of March 1, 2004 No. 100
About approval of the Regulations on licensing of activities of non-state educational institutions
According to article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About licensing of separate types of activity" the Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Approve:
Regulations on licensing of activities of non-state educational institutions according to appendix No. 1;
2. The commissions of the Cabinet of Ministers on licensing of activities of non-state educational institutions in two weeks to approve Regulations on the commission.
3. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. A. Azizkhodzhayev.
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers
Islam Karimov
Appendix № 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 1, 2004 No. 100
1. This Provision determines procedure for licensing of activities of non-state educational institutions.
2. Decisions on issue of licenses, suspension or cancellation of the license, and also its cancellation and renewal are accepted by the Commission on licensing of activities of non-state educational institutions of the Cabinet of Ministers (further - the Commission).
Activities of the commission will be organized according to the provision approved by it.
Functions of working body of the Commission are performed by the State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - working body).
3. On the right of implementation of activities of non-state educational institutions standard (simple) licenses are granted.
4. Licenses are granted to non-state educational institutions separately on each type of education.
5. The license for the right of implementation of activities of non-state educational institutions is granted for a period of 5 years.
6. When implementing activities of non-state educational institutions treat licensed requirements and conditions:
obligatory compliance with law of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education;
implementation of educational programs according to the state educational standards of general average, secondary vocational, professional and higher education, and also according to the state requirements to preschool, out-of-school education, advanced training and retrainings of personnel;
obligation of secular nature of training, inadmissibility of use in educational process of propaganda for war, violence, infringement of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, undermining safety and social and political stability in the country, legal and spiritual basis of society, the civil world, interethnic and interfaith concord, distribution of unreliable information on Uzbekistan and misstatement of its historical, cultural and cultural wealth;
availability at the license applicant of the licensed activities of buildings (rooms) belonging to it on the property right or other corporeal right conforming to the established requirements intended for accomplishment;
teaching disciplines in non-state educational institutions persons having the corresponding basic education, and in the field of the organization of training courses for learning of foreign languages - having also qualification certificate of the state sample determining the level of knowledge and foreign language skills issued by the State center of testing under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
the organization of educational and educational process according to the state educational standards (the state requirements), curricula and training programs;
availability at the license applicant of educational, educational and methodical literature and other library and information resources and means of ensuring of educational process necessary for implementation of educational programs of the declared level;
equipment of audiences, training rooms modern information and communication equipment, technical means of training and stock.
7. The specific licensed requirements and conditions following from listed in Item 6 of this provision can be provided in the license agreement.
8. For receipt of the license the license applicant submits the following documents:
the statement for licensing with indication of the name and form of business of the legal entity, the place of its stay (postal address), the address of places of implementation of educational activities, the name of organization of bank and the room of the settlement account in bank, the licensed type of activity, the list of the directions of educational activities;
copy of the certificate on state registration of the legal entity;
the documents confirming availability of the property right or other corporeal right to buildings (rooms) in which the licensed type of activity will be performed, and also confirming compliance of the specified buildings (rooms) to the established requirements;
the conclusions of bodies of the firefighter and sanitary and epidemiological surveillance about compliance of the available buildings and rooms to requirements of fire safety and sanitary and hygienic regulations;
curricula and programs;
copy of the charter of non-state educational institution;
data on pedagogical personnel (copy of education documents and copies of the qualification certificate of the state sample on the level of knowledge and foreign language skills issued by the State center of testing under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan) in case of training in foreign languages;
the documents confirming availability of appliances (or their specific source), necessary for ensuring educational process;
the document confirming payment by the license applicant of collection for consideration of the application.
9. Documents are brought by the license applicant to working body directly or through means of mail service with the notification on their obtaining.
Documents are accepted by the responsible person of working body for the inventory which copy goes (is handed) to the applicant with mark about date of documents acceptance.
10. The license applicant bears responsibility according to the legislation for provision of the doubtful or distorted data.
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The document ceased to be valid since April 1, 2018 according to Item 5 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 27, 2018 No. 241