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of December 3, 2014 No. 1300

About approval of the list of types of objects which placement can be performed on the lands or the parcels of land which are in the state-owned or municipal property without provision of the parcels of land and establishment of servitudes

(as amended on 24-06-2024)

According to Item 3 of Article 39.36 of the Land code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed list of types of objects which placement can be performed on the lands or the parcels of land which are in the state-owned or municipal property without provision of the parcels of land and establishment of servitudes.

2. This resolution becomes effective since March 1, 2015.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2014, No. 1300

The list of types of objects which placement can be performed on the lands or the parcels of land which are in the state-owned or municipal property without provision of the parcels of land and establishment of servitudes

1. Underground linear constructions, and also their land parts and constructions technologically necessary for their use for which placement are not required construction licenses.

2. Water supply systems and conduits of all types for which placement are not required construction licenses.

3. Linear constructions of the sewerage (including storm) and water disposals for which placement are not required construction licenses.

4. Elements of improvement of the territory, including small architectural forms, except for non-capital non-stationary structures and constructions, the advertizing structures applied as components of improvement of the territory.

4(1). The ramps and other devices providing movement of handicapped national groups, except for the ramps and the equipment relating to structural elements of buildings, constructions.

5. Power line tension class to 35 kV, and also the related transformer substations, distribution points and other equipment intended for implementation of transfer of electrical energy for which placement are not required construction licenses.

6. Oil pipelines and oil pipelines diameter of D№300 less, gas pipelines and other pipelines pressure to 1,2 of MPa for which placement are not required construction licenses.

7. Thermal networks of all types, including networks of hot water supply for which placement are not required construction licenses.

8. Geodetic Items of the state geodetic network, leveling Items of the state leveling network, gravimetric Items of the state gravimetric network, and also geodetic Items of geodetic networks of special purpose, the geodetic, boundary, warning and other signs, including information displays (steles) and flagstaffs.

9. Protective constructions of civil defense, construction of engineering protection for which placement are not required construction licenses.

10. The objects intended for ensuring use of natural resources for which placement are not required construction licenses.

11. The communication line, linearly - cable constructions of communication and other constructions of communication for which placement are not required construction licenses.

12. Drives, including along-route, and access roads for which placement are not required construction licenses.

13. Fire reservoirs and places of concentration of fire extinguishing means.

14. Ponds evaporators.

15. Separate wind power installations and solar batteries for which placement are not required construction licenses.

16. Items of protection of law and order and stationary posts of traffic police for which placement are not required construction licenses.

17. Items of weight control of cars for which placement are not required construction licenses.

18. The protecting devices (gate, gates, barriers, including automatic, and decorative barriers (fences) placed in the house adjoining territories of apartment houses.

19. Non-stationary objects for rendering services of public catering (seasonal (summer) cafes of catering establishments), household services, non-stationary objects for the organization of servicing of rest areas of the population, including in the beach territories in coastal protective strips of water objects (shadow canopies, aerariums, sunbeds, cabins for disguise, shower cabins, temporary pavilions and booths, toilets, drinking fountainlets and other equipment, including for sanitary cleaning of the territory, rental centers of stock, medical aid stations of first aid, the platform or glade for picnics, dance, sports and children's playgrounds and towns), the specified non-stationary objects except for located on lands of forest fund.

20. Boat stations for which placement are not required construction licenses.

21. The objects intended for safety of people on water objects, constructions of water life-saving stations and posts in coastal and coastal protective strips of water objects for which placement are not required construction licenses.

22. Items and places of acceptance (collection) of secondary raw materials and secondary resources for which placement are not required construction licenses.

23. Portable circuses, portable zoos and portable amusement parks.

24. The seasonal attractions, tents and trays placed for the purpose of the organization of fairs at which including sales of products of food and agricultural products, forest fund of the specified attractions, tents and trays except for located on lands is enabled.

25. The shoddy constructions and (or) temporary designs intended for the organization of the parking and (or) storage (stay) of bicycles, means of individual mobility, different sports equipment within such constructions and (or) designs for which placement are not required construction licenses.

26. Sports and playgrounds.

27. Platforms for training of dogs, platforms for range of dogs, and also dovecots.

28. Payment terminals for fee and penalties.

29. Public toilets of non-stationary type.

30. Charging stations (terminals) for the electric transport.

31. Platforms for placement of the construction equipment and construction loads if placement of such platforms is provided by the project of the organization of construction behind borders of the parcel of land on which are planned and performed construction, reconstruction of capital construction project, and also the non-capital structures intended for ensuring needs of the builder (mobile household towns (complexes of production life), sales offices).

31(1). Platforms for placement of the construction equipment and loads for implementation of capital or running repair of capital construction projects.


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