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The document ceased to be valid since  March 25, 2018 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 22, 2018 No. 68


of October 27, 2014 No. 59

About approval of Rules of determination of limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives

(as amended of the Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 23.08.2017 No. 310)

According to Article 65-1 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2008 PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of determination of limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives.

2. (Hismatulin V. R.) to provide to department of the budget policy of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order its direction on official publication in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its first official publication.



Approved by the Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 27, 2014 No. 59

Rules of determination of limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives

1. Basic provisions

1. These rules of determination of limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives (further - Rules) are developed according to Article 65-1 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2008.

2. Rules determine procedure for determination of limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives the central authorized body by budgetary planning and local authorized bodies on state planning.

3. Limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives are determined for forming of the budget requests by administrators of the budget programs.

4. Within the finished limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs and limits on new initiatives the administrator of the budget programs independently distributes expenses according to the budget programs (subprogrammes) taking into account priorities of the activities, implementation of the state and government programs.

The administrator of the budget programs independently determines first-priority priority of expenses.

The expenses which are not considered within limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives can be included in the budget statement on condition of change of the macroeconomic scenario and the forecast of the income towards improvement of indicators at the second stage and (or) variations of separate expenses by the central authorized body on budgetary planning or local authorized bodies on state planning during preparation of the conclusion on the relevant budget commission.

2. Determination of limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives

5. Limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives are determined by the central authorized body by budgetary planning and local authorized bodies on state planning respectively, except for limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives of administrators of the budget programs financed from budgets of the cities of district value, villages, settlements, rural districts which are determined by local authorized bodies by state planning of areas (the cities of regional value) according to Article 65-1 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives are determined on the basis of forecast indicators of social and economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan or area, the cities of republican value, the capital, republican and local budgets, the priority directions of expenditure of budgetary funds, the extent of deficit of the relevant budget for planning period.

6. Limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives are determined for the planning three-year period annually on the sliding basis for each administrator of the budget programs with breakdown by years when forming the budget statement.

Limits for second and third of planning period can change in case of determination of limits for the next three-year period taking into account change of the forecast of social and economic development.

In case of change of the macroeconomic forecast and the forecast for growth of economy towards reduction, the amount of limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs and limits on new initiatives shall not exceed the approved expense plan the current financial year more, than on the predicted growth of nominal Gross domestic product (further - GDP) or the Gross regional product (further - VRP) for the corresponding year.

When refining the budget limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives are not led up administrators of the budget programs.

7. In case of determination of limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits on new initiatives are considered:

1) the approved forecast of social and economic development for the corresponding period;

2) the approved (specified) amount of expenses of administrators of the budget programs the current financial year;

3) the approved amount of expenses of administrators of the budget programs for the corresponding financial year;

4) results of execution of the budget programs previous and current financial years;

5) results of assessment of realization of budget investments;

6) the conclusions and recommendations of Calculating committee on control of execution of the republican budget to the performance report of the republican budget (audit committee of area, the city of republican value, the capital to the performance report of the local budget);

7) actions of the state and government programs.

On the administrators of the budget programs who are not developing the state and government programs strategic plans, other strategic and program documents are considered.

8. In case of determination of limits of expenses of administrators of the budget programs, limits the following expenses of the budget which are not subject to redistribution by administrators of the budget programs on other expenses are separately allocated for new initiatives as a part of limits:

1) expenses on projects which implementation is provided at the expense of target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan;


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