of November 26, 2014 No. 676
About approval of the Regulations on the State agency on energy efficiency and energy saving of Ukraine
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve Regulations on the State agency on energy efficiency and energy saving of Ukraine which is applied.
2. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the enclosed list.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
A. P. Yatsenyuk
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 26, 2014 No. 676
1. The state agency on energy efficiency and energy saving of Ukraine (Gosenergoeffektivnosti) is the central executive body which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and which realizes state policy in the sphere of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy saving and alternative types of fuel.
Coordination of work of Gosenergoeffektivnosti is provided by the minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (further - the Minister).
2. State energy efficiency in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other acts of the legislation and this Provision.
3. The main objectives of Gosenergoeffektivnosti are:
1) realization of state policy in the sphere of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy saving and alternative types of fuel;
2) ensuring increase in share of alternative types of fuel in energy balance of Ukraine;
2-1) ensuring increase in level of energy efficiency in all sectors of national economy;
3) provision of administrative services in the respective sphere;
4) introduction after coordination with the Minister into the Ministry of Infrastructure of offers on ensuring forming of state policy in the specified sphere.
4. State energy efficiency according to the tasks assigned to it:
1) generalizes practice of application of the legislation on the questions which are within its competence develops suggestions for improvement of legal acts, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Ministry of Infrastructure and in accordance with the established procedure represents them to the Ministry of Infrastructure after coordination with the Minister;
Develops 2), approves and exercises control over the implementation of the state target programs in the sphere of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy saving and alternative types of fuel, approves industry, regional and local programs in this sphere;
3) is realized by public-private partnership in the sphere of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy saving and alternative types of fuel;
4) carries out qualification of the cogeneration installations;
5) is issued by the document on fuel belonging to alternative;
6) No. 153 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 14.02.2023
7) carries out state examination on energy saving according to the procedure, established by the legislation;
8) provides creation and functioning of energy audit and implementation of systems of energy management;
8-1) provides implementation and functioning of energy management according to Procedure for implementation of systems of energy management;
9) is performed by monitoring of effective use of fuel and energy resources and alternative types of fuel;
10) provides development of the state regulations, rules, technical regulations in the sphere of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy saving and alternative types of fuel;
10-1) performs for the purpose of promoting of activities for ensuring energy efficiency of buildings:
development of methodical recommendations, carrying out training and distribution of information on importance of increase in energy efficiency of buildings, economic feasibility of implementation of energy efficient actions, technical aspects of their making, influence of energy efficiency of buildings on ecological condition of settlements, world tendencies and international experience in the sphere of increase in energy efficiency of buildings, need of timely payment of the consumed fuel and energy resources;
development and distribution of methodical materials concerning increase in energy efficiency of buildings;
distribution of experience of projects implementation in the sphere of ensuring energy efficiency of buildings in Ukraine and abroad;
promoting of mechanisms of the state support of energy efficient actions;
11) No. 643 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 23.08.2017;
12) is conducted by the register of alternative types of fuel;
13) participates in development of criteria of stability for liquid fuel which is made from biomass;
14) participates in development of technical requirements regarding production and use of biofuels and bioridin;
15) is provided by functioning of system of energy marking and ecodesign of energy-requiring products;
Claims 15-1) or refuses approval of the corresponding essential conditions of power service agreements concerning objects of state-owned property;
15-2) based on information of NKREKP and local government bodies of the rates for the heat energy developed with use of natural gas for the needs of the population, organizations and the organizations financed from the government or local budget which are rather established by them, and also rates for its transportation and delivery perfroms calculation and publishes the weighted average rates for the subsequent establishment by authorized bodies of rates for the heat energy made with use of alternative energy sources for needs of the population, organizations and the organizations which are financed from the government or local budget, and also rates for its transportation and delivery;
15-3) provides functioning of system of energy certification of buildings within powers;
15-4) provides implementation of independent monitoring of energy certificates;
15-5) performs monitoring of condition of equipment of buildings nodes of commercial accounting of heat energy and water supply;
15-6) No. 153 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 14.02.2023
15-7) takes part in consideration and selection of investment projects and projects of the ecological direction in the sphere of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy saving and alternative types of fuel, performs monitoring of their realization;
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