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of September 25, 2014 No. 780

About approval of the Minimum quality standards of Social service of family support for families with children

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 20.12.2017 No. 1131)

Based on part (3) Art. 10 of the Law on the public assistance No. 547-XV of December 25, 2003 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 42-44, 249), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve the Minimum quality standards for Social service of family support for families with children it (is applied).

2. Implementation of the Minimum quality standards for Social service of family support for families with children is performed by service providers within the assignments which are annually provided in the relevant budgets and also at the expense of the means which arrived from donations, grants and other sources according to the legislation.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Health, work and social protection.

Prime Minister

Iurie Leanca


Deputy Prime Minister


Tatyana Potyng

Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family

Valentina Buliga

minister of education

Maya Sandu

Minister of Finance

Anatol Arapu

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of September 25, 2014 No. 780

The minimum quality standards for Social service of family support for families with children

Chapter I. Service, friendly to family and child

Availability of service - the standard 1

1. The supplier of service guarantees equal access to service for any family having children or families which children are in process (re) of the integration having rights, owing to compliance to the established criteria, to use services of service.

2. The expected result: Any beneficiary corresponding to the established criteria can use services of service.

3. Indicators of achievement of results: The supplier of service provides family support, applying the corresponding criteria to beneficiaries.

Informing and increase in awareness - the standard 2

4. The supplier of service provides informing the public on the purpose, tasks and activities of service.

5. The expected result: Associates know and understand what the purpose, tasks and activities of service consists in.

6. Indicators of achievement of results:

1) the Supplier of service has information materials about service which are provided in simple and available language and are reviewed as required.

2) the Supplier of service by various methods informs community on services of service.

3) the Head of service has the information plan for increase in awareness of the public.

Individual approach - the standard 3

7. The supplier of service provides to beneficiaries of family support individual approach in the course of implementation of activities within service.

8. The expected result: The activities which are carried out within family support correspond to personal needs of beneficiaries.

9. Indicators of achievement of results: The supplier of service systematically adapts the activities which are carried out with beneficiaries depending on the revealed phenomena and situations of risk, and also cultural, ethnic and religious features of family, considering at the same time age, the level of development and opinion of the child.

Multi-profile approach - the standard 4

10. The supplier of service provides multi-profile approach in realization of the activities offered beneficiaries.

11. The expected result: Multi-profile support, depending on the revealed needs for the help is provided to beneficiaries.

12. Indicators of achievement of results:

1) the Social assistant to community promotes carrying out activities for provision of primary family support in cooperation with specialists from organizations of primary medical care, education, protection of law and order, with representatives of local authorities of public self-government, civil society, depending on risk factors to which the children revealed at the level of community are exposed.

2) the Social assistant to community provides carrying out activities for secondary family support with involvement, as required, of specialists in the field of health care, education, protection of law and order, local body of guardianship.

3) the tasks Established and undertaken by specialists are brought in the individual plan of the help.

4) Participation of specialists in meetings of multi-profile team is fixed in writing and filed the beneficiary.

Participation of the beneficiary - the standard 5

13. The supplier of service provides participation of beneficiaries at all stages of provision of service, including in the course of monitoring, assessment and development of service.

14. The expected result: Participation of beneficiaries promotes improvement of quality of the given care.

15. Indicators of achievement of results:

1) the Supplier of service applies accurate procedures to expression of opinion and participation of beneficiaries in adoption of the decisions concerning them at all stages of provision of service, and these procedures adapt including to features of age and skills of communication of the child.

2) the Supplier of service creates conditions for expression of opinion of beneficiaries on quality of the provided support by means of various means (by phone, in personal meeting, in writing, etc.).

3) Within activities for secondary family support the social assistant to community:

a) has regular personal meeting with the child and members of his family for the purpose of improvement of the offered help which are fixed in the case of the beneficiary;

b) provides informing the child and members of his family on the measures taken as a result of consultation of their opinion and also on motives of rejection in attention of proposals of the child or parents if those contradict the highest interest of the child or have no relation to the purposes and tasks of service.

Confidentiality of information - the standard 6

16. The supplier of service creates conditions for ensuring confidentiality of information concerning personal data of beneficiaries.

17. The expected result: Confidentiality of personal data is provided according to provisions of the legislation on personal data protection.

18. Indicators of achievement of results:


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