of November 17, 2014 No. 971
About approval of the Regulations on administration of the tariff contingents when importing/commodity export to the Republic Moldova / from the Republic of Moldova and about recognition voided some orders of the Government
For the purpose of implementation of the Agreement on association between the Republic of Moldova, on the one hand, both the European Union and European Atomic Energy Community and their state members, on the other hand, signed in Brussels on June 27, 2014 and ratified by the Law No. 112 of July 2, 2014. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2014, Art. No. 185-199, 442), and also for regulation of import/commodity export in prefential treatment the Government DECIDES:
1. Approve Regulations on administration of the tariff contingents when importing/commodity export to the Republic Moldova / from the Republic of Moldova according to appendix No. 1.
2. Equip Customs Service with function on management of the tariff contingents when importing/commodity export to the Republic Moldova / from the Republic of Moldova.
3. To impose control of procedure for accomplishment of this resolution on the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Finance.
4. Declare invalid some orders of the Government according to appendix No. 2.
Prime Minister |
Iurie Leanca |
Countersign: deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Affairs |
Andrian Kandu |
Minister of Finance |
Anatol Arapu |
Minister of Agriculture and food industry |
Vasile Bumakov |
Appendix №1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 17, 2014 No. 971
1. This Provision determines procedure for functioning of management system by the tariff contingents applied when importing/commodity export from states members / to member states of the European Union.
2. In this Provision the stated below terms have the following value:
the tariff quota – goods amount, in quantitative or value term which can be issued in free circulation on the underestimated customs duties or with release from them;
availability of quota – time frame within which the goods which are object of the tariff quota can be issued in free circulation on the underestimated customs duties or with release from them;
request about provision – the statement for application of decrease in customs duties or release from them within the tariff quota which consists in registration of the customs declaration in the Integrated information customs system (further - IITS) "Asycuda World" filled properly and accepted by customs authority.
3. The management system the tariff quotas is based on provisions of Article 6 of Regulations (SE) No. 55/2008 of Council of January 21, 2008 about introduction of trade autonomous preferences for the Republic of Moldova and about change of Regulations (SE) No. 980/2005 and the Decision 2005/924/EU Commissions (further – Regulations (SE) No. 55/2008), the Agreement on association between the Republic of Moldova, on the one hand, by both the European Union and European Atomic Energy Community and their state members, from other party (further – the Agreement on association), Article 32 of the Customs code of the Republic of Moldova No. 1149-XIV of July 20, 2000 and article 27 of the Law No. 1380-XIII of November 20, 1997 on customs tariff.
4. The Customs Service administers system of the tariff contingents by means of IITS "Asycuda World".
5. The Customs Service provides the publication and updating of data on the current balance of the tariff contingents on the web page to the address www.customs.gov.md.
6. This Chapter is applied when exporting to the European Union of the goods specified in appendices to the Agreement on association.
7. Customs authorities are certified and issue certificates of movement of goods of EUR.1, according to provisions of the Agreement on association, for goods which correspond to the rules of origin established according to the Protocol II to the Agreement on association – Determination of the concept "goods origin" and methods of administrative cooperation.
8. For the economic agents from left bank of Dniester having permanent or temporary registration in the Agency of the state services of the Republic of Moldova, the Customs Service assures and issues the preferential certificates of origin EUR.1 in case of commodity export to the European Union according to provisions of Regulations (SE) No. 55/2008 for goods which correspond to the rules of origin established according to Regulations (SEE) No. 2454/1993 of the Commission of July 2, 1993 about establishment of certain dispositions about enforcement of Regulations (SEE) No. 2913/92 of Council about creation of the Customs code of Community.
9. The Customs Service issues authorizations on commodity export within the tariff contingents with carrying out without fail documentary customs control on the basis of risk analysis and physical control. The system of administration of the tariff contingents is based on the principle "by the first came – is serviced by the first", according to registration of the customs declaration in IITS "Asycuda World".
10. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 22.06.2016 No. 785
11. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 22.06.2016 No. 785
12. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 22.06.2016 No. 785
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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2024 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of February 28, 2023 No. 92