of December 4, 2014 No. 540
About approval of Rules of budget implementation and its cash servicing
According to Item 8 of Article 82 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and with the subitem 2) Item 3 of article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the state statistics" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of budget implementation and its cash servicing (further - Rules).
2. To department of methodology of the budget procedures of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ernazarova Z. A.) provide:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. This order becomes effective from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, except for paragraph 4 of Chapter 4 of Rules which becomes effective since January 1, 2015.
Minister of Finance
B. Sultanov
It is approved Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan December 4, 2014 |
E.Dosayev |
It is approved Chairman of the board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan December 4, 2014 |
K. Kelimbetov |
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 4, 2014 No. 540
1. These rules of budget implementation and its cash servicing (further – Rules) are developed according to Item 8 of Article 82 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the subitem 2) of Item 3 of article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the state statistics" and determine procedure for execution republican and local budgets, their cash servicing, operations procedure of public institutions and authorized state bodies by accomplishment of complex of actions for ensuring receipts in the budget, to implementation of the budget programs, and also deficit financing (surplus use) of the budget.
2. The following types of funding plans are developed for budget implementation:
public institution - individual funding plan of public institution according to obligations (further - the individual plan for obligations) and individual funding plan of public institution on payments (further - the individual plan for payments);
the administrator of the budget programs - funding plan according to obligations and funding plan on payments (further - funding plans of the administrator of the budget programs);
authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district - the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations.
Individual funding plans, funding plans of administrators of the budget programs, the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations are developed according to the law on the republican budget and decisions of maslikhats on local budgets for the next financial year, the orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local executive bodies, the decision of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district about realization republican and local budgets for the next financial year, development plans for state bodies, the budget programs, the budget request of administrators of the budget programs, Single budget classification of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – EBK RK), the Reference book of the public institutions financed from republican and local budgets (further – the Reference book of public institutions), and according to the procedure, established by these rules.
Individual funding plans are created in thousands of tenges by numbers with fractional remaining balance, with one sign after comma, funding plans of administrators of the budget programs, the consolidating plan of receipts in the budget, the consolidating plan of receipts and financing for payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations are created in thousands of tenges, integers without fractional remaining balance.
3. In the course of budget implementation the individual funding plan is the main document of public institution which is created in shape: the individual plan for obligations, the individual plan for payments according to functional and economic classification of expenses by forms according to appendices 1 - 6 to these rules.
4. The individual plan for obligations determines monthly amounts of obligations assumed by public institution in terms of money within annual amounts of the budgetary funds intended for implementation of actions of the budget programs (subprogrammes).
5. The individual plan for payments determines monthly amounts of budgetary funds, within annual amounts of the budgetary funds necessary for public institution for implementation of payments on account of accomplishment of undertaken obligations.
6. Projects of individual funding plans according to obligations and payments are developed by public institutions on functional and economic classifications of expenses based on the following requirements:
payment of the expenses under the budget programs (subprogrammes) provided in the budget request of administrators of the budget programs approved by the budget commission and finished taking into account the decisions made in case of approval or refining of the budget (further - the budget request);
regulatory legal acts, the budget programs (subprogrammes) adopted for the purpose of realization;
other regulatory legal acts;
ensuring timely acceptance and accomplishment of obligations;
dynamics of execution of individual funding plans according to obligations and payments in the previous financial years;
taking into account structure of specifics of economic classification of expenses.
Distribution on months of the annual amounts of individual funding plan according to obligations by specifics of economic classification shall correspond to terms of adoption of obligations, terms of holding competitive procedures for public procurements, seasonality of work, terms of acceptance of regulatory legal acts in implementation of the budget programs (subprogrammes).
Distribution on months of the annual amounts of the individual plan for payments shall correspond to terms of implementation of payments on the received goods (works, services), according to terms of implementation of actions within the corresponding financial year according to each budget program (subprogramme) and to consider expected payment due dates of advance payments.
7. The administrators of the budget programs realizing the budget programs directed to increase in the authorized capital of legal entities for the purpose of implementation of new investment projects and accomplishment of the tasks provided by program documents constitute individual funding plans according to obligations and payments according to the development plan for state body or the budget program (subprogramme).
8. Projects of individual funding plans are signed by the chief of staff of the central executive body (the official to whom powers of the chief of staff of the central executive body), and in cases of absence of those - the head of public institution or person it the representative, the head of the structural unit of the public institution responsible for their creation are in accordance with the established procedure assigned, and in the absence of the last - persons to whom the relevant orders assign fulfillment of duties, and are certified by print of official stamp of public institution, the calculations and reasons for monthly breakdown of projects of individual funding plans signed by the above-stated persons together with projects of individual funding plans are transferred to administrators of the budget programs at the scheduled time for their approval and plan development of financing of administrators of the budget programs.
9. The public institution provides correctness, reliability of designing of individual funding plans and timely provision to their corresponding administrator of the budget programs.
10. Funding plans according to obligations and payments of administrators of the budget programs are created according to functional and economic classification of expenses by forms, according to appendices 7-10 to these rules, by the code of individual funding plans according to obligations and payments.
The annual amounts of funding plans of the administrator of the budget programs for the budget programs correspond to the amounts approved by the law on the republican budget for the next financial year approved by the decision of maslikhat on the local budget for the next financial year.
The annual amounts of funding plan according to obligations, funding plan on payments of administrators of the budget programs correspond:
at the level of the budget programs - expense amount according to the budget program approved (specified, corrected) the budget;
at the level of the budget subprogrammes - expense amount according to the budget subprogramme of the approved (reapproved) budget program.
11. The administrator of the budget programs within five working days after adoption of the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive body about implementation of the law on the republican budget or the decision of maslikhat on the local budget for the next financial year provides in authorized body on budget implementation, offices of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district with breakdown on months, with reasons for monthly breakdown of plans:
projects of funding plans of the administrator of the budget programs according to functional classification of expenses of the budget at the level of the budget programs;
projects of individual funding plans.
Projects of funding plans of the administrator of the budget programs for target transfers to subordinate budgets, and also on budget credits are provided by administrators of the budget programs to authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district as in general according to the budget program (subprogramme), and by subordinate budgets. The copies of projects of funding plans of each subordinate budget signed by the akim of area, city of republican value, the capital, area (city of regional value), the cities of district value, the village, the settlement, the rural district or the head of authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget are attached to projects of funding plans according to these budget programs (subprogrammes).
Projects of funding plans of the administrator of the budget programs are provided by the administrator of the budget programs on paper and magnetic (electronic) carriers in the format established by authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district, projects of individual funding plans - only on magnetic (electronic) carriers.
The administrator of the budget program provides reliability, correctness of registration and timeliness of provision of projects of funding plans of the administrator of the budget programs and individual funding plans in authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district.
12. The authorized body on budget implementation drafts for creation of the draft of the plan of receipts the order on approval of the annual amounts of the forecast of receipts for the income, repayments of budget credits, from sale of financial assets of the state and loans, and also the order on approval of annual amount of receipts in the budget, sent to National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan by specifics (further - the order). Distribution on specifics of the annual amounts of the forecast of receipts of revenues of the budget, is performed proceeding from specific weight of the actual (expected) receipts of the current financial year from the total amount of the income and dynamics of actual receipts for row of years.
When calculating specific weight and income behavior in the actual (expected) receipts receipts of unplanned (one-time) nature are excluded.
In case of distribution of the annual amounts of the forecast for specifics rates and the due dates for tax payment and other obligatory payments are considered, it agrees to tax and customs legislations.
In case of development of the order, the authorized body on budget implementation, in case of need, requests from authorized bodies of tax and other revenues, responsible for collection, in the budget the offer on the forecast amounts of receipts of the income by specifics.
13. Based on the law on the republican budget and decisions of maslikhats on local budgets for the next financial year, within five working days after their acceptance, the authorized body on budget implementation performs the forecast of the annual amounts of revenues to the next financial year and the annual amounts of receipts in the budget sent to National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and go to the authorized bodies responsible for collection of tax and other obligatory revenues in the budget, non-tax receipts, sales proceeds of fixed capital, transfers, repayment sums of budget credits, from sale of financial assets of the state, loans, for creation of the draft of the plan of receipts by the corresponding codes of budget classification.
14. The plan of receipts in the budgets and annual amounts of receipts in the budget sent to National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved on specifics shall correspond to the amounts of receipts of the relevant budget and amounts of receipts of the budget sent to National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the categories, classes and subclasses of receipts approved by the Law on the republican budget for the next financial year or the decision of maslikhat on the local budget for the next financial year, and by specifics to the order of authorized body on budget implementation.
The authorized bodies responsible for collection of tax, non-tax revenues, sales proceeds of fixed capital, transfers, repayment sums of budget credits, from sale of financial assets of the state, loans, provide in authorized body on budget implementation the drafts of plans of receipts constituted according to classification of receipts of the budget of EBK RK with monthly breakdown in forms according to appendices 11-13 to these rules.
These projects are provided within 2 working days after adoption of the order of authorized body on budget implementation.
14-1. Return to National fund of part of the attracted guaranteed transfer to the republican budget is performed in cases:
within financial year - within excess of the expected receipt of the income over planned;
following the results of year - in case of overfulfillment of revenues of the republican budget at the expense of remaining balance of budgetary funds for the beginning of year, no later than March 1 of the current financial year, by adjustment of the relevant budget.
In case of excess of the expected receipt of the income over planned, the central authorized body on budget implementation makes the decision on the amount of return to National RK fund of part of the attracted guaranteed transfer with the subsequent modification in corresponding legislative and bylaws, and in the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments. After determination of the amount of return the central authorized body on budget implementation prepares the conclusion.
Return to National RK fund of part of the attracted guaranteed transfer into the tengovy account of the Government in NB RK is made by authorized body on budget implementation based on the payment order of body of state revenues.
15. Plans of receipts of the budget withdrawals are created by authorized body on execution of the higher budget according to the law on the republican budget or the decision of maslikhat on the local budget for the next financial year and based on calculations using the amount of monthly transfers of the budget withdrawals of subordinate budgets and monthly forecast amounts of the income of subordinate budgets according to the procedure, determined by paragraph 10 of Chapter 4 of these rules.
