of February 10, 2005 No. PP-3
About additional measures for enhancement of activities of partnerships of private homeowners
Note that also the regulatory framework on reforming of municipal services, implementation of market mechanisms in system of operation and servicing of housing stock is in recent years created necessary legislative, contractual relations between homeowners and suppliers of utilities become stronger.
At the same time process of formation of condominiums and their activities are performed formally, is actually assigned to accidental people, the provision on operation and content of apartment housing stock is extremely unsatisfactory, low is payment discipline of consumers for the rendered utilities.
For the purpose of further enhancement of activities of condominiums, strengthening of their interaction with authorities on places and with the serving operational and repair organizations:
1. Accept offers of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent on creation of Associations of partnerships of private homeowners (further - TChSZh Associations) in the cities - the regional centers, districts of Tashkent, and also in the cities with population more than 60 thousand people having apartment houses.
Determine that partnerships of private homeowners are part of founders of the created TChSZh Associations (further - TChSZh), repair and recovery, emergency services of utilities, and also other contract organizations which are engaged in management, servicing and repair of apartment houses in the corresponding territories.
2. Determine the main objectives of TChSZh Associations:
ensuring interaction of TChSZh with public authorities on places in questions of content of apartment houses and the house adjoining territories in proper technical and sanitary condition, preparation and functioning of housing stock in autumn-winter conditions;
enhancement of relations of TChSZh with the serving, emergency and repair and service companies for questions of maintenance of technical condition of housing stock, capital and running repair of housing, and also carrying out emergency recovery operations;
assistance to creation of the full-fledged market infrastructure serving requirements of TChSZh material resources and high-quality housing and communal services;
rendering assistance in protection of legitimate rights and interests of TChSZh;
organization of preparation and retraining of personnel and heads of partnerships of private homeowners.
To information analysis department concerning the municipal sphere, transport, capital construction, building industry of the Cabinet of Ministers, to the Uzkommunkhizmat Agency, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan to develop in a month and in accordance with the established procedure to approve the Standard Charter of city and district Associations of condominium.
3. Approve:
standard organizational structure and structure of management personnel of Association of partnerships of private homeowners of the city, area according to appendices No. No. 1 and 2;
Regulations on procedure for state registration and registration of partnerships of private homeowners according to appendix No. 3.
Determine that participants of general meeting of members of TChSZh Association are heads of partnerships of the private homeowners entering into Association, representatives of repair and recovery and emergency services, the organizations rendering services in management, servicing and repair of housing and public service.
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