of November 4, 2014 No. 74
About approval of Rules of holding sporting events
According to the subitem 27) of article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 3, 2014 "About physical culture and sport" I ORDER:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of holding sporting events.
2. To committee on cases of sport and physical culture of the Ministry of Culture and sport (Kanagatov E. B.) in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) to provide this order on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) after state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide official publication of this order in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let.
3. Declare invalid the order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for sport and physical culture of December 25, 2012 No. 446 "About approval of Rules of competitions in sports" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 8286, No. 256 published in the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper of August 21, 2013 (27530).
4. To impose control of execution of this order on vice-the Minister for Culture and Sports Esentayev T. K.
5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
A. Mukhamediula
Approved by the Order of the Minister for Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 4, 2014 No. 74
1. These rules of holding sporting events (further - Rules) determine procedure for holding sporting events.
2. In these rules the following concepts are used:
1) the sports organization - the legal entity performing activities in the field of physical culture and sport as core activity;
2) the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the republican sports competition which is carried out with the assistance of athletes (teams) in it more than a half of areas, cities of republican value, the capital;
3) complex sports competitions - competitions on several sports among athletes or teams, with distribution of places among athletes and leading of all-team competition among teams;
4) regional, city, district competitions - the competitions included in calendar of sports and mass actions of the relevant local executive bodies for physical culture and sport;
5) educational training camp - the centralized action organized for the purpose of increase in sports skill and quality of educational and training process of athletes;
6) official international sports competitions - the international sports competitions included in calendar of sports and mass actions of the international federations for sports;
7) republican sports competitions - the competitions included in calendar of sports and mass actions of authorized body;
8) sports competition - the competition among athletes or teams by the form (types) of sport for the purpose of identification of the best competitor held by the provision (regulations) approved by his organizer;
9) sports discipline - the part of sport having distinctive signs and including one or several types (programs) of sports competitions;
10) sporting event - sports competition, educational training camp to participation of athletes, trainers and specialists in the field of physical culture and sport;
11) the organizer of sporting event - the legal entity performing the organization and holding sporting event in compliance and the requirements established by these rules and other regulatory legal acts;
12) the international sports competitions - competitions by the form sport among athletes (teams) in whom foreign athletes (teams) take part.
3. Sports competitions share on:
personal - following the results of which the places taken by certain athletes are determined (on sex, age, sports qualification);
personal and command - following the results of which, in addition to personal result of the athlete, the places taken by teams are determined;
command - following the results of which only the places taken by teams are determined;
selection, qualification (licensed) - following the results of which sports national teams are formed, and the admission of athletes and teams to the following stage of sports competitions is made.
4. Treat participants of sports competitions:
heads and representatives of teams or groups of athletes;
heads of the sports organizations;
in the cases provided in provision (regulations) of sports competition other specialists necessary for servicing of sports competition.
5. The numerical list of the athletes, trainers, judges and other specialists participating in the international competitions affirms authorized body based on provision (regulations) of sports competition.
6. For rendering the practical help to athletes and receipts of necessary information on the level of their qualification and perspectives of further development of skill of athletes, delegations are included specialists in the field of sports medicine.
Upon the demand of the International Olympic Committee (further - the IOC) the structure of delegation on the sports competitions held by the IOC or under its patronage joins representatives of National Olympic Committee including sports judges of the international category.
7. The following Sections contain provision (regulations) of sports competitions:
1) name of sports competition;
2) purposes and tasks;
3) place and time of holding sports competition;
4) system of holding sports competition;
5) the participating organizations;
6) numerical list of athletes, trainers, judges and other participants;
7) floor and year of birth of athletes;
8) system of assessment of results;
9) medical and sanitary providing;
10) anti-doping providing;
11) quantitative structure of judiciary board;
12) procedure and submission due date of applications for participation in sports competition;
13) conditions of acceptance of participants and judges;
14) procedure for rewarding of champions and prize-winners of sports competition;
15) procedure for giving of protests and their consideration;
16) day of arrival and day of departure of participants of sports competitions and judges.
8. Changes or additions, but at least in 14 (fourteen) calendar days prior to the sports competition can be made to provision (regulations) of sports competition.
9. The international and republican sports competitions are held on the sports recognized by authorized body.
10. The international sports competitions in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are held according to the decision of the international sports organizations and authorized body in the field of physical culture and sport.
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