Distribution on months of receipts of the income, repayments of budget credits, sales proceeds of financial assets and loans is made by authorized body on budget implementation, proceeding from fixed terms of payment of payments in the budget according to legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dynamics of receipts in the budget in previous years, the analysis of dynamics of profitability of government securities and level of demand and the offer in the security market, conditions of the signed credit agreements, loan agreements, agreements on grants.
Drafts of plans for remunerations on the budget credits issued from the higher budget to subordinate budgets on repayment of the budget credits issued from the higher budget to subordinate budgets, authorized body on budget implementation are constituted as in general by code of the called receipts, and by subordinate budgets.
16. The consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations are constituted based on the draft of the consolidating plan of receipts in the budget, projects of funding plans according to obligations and payments of administrators of the budget programs, in forms, according to appendices 14 - 20 to these rules.
The consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments consists of the consolidating plan of receipts constituted on categories, classes, subclasses and specifics of classification of receipts of the budget, and consolidating plan of the financing for payments constituted on functional groups, administrators of the budget programs and the budget programs of functional classification of expenses of the budget. The consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments is constituted in form, according to appendix 20 to these rules.
At the same time, the annual amounts of the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations, the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments correspond to the amounts of receipts and expenses approved (specified, corrected) the budget.
17. The central authorized body on budget implementation according to Item 1 of Article 85 of the Budget code constitutes and approves the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations within ten working days after adoption of the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan about implementation of the law on the republican budget.
The local authorized body on budget implementation of area, city of republican value, the capital according to Item 1 of Article 85 of the Budget code constitutes and approves the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations within eight working days after adoption of the resolution of the akim of area, the city of republican value, the capital about implementation of the decision regional, the cities of republican value, the capital, maslikhat about the local budget.
The local authorized body on execution district (the cities of regional value) the budget according to Item 1 of Article 85 of the Budget code constitutes and approves the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations within five working days after adoption of the resolution of the akim of the area (the city of regional value) on implementation of the decision of district maslikhat on the local budget.
The office of the akim (local authorized body on budget implementation) constitutes the cities of district value, the village, the settlement, the rural district according to Item 1 of Article 85 of the Budget code and approves the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations within five working days after decision making of the akim of the city of district value, the village, the settlement, the rural district about implementation of the decision of district maslikhat on the local budget.
18. The consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations are constituted by the code of projects of funding plans according to obligations and payments of administrators of the budget programs adopted by authorized body on budget implementation for inclusion in the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations, and taking into account the following conditions:
1) the annual amounts of the budget programs in consolidating plans of financing for obligations and payments shall correspond to the adopted law on the republican budget, and the annual amounts according to local budget programs shall correspond to the decision of maslikhat on the local budget for the next financial year;
2) total sums of expenses of individual funding plans according to obligations and payments shall correspond to the amounts of the budget programs in consolidating plans of financing for obligations and payments;
3) the amounts of the transfers and the credits transferred from the higher budget to the subordinate budget are considered in consolidating plans of financing of the higher budget in the same amounts and in the same months, as in the consolidating plan of receipts and financings on payments of the subordinate budget;
4) the amounts of transfers, return of the credits transferred from the subordinate budget to the higher budget and payment amounts are considered by the subordinate budget of remunerations for the credits obtained from the higher budget in consolidating plans of financing of the subordinate budget in the same amounts and in the same months, as well as in the consolidating plan on receipts of the higher budget;
5) preserving ratio between funding plans according to obligations and funding plans on payments in case of which the amount of plans for payments from the beginning of year does not exceed the amount of plans for obligations for the same period of financial year.
The consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments shall be balanced that means non-admission of excess of expenses over receipts on months with the accruing result since the beginning of year.
19. Originally created and approved consolidating plans remain until the end of financial year in the form of the copy of the electronic database, modification of which is not allowed.
20. The authorized body on execution of budgets of areas, cities of republican value, the capital within 3 working days after approval of the order of the Government about implementation of the law on the republican budget for the next financial year is transferred to the central executive body administering the budget programs connected with transfer of transfers and budget credits to subordinate budgets, distribution on months of the amounts of transfers and budget credits provided by it.
21. The authorized body on execution district (the cities of regional value) the budget within three working days after approval of the regional budget transfers to the local executive body administering the budget programs connected with allocation of target transfers and budget credits to subordinate budgets, distribution on months of the amounts of the target transfers and budget credits transferred from the regional budget district (the cities of regional value) to budgets.
The office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district within three working days after approval district (the cities of regional value) budgets transfer to the local executive body administering the budget programs connected with allocation of target transfers and budget credits to subordinate budgets, distribution on months of the amounts of the target transfers and budget credits transferred from district (the cities of regional value) of the budget, city budgets of district value, the village, settlement, rural district.
22. Approved as the head of the central authorized body on budget implementation or person authorized by it the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations under the republican budget are signed by the division manager, responsible for their creation, and assured them by seal. According to local budgets - the head of the relevant local authorized body on budget implementation or person authorized by it are signed by the division manager, responsible for their creation, and are assured them by seal. On city budgets of district value, the village, settlement, rural district - affirms the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district, it is signed by the division manager, responsible for their creation, and assured them by seal.
In case of absence of the head of the central authorized body on budget implementation or persons authorized by it and local authorized body on budget implementation the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations affirms persons fulfilling their duties assigned by the relevant order.
23. The authorized body on execution of the higher budget within 2 working days after approval of the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations brings to authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget distribution on months of the amounts of the budget withdrawals, remunerations on the credits and return of the credits issued from the higher budget to the subordinate budget to administrators of the budget programs the breakdown approved by consolidating plans of financing on months of the annual amounts of financing of the budget programs for obligations and payments.
Administrators of the budget programs of the higher budget within 2 working days after approval of funding plans according to obligations and payments bring to authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget and to the central authorized body on budget implementation by regions - receivers distribution on months of the amounts of target transfers and credits from the higher budget.
24. After approval of the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations the central authorized body on budget implementation within 2 working days sends to the state bodies providing control of execution of tax and other obligatory payments in the budget, the breakdown approved by the consolidating plan of financing on months of the plan of receipts of the income in the republican budget.
25. The administrator of the budget programs within 2 working days after receipt of the breakdown approved by consolidating plans of financing on months of the annual amounts of financing of the budget programs for obligations and payments approves funding plans of administrators of the budget programs and individual funding plans according to obligations and payments. Individual funding plans are provided by the administrator of the budget programs at the same time for all subordinated public institutions:
under the republican budget in territorial subdivision of treasury for the location the electronic images in forms according to appendices 3 and 6 to these rules attached to the register in form according to appendix 22 to these rules, signed by the electronic and digital signature (further - the EDS) the head of the administrator of the budget programs and the head of the structural unit of the administrator of the budget programs responsible for creation of individual funding plan;
on the state bodies performing intelligence and counterintelligence activities, ensuring safety of protected persons and objects and also on the public institutions in the field of defense entering the list of the data which are subject to classification in territorial subdivision of treasury on the location on paper and magnetic carriers according to appendices 2 and 5 to these rules with the register in duplicate in form according to appendix 21 to these rules;
according to the local budget - in local authorized body on budget implementation on paper and magnetic carriers;
on city budgets of district value, the village, settlement, rural district - in the office of the akim of the corresponding administrative territorial unit.
Funding plans of administrators of the budget programs and individual funding plans affirm the chief of staff of the central executive body (the official to whom powers of the chief of staff of the central executive body are in accordance with the established procedure assigned), and as cases of absence of those - the head of the administrator of the budget programs.
In case of absence of the head of the administrator of the budget programs or person, it the representative, the chief of staff of the central executive body (the official to whom powers of the chief of staff of the central executive body are in accordance with the established procedure assigned), funding plans of administrators of the budget programs and individual funding plans affirm persons fulfilling their duties according to the order.
The local authorized body on budget implementation within 5 working days after representation by the administrator of the budget program of the approved individual funding plans for all public institutions makes check on compliance of total amount of all individual funding plans according to obligations and payments to the amount of the consolidating plan of receipts and financings on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to each EBK RK budget program and on months and represents to territorial subdivision of treasury electronic images of the consolidating plan of financing in forms according to appendices 15, 17 and 19, electronic image of the approved plan according to appendix 23 to these rules and the individual funding plans in forms according to appendices 3 and 6 to these rules attached to the register in form according to appendix 22 to these rules signed EDSs of the head of authorized body on budget implementation and the head of the structural unit of authorized body on budget implementation, responsible for creation of consolidating plans.
The local authorized body on budget implementation provides compliance of the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to the local budget to total sum of expenses of all individual funding plans of public institutions, and also their timely submission to territorial subdivision of treasury.
Territorial subdivisions of treasury on the location of administrators of republican budget programs within 5 working days after representation by administrators of republican budget programs of individual funding plans for all public institutions make check on compliance to the EBK RK codes, the total amount of all individual funding plans according to obligations and payments to the amount of the consolidating plan of receipts and financings on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to each EBK RK program, on months, and enter (load) into the Integrated information system of treasury (further - IISK).
Territorial subdivisions of treasury within 5 working days after representation by local authorized bodies on budget implementation of individual funding plans on all public institutions make check on compliance to the EBK RK codes, the total amount of all individual funding plans according to obligations and payments to the amount of the consolidating plan of receipts and financings on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to each EBK RK budget program, on months, compliance of consolidating plans of financing of subordinate budgets to consolidating plans of financing of the higher budget, consolidating plans of financing of the city of republican value and the capital to consolidating plans of the republican budget for target transfers and the credits in subordinate budgets or from subordinate budgets in higher budgets, in case of transfer of function of state bodies and enter (load) into IISK.
In case of acceptance on execution executives in charge of territorial subdivisions of treasury perform verification of the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations and individual funding plans according to obligations and payments according to the local budget on compliance to decisions of maslikhats on local budgets for the next financial year, to resolutions of local executive bodies on implementation of local budgets for the next financial year.
In case of failure to carry out of the established requirements by territorial subdivisions of treasury individual funding plans deviate on IS "Treasury — the Client" (further - IS "Treasury client"), to the state bodies performing intelligence and counterintelligence activities, ensuring safety of protected persons and objects and also on the public institutions in the field of defense entering the list of the data which are subject to classification - return, for correction with indication of the reason with reference to the corresponding Items of these rules.
