfers regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty specified in subitems 14), 15) and 16) of Item 2 of this resolution;

about distribution of funds for realization of intersectoral and interdepartmental interaction concerning protection of public health for 2015;

2) till February 15, 2015:

about procedure for use of target current transfers regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty specified in subitems 19) and 20) of Item 2 of this resolution;

3) till April 1, 2015:

about distribution of the means provided according to the budget program 045 "Development of professional standards" and procedure for use of funds for development of professional standards;

about terms for crediting regional budgets on assistance to development of entrepreneurship in the village for 2015 within the Road map of employment of 2020.

9. To the ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to develop and in the procedure established by the legislation to introduce drafts of decisions to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) till February 10, 2015:

about procedure for use of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty specified in subitems 24) and 28) of Item 2 of this resolution;

2) till March 31, 2015:

about terms for crediting regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on designing and (or) construction of housing through system of housing construction savings within the Development program of regions till 2020;

about distribution of target transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan on crediting of regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty for reconstruction and construction of systems warm, water supply and water disposal;

about distribution of target transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan on development to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on designing, development and (or) arrangement of engineering and communication infrastructure in developed lands (acquisition) of housing of joint-stock company "National managing holding "Bayterek" and its affiliated organizations;

about distribution of target transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan on crediting of regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty for designing and (or) construction of housing;

3) till April 15, 2015 about distribution and (or) procedure for use of the means of target transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan on projects implementation on assistance to sustainable development and growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan performed together with international financial institutions within the Framework agreements on partnership.

10. To administrators of the budget programs, to local executive bodies together with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide control of target and effective use of the funds allocated from the republican budget including the expenses allocated at the expense of target transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

11. To the central executive bodies till March 1, 2015 to make in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan offers on reduction of earlier made decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in compliance with this resolution.

12. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2015.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Masimov

Appendix 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 11, 2014 No. 1300

List of priority republican budget investments

Functional group


Amount, one thousand tenges






















In total

1 128 665 558

999 059 830

703 113 323





I. Republican budget investment projects

230 442 572

310 503 018

233 024 190





State services of general nature

5 902 075

1 311 684






Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

3 028 783







Construction of facilities of the real estate abroad for placement of diplomatic representations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

3 028 783







including investment projects:









3 028 783







Designing and construction of complex of buildings of Embassy of RK in the Azerbaijan Republic

1 722 750







Construction of complex of buildings of Embassy of RK in the Republic of Belarus

1 194 033







Construction of the office building of Embassy of RK in the Republic of Uzbekistan

112 000







Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1 859 493

1 108 812






Upgrade of Customs Service

363 200







At the expense of the external loan

114 057







including investment projects:









114 057







Upgrade of Customs Service

114 057







Due to joint financing of external loans from the republican budget

249 143







including investment projects:









249 143







Upgrade of Customs Service

249 143







Creation of the integrated automated information system E-Ministry of Finance

1 473 583







including investment projects:









1 473 583







Creation of the integrated automated information system E-Ministry of Finance

1 473 583







Construction of facilities and infrastructures of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

22 710

1 108 812






including investment projects:








East Kazakhstan region

18 590







Construction of office apartment houses in the Karatalsky rural district of the Zaysan region of East Kazakhstan region

18 590







Jambyl area

4 120

350 000






Development of the design estimates, construction, expansion and reconstruction of the check point "Korday" of Jambyl area

4 120

350 000






Southern Kazakhstan area


375 000






Development of the design estimates, construction, expansion and reconstruction of the check point of Kaplanbek of the Southern Kazakhstan area


375 000






city of Astana


383 812






"Construction of the building of the center of acceptance and information processing of tax authorities" in Astana (DPC No. 1)


383 812






Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


202 872






Creation of information system of monitoring of information and communication networks regarding ensuring fault tolerance of servers of domain names of the top level


202 872






including investment projects:










202 872






Creation of information system of monitoring of information and communication networks regarding ensuring fault tolerance of servers of domain names of the top level


202 872






Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

163 270







Development of information systems in the sphere of economy, state planning and the analysis

163 270







including investment projects:









163 270







Development of information systems in the sphere of economy, state planning and the analysis

163 270







Calculating committee on control of execution of the republican budget

53 528







Creation of the integrated information system of Calculating committee on control of execution of the republican budget

53 528







including investment projects:









53 528







Creation of the integrated information system of Calculating committee on control of execution of the republican budget

53 528







The agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for public service and to anti-corruption

797 001







Creation of the integrated management information system by the personnel "E-kyzmet"

797 001







including investment projects:









797 001







Creation of the integrated information system "E-kyzmet"

797 001








38 634 218

45 569 067

22 205 115





Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

6 860 326

21 142 172

3 278 909





Construction and reconstruction of subjects to protection against emergency situations

6 756 726

20 781 961

3 278 909





including investment projects:








