of October 7, 2014 No. 820
About approval of the Concept of the Automated information system "Register of warehouse certificates on grain"
According to provisions of article 22 of the Law No. 467-XV of November 21, 2003 on informatization and the state information resources (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 6-12, 44), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve the Concept of the Automated information system "The register of warehouse certificates on grain" (is attached).
2. Assign the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment as the owner of the Automated information system "The register of warehouse certificates on grain" which will provide its development, functioning, development and administration.
3. Creation and implementation of the Automated information system "The register of warehouse certificates on grain" will be performed for the account and within the assignments of the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment approved by the government budget for these purposes.
Prime Minister |
Iurie Leanca |
Countersign: Minister of Agriculture and food industry |
Vasile Bumakov |
Minister of Finance |
Anatol Arapu |
minister of information technologies and communications |
Paweê Phillip |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 7, 2014 No. 820
The purpose of the Concept of the Automated information system "The register of warehouse certificates on grain" (further – the Concept) – creation of the mechanism which promotes safe and stable functioning of the market of storage and sale of grain.
This Concept establishes general requirements to the Automated information system "The register of warehouse certificates on grain" (further – AIS RSSZ), the purposes of its creation, basic functions, the description of anticipated data in AIS RSSZ and information systems by means of which these data will be processed. Besides, the suppliers of information and participants selected for information exchange are specified.
1. The register of warehouse certificates on grain (further – RSSZ) represents set of the systematized data on grain warehouses, depositors of grain and warehouse certificates on grain, and also the documents issued by keepers of grain to the depositor in exchange for the accepted grain. Creation of information resource about storage of grain with issue of warehouse certificates on grain (further – SSZ) is provided to AIS RSSZ.
2. RSSZ is source of official information as a part of the state agricultural information resources and, in particular, represents part of the Economic Resources segment.
3. AIS RSSZ is intended for creation of the RSSZ information resource, information representation according to the procedure, established by the law, to bodies of public management (To the government, the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment) and to supervisory authorities in the respective area (The national agency on safety of foodstuff, intervention and payments Agency in the field of agricultural industry), and also to physical persons and legal entities according to the procedure, the established regulations on the register and the current legislation.
4. RSSZ is the single official source of information on the business entities authorized on implementation of activities for grain storage.
5. In this Concept the following terms and determinations are used:
grain - the seeds of grain cereals, leguminous and oil-bearing crops used for the food, fodder and technical purposes;
grain conversion products - flour, grain, raw materials for production of compound feeds, the mixes containing grain components, cake and meal, compound feeds or other by-products of conversion of grain;
grain conditioning - cleaning, drying, aeration, disinfecting and other engineering procedures of reduction of quality of grain in compliance with requirements of regulations;
grain batch - amount of grain, homogeneous on quality, intended to simultaneous acceptance, shipment or storage, drawn up by one quality certificate;
grain market infrastructure - complex of the subjects performing the productive and non-productive activity connected with production, procurement, conversion and sale of grain, insurance, rendering financial and credit and other services in the grain market;
the keeper of grain - the legal entity of private law rendering services with issue of warehouse certificates on grain;
the depositor - physical person or legal entity, being the owner of certain amount of the grain transferred for warehousing to the keeper of grain;
the warehouse certificate on grain - the document issued by the keeper of grain to the depositor instead of the grain received from it, certifying the property right to grain and consisting of the receipt on warehousing and receipts on pledge of the warehoused grain;
the holder of the warehouse certificate on grain - any physical person or legal entity which as the owner of the warehouse certificate on grain has the right to demand from the keeper of grain of return on the first demand of the grain specified in the warehouse certificate instead of this certificate;
the holder of the receipt on warehousing - any physical person or legal entity, being the owner of the receipt on warehousing separated the receipt on pledge of the warehoused grain, and having the rights certified by the receipt on warehousing;
the holder of the receipt on pledge of the warehoused grain - any physical person or legal entity which is the pawnbroker of the warehoused grain on demand, certified by the receipt on pledge of the warehoused grain separated the receipt on warehousing;
the endorsement - the endorsement on the warehouse certificate on grain confirming concession to other person of the rights to possession of this document;
grain warehouse - land construction or complex of the land constructions (including grain elevator or other adjacent constructions and technical constructions) located on one site, which are in property of the keeper of grain or managed by it and used especially for grain storage;
grain warehousing - activities for provision of services, performed by grain warehouse, including transactions on acceptance, conditioning, storage and return of grain;
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