26. After approval of the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations, the authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget within 3 working days provides to authorized body on execution of the higher budget the approved monthly breakdown of the plan of receipts of the income (to the level of specifics) in the relevant budgets.
27. The central authorized body on budget implementation from local authorized bodies on budget implementation brings the received consolidating plans of receipts of the income (to the level of specifics) in 2 (two) working days prior to the state body performing management in the sphere of ensuring receipts of taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget.
28. In the cases established in Items 3 by Article 74 and 75 of the Budget code authorized body on budget implementation the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations on the first quarter of the next financial year is constituted in volume of the one fourth part of the forecast republican and local budgets for the next financial year according to the procedure and the terms established by Items 2-27 of these rules.
29. Modification and amendments in the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations, the consolidating plan of receipts in the budget, funding plans for obligations and payments of administrators of the budget programs, individual funding plans is made in the cases determined by the Budget code, and also in case of distribution of the distributed budget programs, in case of the factors requiring adjustment of monthly receipts and expenses republican and local budgets and adjustment of the amounts between subprogrammes in one budget program and specifics of economic classification of expenses in funding plans of administrators of the budget programs and individual funding plans.
Modification and amendments in the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations is performed by the certificates of modification of the consolidating plan of receipts, the consolidating plan of financing on payments and the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations created by authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district based on the budget programs received from administrators of change orders of funding plans according to obligations and payments with the enclosed calculations and reasons for changes and based on the received applications from the state bodies exercising control of execution of tax, customs and other obligatory payments in the budget for change of plans of receipts of the income with the enclosed calculations and reasons for changes. At the same time change orders of plans of receipts of the income are submitted the next working day after the 25th, current month.
Modification and amendments in individual funding plans is performed by the certificates of modification and amendments in individual funding plans constituted according to EBK RK created by administrators of the budget programs based on the change orders of individual funding plans received from public institutions for obligations and payments (further - the request of public institution) with the enclosed calculations and reasons for changes.
The amounts of changes in requests and references are specified in thousands of tenges, numbers with fractional remaining balance, no more than one sign after comma. Requests and references are constituted in forms, according to appendices 24 - 40 to these rules.
30. Public institutions can make changes to individual funding plans according to obligations and payments according to economic classification of expenses of the budget in case of the factors requiring reduction (increase) of the amounts on specifics of economic classification of expenses within the approved annual amounts of funding plans according to the appropriate budget program (subprogramme) by forming of the request of public institution and the direction it for approval to the administrator of the budget programs.
31. Modification of individual funding plans according to obligations and payments of public institutions is allowed no more once a month, and last month of the current financial year – no more than two times no later than the twentieth of current month, except as specified modification of consolidating plans of financing, funding plans of the higher budget for the transferred target transfers and the credits, on social payments (pensions and benefits), execution of executive documents, modification of EBK RK, distributions of the distributed budget programs, and also the budget programs for servicing and repayment of public debt and modification of funding plans for obligations and payments, the individual funding plans concerning specifics of economic classification of expenses.
32. Administrators of the budget programs independently make changes to funding plans according to obligations and payments, the individual funding plans concerning specifics of economic classification of expenses and subprogrammes of the budget programs which do not mention annual and monthly amounts of expenses according to the budget program.
For modification of individual funding plans the administrator of the budget programs creates references in forms according to appendices 34 and 36 to these rules.
For modification of individual funding plans the state bodies performing intelligence and counterintelligence activities, ensuring safety of protected persons and objects, entering the list of the data which are subject to classification create the reference in triplicate in forms according to appendices 33 and 35 to these rules.
The amounts of changes in references are specified in thousands of tenges, numbers with fractional remaining balance, no more than one sign after comma.
33. On the basis of requests of public institutions the administrator of the budget programs creates the reference on change of funding plans of the administrator of the budget programs for payments and obligations and certificates of modification of individual funding plans of public institutions (further - the certificate of modification of individual funding plan). Before forming of certificates of modification of individual funding plans, and considerations of the request of public institution the administrator of the budget programs, addresses to territorial subdivision of treasury on the location with the letter on need of implementation of blocking of the corresponding expenses the Territorial subdivision of treasury stops registration of obligations and carrying out payments of public institution according to programs, subprogrammes, specifics on which change of plan assignments, before completion of the procedures on modification of funding plans is planned.
The territorial subdivision of treasury provides forms 4-20 "The summary report on expenses" according to appendix 41 to these rules to the state bodies performing intelligence and counterintelligence activities, ensuring safety of protected persons and objects and also the public institutions in the field of defense entering the list of the data which are subject to classification.
In case of suspension of transactions by the corresponding codes of budget classification of expenses the administrator of the budget programs notifies the subordinated public institutions on the planned modification of individual funding plans. At the same time public institutions perform operations by changeable codes of budget classification of expenses after completion of the procedures on modification of individual funding plans.
The request of public institution is created taking into account the following:
transfer of the amounts of specifics from current month the forthcoming months and vice versa is forbidden;
observance of compliance between the amounts of plan assignments and the made cash expenses;
preserving ratio between funding plans according to obligations and funding plans on payments in case of which the amount of plans for payments from the beginning of year does not exceed the amount of plans for obligations for the same period of financial year;
the accepted, but not paid obligations;
availability of collection orders;
reduction of the planned amounts on specifics of economic classification of expenses is made on the amount of plan assignments less undertaken obligations;
increase (reduction) in the planned amounts on one specifics of economic classification of expenses of the budget is performed within the annual amounts according to the budget program (subprogramme) due to reduction (increase) of the planned amounts on other specifics, within total sum of month according to the budget program (subprogramme) provided by funding plan;
funds redistribution between the budget subprogrammes within one budget program is made within the annual amounts according to the budget program;
the basis for redistribution of budgetary funds between the budget subprogrammes of the budget development programs financed by means of government external loans and grants within annual amount of budgetary funds according to the budget development program is the approved order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan about modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan about implementation of the law on the republican budget.
The request of public institution is signed by the head or person it the representative, the head of the structural unit of the public institution responsible for their creation, and in the absence of the last - persons to whom the relevant orders assign fulfillment of duties, and transferred to the corresponding administrator of the budget programs with calculations to changes and their reasons no later than the 10th of current month.
34. The administrator of the budget programs checks reasons on the offered changes and observance of the conditions and terms established by Items 32-33 of these rules.
In case of not observance of the conditions provided by these rules, the administrator of the budget programs rejects requests of subordinated public institutions.
35. In case of observance of the conditions provided by these rules, the administrator of the budget programs approves certificates of modification of individual funding plans.
The administrator of republican budget programs approves certificates of modification of individual funding plans of the state bodies performing intelligence and counterintelligence activities, ensuring safety of protected persons and objects, and also public institutions in the field of defense, entering the list of the data which are subject to classification, in triplicate, one of which sends to public institution, the second - to territorial subdivision of treasury on the location with the register in duplicate, in form according to appendix 21 to these rules, and third retains.
The administrator of republican budget programs sends to territorial subdivision of treasury on the location the approved electronic images of certificates of modification of individual funding plans according to appendices 34 and 36 to these rules with the register in form according to appendix 22 to these rules.
The administrator of local budget programs sends the approved electronic images of certificates of modification of individual funding plans according to appendices 34 and 36 to these rules with the register in form according to appendix 22 to these rules which are signed by the EDS of the head of the administrator of the budget programs and the head of the structural unit of the administrator of the budget programs responsible for creation of individual funding plan to territorial subdivision of treasury.
Certificates of modification of individual funding plans by administrators of the budget programs in territorial subdivision of treasury are provided on information system "Treasury client", and for the state bodies performing intelligence and counterintelligence activities, ensuring safety of protected persons and objects, and also public institutions in the field of defense, entering the list of the data which are subject to classification, on paper in the following procedure:
the certificate of modification of the individual funding plans concerning changes in consolidating plans of financing are provided no later than two working days from the date of approval of the certificate of modification of consolidating plans of financing;
certificates of modification of the individual funding plans which are not concerning changes in consolidating plans of financing are provided no more once a month, no later than the twentieth of current month, and last month of the current financial year - no more than two times no later than the twentieth of current month.
After loading of treasury by territorial subdivision in IISK of certificates of modification of the individual funding plans which are not concerning changes in consolidating plans of financing on IS "Treasury client" the notification on confirmation of loading goes to IISK of these references to the administrator of local budget programs, and also the relevant local authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district for carrying out the budget monitoring by the last.
In case of acceptance on execution of references on modification of the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations and individual funding plans according to obligations and payments executives in charge of territorial subdivision of treasury perform check of codes of references on compliance to the EBK RK codes, compliance of funding plans of subordinate budgets to funding plans of the higher budget for the target transfers and the credits transferred from the higher budget or to the higher budget.
35-1. For the purpose of control of compliance of funding plans of subordinate budgets to funding plans of the higher budget for target transfers and credits, the budget subventions allocated from the republican budget, administrators of the budget programs of the higher budget within two working days after their approval provide in the central authorized body on budget implementation of the reference on modification of plans of receipts and financing on payments and in funding plans according to obligations, and also the individual funding plans on payments and obligations containing the specified data by regions – receivers.
36. In case of insufficiency of plan assignments because of adoption of obligations or carrying out cash expenses by public institution during the period after approval by the administrator of the budget programs of the certificate of modification of individual funding plans, discrepancy of EBK RK, incorrect distribution of plan assignments, non-compliance with terms of provision of references on modification of funding plans by the administrator of the budget programs and in case of discrepancy to requirements of Item 29 of these rules, the territorial subdivision of treasury returns without execution (on IS "Treasury client" reject with indication of the reason):
1) references on modification of individual funding plans according to obligations and payments - the administrator of the budget program;
2) references on modification of the consolidating plan of receipts, the consolidating plan of financing on payments and the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations - to local authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district.
In the absence of the regulatory legal act specified in paragraph ten of part three of Item 33 of these rules, the territorial subdivision of treasury returns to the administrator of the budget program the certificate of modification of individual funding plans without execution with indication of the reason with reference to the corresponding Items of these rules (on IS "Treasury — the Client" deviate with indication of the reason with reference to the corresponding Items of these rules).
The register and electronic images of plans/references which arrived on IS "Treasury client" which are drawn up not according to requirements of these rules and user's guides are subject to variation territorial subdivision of treasury with indication of reason for rejection.
