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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On December 2, 2014 No. 35056


of November 17, 2014 No. 886n

About approval of the Procedure for placement on the official site of the supplier of social services on the Internet and updates of information on this supplier (including contents of the specified information and form of its provision)

(as amended on 30-03-2018)

According to subitem 5.2.97 (16) the Regulations on the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 No. 610 (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 26, Art. 3528; 2013, No. 22, Art. 2809; No. 36, Art. 4578; No. 37, Art. 4703; No. 45, Art. 5822; No. 46, Art. 5952; 2014, No. 21, Art. 2710; No. 26, Art. 3577; No. 29, Art. 4160; No. 32, Art. 4499; to No. 36, of the Art. 4868), I order:

1. Approve the enclosed Procedure for placement on the official site of the supplier of social services on the Internet and updates of information on this supplier (including contents of the specified information and form of its provision).

2. This order becomes effective since January 1, 2015.


M. Topilin

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2014, No. 886n

Procedure for placement on the official site of the supplier of social services on the Internet and updates of information on this supplier (including contents of the specified information and form of its provision)

1. This Procedure determines rules of placement and updating of information on the supplier of social services (including contents of the specified information and form of its provision) on the official site of the supplier of social services on the Internet (further respectively - Internet network, the official site).

2. The following information on the supplier of social services is subject to placement on the official site:

1) about date of state registration as the supplier of social services with indication of number, month and year of registration;

2) about the founder (founders) of the supplier of social services - the organizations of social servicing with indication of the name, places of its stay, contact telephone numbers and e-mail addresses;

3) about the location of the supplier of social services, its branches (in case of their availability) with indication of the address and the location map;

4) about the mode, the working schedule with indication of days and reception hours, lunch break;

5) about contact telephone numbers with indication of code of the settlement in which the supplier of social services, and about e-mail addresses is located;

6) about the head, his deputies, heads of branches (in case of their availability at the supplier of social services) with indication of contact telephone numbers and e-mail addresses;

7) about structure and about governing bodies of the organization of social servicing with indication of names of structural divisions (governing bodies), surnames, names, middle names and positions of heads of structural divisions, the location of structural divisions, addresses of the official sites of structural divisions (in the presence), e-mail addresses of structural divisions (in the presence); about regulations on structural divisions of the organization of social servicing (in case of their availability); about members of employees of the organization of social servicing with indication from their consent of the education level, qualification and work experience; about the board of trustees of the organization of social servicing;

8) about material logistics of provision of social services (availability of the equipped rooms for provision of social services, including libraries, objects of sport, training aids and education, conditions of food and ensuring health protection of receivers of social services, access to information systems in the field of social servicing and Internet network);

9) about form of social servicing in which the supplier of social services provides social services (stationary, semiportable, at home);

10) about types of the social services provided by the supplier of social services (social, social and medical, social and psychological, social and pedagogical, social and labor, social and legal, services for the purpose of increase in communicative potential of receivers of social services, urgent social services);

11) about procedure and about conditions of provision of social services in types of social services and forms of social servicing, including about the list of the social services provided by the supplier of social services; about procedure and conditions of provision of social services free of charge and for a fee by types of social services and forms of social servicing; about rates for social services in types of social services and to forms of social servicing; the amount of payment for provision of social services, and also about possibility of receipt of social services free of charge;

12) about the number of receivers of social services in forms of social servicing and to types of social services within budgetary appropriations of budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation, number of receivers of social services in forms of social servicing and to types of social services for a fee, partial payment according to agreements on provision of social services at the expense of means of physical persons and (or) legal entities;

13) about quantity of empty seats for acceptance of receivers of the social services in forms of social servicing financed by budgetary appropriations of budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and quantity of empty seats for acceptance of receivers of social services in forms of social servicing for a fee, partial payment according to agreements on provision of social services at the expense of means of physical persons and (or) legal entities;

14) about amount of the provided social services within budgetary appropriations of budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and for a fee, partial payment according to agreements on provision of social services at the expense of means of physical persons and (or) legal entities;

15) about availability of licenses for activities, subject to licensing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (with appendix of electronic image of documents);

16) about financial and economic activities (with appendix of electronic image of the plan of financial and economic activities);

17) about regulations for receivers of social services, employment policies and procedures, the collective agreement (about appendix of electronic image of documents);

18) about availability of instructions of the bodies exercising the state control in the field of social servicing, and performance reports of the specified instructions;

19) about other information which takes place, published according to the decision of the supplier of social services and (or) placement which publication are obligatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


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