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The document ceased to be valid since  September 25, 2020 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of September 10, 2020 No. 678


of October 8, 2014 No. 863

About approval of Methodology of development of standards of employment

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 27.09.2016 No. 1091)

Based on the Law No. 102-XV of March 13, 2003 on employment of the population and social protection of persons which are in job search (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2003, Art. No. 70-72, 312), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Methodology of development of standards of employment it (is applied).

2. Recognize invalid:

The order of the Government No. 717 of June 16, 2008 "About creation of National council according to standards of employment and certification of professional competences" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, Art. No. 110-111, 717);

The order of the Government No. 952 of December 16, 2011 "About procedure for development of standards of employment for working professions" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2011, Art. No. 227-232, 1039).

Prime Minister

Iurie Leanca


Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family


Valentina Buliga

minister of education

Maya Sandu

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 8, 2014 No. 863

Methodology of development of standards of employment

I. General provisions

1. The methodology of development of standards of employment (further – Methodology) is the legal basis for development of standards of employment for working crafts / professions and specialties for each level of vocational training: average (level 3 MCKO – the International standard classification of education); postaverage (level 4 MCKO) and postaverage not tertiary (level 5 MCKO) in various areas of activities / professional training.

2. In the context of this Methodology the basic used concepts have the following determinations:

attribution – the set of the identical operational loads necessary for realization of one occupation/worker of process in certain area of employment including knowledge, experience, the corresponding skills and responsibility for their timely accomplishment and at the established quality level;

competence – the confirmed capability to use knowledge and personal, social and/or methodological skills for accomplishment of working attributions and loadings;

employment profile – the description of craft/profession/specialty/occupation, including functional attributions and work assignments, and also knowledge, capabilities and practical skills, professional qualities, the equipment, working tools and materials necessary for successful accomplishment of the tasks specific to occupation;

the economic sector (activities) – set of the specific groups of economic activity of national economy classified according to the Qualifier of types of economic activity of Moldova at the level of group or subgroup or combined depending on need, complexity and the importance;

the standard of employment (further - the standard of employment) – the document which describes specific attributions and work assignments for one craft / profession / specialty / employment of any field of activity, and the criteria of quality necessary for their successful accomplishment according to work market requirements.

3. Standards of employment are necessary for quality assurance of professional training of human resources, detection of professional competences, correlation of basic and continuous professional training with market requirements of work and are basis for carrying out reforms in system of average vocational training of the Republic of Moldova, development of the National frame of qualifications according to the principles of the European frame of qualifications.

4. Standards of employment promote professional training of human resources and are developed depending on social and economic development of the state for the medium and long-term outlook, market requirements of work, the best practices applied in sectors / economic activity of national economy, technologies, raw materials and the modern equipment.

5. Standards of employment reflect the true professional values specific to certain craft / profession / specialty and are formulated in a complex, is accurate and transparent for their understanding any person (the worker, the expert of average qualification, the engineer, service personnel, the government employee, the teacher, the pupil/student, etc.), with respect for gender equality, age, ethnic origin, culture, the place of residence etc.

6. Standards of employment are the basis for development of the National framework of qualifications, including for the description of qualifications and development of educational standards for professional training of skilled workers and specialists of average qualification by means of programs of average vocational training (level 3 MCKO), postaverage (level 4 MCKO), postaverage not tertiary (level 5 MCKO), according to requirements of the labor market.

7. Sectoral committees, organizations, the companies or the organizations which should develop standards of employment with financing from the government budget will be selected according to the procedure of public procurements.

II. Bodies responsible for development of standards of employment

8. The bodies participating in process of development of standards of employment are: the central industry bodies of public management and Sectoral committee on professional training (further – Sectoral committee).

9. The central industry bodies of public management are provided:


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