In case of return (variation) of references on modification of funding plans according to obligations and payments the administrator of the budget programs within one working day from the moment of return (variation) represents the modified references taking into account notes of territorial subdivision of treasury.
Territorial subdivisions of treasury after submission by administrators of the budget programs of certificates of modification of individual funding plans according to these rules and the user's guide perform check and loading within 5 (five) working days.
37. In case of need modification of monthly amounts of expenses according to the budget program by the administrator of the budget programs with observance of conditions of Item 30 of these rules creates the change order of funding plans according to obligations and payments of the administrator of the budget programs (further - the request of the administrator of the budget programs) which goes it to authorized body on the budget implementation / office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district with the corresponding reasons for the made changes.
When forming the request by the administrator of the budget programs the conditions stated in Item 33 of these rules are complied.
38. The request of the administrator of the budget programs for modification of monthly amounts of expenses according to the budget programs is created by the administrator of the budget programs according to requests of public institutions, within the amounts, provided according to the budget program (subprogramme).
The change order of funding plans of administrators of the budget programs for payments and obligations on the transfers obtained from the higher budget and the credits is provided to the corresponding administrator of the budget programs of the higher budget by authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget based on which the administrator of the budget programs of the higher budget provides according to the procedure, established by this Chapter, the request to authorized body on execution of the higher budget.
39. The change order of funding plans of current month is provided by administrators of the budget programs in authorized body for budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district in the following procedure with appendix of reasons for the offered changes:
the administrators of republican budget programs who do not have territorial subdivisions and subordinated public institutions provide to the fifth of current month;
the administrators of republican budget programs having territorial subdivisions and subordinated public institutions provide to the fifteenth of current month;
administrators of local budget programs till the fifteenth of current month, in case of modification of monthly amounts of expenses according to the budget programs realized at the expense of means of the target transfers and budget credits obtained from the higher budget it is represented till the fifth of current month.
40. The change order of consolidating plans of financing by administrators of the budget programs is provided no more once a month, except as specified modification of consolidating plans of financing of the budget programs for the transferred target transfers and the credits, on social payments (to the government address public assistance, pensions and benefits, payments through the portal of social services, social support of persons with disability), on servicing and repayment of public debt, execution of executive documents, the distributed budget programs, and also during the refining and adjustment of the budget and in case of cash deficit of the relevant budget.
The request of the administrator of the budget programs for change of consolidating plans of financing for the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive body, according to the decision of the relevant budget commission, and also on assignment according to the distributed budget programs, on servicing and repayment of public debt or for execution of executive documents is accepted during current month, and last month - in three working days prior to the termination of the current financial year.
Provision in the central authorized body on budget implementation or local authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district of the change order of plans of current month for obligations and payments with postponement for the forthcoming months, except for the plans connected with the distributed budget programs, servicing and repayment of public debt is not allowed in case of cash deficit of the relevant budget, force majeur circumstances, legal proceedings, reduction of the amount of advance payment, remaining balance of the underused means which developed at the expense of exchange difference, the change in price and natural amount of consumption, economy on current costs in connection with availability of vacant positions, provision of leaves without content and payment for leaves of temporary disability, economy following the results of the carried-out public procurements, and also with reduction of the actual number of receivers of budgetary funds which is rather planned change of rate of remuneration on the credits, loans, change of the schedule of business trips in connection with postponement of departure or holding actions.
Provision in the central or local authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district of the request for reduction of plans for payments of the forthcoming months by increase in plans current and the last months to rather reduced months is allowed, at the same time these changes do not affect last accounting period. In case of negative balance on the control account of cash of the relevant budget or formation of the current cash deficit transfer of plans for payments of the forthcoming months on current month and months previous rather reduced is not allowed.
Provision in the central or local authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district of the request for reduction of plans for obligations of the forthcoming months by increase in plans of current month is allowed, at the same time these changes shall not affect last accounting period.
In case of the positive decision of the relevant budget commission on reduction of annual plan assignments of the budget programs, the administrator of the budget programs introduces in authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district the request for modification of funding plans according to obligations and payments on transfer of the reduced amounts with current or the next months for December of the current year.
The administrator of the budget programs provides in authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district the request for modification of funding plans on paper and magnetic (electronic) carriers.
The request of the administrator of the budget programs for change of funding plans is signed by the chief of staff of the central executive body (the official to whom powers of the chief of staff of the central executive body), and in cases of absence of those - the head of the administrator of the budget programs and the head of the structural unit of the administrator of the budget programs responsible for financing scheduling are in accordance with the established procedure assigned, and in the period of their absence - faces to which execution of their obligations is assigned by the relevant orders, and it is certified by seal of the administrator of the budget programs.
41. For modification of consolidating plans of financing according to obligations and payments the authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, the settlement, the rural district considers requests of administrators of the budget programs and in case of their approval creates certificates of modification of consolidating plans of financing on payments and obligations.
Forming of the reference is made taking into account conditions, stipulated in Item 33 these rules, and also taking into account the following conditions:
preserving balance of the consolidating plan of receipts and the consolidating plan of financing on payments according to Item 18 of these rules;
change of amounts of receipt and repayment in the Section of the consolidating plan "Deficit financing (surplus use) of the budget" can be performed only on condition of preserving the approved (specified) amount of financing of deficit (surplus use) of the budget.
42. Requests of administrators of the budget programs, authorized bodies on execution of subordinate budgets, offices of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district are considered by authorized body on execution of the higher budget within three working days from the date of their receipt.
The authorized body on budget implementation checks reasons on the offered changes and observance of the conditions established by Items 33-40 of these rules.
If the amounts of the request of administrators of the budget programs lead to excess of expenses on payments over receipts in the budget for the adjusted period since the beginning of the current financial year, and also at the same time other conditions determined by Items 33-40 of these rules are violated, then the authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district rejects requests of administrators of the budget programs.
In case of request variation the administrator of the budget programs within one working day submits the modified request taking into account notes of authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, the settlement, the rural district.
43. The authorized body on budget implementation and the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district within one working day after approval of the certificate of modification of consolidating plans of financing brings it to the corresponding administrator of the budget programs on paper.
44. The administrator of the budget programs based on received from the central authorized body on budget implementation or local authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, the settlement, the rural district of the certificate of modification of consolidating plans of financing on payments and obligations makes changes to funding plans of the administrator of the budget programs on the same day and approves certificates of modification of individual funding plans.
45. Modification and amendments in the approved consolidating plan of receipts for the last months (for the taken place accounting period) is not allowed, except for the changes necessary in implementation of the changed legal acts and in the cases of adjustment of the budget provided by the Budget code.
46. The central authorized body on budget implementation based on the approved certificates of modification of the consolidating plan of receipts sends to the state bodies exercising control for receipts of tax and other obligatory payments in the budget, the plan of receipts of the income of the republican budget.
47. Modification of the consolidating plan of receipts of the budget of tax and other obligatory revenues of the budget, non-tax receipts, sales proceeds of fixed capital, transfers, repayment sums of budget credits, from sale of financial assets of the state, loans is performed by authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district according to requests of the bodies having with it relations according to the called list of receipts, based on changes in credit agreements, agreements of loans, agreements on debt restructuring and based on change of the sales plan of financial assets of the state according to the procedure, established by Item 29 of these rules.
Change of the annual amounts of the forecast of revenues to the next financial year is allowed only when refining the budget for the next financial year.
Modification of the consolidating plan of receipts and plans of receipts of the higher budget, remunerations on the budget credits issued from the higher budget to subordinate budgets, repayment sums of the budget credits issued from the higher budget to subordinate budgets is made by authorized body on execution of the higher budget for requests of authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget and the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district based on overfulfillment of plans of the income of subordinate budgets, changes of conditions of credit agreements and for the purpose of preserving the identical monthly amounts of receipts of the higher budget and the amounts of the corresponding expenses of subordinate budgets.
48. In case of variation of the change order of plans of receipts of the income, repayments of the credits, sales proceeds of financial assets of the state, repayment of loans, the authorized body on budget implementation informs state body, authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district which provided the request on refusal in change of plans with reasons for causes of failure.
49. The certificate of modification of consolidating plans of financing on payments and obligations on the transfers obtained from the higher budget and the credits is created by authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district in established by this Chapter of Rules according to the procedure of and based on the reference of authorized body on execution of the higher budget provided by the administrator of the appropriate budget programs of the higher budget according to appendices 37 - 40 to these rules.
The administrator of the budget programs of the higher budget provides to authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district of the certificate of modification of summary and individual funding plans on the transfers obtained from the higher budget and the credits within three working days after their approval.
The certificate of modification of the consolidating plan of financing of the subordinate budget for the expenses connected with transfer by subordinate budgets of transfers in higher budgets, debt servicing and its repayment is created by authorized body on execution of the subordinate budget, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district according to the procedure, established by this Chapter of Rules and based on the certificate of modification of the consolidating plan of receipts of the higher budget provided by authorized body of the higher budget.
50. The local authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district at the same time one copy of the certificate of modification of consolidating plans of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to the local budget represents within two working days after their approval to territorial subdivision of treasury electronic images of certificates of modification of consolidating plans of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to the local budget according to appendices 26, 38 and 40 to these rules are attached to the register in form according to appendix 22 to these rules and EDSs of the head of authorized body on the budget implementation / office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, the settlement are signed, the rural district and the head of the structural unit of authorized body on the budget implementation / office of the akim of the city of the district value, the village, the settlement, the rural district responsible for creation of consolidating plans.
In case of refining of the budget electronic images of certificates of modification of consolidating plans according to appendices 26, 38 and 40 and electronic image of the specified plan according to appendix 42 to these rules, attached to the register according to appendix 22 to these rules are represented to territorial subdivision of treasury.
51. The local authorized body on budget implementation of area, city of republican value, the capital provides in the central authorized body on budget implementation the specified consolidating plan of receipts of the income on the area, the city of republican value, the capital in the form of the electronic database - in time no later than the 15th following for reporting. The central authorized body on budget implementation sends to the state body providing control of execution of tax and other obligatory payments in the budget the specified plan of receipts of the income of local budgets.
