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of March 28, 2012 No. 18-03/127

About approval of the list of diseases of animals in case of which obligatory neutralization (disinfecting) and conversion without withdrawal of animals, products and raw materials of animal origin, veterinary medicines of the forages and feed additives constituting health hazard of animals and the person are made

(as amended on 09-03-2016)

According to Item 3 of article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 10, 2002 "About veterinary science" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the list of diseases of animals in case of which obligatory neutralization (disinfecting) and conversion without withdrawal of the animals, products and raw materials of animal origin, veterinary medicines, forages and feed additives constituting health hazard of animals and the person according to appendix to this order are made.

2. To provide to committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its official publication,

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its first official publication.


A. Mamytbekov


to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 28, 2012 goal No. 18-03/127

The list of diseases of animals in case of which obligatory neutralization (disinfecting) and conversion without withdrawal of the animals, products and raw materials of animal origin, veterinary medicines, forages and feed additives constituting health hazard of animals and the person are made

1. Diseases of animals in case of which hulks are neutralized (are disinfected) without withdrawal of the animals, products and raw materials of animal origin, veterinary medicines, forages and feed additives constituting health hazard of animals and the person:

1) diseases general to several animal species - cysticercosis (with defeat on more than 3 tsistitserok on section of muscles of 40 square centimeters), Bang's disease (small cattle; following the results of veterinary-sanitary evaluation - cattle, pigs, camels, horses) *, tuberculosis (on veterinary-sanitary evaluation result) *, Auyeski's disease (on veterinary-sanitary evaluation result) *, vesicular stomatitis, leukosis (on veterinary-sanitary evaluation result) *, leptospirosis, listeriosis, pasteurellosis, paratuberculosis, campylobacteriosis, fuzariotoksikoz, fever ku.

Note: * veterinary-sanitary evaluation is performed according to the Veterinary (veterinary and sanitary) rules approved by the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 29, 2015 No. 7-1/587 (registered in the Register of the state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 11940);

2) diseases of cattle general pneumonia of cattle, malignant catarral fever of cattle, viral diarrhea of cattle, infectious rhinotracheitis of cattle, parainfluenza;

3) diseases of sheep and goats - infectious agalaxia of sheep, infectious pleuropneumonia of goats, hlamidiozny abortion of sheep, kongatsiozny ecthyma of sheep and goats, infectious mastitis of sheep, infectious epididymite;

4) diseases of horses encephalomyelitis of horses, rhinopneumonia of horses;

5) diseases of pigs - flu of pigs, swine fever, ugly face of pigs, virus gastrointerit pigs, enzoogichesky encephalomyelitis (Teshen's disease), vesicular disease of pigs, enzootic pneumonia of pigs, gemifilezny poliserozit pigs;

6) diseases of birds - infectious laryngotracheitis of birds, smallpox of birds, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis of birds.

2. Diseases of animals in case of which hulks are processed without withdrawal of the animals, products and raw materials of animal origin, veterinary medicines, forages and feed additives constituting health hazard of animals and the person:

1) diseases general to several animal species - cysticercosis (finnoz);

2) diseases of cattle - beznantioz;

3) diseases of pigs - trichinellosis;

4) diseases of birds - Nyokasl's disease, streptokokkoz birds;

5) diseases of fur animals and rabbits streptococcal septicaemia of rabbits, stafilokokkoza of rabbits, spirokhetoz;

6) diseases of bees - aspergillomycosis.


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