Akmola area

3 503 369

5 308 669

2 736 104





For office use








Construction of complex of the fire station on 6 cars (II type for IB, IIIA of climatic subdistricts with usual geological conditions) to the north of the residential district Koktem in the city of Kokshetau of Akmola area

278 818







Development of the design estimates on binding of the standard project and "Construction of water life-saving station on the bank of the lake Pine-forest in the settlement Pine-forest Burabaysky district of Akmola area for Public institution "Water rescue service of Department on emergency situations of Akmola area" according to the standard project of water life-saving stations 2 categories for IB and IIIA of climatic subdistricts with usual geological conditions"


246 779






Aktyubinsk region

621 624







Construction of complex of the fire station on 6 cars III A of climatic subdistrict with usual geological conditions in Aktobe

621 624







Almaty region

696 599

12 467 701






Construction of protective constructions on the river Horgos around the International Center of Frontier Cooperation (ICFC) and buildings of Korgas customs

689 167

12 385 701






Development of the design estimates on electric utility service "The rocky city Astana"

6 713

50 000






Development of the design estimates on carrying out water supply "The rocky city Astana"


32 000






East Kazakhstan region


54 810

156 708





Development of the design estimates on binding of the standard project and construction "Complex of the fire station on 2 cars of V-type for IB and IIIA of climatic subdistricts with usual geological conditions" in the item. New Bukhtarma of the Zyryanovsky Region of East Kazakhstan region


54 810

156 708





Karaganda region

625 622

386 097

386 097





Construction "Complex of the fire station on 6 cars of the II type for IB and IIIA of climatic subdistricts with usual geological conditions" in Karaganda around new building "Blue ponds"

625 622







Development of the design estimates on binding of the standard project and construction "Complex of the fire station on 6 cars of II type for IB, IIIA of climatic subdistricts with usual geological conditions" to Zhezkazgan around the Medical center "Samsung"


386 097

386 097





Kyzylorda area

211 127

816 725






Construction of complex of the fire station on 6 cars to Aralsk Kyzylorda area

211 127

587 144






Development of the design estimates on binding of the standard project and construction "Complex of the fire station on 2 cars of V-type for IIB, IIIB, IVG with seismic activity of 7 points" in the item Toretam of the city of Baikonur to the platform No. 9 of Kyzylorda area


229 581






Southern Kazakhstan area

634 610







Construction of complex of the fire station on 6 cars in μR. Dostyk Shymkent YuKO

634 610







city of Astana

463 775

1 747 959






Construction "Complex of the fire station on 6 cars of II type for IB, I ІІ And climatic subdistricts with usual geological conditions on crossing of streets with the project name E357 and 227 in Astana"

408 289

612 434






Development of the design estimates on binding of the standard project and construction "Complex of the fire station on 6 cars of II type for IB, IIIA of climatic subdistricts with usual geological conditions" in Astana, on crossing of streets Husain bin Talal and E102

28 486

820 723






Development of the design estimates on "Construction of buildings and constructions for public institution "Central regional airmobile operational and rescue group in Astana"

27 000

314 802






Creation of enterprise information and communication system of emergency situations and civil defense

103 600

360 211






including investment projects:









103 600

360 211






Creation of the enterprise emergency and GO information and communication system

103 600

360 211






Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

31 773 892

24 084 663

16 689 129





Creation of automated control system of Armed Forces

9 567 082

10 610 587

10 610 587





including investment projects:









9 567 082

10 610 587

10 610 587





Creation of automated control system of Armed Forces

9 567 082

10 610 587

10 610 587





Construction of facilities of Armed Forces

22 206 810

13 474 076

6 078 542





including investment projects:









22 206 810

13 474 076

6 078 542





For office use








Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


342 232

2 237 077





Construction and reconstruction of subjects to protection against emergency situations


342 232

2 237 077





including investment projects:










342 232

2 237 077













Public order, safety, legal, judicial, criminal and executive activities

12 500 276

19 672 098

7 296 068





Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

4 760 439

5 980 347

2 346 113





Construction, reconstruction of objects of public order, safety and criminal executive system

3 003 838

2 464 239

66 113





including investment projects:








Almaty region

1 452 957

148 137






Construction and reconstruction of LA-155/12 Organization under corrective colony of strict regime in the settlement of Zarechny of Almaty region on 1500 places

1 452 957

148 137






West Kazakhstan region

684 968

595 077






Construction of the pre-trial detention center to Uralsk 1500 places

684 968

595 077






Southern Kazakhstan area



22 039





Binding to the area of standard projects on construction of specialized receivers for the arrested persons with fullness limit to 200 places Astana, Almaty, Shymkent



22 039





city of Almaty



22 037





Binding to the area of standard projects on construction of specialized receivers for the arrested persons with fullness limit to 200 places Astana, Almaty, Shymkent



22 037


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