52. When refining republican and local budgets by means of introduction of amendments and amendments to the law on the republican budget or the decision of maslikhat on the local budget public institutions individual funding plans, administrators of the budget programs - funding plans of the administrator of the budget programs, authorized body on budget implementation specify, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district - the consolidating plan of receipts in the budget, the consolidating plan of receipts and financing for payments, the consolidating plan of financing for obligations by modification of them according to the procedure, established by Items 29-66 and the paragraph nine Item 25 of these rules.
Administrators of the budget programs within five working days from the date of adoption of the orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive body about modification and amendments in the orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive body about implementation of the law on the republican budget or decisions of maslikhat on the local budget provide in authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district of the change order of funding plans according to the budget programs according to which the annual planned amounts changed.
According to additional budget programs administrators of the budget programs provide in authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district projects of funding plans of the budget programs for obligations and payments according to Items 2-12 of these rules.
In case of refining of the budget, the order of authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, the settlement, the rural district about modification and amendments in the order on approval of the annual amounts of the forecast of receipts according to classification of receipts of the budget for the next financial year affirms within five working days from the date of adoption of law on modification and amendments in the law on the republican budget for the next financial year or decisions of maslikhat on modification and amendments in the decision of maslikhat on the local budget for the next financial year.
53. Before refining of the budget by means of introduction of amendments and amendments to the law on the republican budget and the decision of maslikhat on the local budget for the next financial year, all current changes of the amounts of receipts and expenses brought in consolidating plans based on adjustment of budgets, and also change in their monthly distribution (further - adjustment of the budget), are performed on the duplicated copy of electronic base of the approved budget.
As a result of the corrections made to the duplicated copy of electronic base of the approved budget the corrected budget is created.
54. The consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations created according to the law or the decision of maslikhat on modification and amendments in the law on the republican budget or the decision of maslikhat on the local budget for the next financial year considering also the adjustment of the budget made before its refining except the adjustment connected with distribution of the distributed budget programs correspond to the specified budget for the current financial year.
Forming of consolidating plans under the specified budget is performed on electronic base of the corrected budget by means of input of references on modification of the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations on the specified budget indicators, except for the adjustments connected with distribution of the distributed budget programs.
55. In case of decision making about distribution between various administrators of the budget programs of means of the budget program, the approved in budget for one administrator of the budget programs according to subitem 2) Item 2 and the subitem 3) of Item 3 of Article 111 of the Budget code the authorized body on budget implementation reflects these changes in the corrected budget by modification and amendments of the consolidating plan of receipts and financing for payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations based on certificates of the modification of the consolidating plan of the receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations created by authorized body on budget implementation, according to the procedure, established by paragraph 4 of Chapter 2 of these rules.
56. Administrators of republican budget programs based on the carried-out budget monitoring are not more often than once a quarter to the 25th day of the first month of quarter, in the fourth quarter - no later than October 1 of the current financial year in the cases provided by subitem 3-1) of Item 2 of Article 111 of the Budget code make offers on funds redistribution between the budget development programs of one administrator of the republican budget program uniform in the content in the central authorized body on budgetary planning:
1) of no more than five percent from amount of expenses of the budget program the current financial year without change of expense structure of the budget without consideration on the Republican budget commission.
The central authorized body on budgetary planning within 10 working days considers offers with the list of investment projects of the budget development programs of administrators of republican budget programs and in case of compliance of the offered changes, prepares for the requirements established by these rules the administrator of the republican budget program the draft of the resolution on modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan about adjustment of the republican budget in accordance with the established procedure.
Based on the adopted regulatory legal act and the request of the administrator of republican budget programs the authorized body on budget implementation makes changes to the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to the procedure, determined by paragraph 4 of Chapter 4 of these rules.
2) in amount from five to ten percent from amount of expenses of the budget program the current financial year without change of expense structure of the budget.
The central authorized body on budgetary planning within 10 working days considers proposals of administrators of republican budget programs and submits in accordance with the established procedure for consideration of the Republican budget commission the list of investment projects of the budget development programs with the offer on their redistribution in the current financial year by administrators of republican budget programs.
Based on the positive decision of the Republican budget commission the administrator of the republican budget program prepares the draft of the resolution on modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan about adjustment of the republican budget in accordance with the established procedure.
Based on the adopted regulatory legal act and the request of the administrator of republican budget programs the authorized body on budget implementation makes changes to the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to the procedure, determined by paragraph 4 of Chapter 2 of these rules.
56-1. The central authorized body on budgetary planning based on the budget monitoring which is carried out by the central authorized body on budget implementation following the results of quarter no later than the 25th day of the first month of quarter of the following behind reporting quarter, within the current financial year the cases provided by subitem 3-2) of Item 2 of Article 111 of the Budget code by adjustment of the budget performs funds redistribution between the budget programs of administrators of republican budget programs of no more than ten percent from amount of expenses of the budget program the current financial year for the approved (specified) budget, except for the budget programs (subprogrammes) financed by target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan in case of not development of budgetary funds and (or) inefficient execution of the budget programs within the current financial year without change of expense structure of the budget with obligatory consideration on the Republican budget commission.
The central authorized body on budgetary planning based on results of the budget monitoring on not development of budgetary funds and (or) the conclusions of bodies of the state audit and financial control about inefficient execution of the budget programs within the current financial year according to government proposal of the Republic of Kazakhstan submits in accordance with the established procedure for consideration of the Republican budget commission the list of the budget programs of administrators of republican budget programs with the offer on their redistribution in the current financial year between administrators of republican budget programs.
Based on the positive decision of the Republican budget commission the draft of the resolution on modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan about adjustment of the republican budget in accordance with the established procedure prepares.
Based on the adopted regulatory legal act and the request of the administrator of republican budget programs the authorized body on budget implementation makes changes to the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to the procedure, determined by paragraph 4 of Chapter 2 of these rules.
57. For financing of the expenses provided in subitems 4) 4-2) and 7) of item 4 of Article 104 of the Budget code at the expense of remaining balance of means for the beginning of financial year the authorized body on budget implementation by January 20 of the current financial year performs preparation of the following documents:
1) information on remaining balance of budgetary funds;
2) information by administrators of the budget programs about execution of funding plan for payments and obligations with indication of the reasons of incomplete accomplishment of actions for the expired financial year, the amounts accepted, but unpaid obligations according to the budget development programs by investment projects with realization term more than one year; to the current budget programs providing acquisition of assets and other goods with the term of production and delivery more than one financial year; to services with rendering term more than one financial year, except for the budget development programs realized at the expense of means of government external loans, grants and budget credits.
3) information on the unused funds raised from RK National fund in the republican budget in the form of target transfer;
4) information on unused means of the budget programs (subprogrammes) financed for the provision account on initiatives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
57-1. According to subitem 4-1) of item 4 of Article 104 of the Budget code administrators of the budget programs by January 20 of the current financial year provide in authorized body on budgetary planning of information on budget investments on which the deadline corresponds to the period of realization of budget investments according to the approved documentation specified in Items 1 and 2 of Article 157 and in Item 1-1 of Article 159 of the Budget code.
57-2. According to subitem 4-3) of item 4 of Article 104 of the Budget code administrators of the budget programs till November 20 of accounting financial year provide in authorized body on budgetary planning also authorized body on budget implementation information on execution of funding plan on payments and obligations with indication of the reasons of incomplete accomplishment of actions for the expired period, the amount of unaccepted obligations according to the budget programs assumed for further financing at the expense of remaining balance of means for the beginning of financial year.
58. Based on information provided according to Items 57, of 57-1 and 57-2 these rules, the central authorized body on budgetary planning or local authorized body on budgetary planning submit in accordance with the established procedure for consideration of the budget commission the list of the budget programs with the offer on financing them in the current financial year within the available amount of remaining balance of budgetary funds.
59. Based on the decision of the budget commission the central authorized body on budgetary planning or local authorized body on budgetary planning is developed by the draft of the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive body on increase in annual plan assignments of the appropriate budget programs at the expense of remaining balance of budgetary funds and bring it in accordance with the established procedure in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or akimat of the relevant local executive body.
In the draft of the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive body on increase in annual plan assignments of the appropriate budget programs at the expense of remaining balance of budgetary funds target transfers are specified development by investment projects.
60. In case of formation of economy of budgetary funds according to republican budget investment projects within one budget program (subprogramme), except for programs (subprogrammes) financed by means of loans, grants, target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, administrators of republican budget programs perform transfer of the amounts of economy between republican budget investment projects without consideration on the Republican budget commission by modification of the budget program.
In case of formation of economy of budgetary funds according to local budget investment projects within one budget program (subprogramme), except for programs (subprogrammes) financed by means of loans, grants, target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, administrators of local budget programs perform transfer of the amounts of economy between local budget investment projects, and also in coordination with administrators of republican budget programs between the local budget investment projects financed by target transfers on development from the higher budget and within one area without consideration on the relevant budget commission of area, city of republican value, the capital, area (city of regional value) by modification of the appropriate budget program.
Administrators of republican budget programs develop the draft of the resolution on modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan about implementation of the law on the republican budget and bring it in accordance with the established procedure in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The local authorized body on state planning develops the draft of the resolution of local executive bodies on implementation of decisions of maslikhats on local budgets and bring it in accordance with the established procedure in akimat of the relevant local executive body.
In case of formation of economy according to the budget investment projects realized at the expense of target transfers on development from the higher budget, transfer of the amounts between the budget investment projects is performed according to requirements of Item 300 of these rules.
Administrators of the budget programs redistribute the amount of the economy formed according to the current budget subprogramme on the budget subprogramme of development in one budget program for the decision of the administrator of the budget program by modification of the budget program without consideration on the relevant budget commission, except for funds redistributions on the new budget investment projects which are not provided by realization by the budget subprogramme of development and the expenses connected with rise in price of cost of the budget investment projects.
Public institutions redistribute means in one budget program (subprogramme), except for programs (subprogrammes) financed by means of loans, grants, target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, target transfers from the higher budget.
61. Administrators of republican budget programs on the basis of the carried-out budget monitoring of implementation of the local budget investment projects realized at the expense of target transfers on development from the republican budget redistribute funds in one budget program (subprogramme) for target transfers for development, except for programs (subprogrammes) financed by means of loans, grants, target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided in the approved (specified) republican budget for the current financial year between areas, the cities of republican value, the capital under the approved (specified) budget, in coordination with local executive bodies of the respective areas, cities of republican value, the capital according to the decision of the administrator of the republican budget program by modification of the budget program.
