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of August 20, 2014 No. 459

Questions of the Ministry of Economics

(as amended on 19-12-2023)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve Regulations on the Ministry of Economics which are applied.

2. To the Ministry of economic development and trade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice to make offers on creation of the trade missions as a part of foreign diplomatic organizations of Ukraine in a month.

3. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

A. P. Yatsenyuk

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 20, 2014 No. 459

Regulations on the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine

1. The Ministry of Economics of Ukraine (Ministry of Economics) is the central executive body which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Economics is principal organ in system of the central executive bodies which provides:

forming also realizes state policy of economic, social development and trade, state price policy, state policy in the sphere of technical regulation, standardization, metrology and metrological activities, management of objects of state-owned property, realization of property (property rights, other assets) or the rights to them on the competitive beginnings in the form of auctions, including electronic, and control of its realization, intellectual property, public purchases, and also the state order on training of specialists, scientific, scientific and pedagogical and personnel, advanced training and retraining of personnel;

 forming also realizes the state investment policy, the state innovative policy in real production sector, the state external economic policy, state policy in the sphere of development of entrepreneurship, public-private partnership;

forming also realizes state policy in the sphere of work, employment of the population, labor migration, employment relationships, social dialogue;

the paragraph of the sixth is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 09.02.2022 No. 115

the paragraph of the seventh it is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 09.02.2022 No. 115

the paragraph of the eighth is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 09.02.2022 No. 115

forming and realization of state policy in the sphere of the state material reserve, the state export control;

forming of state policy in the sphere of consumer protection, state policy on control of the prices, the state regulatory policy and state policy concerning licensing, authorization system, supervision (control) in the sphere of economic activity;

realization of state policy in the sphere of the organization and control of production of securities, documents of the strict reporting;

forming and realization of state policy in the sphere of industrial safety, labor protection, occupational health, the treatment of explosive materials, implementation of the state mountain supervision, implementation of the state supervision and control of observance of requirements of the legislation on work and employment of the population;

forming and realization of state policy concerning attraction of the international technical assistance in part of fulfillment of requirements of the paragraph of the fourth of part two of Article 6 and the paragraph of third of part four of article 14 of the Law of Ukraine "About prevention of corruption".

2. The Ministry of Economics in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine accepted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other acts of the legislation.

3. The main objectives of Ministry of Economics are:

1) ensuring forming and realization:

state policy of economic and social development;

state price policy;

state policy in the sphere of development of entrepreneurship;

the paragraph the fifth is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 09.02.2022 No. 115

state policy in the sphere of technical regulation, standardization, metrology and metrological activities;

state policy in the sphere of public purchases;

the state order on training of specialists, scientific, scientific and pedagogical and personnel, advanced training and retraining of personnel;

state policy in the sphere of management of objects of state-owned property, including corporate laws of the state;

state policy in the public-private partnership sphere;

the state investment policy, in particular, on management of the state investments;

state policy on creation and functioning of industrial (industrial) parks (further - the industrial park);

state policy in the sphere of the state market supervision;

state policy in the sphere of trade and household services;

state policy concerning cooperation of Ukraine with the EU in the sphere of economy, trade;

single external economic policy, policy of integration of national economy into world economy, cooperation with the WTO, protection of the national producer on internal and the foreign markets;

state policy in the sphere of intellectual property;

the state innovative policy in real production sector;

state policy in the sphere of work, employment of the population, labor migration, employment relationships, social dialogue;

state policy in the sphere of realization of property (property rights, other assets) or the rights to them on the competitive beginnings in the form of auctions, including electronic, and control of its realization;

state policy concerning attraction of the international technical assistance in part of fulfillment of requirements of the paragraph of the fourth of part two of Article 6 and the paragraph of third of part four of article 14 of the Law of Ukraine "About prevention of corruption";

state policy in the sphere of protection of critical infrastructure in the sector of critical infrastructure for which the Ministry as sectoral body in the sphere of protection of critical infrastructure is responsible;

 2) ensuring forming and realization of state policy:

in the sphere of the state export control;

in the sphere of the state material reserve;

in the field of industrial safety, labor protection, occupational health, the treatment of explosive materials, implementation of the state mountain supervision, implementation of the state supervision and control of observance of requirements of the legislation on work and employment of the population;

the paragraph the fifth is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 09.02.2022 No. 115

the paragraph of the sixth is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 09.02.2022 No. 115

in the sphere of work, employment of the population and labor migration, social dialogue;

 3) ensuring forming:

the state regulatory policy, state policy concerning licensing, authorization system, supervision (control) in the sphere of economic activity;

state policy in the sphere of consumer protection;

state policy on control of the prices;

4) participation in forming and realization of state policy in the sphere of provision of administrative services;

5) realization of state policy in the sphere of the organization and control of production of securities, documents of the strict reporting;

6) implementation of management of objects of state-owned property, in particular, in spheres of technical regulation, standardization, metrology and metrological activities, intellectual property, agricultural industry.

 4. The Ministry of Economics agrees to the tasks assigned to it:

1) generalizes practice of application of the legislation on the questions which are within its competence develops suggestions for improvement of legal acts, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and in accordance with the established procedure submits them for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

2) develops drafts of the laws and other regulatory legal acts on the questions which are within its competence;

2-1) performs preparation and representation to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the offers on application, cancellation and modification of special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions) submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for consideration of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine according to the Law of Ukraine "About sanctions" and participates in forming, realization and monitoring of efficiency of the state sanctions policy on issues, being within its competence;

2-2) participates in realization of the state sanctions policy regarding the questions connected with management of the assets of persons collected in the income of the state to which sanctions are applied;

2-3) provides interaction of the central executive bodies concerning preparation of offers on application, cancellation and modification of special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions) and monitoring of efficiency of implementation of sanctions;

3) is performed by normative legal regulation of the questions which are within its competence;


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