Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of October 22, 2014 No. 882

About approval of the Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Apele Moldovei Agency, structure and its extreme number of staff

(as amended on 17-04-2024)

Based on part provisions (1) article 15 of the Law No. 98 of May 4, 2012 on the central branch public management (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, Art. No. 160-164, 537) and parts (2) article 9 of the Law on water No. 272 of December 23, 2011. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, No. 86, the Art. 264), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve:

Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Apele Moldovei Agency according to appendix No. 1;

Structure of the Apele Moldovei Agency according to appendix No. 2;

The list of the state companies in which the Apele Moldovei Agency acts as the founder, according to appendix No. 3;

The list of joint-stock companies, packet of the state shares in which the Apele Moldovei Agency, according to appendix No. 4 manages.

2. Establish the extreme number of staff of the Apele Moldovei Agency in number of 21 units, including one unit of support personnel, with the annual salary fund, according to assignments of the government budget.

3. In Item 2 of the Order of the Government No. 401 of April 3, 2003. "About some aspects of hydrometeorological activities in the Republic of Moldova" (Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2003, Art. No. 67-69, 423), with subsequent changes, to replace figures "365" with figures "353".

4. Recognize invalid some orders of the Government, according to appendix No. 5.

Prime Minister

Iurie Leanca


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Affairs


Andrian Kandu

minister of the environment

Valentina Tsapish

Minister of Finance

Anatol Arapu

Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 22, 2014 No. 882

Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Apele Moldovei Agency

I. General provisions

1. The regulations on the organization and functioning of the Apele Moldovei Agency (further – the Provision) establish legal status of the Apele Moldovei Agency (further – the Agency), mission, the main functions, the main powers, common laws and responsibility, and also the organization of its activities.

2. The agency is administrative authority of water resources management and lands of water fund in subordination of the Ministry of the environment.

3. The agency is legal entity of the public law, has seal with the State Emblem of the Republic of Moldova, the treasurer account, cash and appliances. The financial activities of the Agency are provided at the expense of the funds allocated from the government budget and also at the expense of special means.

4. The agency performs the activities according to provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Law on water No. 272 of December 23, 2011, the laws and resolutions of Parliament, presidential decrees of the Republic of Moldova, ordinances, resolutions and orders of the Government, international treaties which party is the Republic of Moldova, orders and orders of the minister of the environment, and also requirements of this provision.

II. Mission, main functions, main powers and common laws of the Agency

5. The mission of the Agency consists in realization of state policy in the field of water resources management, water supply and the sewerage.

6. For accomplishment of the mission the Agency has the following main functions:

1) participates in development and implementation of plans of management of water resources according to the principle of the hydrographic pool;

2) provides protection of the population and farmlands against floods;

3) is conducted by the State water inventory;

4) provides content and operation of water supply systems and the sewerage, protective shaft from floods, state-owned property by means of the state companies in which the Agency is founder;

5) is coordinated by activities for preparation, enhancement and assessment of professional achievements of personnel in the field of the activities.

7. For the purpose of accomplishment of the main Agency functions performs directly or by means of the state companies in which is founder, the following primary obligations:

1) manages lands of water fund, superficial water objects, hydrotechnical designs, state-owned property, on the basis of the Dniester hydrographic basin and the Danube and Prutian and Black Sea hydrographic basins which are in limits of the territory of the Republic of Moldova;

2) contains superficial water objects, the water protection zones and strips, inclusive strengthens coast of the rivers, provides handling capacity of the bed of the rivers in emergency situations, deletes excessive vegetation from the bed of the rivers, supports waters in navigable condition, deletes waste from water surface and lands of water fund;

3) participates in development and deployment of risk management plans of floods;

4) participates in development and deployment of management plans drought for each certain hydrographic pool or podbasseyn;

Identifies 5), classifies and differentiates superficial water objects;

Collects 6) and systematically analyzes information on the state of affairs in the managed industry, keeps the Magazine of primary accounting of water fund with provision of this information in higher bodies;

7) keeps the state statistical recording of water use, accounting of water fund, is responsible for development and the edition of the State water inventory, creates databank in industry;

8) coordinates water intake limits for issue of nature protection permission to special water use;

9) is provided by implementation of modern scientific and technological achievements in the field of water resources management, water supply and the sewerage;

10) is provided by accomplishment and carries out monitoring of works on construction, content, reconstruction and demolition of water management objects, subjects to water supply and the sewerage;


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