In case of compliance of the offered changes, to the requirements established by these rules, the administrator of the republican budget program prepares the draft of the resolution on modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan about adjustment of the republican budget in accordance with the established procedure.
Administrators of regional budget programs on the basis of the carried-out budget monitoring of implementation of the local budget investment projects realized at the expense of target transfers on development from the regional budget redistribute funds in one budget program (subprogramme) for target transfers for development, except for programs (subprogrammes) financed by means of loans, grants, target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided in the approved (specified) regional budget the current financial year between areas (the cities of regional value) under the approved (specified) budget, in coordination with local executive bodies of the respective areas, cities of regional value according to the decision of the administrator of the regional budget program by modification of the budget program.
Administrators of regional budget programs direct offers on funds redistribution with the list of local investment projects on target transfers to development in the relevant local authorized body in state planning.
The local authorized body on state planning within 10 working days considers proposals of administrators of local budget programs and in case of compliance of the offered changes, to the requirements established by these rules develops the draft of the resolution of local executive bodies on implementation of decisions of maslikhats on local budgets and brings it in accordance with the established procedure in akimat of the relevant local executive body.
Administrators of local budget programs on the basis of the carried-out budget monitoring redistribute funds in one budget program for target transfers for development between the local budget investment projects provided in the approved (specified) local budget the current financial year under the approved (specified) budget, on condition of preserving the planned indicators of straight lines and resulting effects in coordination with the higher administrator of the budget programs.
Reduction of the planned amount on the project is allowed to be performed in case of:
1) economy availability following the results of tenders of public procurements;
2) rejection or untimely adoption of obligations (not conclusion or the untimely conclusion of the contract with the service provider) which entailed lagging from the schedule of work;
3) failure to carry out of contractual commitments by the service provider during certain time (more than 1 month) with accountability of the service provider.
Increase in the planned amount on the project is allowed in the presence of the written guarantee of the service provider on adoption of additional obligations.
Administrators of local budget programs direct offers on funds redistribution with the list of local investment projects on target transfers to development in the relevant local authorized body in state planning.
The local authorized body on state planning within 10 working days considers proposals of administrators of local budget programs and in case of compliance of the offered changes, to the requirements established by these rules develops the draft of the resolution of local executive bodies on implementation of decisions of maslikhats on local budgets and brings it in accordance with the established procedure in akimat of the relevant local executive body.
Transfer of the amounts on target transfers on development is performed according to requirements of Item 299 of these rules.
61-1. In course of execution of the budget administrators of the budget programs without change of annual amount of expenses for the budget program on condition of preserving the planned indicators of resulting effects redistribute means:
between actions within one current budget program or one current budget subprogramme of the budget program independently without consideration on the relevant budget commission;
between the current budget subprogrammes within one budget program, except for the budget subprogrammes financed by means of loans, grants, target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, target transfers from the higher budget without consideration on the relevant budget commission;
between the budget investment projects within one budget development program or one budget subprogramme of development of the budget program, except for the subprogrammes financed by means of loans, grants, target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, target transfers and the credits from the higher budget without consideration on the budget commission;
between the budget subprogrammes of development within one budget program, except for the subprogrammes financed by means of loans, grants, target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and target transfers from the higher budget without consideration on the budget commission.
Administrators of the budget programs in case of modification of the budget programs for the initiative, within three working days send approved changes to the budget programs respectively in the central or local authorized body on budget implementation, the office of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district according to the procedure of the notification.
61-2. In course of execution of the budget administrators of republican budget programs without change of annual amount of expenses for the budget program on condition of preserving the planned indicators of resulting effects redistribute means:
between the current budget subprogrammes within one budget program financed by means of target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and means of the guaranteed transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan with obligatory consideration on the republican budget commission;
between the budget investment projects within one budget development program or one budget subprogramme of development of the budget program financed by means of target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and means of the guaranteed transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan with obligatory consideration on the republican budget commission;
between the budget subprogrammes of development within one budget program financed by means of target transfers from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and means of the guaranteed transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan with obligatory consideration on the republican budget commission.
62. The authorized body on budget implementation based on the regulatory legal acts listed in Items 59, of 60, of 61 these rules makes changes to the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to the procedure, determined by paragraph 4 of Chapter 2 of these rules.
63. Adjustment of the budget of subordinate level in case of assignment from reserve of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive body of area and the area (the city of regional value), and also according to the distributed budget programs, is performed without refining of the budget in maslikhat by introduction of amendments and amendments to the resolution of local executive body on implementation of the decision of maslikhat on the local budget with the subsequent modification and amendments in the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to the procedure established by Items 29-66 of these rules.
64. In case of allocation additional and (or) change of amounts of the allocated target transfers and budget credits from the higher budget within refining and adjustment of the republican budget adjustment of the budget of subordinate level by introduction of amendments and amendments to the resolution of local executive body, the decision of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district about implementation of the decision of maslikhat on the local budget with the subsequent modification and amendments in the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations according to the procedure established by paragraph 4 of Chapter 2 of these rules is performed.
65. Within financial year in cases of education, liquidation, reorganization, change of functions of the central state bodies, the executive bodies financed from the local budget, and public institutions subordinated to them, the central authorized body on budgetary planning based on regulatory legal acts, determining functions of again formed state bodies, legal successors of the liquidated and reorganized state bodies and public institutions subordinated to them makes changes and additions to Single budget classification of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The central authorized body on state planning or local authorized body on state planning is developed by drafts of resolutions on the adjustment of indicators of the approved (specified) budget connected with education, liquidation, reorganization, change of functions of state bodies, the executive bodies financed from the local budget, and public institutions subordinated to them and brings it respectively in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or akimat of the relevant local executive body.
Administrators of the budget programs within five working days from the date of adoption of the orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive body about modification and amendments in the orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive body, the decision of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district about implementation of the law on the republican budget or decisions of maslikhat on the local budget provide in authorized body on budget implementation, offices of the akim of the city of district value, the village, settlement, rural district of the change order of funding plans according to the budget programs according to which the annual planned amounts changed.
Territorial subdivisions of treasury stop account transactions of the reorganized (liquidated) public institutions according to the budget programs according to which the annual planned amounts, before the end of transfer of plan assignments and cash expenses changed.
The authorized body on budget implementation in the procedure established by paragraph 4 of Chapter 2 of these rules makes changes to the consolidating plan of receipts and financing on payments, the consolidating plan of financing according to obligations regarding transfer of plan assignments according to the transferred, divided budget programs, within total amounts of these budget programs approved by the law on the republican budget and decisions of maslikhats on local budgets for the next financial year.
Transfer of plan assignments and the made earlier cash expenses is performed by territorial subdivisions of treasury based on the letter of authorized body on budget implementation in the following cases:
1) educations, liquidations, reorganization, changes of functions and limits of the number of staff of the central state and local executive bodies and public institutions subordinated to them;
2) amendments republican and/or local budgets;
3) modification of Single budget classification of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) changes of the place of servicing of public institution in territorial subdivision of treasury;
5) modification of structure of specifics of economic classification of expenses regarding change of expense types;
6) decision makings about centralization/decentralization of financial accounting in public institutions subordinated to the administrator of the budget programs within the current financial year;
7) sequester.
Closing (cancellation) of orders (notifications) is made based on the letter of public institution with indication of the corresponding regulatory legal act, and also number, date, the amount and remaining balance of the amount of the notice of registration of the agreement. The re-registration of earlier undertaken obligations is performed according to requirements of paragraphs 1-6 of Chapter 6 of these rules.
In case of transfer of function of state bodies from the subordinate level of public administration in higher level, and also from the higher level of public administration in subordinate level transfer of the amounts of unused balances of plan assignments on target transfers is performed.
66. The administrator of republican budget programs before refining or adjustment of the republican budget from the date of the positive offer of the Republican budget commission on priority republican budget investments, including investment projects, and also on target transfers on development and to the credits, especially important and requiring operational realization tasks directed to realization, not passed planning stages (further - projects with the condition suspensive), represents to the central authorized body on budgetary planning the following documentation:
1) according to the budget investment projects:
the feasibility statement on the budget investment project approved in accordance with the established procedure, except for the projects which are not requiring development of the feasibility statement;
the positive economic conclusion on the investment offer of the state investment project on feasibility of further implementation of the budget investment project;
the positive conclusion of complex non-departmental examination according to the design estimates;
2) on the budget investments directed to increase in the authorized capital of legal entities with participation of the state:
the positive economic conclusion, on the investment offer of the state investment project on feasibility of realization of budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of legal entities prepared by the central or local authorized body on state planning;
the approved financial and economic reasons for the budget programs by the administrator, except for budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of the national holdings and national managing holding providing projects implementation in various industries of economy which cannot be carried to competence of one administrator of the budget programs according to which financial and economic reasons for budget investments affirm these national holdings and the national managing director of holding;
3) on budget credits:
the feasibility statement with appendix to it of the positive economic conclusion prepared by the central or local authorized body on state planning in case of the direction of budget credits on implementation of the budget investment projects and the state investment policy by the financial agencies.
Local executive bodies no later than refining or adjustment of the budget of the current financial year submit above-mentioned documents to the corresponding administrator of republican budget programs for the investment projects financed by funds of target transfers for development and the credits.
The central authorized body on budgetary planning considers documentation submitted by administrators of republican budget programs on observance of requirements of budget and other legislation.
In case of availability of all documentation, the central authorized body on budgetary planning sends to the central authorized body on budget implementation to two weeks and to administrators of republican budget programs the letter notification with the list of projects with the condition suspensive and specifying of the name of projects according to the approved documentation by administrators of republican budget programs according to which registration of agreements and carrying out payments are permitted.
The central authorized body on budget implementation within 3 working days sends to territorial subdivisions of treasury the copy of the letter notification on the list of projects with the condition suspensive on which registration of agreements and carrying out payments are permitted.
In cases of non-presentation of the corresponding documentation at the scheduled time budget investments are excluded from the republican budget during the refining or adjustment. At the same time the amounts provided on realization of the specified budget investments can be redistributed between other budget investments of the corresponding administrator of the budget programs.
