Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 3, 2004 No. 710-II

About the protected natural territories

(as amended on 29-06-2022)

I. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of the organization, protection and use of the protected natural territories.

Article 2. Main objectives of this Law

The main objectives of this Law are preserving typical, unique, valuable natural objects and complexes, genetic fund of plants and animals, prevention of negative impact of activities of the person on the nature, studying of natural processes, conducting monitoring of the surrounding environment, enhancement of ecological education and education.

Article 3. The legislation on the protected natural territories

The legislation on the protected natural territories consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

The relations in the field of the organization, protection and use of the protected natural territories in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are regulated also by the legislation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about the protected natural territories then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 4. The protected natural territories

The protected natural territories are the land areas and (or) water space (water area) having priority ecological, scientific, cultural, esthetic, recreational and sanitary and improving value, fully or partially, constantly or which are temporarily withdrawn from economic operation.

For the purpose of preserving, reproduction and recovery of natural objects and complexes in the protected natural territories the mode of protection and use is set (further - the mode).

The protected natural territories constitute the single ecological system intended for ensuring biological, landscape diversity and maintenance of ecological equilibrium.

Article 5. Categories of the protected natural territories

The protected natural territories depending on their purpose and the mode are subdivided into the following categories:

national parks;

complex (landscape) wildlife areas;

natural parks;

state nature sanctuaries;

the territories for preserving, reproduction and recovery of separate natural objects and complexes;

the protected landscapes;

the territories for management of separate natural resources.

Creation of the state biospheric wildlife reserves, national parks, the interstate protected natural territories and other protected natural territories can be provided by the legislation.

Article 6. The property right to the protected natural territories

The protected natural territories are property of the state and are protected by it.

The parcels of land and other natural objects can be provided in lease to legal entities and physical persons for formation of private wildlife areas and natural nurseries.

Article 7. The parcels of land and sites of the water area of the protected natural territories

The parcels of land of the protected natural territories belong to lands of nature protection, improving and recreational appointment.

On the parcels of land and sites of the water area of the protected natural territories any activities contradicting their purpose are forbidden.

For restriction or prohibition of the activities rendering or able to exert negative impact on condition of the protected natural territories, encumbrances of the parcels of land are established.

Under the organization of the protected natural territories the losses of legal entities and physical persons caused by restriction or the termination of their activities are compensated according to the legislation.

In case of allocation of land of agricultural purpose and forest fund for formation of the protected natural territories of loss of agricultural and forestry and landscape production are not compensated.


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