67. Budget implementation is provided with completeness and timeliness of payment in the budget of all types of the budget receipts, their transfer into the Single treasurer account (further - EKS) and timely implementation of payments and the translations from EKS for the purpose of implementation of actions directed to goal achievement of the budget programs.
68. Budget implementation is performed on cash basis. Transactions on transfer of revenues to EKS and their write-off from EKS are considered in cash.
In IS "Treasury client" public institutions, administrators of the budget programs, authorized bodies, subjects of the quasi-public sector independently create reports on receipts and expenses.
69. Execution of budgets and their cash servicing of treasury by territorial subdivisions is performed as with representation of the quasi-public sector by the state organizations / subjects, administrators of the budget programs, authorized bodies of documents on paper and magnetic carriers, so by forming and sending electronic images of documents, report generation by means of IS "Treasury client".
70. Control accounts of cash (further - KSN) are intended for accounting of the transactions connected with transfer:
1) receipts in republican and local budgets and carrying out expenses from republican and local budgets;
2) money from realization of goods by public institutions (works, services) and carrying out expenses at the expense of them;
3) the receipts directed to National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their transfer to accounts of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - NB RK);
4) the receipts distributed according to the established standard rates between budgets of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union, and their transfer to the accounts opened in NB RK for state members of the Eurasian Economic Union;
5) and expenditure of money from philanthropic activities and (or) sponsor's activities, and (or) philanthropic activities, and (or) activities for support to the small homeland for the public institutions received by them according to legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6) the money transferred public institution according to legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan physical and (or) legal entities on the terms of their recoverability or transfer in case of approach of certain conditions in the relevant budget or to the third parties;
7) budget money and their use on carrying out extra charges;
8) the money provided for the corresponding financial year in the law on the republican budget or the decision of maslikhat on the local budget, for forming or increase in the authorized capital of subjects of the quasi-public sector and their use on implementation of investment projects or connected with accomplishment of the state task (further - the account of subjects of the quasi-public sector), except as specified increases in the authorized capital of the financial organizations, Fund of guaranteeing housing construction, and also when forming in the minimum size established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the authorized capital of subjects of the quasi-public sector;
9) and expenditure of money of government external loans or the connected grants, rekonvertiruyemy in national currency from the special account of the external loan or the connected grant opened in the central authorized body on budget implementation according to the international treaties on state loans ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan, or agreements on the connected grants (further - the account of rekonvertation of the external loan or the connected grant);
10) and use of the money transferred to prime contractors and subcontractors within treasurer maintenance (further - accounts of public procurements);
11) receipts of the money sent to Fund of compensation by the victim (the account of Fund) and carrying out payment of compensation, the stipulated by the legislation Republic of Kazakhstan about Fund of compensation by the victim;
12) budget money and their use on implementation of financial and (or) non-financial support of state programs (further - the account of operators of financial and (or) non-financial support);
13) and expenditure of money of the non-state loans provided with the state guarantee according to loan agreements under the state guarantee of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the account of the domestic currency loan guaranteed by the state);
14) and expenditure borrowers of the money intended for servicing and repayment of the non-state loans provided with the state guarantee of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to agreements on provision of the state guarantee (further - the account of servicing in national currency);
15) receipts of the money sent to Fund of support of infrastructure of education (further - the account of Fund of support of infrastructure of education), and their expenditure according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education" (further - the Education law);
16) receipts of money of Fund of support of infrastructure of education (further - the account of local executive body on support of infrastructure of education) and their expenditure according to the Education law;
17) receipts of the money sent to Special state fund (further - the account of Special state fund) and their expenditure according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About return to the state of illegally acquired assets" (further - the Law on return of assets);
18) receipts of money of Special state fund (further - the special account of the central and (or) local authorized bodies of the respective sphere) and their expenditure according to the Law on return of assets.
71. Control accounts of cash for accounting of the transactions connected with transfer of receipts in republican and local budgets and carrying out expenses from republican and local budgets (further - KSN of the relevant budgets), open central and to local authorized bodies on budget implementation.
Types KSN of the relevant budgets:
KSN of the republican budget;
KSN of the regional budget, city budgets of republican value, capital;
KSN district (cities of regional value) budget;
KSN of city budget of district value, village, settlement, rural district.
72. Transactions on receipts and the registered payments and money transfers with KSN of the relevant budgets, are considered according to EBK RK and codes of public institutions.
73. For the public institutions financed from republican and/or local budgets for carrying out expenses from republican and/or local budgets the central authorized body on budget implementation assigns seven-digit codes where the first three signs designate code of the administrator of the budget programs according to EBK RK, the subsequent four signs are individual for each public institution.
For assignment of codes to the public institutions financed from the republican budget, administrators of republican budget programs represent to the central authorized body on budget implementation the request for assignment of codes to public institutions in form, according to appendix 43 to these rules in the state and Russian languages, with application of a copy of the certificate/certificate of state registration (re-registration) of the legal entity with obligatory specifying of business and identification number of public institution.
For assignment of codes to the public institutions financed from local budgets, administrators of local budget programs send to territorial subdivision of treasury the request for assignment of codes to public institutions in form according to appendix 43 to these rules in the state and Russian languages with application of documents, the file, necessary for forming, provided by paragraph 5 of Chapter 4 of these rules, except for the documents specified in subitems 3) 4), 5) of Item 98 of these rules which are represented after opening of code of public institution.
The territorial subdivision of treasury no later than the next working day from the date of receipt of the request for assignment of codes to public institutions in form according to appendix 43 to these rules sends to the central authorized body on budget implementation the request for assignment of codes to public institutions in form according to appendix 43 to these rules.
Administrators of republican and local budget programs provide reliability of the details specified in requests for assignment of codes to public institutions.
In case of discrepancy of the request for assignment of codes to public institutions to the established form, or absence or incorrect specifying of data, and also without application of documents, provided by the paragraph 1, of 2, the request returns without execution.
75. The central authorized body on budget implementation assigns codes no later than the next working day from the date of obtaining from administrators of republican budget programs and territorial subdivisions of treasury of requests for assignment of codes for public institutions in form according to appendix 43 to these rules.
76. The central authorized body on budget implementation no later than the next working day from the date of assignment of codes to the public institutions financed from republican and local budgets, notifies administrators of republican budget programs and territorial subdivisions of treasury on the assigned codes by the letter in electronic form.
The territorial subdivision of treasury no later than the next working day from the date of receipt of the letter from the central authorized body on budget implementation to the public institutions financed from the local budget in writing notifies the administrator of local budget programs about the assigned codes on assignment of codes.
77. Registration of the assigned codes of public institutions is reflected in the reference book of public institutions created in IISK.
78. Territorial subdivisions of treasury in writing notify relevant organs of state revenues on opening of codes of public institutions within 3 working days after their opening by the central authorized body on budget implementation.
79. Public institutions can have the following control accounts of cash and the account:
1) the control account of cash of money from realization of goods by public institutions (works, services) remaining at their order (further - KSN of paid services);
2) the control account of cash of philanthropic activities and (or) sponsor's activities, and (or) philanthropic activities, and (or) activities for support to the small homeland (further – KSN of the charitable help);
3) the control account of cash of temporary placement of money (further - KSN of temporary placement of money);
4) the control account of cash of target financing (further - KSN of target financing);
5) accounts in foreign currency;
6) No. 543 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 06.09.2017;
7) control account of cash of rekonvertation of the external loan or connected grant;
8) special account of the external loan or connected grant;
9) the account to the special account of the external loan or the connected grant.
80. For opening of KSN of the charitable help, temporary placement of money, the public institutions financed from the republican budget provide to rekonvertation of the external loan or the connected grant in the central authorized body on budget implementation the request for opening of the control account of cash in form according to appendix 47 to these rules
For opening of KSN of paid services the public institutions financed from the republican budget submit to territorial authority of treasury the request for opening of the control account of cash of paid services in form according to appendix 47 to these rules.
81. For opening of KSN of the charitable help, temporary placement of money, paid services, local self-government the public institutions financed from local budgets provide in territorial authority of treasury the request for opening of the control account of cash in form according to appendix 47 to these rules.
The request for opening of KSN of paid services is constituted based on the plan of receipts and expenses of money from realization of goods by public institutions (works, services).
82. The request for opening of the control account of cash shall contain:
the name and code of public institution to which KSN opens;
the name KSN which is required to be opened;
type of the budget from which the public institution is financed;
code of location of public institution;
the name and date of the legal act allowing others except budgetary funds financing sources with indication of numbers of the subitem, Item, Article (for KSN of rekonvertation of the external loan or the connected grant - number and date of the international treaty on state loan ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan or agreements on the connected grant.
83. The public institution provides justification of provision of the request for opening of KSN of the charitable help, temporary placement of money, paid services, local self-government, rekonvertation of the external loan or the connected grant.
84. The territorial subdivision of treasury based on the application for opening of the control account of cash received from public institution creates and sends to the central authorized body on budget implementation the request for opening of the control account of cash in form according to appendix 47 to these rules.
The request for opening of the control account of cash returns without execution to public institution in case of discrepancy of the request to the established form, or absence or incorrect specifying:
1) type of the opened control account of cash;
2) name or code of public institution;
3) budget type;
4) bases for opening of the control account of cash.
85. The central authorized body on budget implementation after obtaining from the public institution financed from the republican budget, the request for opening of the control account of cash performs opening of the corresponding control account of cash with sending the written notice of opening of the control account of cash or sends other reasonable answer to public institution.
In the notification on opening of the control account of cash are specified:
name and code of public institution;
name and number of the control account of cash.
86. The central authorized body on budget implementation performs opening of control accounts of cash and accounts of the public institutions financed from:
the republican budget - on KSN of paid services: no later than the next working day after receipt from territorial subdivisions of treasury of requests for opening of KSN of paid services;
local budgets - no later than the next working day after receipt from territorial subdivisions of treasury of requests for opening of control accounts of cash.
87. KSN of the charitable help, temporary placement of money, paid services, local self-government open and are effective before their closing in the cases provided by paragraph 8 of Chapter 4 of these rules. KSN of rekonvertation of the external loan or the connected grant open on effective period of loan or the connected grant.
88. After opening of KSN and accounts of the public institutions financed from republican and local budgets, the central authorized body on budget implementation performs electronic mailing of notifications on opening of KSN and accounts by means of IS "Treasury client".
89. For opening of accounts in foreign currency, the special accounts of external loans or the linked grants, accounts to special accounts of external loans or the connected grants the public institutions financed from republican and local budgets, provide in the central authorized body on budget implementation the request for opening of the corresponding account on form according to appendix 46 to these rules.
The request of public institution shall contain:
the name and code of public institution for which the account is opened;
location code;
account name;
currency type (according to the list of currency types on which the National Bank performs transactions on converting and rekonvertation);
financing source (means of the republican or local budget, means of joint financing or other source of financing);
purposes of the direction of expenses;
basis for opening of the account.
90. The basis of submission by public institution of the request for opening of the account in foreign currency are:
1) the international contracts signed according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on international treaties except cases when follows from the international treaty that its application requires the publication of the law;
2) regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan which provide implementation of international cooperation, foreign economic activity or carrying out foreign currency transactions;
3) provision or the charter of public institution which provides implementation of international cooperation, foreign economic activity or carrying out foreign currency transactions;
4) the agreements on purchase of goods (works, services) signed with nonresidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5) solutions of the international, foreign vessels according to which public institutions had obligations in foreign currency.
The basis for submission by public institution to the central authorized body on budget implementation of the request for opening of the special account of the external loan or the linked grant, the account to the special account of the external loan or the connected grant is the international treaty on state loan ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan or the agreement on the connected grant which conditions provide opening of such account.
The public institution provides justification of submission of the request for opening of the account in foreign currency, the special account of the external loan or the linked grant, the account to the special account of the external loan or the connected grant.
91. The central authorized body on budget implementation after obtaining from public institution of the request for opening of the account in foreign currency, the special account of the external loan or the linked grant, the account to the special account of the external loan or the connected grant performs opening of the corresponding account with sending the notification on opening of the account or sends other reasonable answer to public institution.
In the notification on opening of the account are specified:
reference to number and date of the request for opening of the account;
name and code of public institution;
name and account number, currency type;
type of the budget from which the public institution is financed;
purposes of the direction of expenses;
account effective period.
The account in foreign currency is opened and is effective until the end of the current financial year. The special account of the external loan or the connected grant, accounts to the special account of the external loan or the connected grant open on effective period of loan or the connected grant. The account in foreign currency intended for transfer of the foreign currency withdrawn by the body conducting pre-judicial investigation opens and is effective to account termination in the cases provided by paragraph 8 of Chapter 4 of these rules.
92. In case of change of the name of public institution by the administrator of republican budget programs the change order of the name of public institution in the state and Russian languages in form, according to appendix 48 to these rules, with application of a copy of the certificate of the state re-registration is submitted in the central authorized body on budget implementation.
93. In case of change of the name of public institution, the local authorized body submits to territorial subdivision of treasury the change order of the name of public institution in the state and Russian languages in form, according to appendix 48 to these rules, with application of a copy of the certificate of the state re-registration.
94. The central authorized body on budget implementation performs change of the name of public institution no later than the next working day from the date of obtaining from administrators of republican budget programs and territorial subdivisions of treasury of change orders of the name of public institution in form according to appendix 48 to these rules.
After change of the name of public institution earlier appropriated KSN of the charitable help, temporary placement of money, paid services, rekonvertation of the external loan or the connected grant, accounts in foreign currency, the special account of the external loan or the connected grant, accounts to the special account of the external loan or the connected grant remains without change.
95. The procedure for opening, maintaining and closing of KSN of target financing, accounts in foreign currency and KSN of temporary placement of money is determined taking into account features of some laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
96. Registration of the opened KSN of the relevant budgets, paid services, the charitable help, temporary placement of money, rekonvertation of the external loan or the connected grant is reflected in internal report of territorial authority of treasury - the list of control accounts of cash in form 5-19 according to appendix 49 to these rules.
Registration of open accounts in foreign currency, the special accounts of external loans or the linked grants, accounts to special accounts of external loans or the connected grants is reflected in internal report of territorial subdivision of treasury in form 8-08 "The list of accounts in foreign currency" according to appendix 50 to these rules.
97. Territorial authorities of treasury in writing notify relevant organs of state revenues on opening of KSN of paid services, the charitable help of public institutions within three working days after their opening by the central authorized body on budget implementation.
98. The file of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector includes the following documents:
1) notarized copy of the certificate or certificate of state registration (re-registration) of the legal entity;
2) specimen signatures and impress of a seal;
3) copies of orders on appointment of the first head of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector and the copy of orders on assignment of the right of the first and second signature on financial records;
4) the report on control accounts of cash, the report on form 8-08 "The list of accounts in foreign currency.
In case of change of the name of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector new documents similarly listed above with simultaneous submission of the copy of the regulatory legal act or other document established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to which the name of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector is changed are submitted.
99. The territorial subdivision of treasury on each state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector creates one file.
100. When forming the file of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector the territorial subdivision of treasury checks identity of the name of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector in the certificate/certificate of state registration (re-registration) and impress of a seal (for GU - stamp), and also compliance of orders on appointment of the first head, assignment of right to sign and specimen signatures of impress of a seal. In case of detection of discrepancies, returns to the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector for reduction in compliance.
101. Specimen signatures and impress of a seal are represented to territorial subdivision of treasury in duplicate in form according to appendix 51 to these rules. One copy is stored in the file of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector, another is used by territorial subdivision of treasury for check of reliability of signatures and impress of a seal (for GU-stamp) on financial records.
102. The head of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector (person to who fulfillment of duties of the head is assigned) and/or other representatives to them persons has rights of the first signature. The right of the first signature, including for the period of fulfillment of duties of the first head shall be drawn up by the order of the head (person to who fulfillment of duties of the head is assigned) of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector. The right of the second signature is granted to the head of the structural unit of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector performing functions on conducting financial accounting, and/or other persons authorized by the head of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector performing functions on conducting financial accounting.
103. The specimen signature and impress of a seal of public institution is certified by the signature of the head of the administrator of the budget programs or person authorized by it and fastened with impress of a seal (for GU - stamp) the administrator of the budget programs or certified notarially.
The specimen signature and impress of a seal of the administrator of the budget programs / the subject of the quasi-public sector is certified notarially.
104. The specimen signature and impress of a seal shall be executed by light-resistant ink, impress of a seal (for GU-) shall be stamp accurate and clear. Are not allowed signing by the felt-tip pen and pen filled with uletuchivayushchy ink and use of means of facsimile copying of the signature. In case of putting down of impress of a seal (for GU - stamp) it is forbidden to use mastic red (except for GU "Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan"), black and green colors.
Application of the seals intended for the special purposes is not allowed.
105. In case of temporary lack of seal at newly created state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector, change of names, wear or loss of seal, the head of territorial subdivision of treasury provides to the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector based on its statement the term (no more than 10 calendar days) for production of new seal and submission of financial records for the period of lack of seal, permitting to fasten depending on circumstances documents with impress of a seal of the administrator of the budget programs who is in the same settlement or to submit documents without impress of a seal. The specimen signature and impress of a seal is drawn up without impress of a seal (for GU - stamp) with mark in the field "Sample of Impress of a Seal of the State Organization / Subject of the Quasi-public Sector" "temporarily without seal" with indication of the term of its action for the period of production of seal (for GU - stamp).
106. In case of replacement or amendment at least of one signature or replacement of seal in territorial subdivision of treasury the new document with specimen signatures and impress of a seal certified according to the procedure, stipulated in Item 103 these paragraphs is provided.
In case of temporary replacement for the signature of one of persons having the right of the first or second signature the temporary document containing specimen signatures of persons, acting as with indication of effective period of the temporary document, with submission to territorial subdivision of treasury of the copy of the order on appointment of person and assignment of right to sign is processed to the acting as. Again submitted documents are filed in the file of the state organization / subject of the quasi-public sector.
In case of temporary lack (leave or disease) of the face having the right of the second signature, payment documents are signed by the persons who also have the right of the second signature, specified in the document with specimen signatures and impress of a seal. In this case execution of the temporary document with specimen signatures and impress of a seal is not required.
107. For carrying out transactions by territorial subdivisions of treasury on return of the amounts of excessively paid receipts, offset of excessively paid receipts between codes of budget classification of receipts, between bodies of state revenues (further - return and/or offset) bodies of state revenues represent specimen signatures and impress of a seal. Together with specimen signatures and impress of a seal bodies of state revenues represent to territorial subdivisions of treasury of the copy of orders on right to sign on payment orders and provisions in territorial subdivision of treasury of documents on return and/or offset and receipt of documents from it.
108. The central authorized body on budget implementation, local authorized bodies on budget implementation, administrators of the budget programs, the state organizations / subjects of the quasi-public sector bear responsibility for accuracy of the data, specified in the documents necessary for forming of the file submitted to territorial subdivision of treasury.
The territorial subdivision of treasury after verification of the submitted documents on completeness and compliance to the requirements established by this paragraph hems and stores the checked documents in the file according to the legislation on documentation.
109. Maintaining codes, KSN of paid services, the charitable help, temporary placement of money, rekonvertation of the external loan or the connected grant, accounts in foreign currency, the special accounts of external loans or the linked grants, accounts to special accounts of external loans or the connected grants of public institutions, accounts of the loans guaranteed by the state in national and foreign currency, the accounts of servicing in national and foreign currency, the accounts of subjects of the quasi-public sector, accounts of operators of financial and (or) non-financial support of treasury by territorial subdivisions includes carrying out payments and money transfers from the relevant KSN and accounts, forming and submission of reports, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Money transfer from code of one public institution on code of other public institution is not allowed.
On accounts in foreign currency as of January 1 of the current financial year availability of the foreign currency which arrived in the form of the charitable help within seven working days before the termination of the current financial year, and also the amounts which arrived into account 0900NP "The amounts before examination in foreign currency" in the last working day of the current financial year is allowed.
On KSN of paid services, the charitable help, temporary placement of money, rekonvertation of the external loans or the connected grants, on accounts guaranteed by the state of loans in national and foreign currency on accounts of servicing in national and foreign currency, and on accounts of subjects of the quasi-public sector, accounts of operators of financial and (or) non-financial support, special accounts of external loans or the connected grants, on accounts availability of unused balances of money is allowed to special accounts of external loans or the connected grants as of January 1 of the current financial year.
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